Firefox ghost image - javascript

I'm currently using a table structure with the native HTML5 Drag&Drop functionality. I'm applying some "transform" CSS to the table.
The problem here is that after applying "transform" property on the element, if I try to drag&drop via Firefox, the ghost image is positioned far of the cursor ( as I can see, on its original position).
Its working fine on Chrome and Edge, but Firefox gives this bug.
Do you know anything I can try so I can modify the position of the ghost image or fix this issue?

transformations are different for firefox than they are for chrome.
I haven't read your code completly, but i assume that the problem is that you forgot to add a fallback variant for mozilla.
firefox needs a special prefix, e.g. -webkit-transform: translate(100px) rotate(20deg);
taking a look at this might help.


Jquery responsive image resizing method that maintains the quality

I have a background image which is responsive. It adapts to the container with the background-size: 100% method which keeps the aspect ratio. However, for older browsers like Firefox 18 and below and all versions of internet explorer I get a bad image when scaled (jagged or blurry). I tried the css bicubic interpolation (internet explorer) and "image-rendering" (firefox) fix yet no effect what can be observed.
My question is: is there a jquery or javascript way that does the same job while preserving the quality? Like a browser independent scaling method. Googled but found nothing.
I know this is not ideal in terms of speed and I should instead do the resizing in my image editing software but this is not an option in my scenario.
Would be happy to hear about your answers,
The only good solution I found to provide the best possible quality is by using a css responsive method.
For latest chrome & safari you have the new HTML attribute SRCSET.
For olders browsers, you can use your images as a div background and change it dynamically with CSS only.
For very old browsers, the only way is to grab images with different sizes using JS...

Trouble With Transform Rotation+IE9/10

Hoping someone can steer me in the right direction as I've been trying to accomplish this task for a few hours and can't seem to come up with a working cross-browser combination of CSS / Javascript.
Basically, what I am trying to do is a "Card Flip" using CSS and Javascript.
The code works wonderfully in Google Chrome, but I can't seem to get it to work in IE9/10.
Here is a sample jsFiddle.
When viewing the same jsfiddle in IE10, you only see the back side of the card and the animation does not work.
Any suggestions?
Ignore this - need a code snippet to post the above jsFiddle link.
The jsFiddle sample is only working for Chrome (more precisely, webkit browsers).
This is quite logic, as only css -webkit properties are used here.
The Card Flip animation you want to use should also work perfectly for IE10 (And Firefox even not mentioned in your question)
Check out the W3school page for more details on the 3D Transforms CSS properties you'll need to use.
Now the problem: IE9.
IE9 do not provide CSS animations. You'll have to use a fallback
with Javascript (jquery animate).
IE9 do no provide rotatey possibility. BUT, it provides flipX.
Yes, you will not have the 3D effect, but you'll still have the
flip effect.
The IE9 flip property is
filter: FlipH;
-ms-filter: "FlipH";

jQuery .css not changing font-size correctly in Chrome

This is the closest I've seen:
Changing font-size with jQuery css() function is crashing Chrome
But it didn't help.
Other threads mentioned that it's a bug in Webkit, but those were old threads and I couldn't find the bug report on Webkit's site.
The problem is that the header has a fixed width picture background and the navigation menu needs to stay within that width. I've since given up on HTML or CSS methods of accomplishing this. If you know of any, then please do share. So I've resorted to JavaScript (jQuery). And it works reasonably well, except in Chrome. The text actually increases in size for some odd reason.
Here's the simplified code in JSFiddle:
This gist of the code is this line:
For FireFox and Opera, the text size decreases to fit the header width, but not in Chrome.
If I run JSFiddle in Chrome everything works, but the funny behavior shows up on the actual website. This is happening on Chrome 17.0.963.56.
Thanks in advance!
If you want presentation consistency cross browser there is more involved than just setting font-size. You are assuming other font property defaults such as font-family are the same cross browser which they are not.
Use of a css reset will help

Why is CSS transparency not working in IE 7/8 in this example?

