unexpected token setState to object property - javascript

I want to set state to an object, so I do
const user = this.state.user;
user['id']: 123 //error here
I got unexpected token error, I also tried user.id and user[id], what's wrong?

I assume you only want to change id, but still keeping the other property of user. You can do something like this.
const user = this.state.user;
user: {
id: 123

Since you are anyways copying the state to a separate variable, you can just modify the object and then set it to state
const user = {...this.state.user};
user['id'] = 123
You way doesn't work because you cannot just directly assign a nested object a value using setState

This is not valid syntax for initializing an object. User is an object, and id is a property on that object. Use setState like this:
const user = this.state.user;
user: {
id: 123
See this guide for more information on working with objects in javascript.


Vue - InertiaJS: Enter Object not able

In my props, I pass the array "ticket_data" when loading the Vue component. Now I want to make a post to a controller using the Inertia form. This also works without problems.
My problem is, I can not access individual values from the array ...
My code:
let props = defineProps({
ticket_data: Object,
ticket_messages: Object,
let form = useForm({
text: '',
let submit = () => {
.transform((data) => ({
ticket_id: props.ticket_data.ticket_id, // null
ticket_id: props.ticket_data, // gives all Data see Json
.post('/account/user/support/ticket/send', {
preserveScroll: true,
onSuccess: () => form.reset('text'),
If I submit props.ticket_data individually, the following post arrives at my controller:
"ticket_id":[{"user_id":1,"ticket_id":5,"reference":"Testticket","state":0,"author":"Kevin Johnson","text":"..","created_at":"11/04/22 - 19:58"}]}
If the data arrives with "props.ticket_data", why can't I just access it with "props.ticket_data.ticket_id" ?
"props.ticket_data.[1]" doesn't work like that either....
Get a ticket by Id like this:
props.ticket_data.find(ticket => ticket.ticket_id === 5) // <-- ticket id

Javascript object declaration with ternary operator

I'm declaring an object inside one of my components like below:
const data = {
user: id,
userRole: role,
teacherdepartment: department
But now I wanted to do this declaration dynamically depends on a specific value, like below:
let usertype='teacher';
const data = {
user: id,
userRole: role,
Is this possible. I know I can do it with nested ternary operator. But inside the object structure any simple line that can do that trick?
Update: object values can be easily set using ternary inside the object declaration, but this is for object key so this is not a duplicate of this. Also, in the above example I have put a simple object. Image if the objects have some child and ternary conditions within.
I think this could be refactored into
let usertype = 'teacher';
let departmentProperty = usertype === 'teacher' ? 'teacherdepartment' : 'studentDepartment';
let departmentValue = usertype === 'teacher' ? 'teacherdepartmentValue' : 'studentDepartment';
const data = {
user: 'id',
userRole: 'role',
[departmentProperty]: departmentValue,
Try with conditional operator for both key and value. Keys can be made dynamic by adding [] around the key expression.
Pseude Code
const data = {
user: id,
userRole: role,
[usertype=='teacher'? 'teacherdepartment' : 'studentDepartment']: usertype=='teacher'? tdepartment: sdepartment,
Working Code
const usertype = 'student';
const tdepartment = 'tdepartment';
const sdepartment = 'sdepartment';
const id = 'id';
const role = 'role';
const data = {
user: id,
userRole: role,
[usertype=='teacher'? 'teacherdepartment' : 'studentDepartment']: usertype=='teacher'? tdepartment: sdepartment,
I'd avoid a ternary operator altogether because they're confusing to read in a lot of situations. Instead I would create a dictionary that maps user types to string values, and then create the property dynamically with that information.
const userType = 'teacher';
const dict = { teacher: 'tdepartment', student: 'sdepartment' };
const data = {
user: 'id',
userRole: 'role',
[`${userType}Department`]: dict[userType]
While this can be done in a "one-liner" IMO to preserve readability it shouldn't be.
Instead, check usertype and create an object to include in the resulting data object. This way the changes based on usertype are isolated and easy to reason about. It also allows for additional changes based on usertype as it's isolated from the static properties.
const deptInfo = usertype === 'teacher' ? { teacherDepartment: tDepartment }
: { studentDepartment: sDepartment }
const data = {
user: id,
userRole: role,

Adding Objects to another object

I'm trying to add object inside an object with id as a key in react provider. Following is the use case.
const [memberList, setMemberList] = useState({
homeTeam: [],
awayTeam: [],
homeTeamClone: {},
I can successfully add member to an array, however I'm more keen to add that in homeTeamClone object.
example of object = {"id":"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5704","memberName":"Adam"}
I want final result as
homeTeamClone: {
"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5704": {"id":"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5704","memberName":"Adam"},
"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5705": {"id":"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5705","memberName":"Chris"},
"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5706": {"id":"3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5706","memberName":"Martin"},
I tried Object.assign(homeTeamClone, member) but did not get the expected result.
Thanks in Advance.
If the question is how to set individual member than you can do this:
const member = { id: '3a21b0a-1223-46-5abe-67b653be5704', memberName: 'Adam' };
homeTeamClone: {
[member.id]: member,
In this case spread all old values and add new one. (In case user with same ID is added again, object value will be from the new one)

