NodeJS - My method doesn't execute - javascript

inside my file ./functions/login_registration_functions.js
I have the following code
var methods = {
check_if_not_null: function (item_to_be_checked, item_to_store_the_checked_item) {
if(item_to_be_checked != null){
item_to_store_the_checked_item = item_to_be_checked;
module.exports = methods;
and I am calling it inside my routes.js file
var log_reg_funcs = require('./functions/login_registration_functions.js');
and I am calling the method inside my put call
log_reg_funcs.check_if_not_null(req.body.title, request.title);
but it doesn't work. when I replace the above code with below:
if(req.body.title != null){
request.title = req.body.title;
it works fine
why am I missing here?

When you are doing this:
item_to_store_the_checked_item = item_to_be_checked;
when item_to_store_the_checked_item is the argument to your function, then you are not changing the original variable that was used when calling your function but only your local copy of the passed value that is in your function.
If you passed and object and changed one of its properties then it would work as you expect.
For example if you had:
var methods = {
check_if_not_null: function (item_to_be_checked, object_to_store, object_key) {
if(item_to_be_checked != null){
object_to_store[object_key] = item_to_be_checked;
then you'd be able to do:
log_reg_funcs.check_if_not_null(req.body.title, request, 'title');
(it's strange for JavaScript to use underscores instead of camelcase but I'm keeping your style here)


How do I make this into a self-invoking function?

I'm not sure how to make this function into a self-invoking function. My code is looping through an array of zip codes from a JS file and sorting it from smallest to biggest and outputting it. I've found online that adding "())" at the end of the newZipCodeArray function, is supposed to self-invoke the function. However, it's not working. What am I doing wrong?
[enter image description here][1]
// Global variable
var zipCodeArray = [];
(function newZipCodeArray(currentZipCode) {
var valueFound = false;
for (zipCodeIndex = 0; zipCodeIndex <= zipCodeArray.length; zipCodeIndex++) {
if (currentZipCode === zipCodeArray[zipCodeIndex]) {
valueFound = true;
if (valueFound === false) {
function newZipCodeArrayssignment12_3() {
// Instantiate variables.
var output;
var zipCodeRecords;
// Get the element.
output = document.getElementById('outputDiv');
zipCodeRecords = openZipCodeStudyRecordSet();
// Call the function to read the next record.
while (zipCodeRecords.readNextRecord()) {
currentZipCode = zipCodeRecords.getSampleZipCode();
// Sort the zip code array.
The syntax involved in immediately-invoked (or self-invoked) functions doesn't allow it to be invoked from elsewhere. The IIFE pattern is intended to be used when the function only needs to be invoked once.
The grouping parenthesis wrapping the function change it from a declaration to an expression. And, as an expression, its name won't be added to the surrounding scope for other code to reference.
To invoke newZipCodeArray once right away and allow for it again later, you'll want to remove the parenthesis from around it and call it by name in a separate statement:
newZipCodeArray(); // first call
function newZipCodeArray(currentZipCode) {
// ...
function newZipCodeArrayssignment12_3() {
// ...
while (zipCodeRecords.readNextRecord()) {
// ...
newZipCodeArray(currentZipCode); // additional calls
// ...

How to call an external function in node js route

I am a little confused on how this works...
I am writing a node/express app and there is a function I just wrote in its own file, I need to use it in my route and I just want to call that function.
In the other file (tranformTheData.js) there is:
module.exports = {
tranformTheData:function (data){
In my node app.js file I have
var formatJSON = require('./js').tranformTheData;
Can I just now use
and utilitze this function? Or do I have to do something else, I have seen a few examples of doing this however they do not make sense to me.
You should do this:
// transformData.js
module.exports = {
formatJSON: function(data) {
otherFunction: function() {
// app.js
var tranformTheData = require('./path/to/tranformTheData.js');
var formatJSON = tranformTheData.formatJSON;
var otherFunction = tranformTheData.otherFunction;
formatJSON(data); // this will work
module.exports in this case is exporting an object literal, and the object has two functions. Requiring that file and assigning it to a variable will assign that variable to the object literal, which then has access to its methods.
When you call those methods, you can then pass in whatever params you want. In the case of formatJSON, it's accepting the data param.
Make sure to add the missing closing bracket in transformTheData.js:
module.exports = {
tranformTheData: function(data) {
Now you should be able to require the file using its filename and call the function as you are trying to do:
var formatJSON = require('./transformTheData').tranformTheData;

