ng model not working - javascript

I am trying to set the value using ng-model (passing values via function).
My codes look like
Input tag:
<input name="comments" ng-model="comments" class="form-control" type="text">
Grid Table :
<tr ng-repeat="value in values">
<td><input type="radio" ng-click="callvalues(value.CUSTID);"></td>
Angularjs code:
$scope.callvalues = function($scope,custID){
I am getting custID is not defined. I try to hardcore values
$scope.callvalues = function($scope,custID){
$scope.comments = "122";
NO error in console but it's also not working.

remove $scope parameter from your function
$scope.callvalues = function($scope,custID){
$scope.callvalues = function(custID){

If what you mean is click in radio button and alert value you can try this code
$scope.callvalues = function(custID){
$scope.comments = custID;

Grid Table
<tr ng-repeat="value in values">
<td><input type="radio" ng-model="selectedRadio" ng-value="value.CUSTID" ng-click="callvalues(selectedRadio);"></td>
$scope.callvalues = function(custID){

You don't need to pass $scope as method argument. You can read it's values in any method inide of Controller.
$scope.callvalues = function(custID){
$scope.comments = custID;


watch the value in angularjs

how to watch the array value of ng-model in angularjs i have created fiddle but does not work Please take a look and suggest.
<div ng-app ng-controller="ParentCtrl">
<div ng-controller="ChildCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="user in profiles track by $index">
function ParentCtrl($scope) {
function ChildCtrl($scope) {
$scope.parkOptions = {};
$scope.profiles = [
{user_id: '01', park_name: 'England Park'},
{user_id: '02', park_name: 'France Park'}
$scope.orderItems = {};
$scope.orderItems.parktime = "Test";
$scope.$watch('orderItems[profiles.user_id].parktime', function(newVal, oldVal){
I suggest you use ng-change instead. You can't use watch this way, it is to watch a single property instead.
I've also updated your model to use ng-init. This is something you should be careful with using, but in your case, you need to have an key defined at each position of your orderItems object. If you will always statically assign these, I recommend iterating through them once and creating a key that way instead.
<input type="text" name="parktime_{{user.user_id}}"
ng-init="orderItems[user.user_id] = {}"
$scope.onChange = function(items) {
You are trying to access indexes which does not exist. profiles is an array of objects and I don't think there is anything available on profiles.user_id index. Also, I don't think orderItems[profiles.user_id] will work as that index also doesn't exist.

ng-change event firing only once inside ng-repeat

Here in my form, I am using two radio buttons and would like to check the selected values. But this does not work as expected. I would like to determine the individual radio selection value and display Big/Small in the Result column
<div ng-controller="CityCtrl">
<tr ng-repeat="city in cities">
<td>{{ }}</td>
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="big" value="big_value" ng-change="check(, big)">
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="small" value="small_value" ng-change="check(, small)">
var myApp = angular.module('cityApp', []);
function CityCtrl($scope) {
$scope.big = '';
$scope.small = '';
$scope.cities = [{
id: 1,
name: 'Tokyo'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'Guangzhou'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Seoul'
$scope.check = function(city, value) {
console.log("City->" + city + " ::: Value->" + value);
From other answers I did infer a few things:
Understand Prototypical Inheritance in JS ?!
ng-repeat creates child scope that affects these radios inside ng-repeat
use $parent on ng-modal in the radio
I did played around, but couldn't make this work, I guess I am making some obvious mistake here.
Here is the fiddle:
I am not using ng-value but passing a hardcoded value.
Changing to ng-click doesnt work either
Flagged this as a duplicate, but it seems like the solution is to use ng-click instead of ng-change when working with radio buttons in angularjs.
Here is an edit of your fiddle that works:
I'm not sure I understand what your trying. I think you like to display the radio button value in the result column and/or have a function on click where the value is passed.
Display the radio button value in result column
I would change the ngModel value so it binds to something city specific. So change:
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="big" value="big_value">
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="city.size" value="big_value">
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="small" value="small_value">
<input type="radio" name="{{}}-{{$index}}" ng-model="city.size" value="small_value">
So the model points to the same variable city.size, this is where the selected value will be saved. Then change *** in the result column to city.size
See changes fiddle:
Get value on ngClick
Use ngChange as you allready do I would do it a bit different for simplicity. Change:
ng-change="check(, whatEverValue)"
and the check function would look like:
$scope.check = function(city) {
console.log("City->" + + " ::: Value->" + city.size);
See fiddle:
Then ngChange is fired on each change.

