I have a JSON file that I am trying to pull Key and Values from but this function will not ever succeed. The 'datafile.json' is in the exact same directory. The alert(weblink) never runs but the alert('test 1') works fine.
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" align="center">
<col width="50%">
<col width="15%">
<col width="25%">
<tr bgcolor="#76767a" align="right">
<th align="left">Skill</th>
var weblink = 'datafile.json';
var data = {};
alert('test 1');
type : 'GET',
dataType : 'json',
url : weblink,
success: function(data){
$.each(datas, function(key, val){
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.skill+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.rank+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.level+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.exp+"</td>");
$("<tbody/>", {"class": "mydata", html: items.join("")}).appendTo("table");
My datafile.json is:
"Skill": "Overall",
"Rank": "1132673",
"Level": "420",
"Exp": "466345"
"Skill": "Attack",
"Rank": "1256428",
"Level": "23",
"Exp": "6563"
"Skill": "Defence",
"Rank": "1182611",
"Level": "28",
"Exp": "11069"
"Skill": "Strength",
"Rank": "1250418",
"Level": "22",
"Exp": "6238"
"Skill": "Constitution",
"Rank": "1292788",
"Level": "27",
"Exp": "10413"
"Skill": "Ranged",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Prayer",
"Rank": "1116462",
"Level": "20",
"Exp": "4611"
"Skill": "Magic",
"Rank": "1058028",
"Level": "32",
"Exp": "18183"
"Skill": "Cooking",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Woodcutting",
"Rank": "955909",
"Level": "47",
"Exp": "79651"
"Skill": "Fletching",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Fishing",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Firemaking",
"Rank": "668820",
"Level": "58",
"Exp": "245606"
"Skill": "Crafting",
"Rank": "1060629",
"Level": "16",
"Exp": "3090"
"Skill": "Smithing",
"Rank": "956265",
"Level": "35",
"Exp": "24400"
"Skill": "Mining",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Herblore",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Agility",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Thieving",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Slayer",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Farming",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Runecrafting",
"Rank": "619807",
"Level": "42",
"Exp": "49314"
"Skill": "Hunter",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Construction",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Summoning",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Dungeoneering",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Divination",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Invention",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
You can load json files using script tags. Optionally give it a .js extension. You would have to assign it to a variable, and it will be treated like javascript, but maybe that works for you.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="datafile.json"></script>
<div class="container">
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover" align="center">
<col width="50%">
<col width="15%">
<col width="25%">
<tr bgcolor="#76767a" align="right">
<th align="left">Skill</th>
// var data is defined in the json script
$.each(data, function(skill) {
$.each(skill, function(key, val){
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.skill+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.rank+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.level+"</td>");
items.push("<td id =''"+key+"''>"+val.exp+"</td>");
$("<tbody/>", {"class": "mydata", html: items.join("")}).appendTo("table");
var data =
"Skill": "Overall",
"Rank": "1132673",
"Level": "420",
"Exp": "466345"
"Skill": "Attack",
"Rank": "1256428",
"Level": "23",
"Exp": "6563"
"Skill": "Defence",
"Rank": "1182611",
"Level": "28",
"Exp": "11069"
"Skill": "Strength",
"Rank": "1250418",
"Level": "22",
"Exp": "6238"
"Skill": "Constitution",
"Rank": "1292788",
"Level": "27",
"Exp": "10413"
"Skill": "Ranged",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Prayer",
"Rank": "1116462",
"Level": "20",
"Exp": "4611"
"Skill": "Magic",
"Rank": "1058028",
"Level": "32",
"Exp": "18183"
"Skill": "Cooking",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Woodcutting",
"Rank": "955909",
"Level": "47",
"Exp": "79651"
"Skill": "Fletching",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Fishing",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Firemaking",
"Rank": "668820",
"Level": "58",
"Exp": "245606"
"Skill": "Crafting",
"Rank": "1060629",
"Level": "16",
"Exp": "3090"
"Skill": "Smithing",
"Rank": "956265",
"Level": "35",
"Exp": "24400"
"Skill": "Mining",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Herblore",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Agility",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Thieving",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Slayer",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Farming",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Runecrafting",
"Rank": "619807",
"Level": "42",
"Exp": "49314"
"Skill": "Hunter",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Construction",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Summoning",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Dungeoneering",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Divination",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
"Skill": "Invention",
"Rank": "0",
"Level": "1",
"Exp": "0"
I'm trying to create a text search where I can filter through the names from an api.