Accessing Firebase data in a node with JS

So I have an object being returned from Firebase that looks like this:
{key: {name: "test", email: "test", id: "test"}}
How can I get the id out of this object?
If I do returnItem I get that object, so I tried to do returnItem[0] but it's not an array, and I've tried (Object.keys(tempSnap) but that just gives me the key not the object inside it.
This is my current code:
export function sendInvitation(email) {
firebaseRef.database().ref().child('users').orderByChild('email').equalTo(email).on("value", function(snapshot) {
let tempSnap = snapshot.val();
if(tempSnap != null) {
return dispatch => firebaseRef.database().ref(`${userID}/invites`).push("This is a test Message!");
This is what it outputs:
Help would be awesome :D
If you already know id and it's a literal, then it's a matter of returnItem.id.
If you already know id and it's a variable, then it's returnItem[id].
If you don't know the keys and want to print all keys and their values, it's:
Object.keys(returnItem).forEach(function(key) {
console.log(key, returnItem[key]);
Your new code shows the problem. When you execute a query against the Firebase Database, there will potentially be multiple results. So the snapshot contains a list of those results. Even if there is only a single result, the snapshot will contain a list of one result. Your callback needs to handle the fact that it gets a list by looping over the results with snapshot.forEach():
firebaseRef.database().ref().child('users').orderByChild('email').equalTo(email).on("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
let tempSnap = child.val();
Try this:
firebaseRef.database().ref().child('users').orderByChild('email').equalTo(email).on("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
let keys=child.key;
let ids=child.val().id;
you have:
id: test

How to update key value in immutable while filtering over List of Maps

I have an immutable List that looks like this:
this.state = {
suggestedUsers: fromJS([
user: {
client_user_id: "1234567890",
full_name: "marty mcfly",
image: "imageURL",
role_name: "Associate Graphic Designer",
selected: false
user: {
client_user_id: "0987654321",
full_name: "doc",
image: "imageURL",
role_name: "Software Engineer",
selected: false
This is used in a div that displays this information in the UI.
When I click on the div, I have a function that is fired that looks like this:
// set assessments variable equal to the current team from the state
let assessments = fromJS(this.state.suggestedUsers)
let selectAssessor
// set a variable called selectedUsers equal to the results of filtering over the current suggestedUsers from the state
let selectedUsers = assessments.filter((obj) => {
// store immutable retrieval of the client user id in a variable called userId
let userId = obj.getIn(["user", "client_user_id"])
// when the user clicks 'Add' user, if the id of the user matches the selected user id
// the user, represented here by obj, is pushed into the selectedUsers array stored in the state.
if(userId === clientUserId){
return obj.setIn(["user", "selected"], true)
// If the user id is not equal to the selected user, that team member is kept in the
// current team array represented by the state.
return userId !== clientUserId
// update the state with the current representation of the state determined by the user
// selected team members for assessment requests
suggestedUsers: selectedUsers
The core of my question is this:
I would like to update the value of the 'selected' key in the users object to false, when this function is invoked.
I'm aware that I can't mutate the List I'm filtering over directly, but I've tried may different approaches to getting the selected value updated (i.e. using updateIn, and setIn). I know I need to set the result of calling setIn to a variable, and return that to the List I'm filtering over, but I can't get the value to update in the existing List. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I've verified that this works the way it should when I change the value manually. How can I change it with immutable by updating this one List.
Thank you to the community for your feedback. Filtering, and mapping did turn out to be overkill. Using immutability-helper, I am able to update the selected value of a particular user at the index that is clicked. One caveat that was not mentioned is using merge to bring your updated data into your previous data. After updating with immutability helper, I push the updated value into an array, then make it a List, and merge it into my original data. Code below:
let users = this.state.teamAssessments
let selectedArray = []
users.map((obj, index) => {
let objId = obj.getIn(["user", "client_user_id"])
if(objId === clientUserId){
const selectedUser = update(this.state.teamAssessments.toJS(), {
[index]: {
user : {
selected: {
$set: true
let updatedArray = fromJS(selectedArray).get(0)
let mergedData = users.merge(updatedArray)
teamAssessments: mergedData
You need immutability-helper. Basically, instead of cloning the entire object you just modify small pieces of the object and re-set the state after you are finished.
import update from 'immutability-helper';
const newData = update(myData, {
x: {y: {z: {$set: 7}}},
a: {b: {$push: [9]}}
this.setState({varName: newData});
In other words, I would ditch the fromJS and the modifying of the array while enumerating it. First, enumerate the array and create your updates. Then, apply the updates separately. Also, to me the "selected" var seems redundant as you know if they are selected because the name of the array after filtration is "selectedUsers."
If I understand your question correctly, here's what I would suggest:
selectUser(clientUserId) {
let suggestedUsers = this.state.suggestedUsers.map(
userBlock =>
['user', 'selected'],
userBlock.getIn(['user', 'client_user_id']) === clientUserId
To confirm -- you are just trying to modify state.suggestedUsers to have selected be true for the selected user, and false for everyone else? Sounds perfect for Immutable's map function (rather than filter, which will just return the elements of the list for which your predicate function returns something truthy).
BTW, you have an error in your object passed into fromJS -- you need an extra }, after the first assessor_assessment block.

