Models of a JSON in the wrong orientation in THREE.js - javascript

I am building a website with 3D graphics using THREE JavaScript, I am trying to import the following scene to site but in the site all the objects are facing to the inside of the planet: The scene problem
Here is the code I am using to import the scene:
var objects = [];
var loader = new THREE.ObjectLoader();
loader.load('models/planeta-NoMerge.json', function( obj ){
scene.add( obj );
scene.traverse(function( children ){
I´m doing some raycasting because I need to show a different scene if the user clicks on a model.
And if you need something else, please let me know: D

All in all the probem is not in code you have posted. I have had similar issues here and then, but I could fix it by tweaking the export settings. There you can flip normals, include/exclude several things like Material, Bones, Animations, etc...
So it's hard to tell which Settings you need, since that is up to your needs, but playing arround with the settings will bring you further.


three.js: How can I target object's position to another (grouped) object, while allowing rotation to follow AR camera?

I'm using an augmented reality library that does some fancy image tracking stuff. After learning a whole lot about this project, I'm now beyond my current ability and could use some help. For our purposes, the library creates an (empty) anchor point at the center of an IRL image target in-camera. Then moves the virtual world around the IRL camera.
My goal is to drive plane.rotation to always face the camera, while keeping plane.position locked to the anchor point. Additionally, plane.rotation values will be referenced later in development.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const start = async() => {
// initialize MindAR
const mindarThree = new window.MINDAR.IMAGE.MindARThree({
container: document.body,
imageTargetSrc: '../../assets/targets/testQR.mind',
const {renderer, scene, camera} = mindarThree;
// create AR object
const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1.25);
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color: 0x00ffff, transparent: true, opacity: 0.5});
const plane = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
// create anchor
const anchor = mindarThree.addAnchor(0);;
// start AR
await mindarThree.start();
renderer.setAnimationLoop(() => {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
Everything I've tried so far went into the solutions already massaged into the (functioning draft) code. I have, however, done some research and found a couple avenues that might or might not work. Just tossing them out to see what might stick or inspire another solution. Skill-wise, I'm still in the beginner category, so any help figuring this out is much appreciated.
identify plane object by its group index number;
drive (override lib?) object rotation (x, y, z) to face camera;
possible solutions from dev:
"You can get those values through the anchor object, e.g. Meaning that you can use the current three.js API and get those values but without using it for rendering i.e. don't append the renderer.domElement to document."
"You can hack into the source code of mindar (it's open source)."
"Another way might be easier for you to try is to just create another camera yourself. I believe you can have multiple cameras, and just render another layer on top using your new camera."
I think it may be as simple as calling lookAt in the animation loop function:
// start AR
await mindarThree.start();
renderer.setAnimationLoop(() => {
plane.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3());
renderer.render(scene, camera);
This assumes the camera is always located at (0,0,0) (i.e., new THREE.Vector3()). This seems to be true from my limited testing. I found it helpful to debug by copy-pasting the MindAR three.js example into this codepen and printing some relevant values to the console.
Also note that, internally, MindAR's three.js module seems to directly modify the world matrix of the object without modifying the position/rotation/scale parameters.

Three.js adding a rigged, animated Asset to an existing Scene

I'm working on a Tamagotchi like browser app in three.js at the moment. But currently I'm stuck with implementing a hand, that pets the avatar when clicked.
The Hand is a rigged Blender model with 2 animations, idle and the poking animation. In the gltf Viewer the model works fine with both animations.
But when added in js, the hand is either completely distorted, or rendered correctly but, positions aren't recognized(for movement with the cursor).
Most of the examples I looked at only added a general scene, but not just one animated model. In both versions of those animations, I get an animation error.
Code for the distorted version:
loader.load('resources/models/gltf/Hand.gltf', function(gltf) {
gltf.scene.traverse(function(node) {
if (node.isMesh) hand = node;
//hand.material.morphTargets = true;
mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(hand);
clips = hand.animations;
hand = gltf;
The second version, where the Hand is rendered correctly, but positions for event handling aren't recognized.
loader.load('resources/models/gltf/Hand.gltf', function(gltf) {
var hand = gltf.scene;
var animations = gltf.animations;
mixer = new THREE.AnimationMixer(hand);
for (var i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
function for idle animation:
function idleAnim() {
var idleClip = THREE.AnimationClip.findByName(clips, "Idle");
var action = mixer.clipAction(idleClip);;
Thanks in advance and greetings.
In your first example, you're pulling the "hand" object out of your import scene, adding it to your render scene, Then adding the rest of the import scene to your render scene.
My guess is that you need to pull out "hand" from higher in the hierarchy. It probably has a few parent objects that need to come along with to preserve the correct hierarchy for the animation.
It's worth doing a scene.traverse((o)=>{console.log(o)} to get a clear picture of how your scene is being exported. I've found with the blender gltf exporter for instance, there are usually 2 separate parent nodes, one for positioning and one for scaling+rotation, so.. it's worth looking at because it might not be exactly what you expect.
fwiw I grabbed your repo and opened the gltfs in my model previewer, but I didn't seem to see any animations on them. My previewer is set to play all animations it finds, in sequence.. so not sure what's going on there. I'm guessing these are skinnedmeshes and not morphtargets?