It should look something like this:
I'm able to fetch everything from the api successfully I'm just having a hard time creating a filter to search through the first names and last names.
My API looks like this:
fetch(url).then((resp) => resp.json()).then(function(data) {
let students = data.students;
return students.map(function(student) {
let values = student.grades;
let firstNames = student.firstName;
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
sum += parseInt(values[i], 10); //don't forget to add the base
var avg = sum / values.length;
let li = createNode('li'),
img = createNode('img'),
span = createNode('span');
img.src = student.pic;
span.innerHTML = `<b><li>${firstNames} ${student.lastName}</li></b>
<li>${student.company} </li>
<li>${student.email} </li>
<li>Average: ${avg}</li>`;
.catch(function(error) {
First we fix your code so it runs and produces valid HTML (spans do not have LIs)
Use the first LI content to filter using a dynamic regular expression.
const data = JSON.parse(`{ "students": [ { "city": "Fushë-Muhurr", "company": "Yadel", "email": "iorton0#imdb.com", "firstName": "Ingaberg", "grades": [ "78", "100", "92", "86", "89", "88", "91", "87" ], "id": "1", "lastName": "Orton", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/voluptasdictablanditiis.jpg", "skill": "Oracle" }, { "city": "Sanghan", "company": "Avamm", "email": "cboards1#weibo.com", "firstName": "Clarke", "grades": [ "75", "89", "95", "93", "99", "82", "89", "76" ], "id": "2", "lastName": "Boards", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/voluptasautreprehenderit.jpg", "skill": "Sports" }, { "city": "Kugesi", "company": "Skalith", "email": "lromanet2#wired.com", "firstName": "Laurens", "grades": [ "88", "90", "79", "82", "81", "99", "94", "73" ], "id": "3", "lastName": "Romanet", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/aspernaturnonsapiente.jpg", "skill": "Employee Handbooks" }, { "city": "Krajan", "company": "Mybuzz", "email": "bskitt3#aboutads.info", "firstName": "Berti", "grades": [ "88", "93", "92", "81", "95", "98", "77", "94" ], "id": "4", "lastName": "Skitt", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/autautdeserunt.jpg", "skill": "Nutrition Education" }, { "city": "Huiqi", "company": "Avavee", "email": "msummerley4#craigslist.org", "firstName": "Mureil", "grades": [ "71", "81", "72", "92", "79", "82", "91", "90" ], "id": "5", "lastName": "Summerley", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/consequaturdelectusquis.jpg", "skill": "ISO 14971" }, { "city": "Jianghong", "company": "Twinte", "email": "rcoryndon5#cargocollective.com", "firstName": "Robbyn", "grades": [ "97", "92", "72", "99", "92", "92", "79", "96" ], "id": "6", "lastName": "Coryndon", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/autautdeserunt.jpg", "skill": "Cinema 4D" }, { "city": "Sanxi", "company": "Buzzster", "email": "seykel6#examiner.com", "firstName": "Sheena", "grades": [ "74", "95", "75", "95", "85", "97", "88", "85" ], "id": "7", "lastName": "Eykel", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/utquamut.jpg", "skill": "Ulead VideoStudio" }, { "city": "Huancheng", "company": "Edgeblab", "email": "mewen7#ycombinator.com", "firstName": "Minnnie", "grades": [ "80", "100", "97", "78", "99", "99", "76", "85" ], "id": "8", "lastName": "Ewen", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/nesciuntrerumlibero.jpg", "skill": "Vulcan" }, { "city": "Luoxiong", "company": "Fadeo", "email": "riban8#hubpages.com", "firstName": "Rory", "grades": [ "70", "100", "75", "96", "83", "90", "94", "92" ], "id": "9", "lastName": "Iban", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/autemporroplaceat.jpg", "skill": "EE4" }, { "city": "Toulon", "company": "Yakidoo", "email": "lroxby9#cam.ac.uk", "firstName": "Lenna", "grades": [ "70", "99", "81", "83", "78", "95", "81", "76" ], "id": "10", "lastName": "Roxby", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/doloribusquitempora.jpg", "skill": "LPS" }, { "city": "Lazo", "company": "Photolist", "email": "rfitzalana#parallels.com", "firstName": "Rosalynd", "grades": [ "98", "93", "78", "87", "99", "89", "97", "81" ], "id": "11", "lastName": "FitzAlan", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/utquamut.jpg", "skill": "Geography" }, { "city": "Bichura", "company": "Babblestorm", "email": "srapellib#adobe.com", "firstName": "Stephanie", "grades": [ "83", "97", "70", "96", "75", "98", "90", "71" ], "id": "12", "lastName": "Rapelli", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/enimpariaturoptio.jpg", "skill": "Identity Management" }, { "city": "Chvalšiny", "company": "Mynte", "email": "mmacdirmidc#plala.or.jp", "firstName": "Maire", "grades": [ "87", "73", "85", "98", "73", "95", "75", "97" ], "id": "13", "lastName": "MacDirmid", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/aspernaturnonsapiente.jpg", "skill": "Outdoor Advertising" }, { "city": "Itaparica", "company": "Photospace", "email": "nshepherdd#desdev.cn", "firstName": "Nicoline", "grades": [ "90", "73", "88", "95", "71", "100", "80", "86" ], "id": "14", "lastName": "Shepherd", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/nonipsaet.jpg", "skill": "Amazon VPC" }, { "city": "Praia da Vitória", "company": "Vitz", "email": "ythornse#github.com", "firstName": "Yoshi", "grades": [ "78", "78", "96", "92", "80", "82", "91", "99" ], "id": "15", "lastName": "Thorns", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/voluptasdictablanditiis.jpg", "skill": "DMR" }, { "city": "Sambir", "company": "Twitterwire", "email": "mtothef#shutterfly.com", "firstName": "Marna", "grades": [ "88", "74", "76", "89", "75", "97", "75", "86" ], "id": "16", "lastName": "Tothe", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/utquamut.jpg", "skill": "PFI" }, { "city": "Sarulla", "company": "Blogpad", "email": "okearyg#g.co", "firstName": "Orelia", "grades": [ "78", "92", "86", "80", "82", "95", "76", "84" ], "id": "17", "lastName": "Keary", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/enimpariaturoptio.jpg", "skill": "General Surgery" }, { "city": "Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye", "company": "Mydeo", "email": "mswaith#cafepress.com", "firstName": "Moses", "grades": [ "84", "82", "92", "74", "87", "98", "86", "73" ], "id": "18", "lastName": "Swait", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/velitnonquibusdam.jpg", "skill": "Sales Tax" }, { "city": "Youxi Chengguanzhen", "company": "Avaveo", "email": "fnusseyi#skyrock.com", "firstName": "Fonsie", "grades": [ "100", "75", "84", "91", "100", "97", "98", "87" ], "id": "19", "lastName": "Nussey", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/remtemporavelit.jpg", "skill": "Urbanism" }, { "city": "Limoges", "company": "Tazzy", "email": "srydingsj#phoca.cz", "firstName": "Skelly", "grades": [ "89", "81", "77", "93", "96", "96", "70", "79" ], "id": "20", "lastName": "Rydings", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/etporroalias.jpg", "skill": "IFTA" }, { "city": "Łobżenica", "company": "Quatz", "email": "obrennekek#yellowbook.com", "firstName": "Olly", "grades": [ "81", "74", "77", "82", "74", "88", "86", "87" ], "id": "21", "lastName": "Brenneke", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/velitnonquibusdam.jpg", "skill": "ATM Networks" }, { "city": "Divo", "company": "Gigazoom", "email": "nbadwickl#nifty.com", "firstName": "Norby", "grades": [ "73", "99", "91", "92", "85", "96", "95", "73" ], "id": "22", "lastName": "Badwick", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/delenitiestdolorum.jpg", "skill": "Media Relations" }, { "city": "Sortavala", "company": "Eamia", "email": "mmichiem#nifty.com", "firstName": "Melody", "grades": [ "100", "83", "76", "71", "93", "95", "73", "88" ], "id": "23", "lastName": "Michie", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/sitlaborecorrupti.jpg", "skill": "PC Games" }, { "city": "Taupo", "company": "Midel", "email": "jwillougheyn#psu.edu", "firstName": "Janice", "grades": [ "71", "80", "83", "99", "91", "95", "81", "75" ], "id": "24", "lastName": "Willoughey", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/dolordoloremassumenda.jpg", "skill": "Kondor+" }, { "city": "Krajandadapmulyo", "company": "Wikibox", "email": "ggallymoreo#mashable.com", "firstName": "Geraldine", "grades": [ "97", "71", "89", "85", "85", "87", "92", "75" ], "id": "25", "lastName": "Gallymore", "pic": "https://storage.googleapis.com/hatchways-app.appspot.com/assessments/data/frontend/images/sitlaborecorrupti.jpg", "skill": "WTL" } ] }`);
let students = data.students;
students.forEach(function(student) {
let values = student.grades;
let firstNames = student.firstName;
let sum = values.reduce((a,b) => +a + +b, 0); //convert to ints before summing
let avg = (sum / values.length).toFixed(2);
let card = document.createElement("div"), // wrapper
li = document.createElement('li'),
img = document.createElement('img'),
ul = document.createElement('ul');
img.src = student.pic;
ul.innerHTML = `<li><b>${firstNames} ${student.lastName}</b></li>
<li>${student.company} </li>
<li>${student.email} </li>
<li>Average: ${avg}</li>`;
document.getElementById("filter").addEventListener("input", (e) => {
let val = e.target.value;
re = new RegExp(val.split(" ").join("|"), "gi"); // creates /joe|blow/gi
document.querySelectorAll("ul.filter").forEach(ele => {
const words = ele.firstChild.textContent.split(' ');
let found = words.some(c => re.test(c));
ele.closest("div").style.display = found ? "" : "none"; // toggle the card
//Alternatives for the textContent:
// ul.setAttribute("data-filter", `${firstNames} ${student.lastName}`);
// `${firstNames} ${student.lastName}`.split(" ").forEach(name => ul.classList.add(name) )
ul {list-style: none}
#container img { float:left; padding:5px }
#filter { position:fixed; margin-left:300px }
<input id="filter" />
<div id="container"></div>
I have seen similar questions about duplicate objects.
my json output:
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each object has a buy_id field. buy_id shows that the objects are the same and I should print them inside one row of html table.
for example the first object and the second object are the same depending on buy_id I print them inside row. output:
title1 - title2 //because the first object and second object have same `buy_id`
should I use two maps?
I should use this scenario inside return of render function.
I put a bet on reduce for that.
the following snippets will group your objects by buy_id, then you can render them easily
const data = { "coupons": [
"id": "376363",
"price": "14400",
"date": "2018-04-08 10:40:17",
"user_id": "16433",
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"date": "2017-03-07 10:34:54",
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"coupon_id": "19724",
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"coupon_code": "16_2129A1_2178(4663)",
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"coupon_code_partner": "16_2129A1_2178",
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const reducedData = data.coupons.reduce((accumulator, value) => {
accumulator[value.buy_id] = accumulator[value.buy_id] || [];
return accumulator;
}, {});
You have to use reduce :
return acc[value.buy_id] === undefined
? {...acc,[value.buy_id]:value.title}
: {...acc,[value.buy_id]:`${acc[value.buy_id]} - ${value.title}`}
The result is :
"5ac9b249970c2": "title1 - title2",
"58be5d6fd71c6": "title3",
"58be5b964b1a1": "title4"
I am using AngularJs doing a simple application And I want to set a variable up in a javascript file in orther to call a json file.
