Snap.svg drag multiple groups - javascript

I don't know how to drag multiple groups in snap.svg after selecting them. When two elements are selected (opacity is changed for two of them) and I use the dragGroup function I would like to drag both elements, not only the one which was clicked. Can you please give me some support how to accomplish it ?
Please see the JSFiddle, which shows the issue - JSFiddle
function SelectMultipleGroups () {
var paper = Snap('#svgArea')
// group that will receive the selected items
//var selections =
selections = Snap.set();
// when mouse goes down over background, start drawing selection box
var box = paper.rect(-2000, -2000, 0, 0).attr('stroke', 'black'); //obszar zaznaczania (x, y, width, height);
function dragstart (x, y, event) {
//if path or circle were clicked don't draw box
if( == "path" || == "circle" )
return false;
box = paper.rect(x, y-32, 0, 0).attr('stroke', 'black');
// when mouse moves during drag, adjust box. If to left or above original point, you have to translate the whole box and invert the dx or dy values since .rect() doesn't take negative width or height
function dragmove (dx, dy, x, y, event) {
var xoffset = 0,
yoffset = 0
if (dx < 0) {
xoffset = dx
dx = -1 * dx
if (dy < 0) {
yoffset = dy
dy = -1 * dy
box.transform('T' + xoffset + ',' + yoffset)
box.attr('width', dx)
box.attr('height', dy)
box.attr('fill', 'none')
function dragend (event) {
var border = box.getBBox()
var items = Snap.selectAll('#svgArea g');
items.forEach(function (el) {
// here, we want to get the x,y vales of each object regardless of what sort of shape it is, but rect uses rx and ry, circle uses cx and cy, etc
// so we'll see if the bounding boxes intercept instead
var mybounds = el.getBBox()
// do bounding boxes overlap?
// is one of this object's x extremes between the selection's xextremes?
if (Snap.path.isBBoxIntersect(mybounds, border)) {
attr: "selected",
opacity: 0.5,
}'#svgArea').drag(dragmove, dragstart, dragend);
function dragGroup (element) {
startFnc = function (e) {
var matrixSplit = element.transform().localMatrix.split();
ox = matrixSplit.dx
oy = matrixSplit.dy
}, // handler for drag start
moveFnc = function (dx, dy) { // handler for moving
lx = dx + ox // add the new change in x to the drag origin
ly = dy + oy // add the new change in y to the drag origin
// limit the area for drag
lx = insideContainer(element, lx, ly).x
ly = insideContainer(element, lx, ly).y
element.transform('translate(' + lx + ',' + ly + ')')
endFnc = function () { // handler for drag end
ox = 0
oy = 0
element.drag(moveFnc, startFnc, endFnc);
// limit the area for drag
function insideContainer (element, lx, ly) {
var thisGroup = element.getBBox();
if (lx < 0) {
lx = 0
if (ly < 0) {
ly = 0
if (lx > ($("#svgArea").width() - thisGroup.width)) {
lx = ($("#svgArea").width() - thisGroup.width)
if (ly > ($("#svgArea").height() - thisGroup.height)) {
ly = ($("#svgArea").height() - thisGroup.height)
return {
x: lx,
y: ly

The simplest way, would be to put both the group elements inside another group. That way you just put the handler on the parent group element, and when you drag it, everything inside moves with it.
jsfiddle example
If for some reason you can't do this, you would have to iterate over each of those group elements and transform them, storing each groups starting position before the drag. So it could look something like this...
startFnc = function (e) {
selections.forEach(function(el) {
var matrixSplit = el.transform().localMatrix.split();'ox',matrixSplit.dx)'oy',matrixSplit.dy)
}, // handler for drag start
moveFnc = function (dx, dy) { // handler for moving
selections.forEach(function(el) {
lx = dx +'ox') // add the new change in x to the drag origin
ly = dy +'oy') // add the new change in y to the drag origin
// limit the area for drag
lx = insideContainer(el, lx, ly).x
ly = insideContainer(el, lx, ly).y
el.transform('translate(' + lx + ',' + ly + ')')


