Record something, add effects and save it in base64 - javascript

Basically that's it, Im trying to record audio, using the Web Audio API and tuna.js or pizzicato.js add some effects and save it into a server in base64.
The problem is, using recorder.js the audio is save the record in a blob object, after that I can transform it into a base64 (not editable) with the FileReader(). I've trying add effects to the blob:url, and works perfectly, but I cant transform the edited audio into base64.
recorder.addEventListener( "dataAvailable", function(e){
var fileName = new Date().toISOString() + "." + e.detail.type.split("/")[1];
var url = URL.createObjectURL( e.detail );
var audiob = "";
var reader = new window.FileReader();
reader.readAsDataURL(e.detail); //e.detail
reader.onloadend = function() {
base64data = reader.result;
audiob = base64data;
e.detail ->
Blob {size: 28278, type: "audio/wav"}
Any help? :)
PD: Sorry about my english, I know it sucks


Upload file to AWS S3 using REST API Javascript

I am trying to retrieve a file from the user's file system and upload it to AWS S3. However, I have had no success thus far doing so. To be more specific, I have been working with trying to upload images. So far the images won't render properly whenever I upload them. I am really only familiar with uploading images as Blobs, but since SHA256 function can't read a Blob I'm unsure what to do. Below is my code:
var grabFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", ''+bucketName+'/asd.jpeg', true);
grabFile.responseType = "arraybuffer";
grabFile.onload = function( e ) {
var grabbedFile = this.response;
var arrayBufferView = new Uint8Array( this.response );
var blob = new Blob( [ arrayBufferView ], { type: "image/jpeg" } );
var base64data = '';
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
//var readData = reader.result;
var readData = blob;
//readData = readData.split(',').pop();
var shaString = CryptoJS.SHA256(readData.toString()).toString();
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var signingKey = getSigningKey(dateStamp, secretKey, regionName, serviceName);
var headersList = "content-type;host;x-amz-acl;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date";
var time = new Date();
time = time.toISOString();
time = time.replace(/:/g, '').replace(/-/g,'');
time = time.substring(0,time.indexOf('.'))+"Z";
var canonString = "PUT\n"+
var stringToSign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n"+
var authString = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(stringToSign, signingKey).toString();
var auth = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 "+
"Credential="+accessKey+"/"+dateStamp+"/"+regionName+"/"+serviceName+"/aws4_request, "+
"SignedHeaders="+headersList+", "+
"Signature="+authString;"PUT", "https://"+bucketName+"", true);
request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", auth);
//request.setRequestHeader("content-encoding", "base64");
request.setRequestHeader("content-type", "image/jpeg");
request.setRequestHeader('x-amz-acl', 'public-read');
request.setRequestHeader("x-amz-content-sha256", shaString);
request.setRequestHeader("x-amz-date", time);
How do I go about doing this? The code above just uploads something that's just a few Bytes because blob.toString() comes out as [Object Blob] and that's what gets uploaded. If I don't toString() it, I get an error from my SHA256 function.
As you can see, I tried reading it as Base64 before uploading it, but that did not resolve my problem either. This problem has been bugging me for close to a week now and I would love to get this solved. I've tried changing content-type, changed the body of what I'm uploading, etc. but nothing has worked.
EDIT: Forgot to mention (even though the title should imply it) but I cannot use the SDK for this. I was using it at one point, and with it I was able to upload images as Blobs. So I know this is possible, it's just that I don't know what crafty thing the SDK is doing to upload it.
EDIT2: I found the solution just in case someone stumbles across this in the future. Try setting replace every place I have shaString with 'UNSIGNED PAYLOAD' and send the blob and it will work! Here's where I found it:

Converting MediaRecorder audio to base64

I am using the MediaRecorder API to record audio on my page.
I need to convert this audio to base64.
Have a look at this example.
Each time new data is available, it pushes that data to an array, like this:
function handleDataAvailable(event) {
if ( && > 0) {
Then, it combines all that data like this:
var superBuffer = new Blob(recordedBlobs, {type: 'video/webm'});
So how would I convert this superBuffer to base64?
You can do this using FileReader Object.
var reader = new window.FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function() {
base64 = reader.result;
base64 = base64.split(',')[1];
console.log(base64 );
Answer referred from Convert blob to base64.
Read more about FileReader for better understanding.

Decode Base 64 audio file Mp3 into playable Mp3

I am converting the audio MP3 file and storing it as base64 in database using WEB API, now I am fetching the base64 file using ajax and I am getting the base64, the problem is how can I convert the base64 file back to mp3 file and play it using JavaScript.
This if for demo I am using input file, I am getting base64 file from server
<input type='file' onchange='openFile(event)' id="EdituserProfileImage">
var fileName;
var filetype;
var filesize;
var VoiceBase64;
var openFile = function (event) {
var input =;
fileName = input.files[0].name;
filetype = input.files[0].type;
filesize = input.files[0].size;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (evt) {
var voiceInBinay =;
VoiceBase64 = btoa(voiceInBinay);
This function "contvertBase64toBinaray" using for converting base64 to Binary, I have binary file, need to save as mp3 from this below binary
function contvertBase64toBinaray(VoiceBase64) {
var audiofile = atob(VoiceBase64)
Use window.atob function to decode your base 64 data.
This question shows you how you can play the mp3 in JS.