I'm working on an example of a jQuery notification bar that you can see here: jQuery notification bar example
But for whatever reason the CSS I'm using to define transparency in IE 7 and 8 is not working. If you look at the example in IE 7/8, you will see that the transparency for the .png close button and the transparency for the "reopen" element does not work.
I've successfully defined an element's transparency in IE using this code before, but I can't figure out why it's not working in this example.
I thought I might have hit on something when I read this post, but after trying out the solutions mentioned with the hasLayout property I still didn't have any luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you need any additional details.
Wow somebody else just asked a question about this. In older versions of IE, you can't compose transparency from a PNG alpha channel with transparency from a CSS effect. As soon as you apply the style, it quits trying to do transparency from the image.
Yes, it's profoundly lame.
opacity: 0.50;
This fixes opacity for IE. Using 50% transparency as example value here.
As for the hellobar_close, give it a background-color and it should work. IE has poor support for transparency in .png images.
OK I believe that with the help of the answers provided above and some additional research on my own I have answered my question.
There are actually 2 parts to this problem:
1.) Transparency issues with the .png close button in IE - This part was answered by Pointy above. According to Pointy "The browser is incapable of managing the compositing of the transparent PNG concurrently with any opacity effect on the image. In other words, for any given pixel, you either get alpha channel effects from the PNG itself, or from an opacity filter, but not both." (Quote taken from his answer at IE7 and "jaggies" around layered PNGs (with jQuery))
What I want to happen is for the .png close button to be semi-transparent in it's normal state, and full opacity in its hover state, but apparently this is not possible to achieve in IE using only one single image and CSS transparency. So to get around this I'm just going to have to make a dual-state .png image to get a nice hover effect, rather than relying on CSS transparency to handle that component.
2.) Transparency issue with the "reopen" button - This button should be semi-transparent but did not work in IE. After doing some extensive research on my own I came across this post: jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity. woodstylee's answer in that post solved my problem.
Due to some weird IE bug that I don't completely understand, I need to declare the element's opacity using jQuery/javascript before any transition/fade effects are applied.
Obviously there is some kind of conflict with jQuery fades/transitions and CSS opacity in IE. If anyone else has some additional info on this subject please post!
When I updated my code with the following, I was able to successfully get my "reopen" button to appear semi-transparent in IE.
$('#hello_mini').css('filter', 'alpha(opacity=75)');
Note that the above line of code needs to be placed before this line:
Also of note... this IE bug appears to only apply to the jQuery show() and hide() functions. When I switch the animation to slideUp() or slideDown() the transparency works fine without any additional javascript.
So bottom line... there is something weird going in with CSS transparency in IE when applied to elements animated through jQuery show() and hide()
If I find out anything else in my research I will post it here.
Here is a link to my updated example, which works in IE 7/8 now.

cross browser hide mouse cursor

I would like to enhance a depth effect by hiding the mouse cursor as it passes over a div, is there a method that will work across all browsers?
Finding something that works across browsers is a pain.
The code below works on Chrome, IE, and Firefox.
IE likes .cur files, Chrome likes the embedded png, and some browsers actually respect the none :)
#div {
none !important;
Looks like:
/* css */
div {
cursor: url(url/to/transparent.gif), auto;
should do the trick or: = 'url(path/to/transparent.gif), auto'; // javascript
But hiding the cursor can annoy visitors immensly.
Addendum: In the examples I wrote .gif files, but you might actually need to convert to .cur or .ani files for better browser support.
Why don't you simply reduce the size of the cursor as it gets closer to the center of the deep field?
You can change the type of cursor you use (pointer, help, crosshair,...) but to hide it... Even if this would be possible in modern browers, older browsers won't support this. Also I can't imagine why you would hide the cursor.
EDIT: in firefox when adding cursor:none; to the body element it hides the cursor untill I go over a link, it's maybe a start.
Using a full transparent picture will not help. (It won't let you do that:()
You should use a 1x1 1% transparent image instead, plus cursor:none.

