AWS Cognito: How should I handle PasswordResetRequiredException - javascript

I have clicked "Reset Password" in Cognito and now when I login I get "PasswordResetRequiredException", how should I handle this? I cant find anything in the docs that tell me what should I do?

check this
you need to call ForgotPassword()...

I figured out the exact way that you can handle this on (onFailure) callback:
// Create a cognito user instance
const cognitoUser = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser(userData);
// Trigger to authenticate the user
cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
onFailure: function(err) {
if (err.code == "PasswordResetRequiredException") {
// Confirm user data
"", // Put your verification code here
"", // Here is your new password
onSuccess: result => {
// Everything worked as expected
onFailure: err => {
// Trigger failure
} else {
// Trigger failure

I think that the specific user should have had an email or sms sent to them (if their email or phone number had been verified). In this email there should be a code which you can use with ConfirmForgotPassword

You would have to implement the newPasswordRequired callback for authenticateUser such as below:
cognitoUser.authenticateUser(authenticationDetails, {
onSuccess: function (result) {
// User authentication was successful
onFailure: function(err) {
// User authentication was not successful
mfaRequired: function(codeDeliveryDetails) {
// MFA is required to complete user authentication.
// Get the code from user and call
cognitoUser.sendMFACode(mfaCode, this)
newPasswordRequired: function(userAttributes, requiredAttributes) {
// User was signed up by an admin and must provide new
// password and required attributes, if any, to complete
// authentication.
// the api doesn't accept this field back
delete userAttributes.email_verified;
// Get these details and call
cognitoUser.completeNewPasswordChallenge(newPassword, userAttributes, this);


Why does this javascript code not redirect the user after the metamask transaction?

I want to make a javascript code that does a metamask transaction and redirects the user to another page after the transation is completed. How easy this may sound, I can not figure it out.
My current code lets the user complete the transaction, but it does not redirect the user to another page. Instead, it gives this error: "MetaMask - RPC Error: invalid argument 0: json: cannot unmarshal non-string into Go value of type common.Hash"
I have looked it up, but I could not find any possible fix for my problem.
This is my code:
try {
// send the transaction
method: 'eth_sendTransaction',
params: [
to: contractAddress,
from: userAddress,
value: amt
}, (error, transactionHash) => {
if (error) {
} else {
// check the status of the transaction using the transaction hash
method: 'eth_getTransactionReceipt',
params: [transactionHash],
}).then((receipt) => {
// check if the transaction was successful
if (receipt.status === '0x1') {
console.log(`Transaction was successful`);
// redirect to another page
window.location.href = "page.php";
} else {
console.log(`Transaction failed`);
}).catch((error) => {
// This is the line of code the error is assigned to:
} catch (error) {
} else {
document.getElementById("bericht").innerHTML = "Install Metamask before you continue";
I have tried looking the error up on internet, but nothing significant showed up. Could anyone help? Thank you in advance!

How can I do e2e testing if I have passwordless sign up that sends OTP to the email?

I have a passwordless sign up flow which uses OTP code that is sent to users email.
Here is the function that handles the sign in/sign up:
// this verifies the OTP code
const handleSignInOTP = async () => {
toast.loading('Verifying OTP...');
const { data, error } = await supabaseClient.auth.verifyOtp({
token: otp,
type: 'magiclink'
if (data) {
toast.success('Successfully signed in!');
if (error) {
At the moment I am completely lolst, how could I possibly use cypress to test something like that, is that even possible?

Password is gone when logging in a firebase account that was created using Email and Password