Distance measurement logic

Boy it was hard to give this problem a name...
I've been working on this "progress bar" logic, that when ever the user moves
his/her mouse - the indicator (in this case its progress bar) shows how close cursor is to the wanted object.
Basically it's like "hot 'n cold" kind of thing.
Here's the fiddle
...and this is the problem part
relativeDistance = ((maxMouseDistance - distance) / maxDistance);
if ((maxMouseDistance - distance) > maxDistance){
relativeDistance = 1- (((maxMouseDistance) / maxDistance) -1);
Since my code and distance measurements are based on trigonometry, it has a small problem: There's actually atleast two points on the screen, where the wanted distances are equal.
Try it and you'll notice what I mean.
Any ideas on how I could get rid of that...It's propably because of the logics, but I just don't see it.
Does this jsFiddle do what you want?
It uses the nearest corner to the mouse rather than the farthest corner. It will show 0% when the mouse is in any corner, and a positive percentage as the mouse approaches the target, even if the target is off-centre.
(function () {
var mX
, mY
, distance
, $distance = $('#distance')
, $element = $('#thetarget')
, maxMouseDistance
, relativeDistance;
var theWidth = $(document).width();
var theHeight = $(document).height();
function pythagoras(length, height) {
var length2 = length * length
, height2 = height * height
return Math.sqrt((length2 + height2));
var target = $("#thetarget");
cursor: "default"
, border: "1px solid black"
, margin: 0});
var position = target.position(); // top left of target element
var tX = Math.floor(position.left)
var tY = Math.floor(
$("#targetPosition").text(tX + ":" + tY);
var corners = [
[0, 0]
, [theWidth, 0]
, [theWidth, theHeight]
, [0, theHeight]
function distanceToNearestCorner(x, y) {
var cornerX = x < tX ? 0 : theWidth
var cornerY = y < tY ? 0 : theHeight
return pythagoras(cornerX - tX, cornerY - tY)
/*Mouse movement tracking*/
$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
/*Get mouse coordinates*/
mX = e.pageX;
mY = e.pageY;
/*calculate distance between mouse and element*/
distance = pythagoras(tX - mX, tY - mY);
maxMouseDistance = distanceToNearestCorner(mX, mY)
relativeDistance = ((maxMouseDistance - distance) / maxMouseDistance);
var decimals = distance / 100;
var percents = 100 - (distance / 100);
$("#mouse").text(mX + ":" + mY);
$("#formula").text("(E to C max / M to C max) / (M to E distance/100)");
$('.fill').width((relativeDistance * 100) + "%");
It doesn't update all the fields, but it does update the progress bar.
Original answer
You seem to have plenty of functions in there which are not being called.
Here's one that I have rewritten... but it doesn't get called:
function calculateDistance(elem, mouseX, mouseY) {
var deltaX = elem.offset().left - mouseX;
var deltaY = elem.offset().top - mouseY;
var delta2 = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
var delta = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(delta2))
return delta
var elem = document.getElementById("targetPosition")
var relativeDistance = calculateDistance(elem , mX, mY)
In my implementation, elem is the HTML element that you consider to be the target. My function is an application of Pythagoras' theorem: it returns the square root of the sum of the distance from the target along the x and y axes, giving the length of the shortest line between the mouse and the target.
When I insert this into your jsFiddle, I see 0 appearing in the M2E Distance field when my cursor is just above the "T" of "Target".
Is this what you are looking for?
Your logic is correct. It's called a locus.

Cursor Location On Zoom for IE, PanZoom

I am using the Panzoom.js plugin to pan and zoom an element. There is a mask applied to the cursor, the cursor reveals a portion of the underlying image wherever it hovers over the image(imagine a black and white image on top of a colored image, the cursor would reveal a portion of the colored image where ever the cursor hovers over the image). When i zoom in on the image in Chrome and Safari(using Panzoom), the mouse coordinates are given properly and thus the mask lines up properly with the cursor. However, in Firefox and IE while zooming in the cursor coordinates are not correct and thus the hover mask doesn't align properly with the cursor. Am I missing something obvious? Thanks for looking into this. Below is the code.
var svg = document.querySelector("svg");
var pt = svg.createSVGPoint();
function cursorPoint(evt) {
pt.x = evt.clientX;
pt.y = evt.clientY;
return pt.matrixTransform(svg.getScreenCTM().inverse());
function getCanvasCoords(x, y) {
var matrix = $panzoom.panzoom("getMatrix");
var calc_x = x * (1 / matrix[0]);
var calc_y = y * (1 / matrix[3]);
return {
x: calc_x,
y: calc_y
$("#parentID").mousemove(function (event) {
var loc = cursorPoint(event);
var img = document.getElementById("parentID");
var imgPos = img.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = loc.x - imgPos.left;
var y = loc.y -;
var coords = getCanvasCoords(x, y);
primaryCircle.setAttribute("cy", (coords.y) + "px");
primaryCircle.setAttribute("cx", (coords.x) + "px");
Use Math.round
function getCanvasCoords(x, y) {
var matrix = $panzoom.panzoom("getMatrix");
var calc_x = x * Math.round((1 / matrix[0]));
var calc_y = y * Math.round(1 / matrix[3]);
return {
x: calc_x,
y: calc_y

