How to calculate each table row indipendently on keyup - javascript

<tbody id="dailysale_tbody">
<tr class="items">
<td><select id="items_select" name="dailysale[luitem_id]"><option value=""></option></select></td>
<td><select id="brands_select" name="dailysale[lubrand_id]"><option value=""></option></select></td>
<td><select id="models_select" name="dailysale[lumodel_id]"><option value=""></option></select></td>
<td><input class="texts" id="dailysale_qty" name="dailysale[qty]" type="text" /></td>
<td><input class="texts" id="dailysale_price" name="dailysale[price]" type="text" /></td>
<td><input class="texts" id="dailysale_total" name="dailysale[total]" type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" class="delete_row"></td>
$(function() {
$('#dailysale_qty, #dailysale_price').keyup(function() {
var last_item = $('.items').find('#dailysale_qty');
var qty = last_row.find('#dailysale_qty').val();
var price = last_row.find('#dailysale_price').val();
var sub_total = last_row.find('#dailysale_total');
var s_total = qty * price;
if (isNaN(s_total)) {
I am able to perform calculations on this row. However, when I dynamically add rows with jquery, calculations are not working on the other rows.
When the calculating function is bind a button onclick, everything works well. But not on input keyup as required. I want to perform calculations on the new added row with onkeyup on qty and price input fields.
Note than upon cloning, the ids are stripped of the current row and assigned to the new row for reference.

You probably not registering keyup function when you adding new row.
You should do :
$('#dailysale_qty, #dailysale_price').unbind('keyup').keyup( function(...
Every time you adding new row.

#Nosyara The suggested line of code isn't working. Here is how am adding new rows. The commented line is what you suggested.
//$('#dailysale_qty, #dailysale_price').unbind('keyup').keyup(function() {
var last_row = $('#dailysale_tbody').find('tr:last');
var newrow = last_row.clone();


Retrieving values from input elements in a table in HTML

I have a table set up as such:
<table id="mantab" style="cursor:pointer;" onkeypress="scan(event)">
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Term" id='inp1' class="inp1" /></td>
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Definition" id='inp2' class="inp2" /></td>
An action can be taken to add a row to this table, which is done by inserting a cell via the insertCell method and setting that cell's innerHTML appropriately.
What I've been trying to do is iterate through the first column of the table and add up all the values from inputs in each cell (after they've been entered) in a comma separated string. This process should be repeated for the second column.
The problem:
Everything I attempt to read is undefined
I've tried the following approaches to retrieving the contents of a cell:
None work, some return blank, most undefined. The innerHTML one returns the input element inside the cell, but there is no actual text input data.
If a clearer picture of what I'm looking at is needed, see the following:
This should return one variable containing a string: "KeyA,KeyB,KeyC" and another with: "ValueA,ValueB,ValueC"
I'm somewhat new to javascript, but I have a basic knowledge of a couple other languages. I'm not sure why iterating through a table is posing such a challenge. Any help clarifying how I can extract these "invisible" values would be appreciated. Thanks.
Here is one of many approaches that isn't working for me:
for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++) {
if(j == 0) { //if first column
words += col.getElementsByClassName("inp1").value + ","; //inp1 refers to first column input class name
} else {
defs += col.getElementsByClassName("inp2").value + ","; //inp2 refers to second column input class name
In this example, words is analagous to the first variable from the image above, and defs to the second.
Update: logging the values and the element responsible for providing the values resulted in this:
The first log is blank, and the second has no value assigned, even though I typed in something.
You can do something like this using jQuery selectors
var keys = [], values = [];
$('table tr input').each(function(i,e){
//access the input's value like this:
var $e = $(e);
keys = keys.join(',');
values = values.join(',');
<script src=""></script>
<table id="mantab" style="cursor:pointer;">
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Term" id='inp1' class="key" /></td>
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Definition" id='inp2' class="value" /></td>
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Term" id='inp1' class="key" /></td>
<td><input type='text' placeholder="Definition" id='inp2' class="value" /></td>
<button id="bt">
Get Value
what about using jQuery and finding all inputs in a table:
$('table input').each(function(i,e){
//access the input's value like this:

