Sum of Odd Fibonnaci failing with Higher values? - javascript

So im running into an odd error, where im summing all fibonnaci numbers that are odd and LESS than a number.
the odd thing is this works with low values, but when I get to upper values past 10 or'll crash
here is what I have so far:
function f(n)
if(n <= 1)
return n;
return f(n-1)+f(n-2);
function sumFibs(num) {
var counter = 0;
var arr = [];
//Get all Fibbonaci Numbers up to num
for(let i = 1;i <= num;i++)
for(let j = 0;j < arr.length;j++)
if(arr[j] % 2 != 0 && arr[j] <=num)
counter+= arr[j];
return counter;
Basically I calculate fib up to the num and then I go through each odd one thats less than or equal to num and add those up.
Im getting correct values (IE for 10 i get 10, for 4 i get 5....etc...)
but if I put in something like 1000 it seems to just crash? and I can't seem to figure out any reason why?

The recursive f() function is a logical way to express a Fibonacci number calculation, but it isn't very efficient compared to an iterative approach, especially because you are calling it repeatedly from inside a loop. I think this is bringing your browser to a halt. Within the loop each time you call f() it is calculating the specified Fibonacci number from scratch by recursively calling itself. So, say, to get f(10), it calls itself twice with f(9) + f(8) (and then they in turn call f(8)+f(7) and f(7)+f(6), etc., so even that is pretty inefficient), but in fact you already know what f(9) and f(8) are because you've stored those values in your array on previous loop iterations.
If you change your loop to calculate each subsequent number directly rather than calling another function you get much faster code:
var arr = [1, 1]; // start with the known first two numbers
//Get all Fibbonaci Numbers up to num
for(let i = 2; i < num; i++) // start the loop at index 2 for the third number
arr[i] = arr[i-2] + arr[i-1];
With that change in place, your sumFibs() function can give you results even for sumFibs(1000000) in a matter of milliseconds:
function sumFibs(num) {
var counter = 0;
var arr = [1, 1];
//Get all Fibbonaci Numbers up to num
for (let i = 2; i < num; i++) {
arr[i] = arr[i - 2] + arr[i - 1];
for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
if (arr[j] % 2 != 0) {
counter += arr[j];
return counter;
console.log('10: ' + sumFibs(10));
console.log('100: ' + sumFibs(100));
console.log('1000: ' + sumFibs(1000));
console.log('10000: ' + sumFibs(10000));
console.time('High fib');
console.log('1000000: ' + sumFibs(1000000));
console.timeEnd('High fib');
Note that you also had a logic error in your second loop, the one that adds up the odd numbers: the && arr[j] <=num part needed to be removed. The values in arr are the actual Fibonacci numbers, but num is the sequence number, so it doesn't make sense to be comparing them. You just want every odd number in the whole array.
However, the return value from your function is still going to be incorrect if num is too large. That's because by the time you get to the 80-somethingth Fibonacci number it is larger than JavaScript can handle without losing precision, i.e., larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 9,007,199,254,740,991 (which is 2^53 - 1). Numbers above that start getting rounded so your tests for odd numbers aren't reliable and thus the total sum doesn't include all of the numbers it should have, or if you add too many JS considers your result to be Infinity.