Avoiding multiple load of javascript file

I add this snippet to each javascript file used in my web api application to avoid multiple load :
blog = {};
blog.comments = blog.comments || {};
blog.comments.debugMode = false;
blog.isFirstLoad = function (namesp, jsFile) {
var isFirst = namesp.jsFile.firstLoad === undefined;
namesp.jsFile.firstLoad = false;
return isFirst;
$(document).ready(function () {
if (!blog.isFirstLoad(blog.comments, "fullcalendar.js")) {
Sometimes I get a weird exception
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstLoad' of undefined
I need to know :
Why this happens?
How can I fix it?
A couple of problems there.
First, you shouldn't be loading the file more than once in the first place, so it shouldn't be necessary to go through this business of trying to figure out whether you've loaded it.
But if you want to do that:
The first practical issue is that you're always doing this:
blog = {};
...which means if there's already a blog global, you're wiping out its value and replacing it with an empty object. If you want to use an existing global's value or create a new one, do this:
var blog = blog || {};
That seems odd, but since repeated var declarations are fine (and don't change the variable), that will use an existing one's value, or if there isn't one (or its value is falsey) it will create a new one and initialize it with {}.
Then, the line
namesp.jsFile.firstLoad = false;
...looks for a property called jsFile on namesp and assumes it's not null or undefined. It doesn't look for a property using the jsFile argument's value.
To do that, use brackets notation:
namesp[jsFile].firstLoad = false;
Even then, though, you're assuming it's not null or undefined, but it may well be. You probably just wanted:
namesp[jsFile] = false;
Or possibly:
namesp[jsFile] = namesp[jsFile] ||{};
namesp[jsFile].firstLoad = false;
That said, it seems really odd to use blog.comments to track whether JavaScript files have been loaded. If the file may have already been loaded, just this will do it:
var fullCalendarLoaded;
if (fullCalendarLoaded) {
// It's already loaded
} else {
// It isn't, but it is now
fullCalendarLoaded = true;
// your init...
Or if you have several of these and want to use a single global for it:
var loadedScripts = loadedScripts || {};
if (loadedScripts.fullCalendar) {
// Already loaded
} else {
// Not loaded yet
loadedScripts.fullCalendar = true;
// init...
Or if using the filename is important:
var loadedScripts = loadedScripts || {};
function firstLoad(filename) {
if (loadedScripts[filename[) {
return false;
// Not loaded yet, remember we've loaded it now
loadedScripts[filename] = true;
return true;
if (firstLoad("fullcalendar.js")) {
// First load, do init...
It's fairly straightforward:
On your initial run, you define
blog = {};
blog.comments = blog.comments || {};
blog.comments.debugMode = false;
In theory, this means that on some loads, blog is:
var blog = {
comments: {
debugMode: false
You then pass blog.comments into your function isFirstLoad as the namesp parameter. In that function, you do the evaluation:
namesp.jsFile.firstLoad === undefined;
Well, you never defined the jsFile property of blog.comments. This means it is undefined. Trying to access the property firstLoad of an undefined variable will give you your error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstLoad' of undefined

how to get a property name which represent a function in JS

This is some JS code
var methodArr = ['firstFunc','secondFunc','thirdFunc'];
for(var i in methodArr)
window[methodName] = function()
My problem is that how to get the name of a function in JS.
In JS, use can get the function name. But in this situation, it is a null value. How can i get the 'funName' string?
Sorry, I didn't make it clear.
I want to create functions in a for loop, all these functions has almost the same implementation which need its name. But others can call these functions use different name.I want to know what methodName function is called.
it seems a scope problem.
Try this:
var methodArr = ['firstFunc','secondFunc','thirdFunc'];
for(var i in methodArr) {
var methodName = methodArr[i]; // <---- this line missed in your code?
window[methodName] = (function(methodName) {
return function() {
window['secondFunc'](); // output: secondFunc

Store jquery function on variable

I have this code in .js file:
$.getJSON('', function (data) {
if ('spain') {
var a="";
} else {
var a="";
return a;
var fan_page_url = data();
How can I store var a in var fan_page_url ?
Thank you very much.
Try getting rid of a and assigning the links directly.
var fan_page_url;
$.getJSON('', function(data) {
if ( = 'spain') {
fan_page_url = "";
} else {
fan_page_url = "";
You have two options: assigning the external variable directly, as depot suggested, or treating the $.getJSON return value as a Deferred:
$.when($.getJSON(...)).done(function(returnValue) {
fan_page_url = returnValue;
The latter is useful in case you don't want to hardcode the variable you'll store the results (though in general it's not a problem, and the former option is easier/cleaner).
It's an old question on which I just stumbled (looking for something slightly different) but as answers did not seem to hit the nail on the head, I thought I'd add 2 cents: if you (op) had success with a variable that was hardcoded and set manually in config.js, that you were able to grab from start.js, why not simply:
keep the variable declared like you did in the global scope
assign it a default or null or empty value:
var fan_page_url = null; // or
var fan_page_url = ''; // or
var fan_page_url = 'http://url_default'; // etc...
then update the global variable inside the json function:
$.getJSON('', function(data) {
if ('spain') {
fan_page_url = "http://url1";
} else {
fan_page_url = "http://url2";
in your start.js page, you can always perform a check to see if the variable is set or not, or still carries it's default value or not and act accordingly...
It is likely that if it used to work with your normally, manually declared variable, it would work the same here as you would have changed nothing structurally, only would be updating the variable after the json response.
Answer posted for the posterity, it may help someone in the future.