Checkbox .change() event doesn't fire, when "fired" by another checkbox

I'm using a checkbox to check all other checkboxes in a table.
After a checkbox being checked INSIDE the table (on change) I sum up every textbox value in the same tr.
It works well on Firefox and Chrome.
On IE11 and below (it's important for me that it works in EVERY browser) the first change of the "all" checkbox just tick the others, but doesn't sum up the textbox values.
On the second click he sums up but untick the checkboxes.
So it works in the wrong way because the first "change" is ignored or sth.
Sorry for my bad english and bad description.
<th>Auswahl <input type="checkbox" id="allcheck" /></th>
<th>Betrag €</th>
<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="check" /></td>
<td align="left">1</td>
<td align="left">2</td>
<td align="left">3</td>
<td align="left">4</td>
<td align="left" class="typ">5</td>
<td align="center" class="texttd">
<input type="text" class="txt" maxlength="5" onclick="" value="20.00" /></td>
<th colspan="5"></th>
<th colspan="1"">Summe</th>
<th colspan="1" id="sum">0,00</th>
allcheck is the id of the checkbox, checking all others. :)
$('#allcheck').click (function () {
var checkedStatus = this.checked;
$('table tbody').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', checkedStatus);
$('input[type="checkbox"]').change(function() {
var sum = 0.00;
$("table tr td input:checked").each(function(){
test = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="text"]').val();
test = test.replace( ",",".");
if (isNaN(test)) {
sum = 0.00;
sum += parseFloat(test, 10);
sum = parseFloat(sum, 10);
sum = sum.toFixed(2);
I hope these information are enough for you to help me a little. :)
Seems that changing "checked" property does not always trigger "change" event.
So you must move your sum calculation into separate function and call it explicitly in "#allcheck" click handler
(also cleaned your code a bit)
$('#allcheck').click (function () {
var checkedStatus = this.checked;
$('table tbody').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', checkedStatus);
$('tbody input[type="checkbox"]').change(updateSum);
function updateSum() {
var sum = 0.00;
$("tbody input:checked").each(function(){
var test = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="text"]').val();
var testNum = parseFloat(test.replace( ",", "."));
if (!isNaN(testNum)) {
sum += testNum;
instead of click event use change event for all check checbox. on change will fire after changing to new value and this.checked will give you correct value :
$('#allcheck').change(function() {
var checkedStatus = this.checked;
$('table tbody').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function () {
$(this).prop('checked', checkedStatus);

JQuery To check all checkboxes in td based on classname of tr

here is my sample code
<table id="accessListTable">
<tr class="ui-grid groupHead">
<td><input type="checkbox" class="groupHeadCheck"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="1"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="2"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="3"/></td>
<tr class="ui-grid groupHead">
<td><input type="checkbox" class="groupHeadCheck"/></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" id="4"/></td>
E.g, When the checkbox in first row with class groupHeadCheck, all the checkboxex of id 1, 2 and 3 will also be checked.
And if all the checkboxes of 1, 2, and 3 are already checked, the checkbox in first row will be checked.
Please any help!
You can add a click handler to the group checkbox then inside the handler you can find its tr element and the tr's next sibling element till the next occurrence of tr.groupHead
$(function ($) {
$(".groupHeadCheck").on("click", function (event) {
$(this).closest('tr').nextUntil('tr.groupHead').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', this.checked)
Demo: Fiddle
I am sure it can be done in a prettier manner, but this is the basic idea:
$("table tbody").on("change", "input[type=checkbox]", function (e) {
var currentCB = $(this);
var isChecked = this.checked;
if (".groupHeadCheck")) {
var allCbs = currentCB.closest('tr').nextUntil('tr.groupHead').find('[type="checkbox"]');
allCbs.prop('checked', isChecked);
} else {
var allCbs = currentCB.closest('tr').prevAll("tr.groupHead:first").nextUntil('tr.groupHead').andSelf().find('[type="checkbox"]');
var allSlaves = allCbs.not(".groupHeadCheck");
var master = allCbs.filter(".groupHeadCheck");
var allChecked = isChecked ? allSlaves.filter(":checked").length === allSlaves.length : false;
master.prop("checked", allChecked);
and if you need to run the code to force the check all state
This would check all if the first is checked (or uncheck all)
$(document).on('click', '.groupHeadCheck',function() {
$(this).closest('tr').nextUntil('tr.groupHead').find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'))
you could fiddle a bit with your classes (or IDs) to make it right for you
I know this is already answered, but I wanted a more generic way of doing this. In my case, I wanted to check all in a column until I hit a new group. I also had 3 columns with checkboxes. The ones in the first checkbox column all had names starting with "S_", the second "A_" and the third "C_". I used this to pick out the checkboxes I wanted. I also didn't name the heading checkboxes that were used to do the "check all" so it would stop when it hit the next groupings row.
You could use the class name to apply the same logic.
First, here is what a check all checkbox looked like:
<input type="checkbox" onchange="checkAll(this, 'S_');" />
Then the javascript function it calls when clicked:
function checkAll(sender, match)
var table = $(sender).closest('table').get(0);
var selector = "input[type='checkbox'][name^='" + match + "']";
for (var i = $(sender).closest('tr').index() + 1; i < table.rows.length; i++)
var cb = $(table.rows[i]).find(selector).get(0);
if (cb === undefined)
if ($(cb).is(':enabled'))
cb.checked = sender.checked;
So it will search each subsequent row for a checkbox with the name starting with "S_". Only the checkboxes the user has rights to will be changed. I was going to use $(td).index() to find the right column, but this didn't work out because some rows had colspan's greater than 1.

How to get the value from the before selected radio?