Can't detect the cause of infinite loop in a 'while loop' in JS

I've got an infinite loop inside my while loop and I can't find the cause.
It's a simple function that returns the sum of the argument's digits. I use a while loop because it needs to add up the digits until it lands at a one digit number.
I made sure that I added a statement that would make sure that at a certain point the loop will break., But it obviously doesn't.
function digital_root(n) {
num = n;
sum = 0;
while (num.toString().length>1){
for (i=0; i<num.toString().length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(num.toString()[i])
num = sum;
return sum;
I get a warning that I have an infinity loop on line 4 (while loop).
I hoped that num=sumwould reassign the new integer (with reduced number of digits) to the numvariable and thus at some point break out of the loop. Is this wrong?
What further confuses me is that most of the JS editors I've used to debug the problem return an output, but it takes ages. So is it an infinite loop or is it not?
You have a nested loop structure where the first condition is always true.
For getting only a number below 10, you could call the function again as recursion.
function digital_root(n) {
var num = n.toString(), // declare and use the string value
sum = 0,
for (i = 0; i < num.length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(num[i], 10)
return sum > 9
? digital_root(sum)
: sum;
After re-reading the question I noticed that you're trying to reduce an integer down to a single number. The issue with your code was that sum was set to 0, only before the while loop. Meaning that it didn't reset for the second, third, ... run.
Moving sum = 0 into the while loop resolves this issue. I've also added variable declarations at the top to avoid setting global variables.
function digital_root(n) {
var num, sum, i;
num = n;
while (num.toString().length > 1) {
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num.toString().length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(num.toString()[i]);
num = sum;
return sum;
Here written in a recursive manner, a style that I personally more prefer:
function digital_root(integer) {
// guard against things that might result in an infinit loop, like floats
if (!Number.isInteger(integer) || integer < 0) return;
const chars = integer.toString().split("");
if (chars.length == 1) return integer;
return digital_root( => parseInt(char))
.reduce((sum, digit) => sum + digit)
Since you already got the answer, here is another way to meet the result
function digital_root(n) {
// convert the number to string
// use split to create an array of number viz ['4','5','6']
// use reduce to sum the number after converting to number
// 0 is the initial value
return n.toString().split('').reduce((a, c) => a + parseInt(c, 10), 0)
Avoiding all the nested loops that lead to a situation such as that you're facing, I'd rather do it in a more readable way.
function digital_root(n) {
sum = n;
while(sum.toString().length > 1) {
sum = sum.toString()
.map(digit => parseInt(digit, 10))
.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur);
return sum;

Trying to optimize my code to either remove nested loop or make it more efficient