Three.JS - Adjusting Bump Scale/Height - COLLADA

Hello i am trying to adjust my bump map scale on my collada model.
Tried this but did not work:
Three.js ColladaLoader bumpScale/weighting? Way to adjust bump map intensity
I am using r77
And this example:
Replaced the current model with a more complex one that consist out of 3 meshes
Exported them all together in one .dae file. and they contain a couple of materials and textures
All textures are next to the .dae in the folder and working fine.
It is just the normal that is not working. and the alpha textures are bit odd.
I tried different things like so:
------ none of these work ------
if ( child instanceof THREE.SkinnedMesh ) {
child.material.normalScale = (0.03,0.03); // adjusting bump height
// trying to change bump value.
//controlPanel.children[0].material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { map: controlPanel.children[0] } );
//collada.scene.children[0].children[0].material.normalScale = (0.03,0.03);
//dae.children[2].material = new THREE. MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x333333, wireframe: true } )
//child.material.color.setRGB (1, 1, 0);
child.material.bumpScale = 0.03;
None of them seem to have effect on my model at all.
And i cannot find a good source that helps explaining the resons.
Hopefully someone here knows the problem!
Ok so with the help of guy named "bai"
I found out that blenders collada exporter
does not add the following inside the bump part of the .dae
<bump bumptype="NORMALMAP">
instead it only does
which results in the normal map not working.

Parameterizing and editing a model using ThreeJS or X3DOM in the browser

I am using ThreeJs to render some STL files in the browser.
I am trying to figure out if I can add parameters to these models, so that I can edit these models using ThreeJs or X3DOM.
For example I have a cube and I want to add a text parameter to this cube.
When the text parameter is passed to ThreeJS, it embosses the text on the cube at a specific location.
I don't mind converting the STL files to the ThreeJS model Js file or X3D files as long as I can parameterize the rendering to add text to the basic structure.
I want to know if anyone has had experience doing this kind of 3D parameterization.
Is this possible in ThreeJS or X3DOM?
If yes, then is there any documentation that I could use to achieve this?
If these libraries cannot handle this case, then are there any other libraries which can achieve the same?
My question is more about how I can add parameters to the model itself. Can we have parameters in ThreeJS models themselves, which ThreeJS understands out of the box. Let me ignore the text example, if I consider a simple cube in a model file, is there a way to make Threejs understand its side length as param from the model, and any changes to this param automatically gets reflected into the visualization. I.e. IF I change the side length from 1 to 3, Threejs renders a larger cube.
I'm not sure it answers your question, but personally I would create a subclass of an empty 3D object, and apply your effects programmatically, after the base model is loaded.
Here's how I do with three.js (ideally, this is in a separated file) :
var EmbossedCube = function( text, onLoaded ) {
var self = this;
var loader = new THREE.STLLoader();
loader.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial( { ambient: 0xff5533 } );
// apply effects on the material, or the geometry
// according to `text`
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( event.content, material );
// transform the mesh locally if needed
self.add( mesh );
onLoaded && onLoaded( self );
} );
loader.load( './model.stl' );
EmbossedCube.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Object3D.prototype );
// methods of EmbossedCube
EmbossedCube.prototype.constructor = THREE.Object3D;
Then you can create such an object, and add it to your scene:
var cube = new EmbossedCube("beep", function(obj){
// you can translate/rotate the object if needed
scene.add( obj );
It could be not the simplest way to do it, but I think it offers a good reusability on the long term.
Explore the va3c viewer, which has options for opening files from REVIT, grasshopper etc.
You might try opening your files first in Rhino + GH, then creating those parameters that you need and then importing it using va3c.
This is a hunch and I cannot try until you give an actual file with details about the usecase.
Tell me if this works. ;)

Three.js skinned animation mesh disappears when material skinning is true

I've exported an animated model from Blender which doesn't seem to have any issue instantiating. I'm able to create the THREE.Animation and model, but I was finding there was no animation. I realized I needed to set skinning true on each material, but when I do that the entire mesh goes missing.
Below is my (quick and messy) code trying to get everything to work.
function loadModel() {
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load('assets/models/Robot.js', function(geom, mat) {
_mesh = new THREE.Object3D();
for (var i = 0; i < mat.length; i++) {
var m = mat[i];
//m.skinning = true; <-- Uncommenting this makes the model disappear
//m.morphTargets = true; <-- This causes all sorts of WebGL warnings
m.wrapAround = true;
var mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh(geom, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(mat));
mesh.scale.set(400, 400, 400);
mesh.position.set(0, -200, 0);
mesh.rotation.set(Utils.toRadians(-90), 0, 0);
_robot = mesh;
var animation = new THREE.Animation(mesh,;
animation.JITCompile = false;
animation.interpolationType = THREE.AnimationHandler.LINEAR;;
I believe I'm updating the AnimationHandler correctly in my loop
function loop() {
_mesh.rotation.y += 0.01;
var delta = 0.75 * _clock.getDelta();
In the section metadata of the exported JSON file the number of morphTargets and bones are both greater than 0?
I think that you followed the example here:
in which the animated model uses Morph Target and Skeletal Animation (see Wikipedia for the theoretical concepts).
If the animated model uses only Skeletal Animation as in this example
you have to instantiate a THREE.SkinnedMesh Object and then set only the m.skinning property to true.
I was having the same problem just now. What worked for me was to remake the model with applied scale and have keyframes for LocRotScale, not just location.
lately, I've encoutered a similar issue of mesh disapearing while exporting blender skinning animation to json. It turned out, the mesh I was using had double vertex (one vertice hidding another). All looks good While creating the vertex groups and the animations in blender, but when I imported the mesh via three.js, it kept disapearing as soon as the animation started. In other words, If 1 vertice from your mesh is omitted from the vertex groups, you will experience this disapearing behavior. To prevent this issue, I now use the "remove doubles" function from blender to validate the mesh integrity before exporting it to json. You might have encountered the same issue and redoing your mesh work fix it... Anyways, the question is pretty old, but the topic is still valid as of today, so I hope this fresh info will help someone out there...
Peace INF1