In my case I have lines of radioboxes, every radio has a value. This value must be calculated and the result must be placed in a DIV.
My Problem is, I can't find a way to subtract the value of the choosen radion before.
let me show you a sample markup:
<td><input name="tools" value="20" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="tools" value="300" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="tools" value="1000" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="addons" value="5" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="addons" value="10" type="radio"></td>
<div id="result"></div>
JavaScript :
var radioClick = $('input[type="radio"]');
radioClick.on('change', function(evt){
// function sub or add the price...
// here is a shortcut of the add calc version...
var price = $(this).val(),
showPrice = $('#result').text(),
endresult = parseFloat(showPrice) + parseFloat(price),
With checkboxes it works fine, but in case of radioboyes I don't have a click-event to identify this on I must subtract.
in the first line we see the radios name=tools. here I take at first this one with value 20.
after that the value 20 will be shown in the#result, fine. But when I take now another radio name=tools the new value will add to the 20. and that is my problem. I don't know how to find the before selected radio button to get this value and subtract it.
Try using this:
html code:
<td><input name="tools" class="test1" value="20" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="tools" class="test1" value="300" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="tools" class="test1" value="1000" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="addons" class="test" value="5" type="radio"></td>
<td><input name="addons" class ="test" value="10" type="radio"></td>
var testPrice = 0;
var test1Price = 0;
var endprice = 0;
var price ='';
price = $(this).val();
testPrice = price;
endPrice = parseFloat(testPrice) + parseFloat(test1Price),
var price = $(this).val();
test1Price = price;
endPrice = parseFloat(testPrice) + parseFloat(test1Price),
try it's demo on
You don't need to substract. You can just find 2 value of 2 diff radio button : tools and addons. Then just add them and write in the div
You can get radio button value by :
I think try this :
var radioClick = $('input[type="radio"]');
radioClick.on('change', function(evt){
// function sub or add the price...
// here is a shortcut of the add calc version...
var toolsprice = $('input[name=tools]:checked').val(),
var addonsprice = $('input[name=addons]:checked').val(),
endresult = parseFloat(toolsPrice) + parseFloat(addonsprice),
You could use an object literal that tracks the value, using a closure:
radioClick.on('change', (function()
var valTracker = {},
resultDiv = $('#result');//easier on the DOM
return function(evt)
valTracker[] = valTracker[] || 0;//get old value
var endResult = parseFloat(resultDiv.text()) + parseFloat($(this).val()) - valTracker[];//subtract old value, too
valTracker[] = parseFloat($(this).val());//set current value
The valTracker object literal tracks the current radio value (the name of the element is used as property). I've also kept a reference to the $('#result') div in the closure. That way, you don't have to query the DOM every time the callback function is called.
Try using the code below: JSFIDDLE
var radio_groups = []
if (radio_groups.indexOf( == -1){
var resultPrice = 0;
$.each(radio_groups, function(){
curPrice = $(':radio[name="' + this + '"]:checked').val();
if (!(curPrice)){
curPrice = 0;
resultPrice = parseInt(resultPrice) + parseInt(curPrice);
This will work, even if you add more radio button groups. If you want this functionality only for specific groups, define the names in the array radio_groups instead of getting them from the document.

How to select a input field in next TD with Jquery?

I want to select a input field in next TD with Jquery. I can not use ID or class because the table's row can be add or removed.
like ,
<td><input type='text' name='price[]' onkeyup = 'getTest(this)' /> </td>
<td><input type='text' name='qty[]' onkeyup = 'getPrice(this)' value='1' /> </td>
<td><input type='text' name='amount[]' /> </td>
function getTest(obj){
//I want to select qty[] and amount[]
function getPrice(obj){
//I want to select price[] and amount[]
anybody know how to select the input fields, please help~!
working demo of your expected behavior of your webpage.
Chinmayee's answer is much better than this one, but if you don't want to change any of your HTML mark-up, you can simply drop this into your JavaScript and it will work:
function getTest(obj) {
var tr = $(obj).closest('tr');
var qty = tr.find('input[name="qty[]"]');
var amount = tr.find('input[name="amount[]"]');
console.log('qty: ' + qty.val());
console.log('amount: ' + amount.val());
function getPrice(obj) {
var tr = $(obj).closest('tr');
var price = tr.find('input[name="price[]"]');
var amount = tr.find('input[name="amount[]"]');
console.log('price: ' + price.val());
console.log('amount: ' + amount.val());
But the reason why Chinmayee's answer is better than mine is because it uses unobtrusive JavaScript, and it also uses event delegation, so it will perform better.
Here's a possible solution for your problem (assuming you want amount to be price * qty):
$('[name="price[]"], [name="qty[]"]').live('keyup', function(){
var inputs = $(this).closest('tr').find('input');
Your getTest() and getPrice() methods are no longer required with this solution and you can also drop the onkeyup="..." attributes on the input elements.
See here for a working demo.