A friend of mine takes a sequence of numbers from 1 to n (where n > 0)
Within that sequence, he chooses two numbers, a and b
He says that the product of a and b should be equal to the sum of all numbers in the sequence, excluding a and b
Given a number n, could you tell me the numbers he excluded from the sequence?
Have found the solution to this Kata from Code Wars but it times out (After 12 seconds) in the editor when I run it; any ideas as too how I should further optimize the nested for loop and or remove it?
function removeNb(n) {
var nArray = [];
var sum = 0;
var answersArray = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
nArray.push(n - (n - i));
sum += i;
var length = nArray.length;
for (let i = Math.round(n / 2); i < length; i++) {
for (let y = Math.round(n / 2); y < length; y++) {
if (i != y) {
if (i * y === sum - i - y) {
answersArray.push([i, y]);
return answersArray;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
I think there is no reason for calculating the sum after you fill the array, you can do that while filling it.
function removeNb(n) {
let nArray = [];
let sum = 0;
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
sum += i;
And since there could be only two numbers a and b as the inputs for the formula a * b = sum - a - b, there could be only one possible value for each of them. So, there's no need to continue the loop when you find them.
if(i*y === sum - i - y) {
I recommend looking at the problem in another way.
You are trying to find two numbers a and b using this formula a * b = sum - a - b.
Why not reduce the formula like this:
a * b + a = sum - b
a ( b + 1 ) = sum - b
a = (sum - b) / ( b + 1 )
Then you only need one for loop that produces the value of b, check if (sum - b) is divisible by ( b + 1 ) and if the division produces a number that is less than n.
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
let eq1 = sum - i;
let eq2 = i + 1;
if (eq1 % eq2 === 0) {
let a = eq1 / eq2;
if (a < n && a != i) {
return [[a, b], [b, a]];
You can solve this in linear time with two pointers method (page 77 in the book).
In order to gain intuition towards a solution, let's start thinking about this part of your code:
for(let i = Math.round(n/2); i < length; i++) {
for(let y = Math.round(n/2); y < length; y++) {
You already figured out this is the part of your code that is slow. You are trying every combination of i and y, but what if you didn't have to try every single combination?
Let's take a small example to illustrate why you don't have to try every combination.
Suppose n == 10 so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where sum = 55.
Suppose the first combination we tried was 1*10.
Does it make sense to try 1*9 next? Of course not, since we know that 1*10 < 55-10-1 we know we have to increase our product, not decrease it.
So let's try 2*10. Well, 20 < 55-10-2 so we still have to increase.
3*10==30 < 55-3-10==42
4*10==40 < 55-4-10==41
But then 5*10==50 > 55-5-10==40. Now we know we have to decrease our product. We could either decrease 5 or we could decrease 10, but we already know that there is no solution if we decrease 5 (since we tried that in the previous step). So the only choice is to decrease 10.
5*9==45 > 55-5-9==41. Same thing again: we have to decrease 9.
5*8==40 < 55-5-8==42. And now we have to increase again...
You can think about the above example as having 2 pointers which are initialized to the beginning and end of the sequence. At every step we either
move the left pointer towards right
or move the right pointer towards left
In the beginning the difference between pointers is n-1. At every step the difference between pointers decreases by one. We can stop when the pointers cross each other (and say that no solution can be obtained if one was not found so far). So clearly we can not do more than n computations before arriving at a solution. This is what it means to say that the solution is linear with respect to n; no matter how large n grows, we never do more than n computations. Contrast this to your original solution, where we actually end up doing n^2 computations as n grows large.
Hassan is correct, here is a full solution:
function removeNb (n) {
var a = 1;
var d = 1;
// Calculate the sum of the numbers 1-n without anything removed
var S = 0.5 * n * (2*a + (d *(n-1)));
// For each possible value of b, calculate a if it exists.
var results = [];
for (let numB = a; numB <= n; numB++) {
let eq1 = S - numB;
let eq2 = numB + 1;
if (eq1 % eq2 === 0) {
let numA = eq1 / eq2;
if (numA < n && numA != numB) {
results.push([numA, numB]);
results.push([numB, numA]);
return results;
In case it's of interest, CY Aries pointed this out:
ab + a + b = n(n + 1)/2
add 1 to both sides
ab + a + b + 1 = (n^2 + n + 2) / 2
(a + 1)(b + 1) = (n^2 + n + 2) / 2
so we're looking for factors of (n^2 + n + 2) / 2 and have some indication about the least size of the factor. This doesn't necessarily imply a great improvement in complexity for the actual search but still it's kind of cool.
This is part comment, part answer.
In engineering terms, the original function posted is using "brute force" to solve the problem, iterating every (or more than needed) possible combinations. The number of iterations is n is large - if you did all possible it would be
n * (n-1) = bazillio n
Less is More
So lets look at things that can be optimized, first some minor things, I'm a little confused about the first for loop and nArray:
// OP's code
for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
nArray.push(n - (n - i));
sum += i;
??? You don't really use nArray for anything? Length is just n .. am I so sleep deprived I'm missing something? And while you can sum a consecutive sequence of integers 1-n by using a for loop, there is a direct and easy way that avoids a loop:
sum = ( n + 1 ) * n * 0.5 ;
// OP's loops, not optimized
for(let i = Math.round(n/2); i < length; i++) {
for(let y = Math.round(n/2); y < length; y++) {
if(i != y) {
if(i*y === sum - i - y) {
Optimization Considerations:
I see you're on the right track in a way, cutting the starting i, y values in half since the factors . But you're iterating both of them in the same direction : UP. And also, the lower numbers look like they can go a little below half of n (perhaps not because the sequence start at 1, I haven't confirmed that, but it seems the case).
Plus we want to avoid division every time we start an instantiation of the loop (i.e set the variable once, and also we're going to change it). And finally, with the IF statements, i and y will never be equal to each other the way we're going to create the loops, so that's a conditional that can vanish.
But the more important thing is the direction of transversing the loops. The smaller factor low is probably going to be close to the lowest loop value (about half of n) and the larger factor hi is probably going to be near the value of n. If we has some solid math theory that said something like "hi will never be less than 0.75n" then we could make a couple mods to take advantage of that knowledge.
The way the loops are show below, they break and iterate before the hi and low loops meet.
Moreover, it doesn't matter which loop picks the lower or higher number, so we can use this to shorten the inner loop as number pairs are tested, making the loop smaller each time. We don't want to waste time checking the same pair of numbers more than once! The lower factor's loop will start a little below half of n and go up, and the higher factor's loop will start at n and go down.
// Code Fragment, more optimized:
let nHi = n;
let low = Math.trunc( n * 0.49 );
let sum = ( n + 1 ) * n * 0.5 ;
// While Loop for the outside (incrementing) loop
while( low < nHi ) {
// FOR loop for the inside decrementing loop
for(let hi = nHi; hi > low; hi--) {
// If we're higher than the sum, we exit, decrement.
if( hi * low + hi + low > sum ) {
// If we're equal, then we're DONE and we write to array.
else if( hi * low + hi + low === sum) {
answersArray.push([hi, low]);
low = nHi; // Note this is if we want to end once finding one pair
break; // If you want to find ALL pairs for large numbers then replace these low = nHi; with low++;
// And if not, we increment the low counter and restart the hi loop from the top.
else {
} // close for
} // close while
So we set the few variables. Note that low is set slightly less than half of n, as larger numbers look like they could be a few points less. Also, we don't round, we truncate, which is essentially "always rounding down", and is slightly better for performance, (though it dosenit matter in this instance with just the single assignment).
The while loop starts at the lowest value and increments, potentially all the way up to n-1. The hi FOR loop starts at n (copied to nHi), and then decrements until the factor are found OR it intercepts at low + 1.
The conditionals:
First IF: If we're higher than the sum, we exit, decrement, and continue at a lower value for the hi factor.
ELSE IF: If we are EQUAL, then we're done, and break for lunch. We set low = nHi so that when we break out of the FOR loop, we will also exit the WHILE loop.
ELSE: If we get here it's because we're less than the sum, so we need to increment the while loop and reset the hi FOR loop to start again from n (nHi).