Raphael .mouseup() function only firing once

I'm attempting to have a draggable element snap back to the position of another element in Rapheal after dragging it. The problem I'm experiencing is that the .mouseup() function only executes the functions within it once. After you drag or move the element again, it will not longer execute the positioning functions I have within it.
My end goal is:
Drag the red square
When the red square is let go off (mouseup), snap square back to the blue square position.
Here is the code I've tried using, but I can't seem to get it to function correctly:
//Makes elements Draggable. = function() {
var me = this,
lx = 0,
ly = 0,
ox = 0,
oy = 0,
moveFnc = function(dx, dy) {
lx = dx + ox;
ly = dy + oy;
me.transform('t' + lx + ',' + ly);
startFnc = function() {
//window.draggedElement = this;
endFnc = function() {
ox = lx;
oy = ly;
this.drag(moveFnc, startFnc, endFnc);
var container = document.getElementById('container');
var paper = Raphael(container, '539', '537');
var shape1 = paper.rect(50,50, 50,50);
shape1.attr({x: '50',y: '50',fill: 'red','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'});
shape1Set = paper.set(shape1);
var shape2 = paper.rect(50,50, 50,50);
shape2.attr({x: '150',y: '50',fill: 'blue','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'});
shape1Set.mousedown(function(event) {
shape1Set.mouseup(function(event) {
positionElementToElement(shape1, shape2);
$('#runPosition').click(function () {
positionElementToElement(shape1, shape2);
$('#runPosition2').click(function () {
positionElementToElement2(shape1, shape2);
function positionElementToElement(element, positionTargetElement)
var parentBBox = positionTargetElement.getBBox();
parent_x = parentBBox.x;
parent_y = parentBBox.y;
parent_width = parentBBox.width;
parent_height = parentBBox.height;
var elementBBox = element.getBBox();
element_width = elementBBox.width;
element_height = elementBBox.height;
var x_pos = parent_x + (parent_width / 2) - (element_width / 2) + 100;
var y_pos = parent_y + (parent_height / 2) - (element_height / 2) + 100;
console.log('Positioning element to: '+x_pos+' '+y_pos);
element.animate({'x' : x_pos, 'y' : y_pos}, 100);
function positionElementToElement2(element, positionTargetElement)
var parentBBox = positionTargetElement.getBBox();
parent_x = parentBBox.x;
parent_y = parentBBox.y;
parent_width = parentBBox.width;
parent_height = parentBBox.height;
var elementBBox = element.getBBox();
element_width = elementBBox.width;
element_height = elementBBox.height;
var x_pos = parent_x + (parent_width / 2) - (element_width / 2);
var y_pos = parent_y + (parent_height / 2) - (element_height / 2);
console.log('Positioning element to: '+x_pos+' '+y_pos);
element.animate({'x' : x_pos, 'y' : y_pos}, 100);
Run Position
Run Position2
<div id="container"></div>
I've duplicated the positionElementToElement() function and set one of them with an offset. I've binded both functions to the Run Position 1 and Run Position 2 links.
After dragging the item, clicking the Run Position 1 link no longer sets the square back where it should go (even though the function is logging the same x/y coordinates as when it worked.
I've figured out how to do this properly.
You have to modify the x and y attributes of the element directly.
It's also important to note that when retrieving the x and y attributes from an element using element.attr('x'); or element.attr('y'); it returns a string value, not an integer. Because of this, you have to use parseInt() on these returned values to properly add up the movement x and y values to apply to the element when it moves.
The following code will snap the red square to the blue square, when the red square is moved.
Working Example:
window.onload = function () {
var R = Raphael(0, 0, "100%", "100%"),
shape1 = R.rect(50,50, 50,50);
shape1.attr({x:'50',y:'50',fill: 'red','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'});
shape2 = R.rect(50,50, 50,50);
shape2.attr({x:'150',y:'50',fill: 'blue','stroke-width': '0','stroke-opacity': '1'});
var start = function () {
this.ox = parseInt(this.attr('x'));
this.oy = parseInt(this.attr('y'));
this.animate({opacity: .25}, 500, ">");
move = function (dx, dy) {
this.attr({x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy});
up = function () {
//Snap to shape2 on mouseup.
var snapx = parseInt(shape2.attr("x"));
snapy = parseInt(shape2.attr("y"));
this.animate({x: snapx, y: snapy}, 100);
this.animate({opacity: 1}, 500, ">");
R.set(shape1, shape2).drag(move, start, up);

