Set body class based on url with params - javascript

Im trying to set a body class based on the url - I can get it to work with a plain /Tablet/ url, like the code below.
But I need to set it to a url that has params in it, and I can't get that to work. How do I do it with this url?
$(function() {
var loc = window.location.href; // returns the full URL
if(/Tablets/.test(loc)) {

If, as you have mentioned in comments, the query parameter order is important, you can use this...
var url = location.pathname +
url === '/Tablets/?param=grid&pld0page=1&spcs=1')
This lets you omit the URL scheme, host and port parts, focusing only on the path and query parameters.

You just have to search for text you want in the url string. You are doing fine in the code above. Just change
$(function() {
var loc = window.location.href; // returns the full URL
if(loc.includes('Tablets')) { // will return true/false
Read on includes or here. You can do the same for other tests too, if you are checking for other strings in url. Hope this helps.

You can use this
$(function() {
var url = window.location.href;
url = url.replace(/^.*\/\/[^\/]+/, '')
if(url == '/Tablets?param=grid&pld0page=1&spcs=1') {
If your URL is "", then the above queryString variable would be equal to "?param=grid&pld0page=1&spcs=1".
You can check the string is not empty

Replace your code with this
var loc = window.location.href; // returns the full URL
var url = loc.split( '/' );
var chunk = url[ url.length - 2 ];
if(loc.indexOf(chunk) >= 0) {

var loc = 'http://localhost/Tablets/?param=grid&pld0page=1&spcs=35';
var patt = new RegExp("/Tablets/");
if(patt.test(loc) && loc.split('?').length > 1)
<script src=""></script>


window.location causing continuous loop using

I'm attempting to append to the URL, a query string based on a particular condition. The problem I'm having is, the following code causes the page to loop continuously:
function taoExtendedIdleTime() {
if (trackingJson.loginType === 'explicit') {
var myURL = window.location;
window.location = myURL + "&debugMode=true&setIdleTime=60000";
To correct this, I attempted the following, which checks if this query already exists. If not, add it:
function taoExtendedIdleTime() {
if (trackingJson.loginType === 'explicit') {
var myURL = window.location;
if (myURL.indexOf("&debugMode=true&setIdleTime=60000") == -1) {
window.location = myURL + "&debugMode=true&setIdleTime=60000";
In my dev environment, this doesn't get executed at all. When I add it to Console, I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: myURL.indexOf is not a function, and references the fourth line of this snippet: if(myURL.indexOf...).
Any help/guidance you can provide is most appreciated!!
because you are trying to get an object. window.location will return you Location object. what you are looking for is window.location.href which will return url of current location.
function taoExtendedIdleTime() {
if (trackingJson.loginType === 'explicit') {
var myURL = window.location.href;
window.location.href = myURL + "&debugMode=true&setIdleTime=60000";
} }
Based on the documentation, window.location is a Location object (not a String), so it doesn't have an indexOf method. You might be interested in its search property though.
Or if you wanna go cleaner, URL.searchParams might help.

jQuery.grep() match URL both www and non www, http/https

I am using jquery to search a json string for the matched url and then fetch all the data inside that object.
I fetch the url with
var url = window.location.href;
However this returns
inside the json string could be any of the following
etc etc.
My code is to match the url and then do something. How would I go about using jQuery.grep() to take the different style urls in the query? Below is my code so far.
var url = window.location.href;
var json = exampleJsonString;
var js = JSON.parse(json);
var result = $.grep(js, function(e){ return e.url == url; });
if (result.length == 0) {
// not found :(
console.log('Not found');
} else if (result.length == 1) {
// Result matched
else {
// multiple items found
console.log('multiple items found');
What I want to do is check for using jquery grep. As in this line it checks if the string is equal.
var result = $.grep(js, function(e){ return e.url == url; });
You can use grep function to filter the records. Here in your case want to check different URL's in the object like '','' etc, mention all the URL's that you want to consider in grep function. Here is the sample code.
var varObj = jQuery.grep(dataobject, function (a) {
if (a.url == "" || a.url == "" || a.url == "")
return true;

Getting URL data with JavaScript (split it like php $_GET)