Array of random numbers optimization

I have a function that generates an array of random numbers. It works, but I feel that it might works slow on big numbers. Is there a way how to optimize it?
function renerateRandomNumbers(maxNumber, randomNumbersCount) {
let i;
const arrResult = [];
for (i = 0; i < randomNumbersCount; i++) {
let rand = Math.random() * (maxNumber);
rand = Math.round(rand);
if (arrResult.indexOf(rand) === -1 ) {
} else {
return arrResult;
EDIT - To any future users, #ScottSauyet's solution should be the accepted answer. It is a more consistently efficient solution than mine.
I think the most algorithmically efficient way to solve this would be to generate the list of all possible numbers from 0-maxNumber, shuffle that array (O(n)), and then take the first randomNumbersCount numbers from the shuffled array. It would look like the following:
function shuffleArray(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
function generateRandomNumbers(maxNumber, randomNumbersCount) {
var possibleNumbers = [];
// populate array with all possible values
for (var i = 0; i <= maxNumber; i++) { possibleNumbers.push(i); }
// shuffle the array to get a random order of the possible numbers O(n)
// trim the array down to only the first n numbers where n = randomNumbersCount
possibleNumbers.length = randomNumbersCount;
return possibleNumbers;
console.log (generateRandomNumbers(10, 5));
console.log (generateRandomNumbers(10, 5));
console.log (generateRandomNumbers(10, 5));
The problem of your code is that complexity grows geometrically because it have a chance generate number that was already picked multiple times.
What we need to achieve is to get number on every iteration to achieve iterations count to be equal to the randomNumbersCount.
How to avoid multiple same random numbers?
let's say you want to have 5 random numbers from 0-10 range
First iteration
Create an array with values var candidates = [0,1...10]
Generate random number let's say 0
Store the number candidates[0] in results
Remove 0 from candidates. To avaoid reindexing of the candidates array we will put candidates[candidates.length - 1] into candidates[0] and remove candidates[candidates.length - 1]
and then will do this operation randomNumbersCount times.
Second iteration
Our candidates array is now [10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
Generate random number let's say 0 again. Wow we generated similar random number, but so what?
we alreay have 0 in our results, but candidates[0] is not a 0 anymore candidates[0] is 10 right now
so we pick candidates[0] that is 10 and will store it and remove it from candidates. Put candidates[candidates.length - 1] (9) into candidates[0] and remove candidates[candidates.length - 1]
our result is [0, 10] right now
Third iteration
Our candidates is now [9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
Generate random number let's say 0
we are not worring anymore because we know that candidates[0] is 9
add candidates[0] (witch is 9) we are saving to results, and remove it from candidates
our result is [0,10,9], candidates is [8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
And so on
BTW implementation is much shorter than explanation:
function renerateRandomNumbers(maxNumber, randomNumbersCount) {
var candidates = [...Array(maxNumber).keys()];
return Array(randomNumbersCount).fill()
.map(() => {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * candidates.length)
const n = candidates[randomIndex]
candidates[randomIndex] = candidates[candidates.length - 1]
candidates.length = candidates.length - 1
return n
.sort((a, b) => a - b) // sort if needed
console.log (renerateRandomNumbers(10, 5))
The solution from mhodges is reasonably efficient, but only when the sought count is fairly close to the max number. If your count is significantly smaller, this can be a problem, as the solution is O(m + n) where m is the maximum and n is the desired count. It's also O(m) in space. If m is large, this could be a problem.
A variant would make this approximately O(n) in time and space, by doing the same thing, but stopping the shuffle when when we've reached count items and by not pre-filling the array but instead defaulting to its indices.
function venerateRandomNumbers(max, count) {
// todo: error if count > max
const arr = new Array(max + 1)
for (let i = max; i > max - count; i--) {
const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
const temp = arr[j] || j
arr[j] = arr[i] || i
arr[i] = temp
return arr.slice(-count)
console.log(venerateRandomNumbers(1000000, 10))
You can see performance comparisons on

Why does my factorial function always return one?