Raphael transform object diagonally and infinite setIntervals

I'm working on a small animation where the user drags a circle and the circle returns back to the starting point. I figured out a way to have the circle return to the starting point. The only problem is that it will hit one of the sides of the frame before returning. Is it possible for it to go straight back (follow the path of a line drawn between the shape and starting point).
The other problem is that my setInterval doesn't want to stop. If you try pulling it a second time it would pull it back before you release your mouse. It also seems to speed up after every time. I have tried using a while loop with a timer but the results weren't as good. Is this fixable?
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, 320, 200);
//var path = paper.path("M10 10L40 40").attr({stoke:'#000000'});
//var pathArray = path.attr("path");
var circle =, 50, 20);
var newX;
var newY;
circle.attr("fill", "#f00");
circle.attr("stroke", "#fff");
var start = function () {
this.attr({cx: 50, cy: 50}); = this.attr("cx"), = this.attr("cy");
move = function (dx, dy) {
var X = + dx,
Y = + dy;
this.attr({cx: X, cy: Y});
up = function () {
setInterval(function () {
if(circle.attr('cx') > 50){
circle.attr({cx : (circle.attr('cx') - 1)});
} else if (circle.attr('cx') < 50){
circle.attr({cx : (circle.attr('cx') + 1)});
if(circle.attr('cy') > 50){
circle.attr({cy : (circle.attr('cy') - 1)});
} else if (circle.attr('cy') < 50){
circle.attr({cy : (circle.attr('cy') + 1)});
path.attr({path: pathArray});
circle.drag(move, start, up);
Here's the Jfiddle:
Thanks alot :D
I modified the "up" function to the one below
up = function () {
//starting x, y of circle to go back to
var interval = 1000;
var startingPointX = 50;
var startingPointY = 50;
var centerX = this.getBBox().x + (this.attr("r")/2);
var centerY = this.getBBox().y + (this.attr("r")/2);
var transX = (centerX - startingPointX) * -1;
var transY = (centerY - startingPointY) * -1;
this.animate({transform: "...T"+transX+", "+transY}, interval);
and the "start" function as follows:
var start = function () { = this.attr("cx"), = this.attr("cy");
Is this the behavior you are looking for? Sorry if I misunderstood the question.
If the circle need to get back to its initial position post drag, we can achieve that via simple animation using transform attribute.
// Assuming that (50,50) is the location the circle prior to drag-move (as seen in the code provided)
// The animation is set to execute in 1000 milliseconds, using the easing function of 'easeIn'.
up = function () {
circle.animate({transform: 'T50,50'}, 1000, 'easeIn');
Hope this helps.

Can I draw a line using jQuery?