PNG or JPG (not rgb) over websocket with ArrayBuffer without base64

Is there a way to render a PNG image to canvas without having to encode it to base64?
Server sends a PNG in binary, client receives it in an ArrayBuffer
and displays it on the canvas. Only way I could get this to work is by encoding the data to base64 - on the server side - as I need it to be fast. On the client side, I created an image obj with data:image/png;base64 tag.
I know you can create a blob and a file reader but I could not get that to work.
This is the blob version:
var blob = new Blob([image.buffer],{type: "image/png"});
var imgReader = new FileReader();
imgReader.onload = function (e) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function (e) {
console.log("PNG Loaded");
ctx.drawImage(img, left, top);
img = null;
img.onerror = img.onabort = function () {
img = null;
img.src =;
imgReader = null;
image is Uint8Array. I create a blob from it. The rest is self-explanatory.
Images are correct and valid PNG images. When I send it from the server, I wrote them to a file on the server side and they render fine with an image viewer.
You can create a blob url with createObjectURL without having to do any base64 encoding, just pass the blob you crated to it and you will have a url you can set as img.src
var blob = new Blob([image],{type: "image/png"});
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function (e) {
console.log("PNG Loaded");
ctx.drawImage(img, left, top);
img = null;
img.onerror = img.onabort = function () {
img = null;
img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
I've only seen it used in this way. If you don't want to send the base64 via the network, then, you can use the btoa to convert the binary data to a base64 on the client side.
Looking at MDN, drawImage takes a CanvasImageSource object. CanvasImageSource represents any object of type HTMLImageElement, ImageBitmap and few others.
On further searching, I found some information related to ImageBitmap, but, not enough to provide a solution.
I could have added this to the comment, but, it would have become a massive comment and lose all the clarity.

Is it possible to save a File object in LocalStorage and then reload a File via FileReader when a user comes back to a page?

For example, say the user loads some very large images or media files in to your web app. When they return you want your app to show what they've previously loaded, but can't keep the actual file data in LocalStorage because the data is too large.
This is NOT possible with localStorage. Data stored in localStorage needs to be one of the primitive types that can be serializable. This does not include the File object.
For example, this will not work as you'd expect:
var el = document.createElement('input');
el.onchange = function(e) {
localStorage.file = JSON.stringify(this.files[0]);
// LATER ON...
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(e) {
var result = this.result; // never reaches here.
The solution is to use a more powerful storage option like writing the file contents to the HTML5 Filesystem or stashing it in IndexedDB.
Technically you can if you just need to save small files in localStorage.
Just base64 that ish and since it's a string... it's localStorage-friendly.
I think localStorage has a ~5MB limit. base64 strings are pretty low file size so this is a feasible way to store small images. If you use this lazy man's way, the downside is you'll have to mind the 5MB limit. I think it could def be a solution depending on your needs.
Yes, this is possible. You can insert whatever information about the file you want into LocalStorage, provided you serialize it to one of the primitive types supported. You can also serialize the whole file into LocalStorage and retrieve that later if you want, but there are limitations on the size of the file depending on browser.
The following shows how to achieve this using two different approaches:
(function () {
// localStorage with image
var storageFiles = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("storageFiles")) || {},
elephant = document.getElementById("elephant"),
storageFilesDate =,
date = new Date(),
todaysDate = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString() + date.getDate().toString();
// Compare date and create localStorage if it's not existing/too old
if (typeof storageFilesDate === "undefined" || storageFilesDate < todaysDate) {
// Take action when the image has loaded
elephant.addEventListener("load", function () {
var imgCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
imgContext = imgCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Make sure canvas is as big as the picture
imgCanvas.width = elephant.width;
imgCanvas.height = elephant.height;
// Draw image into canvas element
imgContext.drawImage(elephant, 0, 0, elephant.width, elephant.height);
// Save image as a data URL
storageFiles.elephant = imgCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
// Set date for localStorage = todaysDate;
// Save as JSON in localStorage
try {
localStorage.setItem("storageFiles", JSON.stringify(storageFiles));
catch (e) {
console.log("Storage failed: " + e);
}, false);
// Set initial image src
elephant.setAttribute("src", "elephant.png");
else {
// Use image from localStorage
elephant.setAttribute("src", storageFiles.elephant);
// Getting a file through XMLHttpRequest as an arraybuffer and creating a Blob
var rhinoStorage = localStorage.getItem("rhino"),
rhino = document.getElementById("rhino");
if (rhinoStorage) {
// Reuse existing Data URL from localStorage
rhino.setAttribute("src", rhinoStorage);
else {
// Create XHR, BlobBuilder and FileReader objects
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
fileReader = new FileReader();"GET", "rhino.png", true);
// Set the responseType to arraybuffer. "blob" is an option too, rendering BlobBuilder unnecessary, but the support for "blob" is not widespread enough yet
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.addEventListener("load", function () {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
// Create a blob from the response
blob = new Blob([xhr.response], {type: "image/png"});
// onload needed since Google Chrome doesn't support addEventListener for FileReader
fileReader.onload = function (evt) {
// Read out file contents as a Data URL
var result =;
// Set image src to Data URL
rhino.setAttribute("src", result);
// Store Data URL in localStorage
try {
localStorage.setItem("rhino", result);
catch (e) {
console.log("Storage failed: " + e);
// Load blob as Data URL
}, false);
// Send XHR