This is my data.js :
var data = require('data_old.json');
var json = JSON.parse(data);
alert(json["date"]); //01/05/2016
alert(json.date); //01/05/2016
"name": "city A",
"elements": [{
"id": "c01",
"name": "name1",
"price": "15",
"qte": "10"
}, {
"id": "c02",
"name": "name2",
"price": "18",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "c03",
"name": "name3",
"price": "11",
"qte": "14"
"subsities": [{
"name": "sub A1",
"elements": [{
"id": "sub01",
"name": "nameSub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"id": "sub02",
"name": "nameSub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "13"
}, {
"id": "sub03",
"name": "nameSub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"name": "sub A2",
"elements": [{
"id": "ssub01",
"name": "nameSsub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "7"
}, {
"id": "ssub02",
"name": "nameSsub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "1"
}, {
"id": "ssub03",
"name": "nameSsub3",
"price": "4",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"name": "sub A3",
"elements": [{
"id": "sssub01",
"name": "nameSssub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "sssub02",
"name": "nameSssub2",
"price": "2",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"id": "sssub03",
"name": "nameSssub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"name": "city B",
"elements": [{
"id": "cc01",
"name": "name11",
"price": "10",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "cc02",
"name": "name22",
"price": "14",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"id": "cc03",
"name": "name33",
"price": "11",
"qte": "18"
}, {
"name": "city C",
"elements": [{
"id": "ccc01",
"name": "name111",
"price": "19",
"qte": "12"
}, {
"id": "ccc02",
"name": "name222",
"price": "18",
"qte": "17"
}, {
"id": "ccc03",
"name": "name333",
"price": "10",
"qte": "5"
And this is my data.json
I call my data here.
.controller('MainController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.chartBase = {
"type": "line",
"plotarea": {
"adjust-layout": true /* For automatic margin adjustment. */
"scale-x": {
"label": {
"text": "Above is an example of a category scale" /* Add a scale title with a label object. */
"labels": ["name1", "name2", "name3"] /* Add your scale labels with a labels array. */
"series": [{
"values": [15, 18, 11] //here the prices of city selected
"values": [10, 11, 14] //here the qte of city selected
$scope.chartData = angular.copy($scope.chartBase);
.then(function(response) {
$scope.cities = response.data; // save the request data
$scope.selectedCity = $scope.cities[0]; // select the first one
$scope.changeCity(); // update chart
}, function(error) { console.log(error); });
$scope.changeCity = function() {
if($scope.selectedSubCity || $scope.selectedCity){ // if something has been selected
$scope.data = ($scope.selectedSubCity || $scope.selectedCity).elements; // update elements field
// initialize the array to be displayed in chart
var labels = [];
var price = {
"values": []
var qte = {
"values": []
// fill the arrays to be displayed from the selected city (sub city)
angular.forEach($scope.data, function(item, index) {
// put selected values to the field that is used to render the chart
$scope.chartData["scale-x"].labels = labels;
$scope.chartData.series = [ price, qte ];
When I run this, the browser tell that I have this error :
SyntaxError: Unexpected token v in JSON at position 5
at Object.parse (native)
You can't have those in your data.js file as they are not valid JSON
var data = require('data_old.json');
var json = JSON.parse(data);
alert(json["date"]); //01/05/2016
alert(json.date); //01/05/2016
The error is pointing to the first "v" of "var". You can test your JSON here http://json.parser.online.fr/ on some other online validator.
Your file should look like this:
"name": "city A",
"elements": [{
"id": "c01",
"name": "name1",
"price": "15",
"qte": "10"
}, {
"id": "c02",
"name": "name2",
"price": "18",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "c03",
"name": "name3",
"price": "11",
"qte": "14"
"subsities": [{
"name": "sub A1",
"elements": [{
"id": "sub01",
"name": "nameSub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"id": "sub02",
"name": "nameSub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "13"
}, {
"id": "sub03",
"name": "nameSub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"name": "sub A2",
"elements": [{
"id": "ssub01",
"name": "nameSsub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "7"
}, {
"id": "ssub02",
"name": "nameSsub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "1"
}, {
"id": "ssub03",
"name": "nameSsub3",
"price": "4",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"name": "sub A3",
"elements": [{
"id": "sssub01",
"name": "nameSssub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "sssub02",
"name": "nameSssub2",
"price": "2",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"id": "sssub03",
"name": "nameSssub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"name": "city B",
"elements": [{
"id": "cc01",
"name": "name11",
"price": "10",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "cc02",
"name": "name22",
"price": "14",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"id": "cc03",
"name": "name33",
"price": "11",
"qte": "18"
}, {
"name": "city C",
"elements": [{
"id": "ccc01",
"name": "name111",
"price": "19",
"qte": "12"
}, {
"id": "ccc02",
"name": "name222",
"price": "18",
"qte": "17"
}, {
"id": "ccc03",
"name": "name333",
"price": "10",
"qte": "5"
var data = require('data_old.json');
var json = JSON.parse(data);
alert(json["date"]); //01/05/2016
alert(json.date); //01/05/2016
Why do you add those at the beginning of the JSON ? They cannot be parsed by your script, thus displaying the Syntax Error. What do you want to do exactly ?