I am trying to write a piece of code to solve a Coderbyte challenge, to calculate a number's factorial. Every time I run it, the factorial generated is one. What am I doing wrong?
var num
var array1 = new Array();
function FirstFactorial(num) {
for (var i = num; i>0; i--){ // 8 , 7, 6 , 5
for (var y = 0; y<num ; y++){ // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
array1[y]=i; // we have an array that looks like [8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
var sum = 1
for (var x = 0; x<array1.length; x++){ // now I want to run up that array, reading the #s
sum = sum * array1[x];
return sum;
return sum
A few issues.
1/ This is minor but, when you multiply two numbers, you get a product, not a sum.
2/ You returned the value from within the loop which would mean, even if you fixed the other problems, it would return prematurely without having multiplied all the numbers.
3/ Your nested loop does not fill your array the way you describe, you should check it after population. Think about your loops expressed as pseudo-code:
for i = num downto 1 inclusive:
for y = 0 to num-1 inclusive:
array1[y] = i
You can see that the inner loop is populating the entire array with the value of the current i. So the last iteration of the outer loop, where i is one, sets the entire array to ones.
4/ In any case, you don't need an array to store all the numbers from 1 to n, just use the numbers 1 to n directly. Something like (again, pseudo-code):
def fact(n):
prod = 1
for i = 2 to n inclusive:
prod = prod * i
return prod
This is a much easier way to calculate the factorial of a number.
function factorial(num)
if(num === 1)
return num;
return num * factorial(num - 1);
However to fix your code you need to fix the initial loop that loads the numbers into the array. as well as remove the return statement in the bottom loop. Like so.
function FirstFactorial(num) {
for (var i = num; i>0; i--) {
array1[num - i] = i;
var sum = 1
for (var x = 0; x < array1.length; x++){ // now I want to run up that array, reading the #s
sum = sum * array1[x];
return sum

What does this line mean in a getPrimes algorithm?

var fs = require('fs');
var outfile = "primes.txt";
function getPrimes(max) {
var primeSieve = [], i, j, primes = [];
for (i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
if (!primeSieve[i]) {
// i has not been marked - it is prime
for (j = i << 1; j <= max; j += i) {
primeSieve[j] = true;
return primes;
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, getPrimes(1000).slice(0,100) + ",");
console.log("Script: " + __filename + "\nWrote: " + getPrimes(1000).slice(0,100) + "To: " + outfile);
I have the above piece of code that I modified to produce an output (the main algorithm provided by someone else). I am new to Javascript and am unsure of what the following line is actually doing and what the << operator means (I have been unable to find out on the Javascript website).
for (j = i << 1; j <= max; j += i)
I know that it is marking the relevant numbers in the main primeSieve array as true so that they do not populate the primes array, however I don't know how it is doing this.
The << operator is the left shift operator. The left argument (after conversion to an integer value, if necessary) is shifted to the left by the number of bits specified by the right argument, right-filling with zeroes. Shifting left by one is the same as multiplying by 2.
The inner loop simply stores true in every element of primeSieve that is at an index that is a multiple of i. Thus, if primeSieve[j] is true, then j must be a multiple of some previous i (hence j cannot be prime). Conversely, if primeSieve[i] is not true, then it was not a multiple of any previous value of i; since that includes all integers from 2 to i-1, i must then be prime.
For collecting all primes up to a certain maximum, this method is far superior to techniques that independently test each integer for primality. However, it is far from the most efficient method. For instance, note that an element of primeSieve might get set to true several times. For instance, primeSieve[6] is set when i==2 and again when i==3. Also, once i exceeds the square root of max, the inner loop is a waste, since all composite numbers up to max are guaranteed to have been marked at that point. See the Wikipedia article on the Sieve of Eratosthenes for more about how this all works and pointers to even more efficient methods.
P.S. That code looks suspiciously familiar. :-)