I found this script at Stack Overflow:
window.params = function(){
var params = {};
var param_array = window.location.href.split('?')[1].split('&');
for(var i in param_array){
x = param_array[i].split('=');
params[x[0]] = x[1];
return params;
This splits a URL into data, like PHP does with $_GET.
I have another function, which uses it and it refreshes the iframe. I want to get the data from the URL and add another with it if some of these data exist. Firebug shows me, that search is not defined, but why?
function RefreshIFrames(MyParameter) {
var cat =;
var category = window.params.category;
var search =;
if (search.length>0 && category.length>0){
if (cat.length>0){
if (cat.length==0 && category.length==0 && search.length==0){
If you want to add rendez OR change the existing rendez, do this - I am assuming the URL is actually beginning with so no need to create it. Let me know if you need a different URL than the one you come in with
The parameter snippet did not work proper (for in should not be used on a normal array)
Here is tested code
function getParams(passedloc){
var params = {}, loc = passedloc || document.URL;
loc = loc.split('?')[1];
if (loc) {
var param_array = loc.split('&');
for(var x,i=0,n=param_array.length;i<n; i++) {
x = param_array[i].split('=');
params[x[0]] = x[1];
return params;
function RefreshIFrames(MyParameter,passedloc) { // if second parm is specified it will take that
var loc = passedloc || document.URL; //
window.param = getParams(loc);
loc = loc.split("?")[0]+"?"; // will work with our without the ? in the URL
for (var parm in window.param) {
if (parm != "rendez") loc += parm +"="+ window.param[parm]+"&";
// here we have a URL without rendez but with all other parameters if there
// the URL will have a trailing ? or & depending on existence of parameters
loc += "rendez="+MyParameter;
window.console && console.log(loc)
// the next statement will change the URL
// change window.location to window.frames[0].location to change an iFrame
window.location = loc;
// the second parameter is only if you want to change the URL of the page you are in
// here is how I expect you want to call it
RefreshIFrames("rendez5"​); // will add or change rendez=... in the url of the current page

jQuery redirect to source url

I would like to redirect a user to a target URL on a button click. The target URL is variable and has to be read from the current page URL parameter 'source':
For instance, I have a url http://w/_l/R/C.aspx?source=
When the user clicks on a button he's being redirect to
How would I do that with jQuery?
first of all you need to get the url param : source
this can be done with a function like :
function GetParam(name) {
return decodeURI(
(RegExp(name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(||[,null])[1]
// you can use it like
var source = GetParam('source');
window.location.href = source
On button click handler, just write window.location.href =
You will need to parse the query string to get the value of the variable source.
You don't need jQuery for it.
A simple function like this will suffice:
function getFromQueryString(ji) {
hu =;
gy = hu.split("&");
for (i = 0; i < gy.length; i++) {
ft = gy[i].split("=");
if (ft[0] == ji) {
return ft[1];
location.href = getFromQueryString("source");
Using the url parsing code from here use this to parse your url (this should be included once in your document):
var urlParams = {};
(function () {
var e,
a = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space
r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g,
d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); },
q =;
while (e = r.exec(q))
urlParams[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);
Then do this to redirect to the source parameter:
window.location.href = urlParams["source"];
Since you are using the jQuery framework, I'd make use of the jQuery URL Parser plugin, which safely parses and decodes URL parameters, fragment...
You can use it like this:
var source = $.url().param('source');
window.location.href = source;
get url params : (copied from another stackoverflow question) :
var params= {};\??(?:([^=]+)=([^&]*)&?)/g, function () {
function decode(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" "));
params[decode(arguments[1])] = decode(arguments[2]);
window.location = params['source'];
You can do like this,
<a id="linkId" href=" http://w/_l/R/C.aspx?source=">Click me</a>
var href=$(this).attr('href');
var url=href.substr(href.indexof('?'))
window.location =url;
return false;

Find out relative urls in javascript

I want to know if the url is relative or no using javascript. Basically i will be passed the url, if the url is relative append the current url i.e minus the file name. Can some one help me with this
PASSED URL 1 = newindex.html
So the simplest would be something like
var loc = location.href;
var dir = loc.substring(0,loc.lastIndexOf('/'));
function getHref(urlString) {
if (urlString) return (urlString.toLowerCase().indexOf('http:')==0)?urlString:dir+'/'+((urlString.indexOf('/')==0)?urlString.substring(1):urlString);
I am using the location object, substring, indexOflink text, lastIndexOf and the ternary operator - nested
<script type="text/javascript">
var loc = location.href;
var baseurl = loc.substring(0,loc.lastIndexOf('/'));
function getoutputurl(inputurl)
var returnurl = '';
if (inputurl)
returnurl = inputurl;
returnurl = baseurl+'/' ;
returnurl = returnurl + inputurl.substring(1);
returnurl = returnurl + inputurl;
return returnurl;
Try out this code it works
Use regular expresion to check if passed url have non relative component. If not create new output url based on part of current url ( cuted via regular exp also for example) and relative part.