I am developping a simple application in AngularJs in the first time I create a script js but later I need to change it to json file so I need to validate this code json :
"type": "line",
"plotarea": {
"adjust-layout":true /* For automatic margin adjustment. */
"scale-x": {
"label":{ /* Add a scale title with a label object. */
"text":"échelle essence gazoile",
/* Add your scale labels with a labels array. */
"series": [
{"values":[1,8,1]},//here the prices of city selected
{"values":[14,13,14]}//here the qte of city selected
"name": "city A",
"elements": [{
"id": "c01",
"name": "name1",
"price": "15",
"qte": "10"
}, {
"id": "c02",
"name": "name2',
"price": "18,
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "c03",
"name": "name3",
"price": "11",
"qte": "14"
"subsities": [{
"name": "sub A1",
"elements": [{
"id": "sub01",
"name": "nameSub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"id": "sub02",
"name": "nameSub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "13"
}, {
"id": "sub03",
"name": "nameSub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"name": "sub A2",
"elements": [{
"id": "ssub01",
"name": "nameSsub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "7"
}, {
"id": "ssub02",
"name": "nameSsub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "1"
}, {
"id": "ssub03",
"name": "nameSsub3",
"price": "4",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"name": "sub A3",
"elements": [{
"id": "sssub01",
"name": "nameSssub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "sssub02",
"name": "nameSssub2",
"price": "2",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"id": "sssub03",
"name": "nameSssub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"name": "city B",
"elements": [{
"id": "cc01",
"name": "name11",
"price": "10",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "cc02",
"name": "name22",
"price": "14",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"id": "cc03",
"name": "name33",
"price": "11",
"qte": "18"
}, {
"name": "city C",
"elements": [{
"id": "ccc01",
"name": "name111",
"price": "19",
"qte": "12"
}, {
"id": "ccc02",
"name": "name222",
"price": "18",
"qte": "17"
}, {
"id": "ccc03",
"name": "name333",
"price": "10",
"qte": "5"
A JSON Validator tells me that my code json is not correct.
Please anybody could help me !
The problem with comments and some of values doesn't contain , and some contains in the last value.(For example : 'json': {
'value1': 14,
'value2':14, // , is not allowed in the last line
}) Also last line can't contain ; after }]
Use this for validation jsonlint
This is correct json:
"type": "line",
"plotarea": {
"adjust-layout": true
"scale-x": {
"label": {
"text": "échelle essence gazoile"
"labels": ["sub01", "sub02", "sub02"]
"series": [{
"values": [1, 8, 1]
}, {
"values": [14, 13, 14]
"name": "city A",
"elements": [{
"id": "c01",
"name": "name1",
"price": "15",
"qte": "10"
}, {
"id": "c02",
"name": "name2",
"price": "18",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "c03",
"name": "name3",
"price": "11",
"qte": "14"
"subsities": [{
"name": "sub A1",
"elements": [{
"id": "sub01",
"name": "nameSub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"id": "sub02",
"name": "nameSub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "13"
}, {
"id": "sub03",
"name": "nameSub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"name": "sub A2",
"elements": [{
"id": "ssub01",
"name": "nameSsub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "7"
}, {
"id": "ssub02",
"name": "nameSsub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "1"
}, {
"id": "ssub03",
"name": "nameSsub3",
"price": "4",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"name": "sub A3",
"elements": [{
"id": "sssub01",
"name": "nameSssub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "sssub02",
"name": "nameSssub2",
"price": "2",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"id": "sssub03",
"name": "nameSssub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"name": "city B",
"elements": [{
"id": "cc01",
"name": "name11",
"price": "10",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "cc02",
"name": "name22",
"price": "14",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"id": "cc03",
"name": "name33",
"price": "11",
"qte": "18"
}, {
"name": "city C",
"elements": [{
"id": "ccc01",
"name": "name111",
"price": "19",
"qte": "12"
}, {
"id": "ccc02",
"name": "name222",
"price": "18",
"qte": "17"
}, {
"id": "ccc03",
"name": "name333",
"price": "10",
"qte": "5"
the problem is that you have comments in your JSON. This is not allowed in pure json.