I have a web app where I would like the user to draw a line in the following way: When he clicks on Point1 and he moves the mouse, draw the line from Point1 to the current mouse position and, when clicks to Point2 draw the final line from Point1 to Point2.
How can I do it using jQuery and/or one of its plugins?
Challenge accepted.
I tried to do it with CSS transforms and a bunch of Math in Javascript - after half an hour I have this:
Make 2 clicks into the gray square and a line should be drawn.
There is still a small bug that draws the line wrong when the angle is > 45 degree. Maybe someone else knows how to fix that. Maybe instead of using Math.asin (arcsinus), use a other trigonometrical function, but I'm really not good at it.
I thought I'd post it even there is a small bug, I think it's a good start for you.
I've tried a number of different approaches this weekend and the solution that worked best for me is from Adam Sanderson:
His demo is here:
The core of it is very simple, which is always good.
transform-origin: 0 100%;
height: 3px; /* Line width of 3 */
background: #000; /* Black fill */
function createLine(x1,y1, x2,y2){
var length = Math.sqrt((x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2));
var angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) * 180 / Math.PI;
var transform = 'rotate('+angle+'deg)';
var line = $('<div>')
'position': 'absolute',
'transform': transform
.offset({left: x1, top: y1});
return line;
You can not do it with jQuery and classic HTML.
You can do it using SVG (+svgweb for IE8- )
SVG can be dynamically created. jQuery + svgweb are working perfectly, you just need to know how to create SVG nodes and you need only jquerify this nodes. After jquerifiing in most cases used only one method attr()
You can do it using Raphael (based on SVG and VML)
You can do it using Canvas ( for IE8- )
For SVG programming will be this way:
Moment of creating first point: you create empty line var Line (also this points coordinates will be x1 and y1)
Then you bind on mousemove repaint of x2, y2 properties of Line
On mousedown after mousemove you freeze last line position.
You can do it with CSS/JS, but main problem is in calculations for IE8-, that has only Matrix filter for transformations.
Been using a modified version of this for a while now. Works well.
So on first click, drop and object there as a placeholder div, maybe a little circle, then either keep redrawing a line as they move their mouse, or draw it when they click the second time, using the original placeholder as a guide.
I recently made another helper function for this, because my tool involves moving lines around:
function setLinePos(x1, y1, x2, y2, id) {
if (x2 < x1) {
var temp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = temp;
temp = y1;
y1 = y2;
y2 = temp;
var line = $('#line' + id);
var length = Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
line.css('width', length + "px");
var angle = Math.atan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1));
line.css('top', y1 + 0.5 * length * Math.sin(angle) + "px");
line.css('left', x1 - 0.5 * length * (1 - Math.cos(angle)) + "px");
line.css('-moz-transform', "rotate(" + angle + "rad)");
line.css('-webkit-transform', "rotate(" + angle + "rad)");
line.css('-o-transform', "rotate(" + angle + "rad)");
That is the jquery version, and in this iteration I have no IE requirement so I ignore it. I could be adapted from the original function pretty easily.
The class
function getXY(evt, element) {
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop ? document.documentElement.scrollTop : document.body.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = document.documentElement.scrollLeft ? document.documentElement.scrollLeft : document.body.scrollLeft;
var elementLeft = rect.left + scrollLeft;
var elementTop = + scrollTop;
x = evt.pageX - elementLeft;
y = evt.pageY - elementTop;
return { x: x, y: y };
var LineDrawer = {
LineHTML: `<div style="cursor: pointer;transform-origin:center; position:absolute;width:200px;height:2px; background-color:blue"></div>`,
isDown: false,
pStart: {},
pCurrent :{},
containerID: "",
JLine: {},
angle: 0,
afterLineCallback: null,
Init: function (containerID, afterLineCallback) {
LineDrawer.containerID = containerID;
LineDrawer.afterLineCallback = afterLineCallback;
LineDrawer.JLine = $(LineDrawer.LineHTML).appendTo("#" + LineDrawer.containerID);
LineDrawer.JLine.css("transform-origin", "top left");
//LineDrawer.JLine.draggable({ containment: "#" + LineDrawer.containerID });
$("#" + LineDrawer.containerID).mousedown(LineDrawer.LineDrawer_mousedown);
$("#" + LineDrawer.containerID).mousemove(LineDrawer.LineDrawer_mousemove);
$("#" + LineDrawer.containerID).mouseup(LineDrawer.LineDrawer_mouseup);
LineDrawer_mousedown: function (e) {
if ( === LineDrawer.JLine[0]) return false;
LineDrawer.isDown = true;
let p = LineDrawer.pStart = getXY(e,;
LineDrawer.JLine.css({ "left": p.x, "top": p.y, "width": 1});;
LineDrawer_mousemove: function (e) {
if (!LineDrawer.isDown) return;
LineDrawer.pCurrent = getXY(e, document.getElementById("jim"));
let w = Math.sqrt(((LineDrawer.pStart.x - LineDrawer.pCurrent.x) * (LineDrawer.pStart.x - LineDrawer.pCurrent.x)) + ((LineDrawer.pStart.y - LineDrawer.pCurrent.y) * (LineDrawer.pStart.y - LineDrawer.pCurrent.y)));
LineDrawer.JLine.css("width", w - 2);
LineDrawer.angle = Math.atan2((LineDrawer.pStart.y - LineDrawer.pCurrent.y), (LineDrawer.pStart.x - LineDrawer.pCurrent.x)) * (180.0 / Math.PI);
//the below ensures that angle moves from 0 to -360
if (LineDrawer.angle < 0) {
LineDrawer.angle *= -1;
LineDrawer.angle += 180;
else LineDrawer.angle = 180 - LineDrawer.angle;
LineDrawer.angle *= -1;
LineDrawer.JLine.css("transform", "rotate(" + LineDrawer.angle + "deg");
LineDrawer_mouseup: function (e) {
LineDrawer.isDown = false;
if (LineDrawer.afterLineCallback == null || LineDrawer.afterLineCallback == undefined) return;
LineDrawer.afterLine(LineDrawer.angle, LineDrawer.pStart, LineDrawer.pCurrent);
var ECApp = {
start_action: function () {
LineDrawer.Init("jim", ECApp.afterLine);
afterLine(angle, pStart, pEnd) {
//$("#angle").text("angle : " + angle);
let disp = "angle = " + angle;
disp += " Start = " + JSON.stringify(pStart) + " End = " + JSON.stringify(pEnd);
$("#angle").text("angle : " + disp);
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<div id="jim" style="position:relative;width:1200px;height:800px;background-color:lightblue;">