AngularJS creating json from ng-repeat

Inspired from this codepen I used a JSON file to load some basic input fields and toggles. When the user change something and press save, I would like to save these new property values in a new JSON object with same property names.
My code looks the this
.controller('page', function($scope, templateSettingsFactory, savedSettingsFactory) {
$scope.template = templateSettingsFactory;
$scope.saved = savedSettingsFactory;
$scope.saveSettings = function(){
var temp = $scope.template;
var jsonObj = {};
for(var key in temp){
<label ng-repeat="item in template">
<input type="text" placeholder="{{item}}">
<button class="button" ng-click="saveSettings()">Save</button>
The problem is that calling the saveSettings() don't get the updated property values of $scope.template - perhaps it's not doing two-way binding?
You need to use ng-model on your form elements to bind their input to the scope.
<input type="text" ng-model="">
Here is an example of binding to a single object with arbitrary keys:
<div ng-repeat="(key,value) in template">
<input type="text" ng-model="template[key]"/>

http returns data but doesn't update view

I have this input field in my html:
<input type="text" spellcheck="false" id="widgetu1049_input"
name="custom_U1049" tabindex="3" placeholder="Search..." ng-model="searchText"
ng-change="getPostHttp()" ng-trim="false"/>
and i'm calling http post in a scope function:
$scope.getPageItems = function(callback){//TODO add county and state moudles
var search = {'searchText':$scope.searchText,'state' : $scope.currentState,'county' : ''};
var params = {'action':'getPageItems', 'currentPage':$scope.currentPage, 'pageSize':$scope.pageSize, 'search':search };
$, params).then(function(response) {
I'm calling the above function from this function:
$scope.getPostHttp = function(){
$scope.getPageItems(function(data) {
$scope.items = data;
I've got this approach from this question Angular $http returns data but doesn't apply to scope
And although it shows the items on an ng-init call I made, it does not update on the ng-change call above.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I'm adding the view of the ng-repeat call:
<tr style=" background-color: #BFBFBF;" ng-model="items" ng-class="{marked: isExists( == true}" ng-click="view("
data-toggle="modal" data-target="#smallModal" ng-repeat="item in items" ng-animate="'animate'">
<td ng-show="id">{{}}</td>
<td ng-show="fname">{{item.fname}}</td>

How to get ng-repeat radio-button value inside the controller?

I have a form, within there are different input-tags and labels :
form action="">
<div class="fields" data-ng-repeat="option in question.body.options">
<input id="{{option.text}}" type="radio" name="gender" ng-model="demographic_value" ng-value="{{option.text}}">
<label for="{{option.text}}">{{option.text}}</label>
I want to access the value of the selected radio button, how is the data binded? Is there any standard-method, or "isChecked" value or something like that?
EDIT: OK, to be more clear: I want to have only the option which is selected. Inside the controller, not in the view.
So i can send the selected value over HTTP to a server.
Click a radio button
do something like var checked = $scope.radiobutton
Send over to a server
Use a shared service and inject it to any controllers:
angular.module("yourAppName", []).factory("mySharedService", function(){
var mySharedService = {};
mySharedService.values = {};
mySharedService.setValues = function(params){
mySharedService.values = params;
return mySharedService;
And after inject it into any controller.
For example:
function MainCtrl($scope, myService) {
$scope.radioButtons= myService.values;
function AdditionalCtrl($scope, myService) {
$scope.var= myService.values;
EDIT: as for checked/unchecked values:
You can use watcher:
$scope.$watch('question.body.options', function (changedOptions) {
//some actions with changed options
}, true);
As for your update:
1) You should create watcher, such as above.
2) Into the watcher, when value changes - you initialize necessary service property with your values (call setValue function)
3) You should inject sharedService into another controller, and can get these values from this service.
4) Call $http or $resource method to sent this value on server.
ng-repeat creates its own scope for each item, so you might have problem accessing it. Try put the model in an object from parent scope.
ng-value accepts expression but not like {{expression}}.
<form ng-app ng-controller="ctrl" name="inputform">
<label for="{{option}}" ng-repeat="option in options">
<input id="{{option}}" type="radio" name="gender"
ng-model="inputform.radioinput" ng-value="option">
<div ng-bind-template="Radio Input: {{inputform.radioinput}}"/>
function ctrl($scope) {
$scope.options = ['Option1', 'Option2', 'Option3'];