In addition you have some syntax errors:
Line 8 :"text": "échelle essence gazoile", the , has to be removed because it is the last property of the object
Line 26: "name": "name2', change the singlequote to a doublequote
Line 27: "price": "18,: add a doublequote at the end
Last line: }]; remove the semicolon
This is your valid json:
"type": "line",
"plotarea": {
"adjust-layout": true
"scale-x": {
"label": {
"text": "échelle essence gazoile"
"labels": ["sub01", "sub02", "sub02"]
"series": [{
"values": [1, 8, 1]
}, {
"values": [14, 13, 14]
"name": "city A",
"elements": [{
"id": "c01",
"name": "name1",
"price": "15",
"qte": "10"
}, {
"id": "c02",
"name": "name2",
"price": "18",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "c03",
"name": "name3",
"price": "11",
"qte": "14"
"subsities": [{
"name": "sub A1",
"elements": [{
"id": "sub01",
"name": "nameSub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"id": "sub02",
"name": "nameSub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "13"
}, {
"id": "sub03",
"name": "nameSub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "14"
}, {
"name": "sub A2",
"elements": [{
"id": "ssub01",
"name": "nameSsub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "7"
}, {
"id": "ssub02",
"name": "nameSsub2",
"price": "8",
"qte": "1"
}, {
"id": "ssub03",
"name": "nameSsub3",
"price": "4",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"name": "sub A3",
"elements": [{
"id": "sssub01",
"name": "nameSssub1",
"price": "1",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "sssub02",
"name": "nameSssub2",
"price": "2",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"id": "sssub03",
"name": "nameSssub3",
"price": "1",
"qte": "15"
}, {
"name": "city B",
"elements": [{
"id": "cc01",
"name": "name11",
"price": "10",
"qte": "11"
}, {
"id": "cc02",
"name": "name22",
"price": "14",
"qte": "19"
}, {
"id": "cc03",
"name": "name33",
"price": "11",
"qte": "18"
}, {
"name": "city C",
"elements": [{
"id": "ccc01",
"name": "name111",
"price": "19",
"qte": "12"
}, {
"id": "ccc02",
"name": "name222",
"price": "18",
"qte": "17"
}, {
"id": "ccc03",
"name": "name333",
"price": "10",
"qte": "5"
You cannot have a C Style or C# style comments inside a json document.As a matter of fact you cannot have any comments inside a json document
You can validate your json document on http://jsonlint.com/
You can try this# http://jsonlint.com/
this will validate your json and also gives you error where you are doing mistakes
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I have been taking some online courses recently to try and understand the basics of programming, Gradually trying to increase the complexity of what I am learning. However I cannot seem to be able to control the output of my loop, I either get the last value or [object,object object,object object, object,object]
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am sure this is quite simple but I have tried for in's for's and for each's and no luck so far.
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"id": "36",
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"id": "37",
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"total": "13860",
"percent": "18.4"
"id": "38",
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"id": "39",
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"total": "136",
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"id": "36",
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"id": "37",
"points": "400-499",
"total": "11973",
"percent": "22"
"id": "38",
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"total": "13878",
"percent": "25.5"
"id": "39",
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"total": "10391",
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"id": "40",
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"percent": "11.5"
I am hoping someone can maybe help with controlling the output of the loop.
You haven't showed any code, but I can guess that your problem is something typical in JavaScript:
JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example
Check out neurosnap's answer.
In CoffeeScript it's even simpler:
for filename in list
do (filename) ->
fs.readFile filename, (err, contents) ->
compile filename, contents.toString()
Basically, you need a lambda/IIFE inside the for loop in JavaScript to loop to avoid your problem.