I created an app that supports both Email/Password and Google authentication. I found that if I created an account in a first way, but logged out and in again with Google, the origin password was gone, and no way to sign in with email anymore. Is there any way to avoid so?
// Google authentication
const signInWithGoogle = useCallback(
async event => {
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
try {
await firebaseApp
.then(function(result) {
var user = result.user.providerId;
} catch(error) {
//Email/Password sign-in
const handleLogin = useCallback(
async event => {
const { email, password } =;
try {
await firebaseApp
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email.value, password.value)
.then(function(result) {
var user = result.user.providerId;
} catch (error) {
// Email/Password sign-up
const handleSignUp = useCallback(async event => {
const { email, password } =;
try {
await firebaseApp
.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email.value, password.value);
} catch (error) {
}, [history]);
Here in the documentation you can see this explanation:
Note that some providers, such as Google and Microsoft, serve as both email and social identity providers. Email providers are considered authoritative for all addresses related to their hosted email domain. This means a user logging in with an email address hosted by the same provider will never raise this error (for example, signing in with Google using an email, or Microsoft using an or email).
I would recommend to use as similar approach like here from the docu:
// User tries to sign in with Facebook.
auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider()).catch(err => {
// User's email already exists.
if (err.code === 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential') {
// The pending Facebook credential.
var pendingCred = err.credential;
// The provider account's email address.
var email =;
// Get the sign-in methods for this email.
auth.fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(email).then(methods => {
// If the user has several sign-in methods, the first method
// in the list will be the "recommended" method to use.
if (methods[0] === 'password') {
// TODO: Ask the user for their password.
// In real scenario, you should handle this asynchronously.
var password = promptUserForPassword();
auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password).then(result => {
return result.user.linkWithCredential(pendingCred);
}).then(() => {
// Facebook account successfully linked to the existing user.
// All other cases are external providers.
// Construct provider object for that provider.
// TODO: Implement getProviderForProviderId.
var provider = getProviderForProviderId(methods[0]);
// At this point, you should let the user know that they already have an
// account with a different provider, and validate they want to sign in
// with the new provider.
// Note: Browsers usually block popups triggered asynchronously, so in
// real app, you should ask the user to click on a "Continue" button
// that will trigger signInWithPopup().
auth.signInWithPopup(provider).then(result => {
// Note: Identity Platform doesn't control the provider's sign-in
// flow, so it's possible for the user to sign in with an account
// with a different email from the first one.
// Link the Facebook credential. We have access to the pending
// credential, so we can directly call the link method.
result.user.linkWithCredential(pendingCred).then(usercred => {
// Success.
But instead of waiting for the error to be raised (none will be raised if using Google login as you also explained in your case) try always to call first fetchSignInMethodsForEmail and if the user has the email provider and tries now to use the Google one first log him in with the email provider and link him later with the Google provider.

Promise either never get called, or is rejected (Parse JS SDK)

I am trying to write a function that add or edit some fields on a User object.
The problem come when I try to save the user, if I use, the Promise is rejected with error 206 UserCannotBeAlteredWithoutSessionError.
However, if I get the session id (and documentation about that is scarce), the promise never get resolve, nor rejected. The app seems to just jump to the callback.
My function:
function update(user, callback) {
let query = new Parse.Query(Parse.User);
(users) => {
if(users.length === 0) {
callback('Non existent user');
} else {
let user = users[0];
// user.set('some', 'thing');
sessionToken: user.getSessionToken()
(test) => {
console.log('OK - ' + test);
}, (err) => {
console.log('ERR- ' + require('util').inspect(err));
// console.log(callback.toString());
(error) => {
Called with:
var async = require('async'),
baas = require('./baas.js');
(callback) => {
callback(null, {
email: '',
password: 'password'
(user, callback) => {
baas.connect(() => { //Initialize the connection to Parse, and declare use of masterKey
callback(null, user);
(user, callback) => {
baas.update(user, (err) => {
], (err) => {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
The logs become:
Without session token:
ERR- ParseError { code: 206, message: 'cannot modify user sA20iPbC1i' }
With session token:
I do not understand how it is possible that the promise just callback without printing anything, nor why no error are raised anywhere.
Following #user866762 advice, I tried to replace the query with Parse.User.logIn and use the resulting User object.
While this solution give me a sessionToken, the end result is the same, parse crash if I don t provide the session token, or give me a error if I do.
According to the Parse Dev guide: are not able to invoke any of the save or delete methods unless the Parse.User was obtained using an authenticated method, like logIn or signUp.
You might also try becoming the user before saving, but I have my doubts that will work.
When you're "get[ting] the session id" my guess is that you're really breaking something. Either Parse is having a heart attack at you asking for the session token, or when you're passing it in save you're causing something there to explode.

Resent email verification link not changing verified to true

I'm setting up a custom authentication system in my meteor app.
When a user signs up, they are sent an email verification link. If they click on this, it changes the verification boolean to true as expected.
I have a button in the users account setting page that allows them to resend a verification email if needed. Clicking on this works ok and they receive another email with a different link.
When this new link is clicked, it redirects to the home page but it doesn't verify the email address.
My guess is that the users account isn't aware of the new token.
//server code
'sendVerificationEmail' : function(userId, primaryEmail){
var userId = Meteor.user();
Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(userId, primaryEmail, function (error) {
if (! error) {
return alert('Verfication email sent');
} else {
return alert(error);
//Client code
Accounts.onEmailVerificationLink(function (token, done) {
Accounts.verifyEmail(token, function (error) {
if (! error) {
console.log('Account verified');
alert('Account verified');
// show something if there was an error.
// Email verification route
Router.route('/verify-email/:token', {
name: 'verifyEmail'

