Add new cell to a table in javascript - javascript

I have this code to automatically display a new row every time the students need to add a new subject to the table. After entering all the information needed, the student will have to click on a button that will enable the student to view the grades and gpa of each subject which is supposed to be displayed in a new added cell to the table.
My question is, how can I add a new cell to automatically display the grades and GPA for each subject based on the expected marks entered by the student?
<title> GPA Calculator </title>
function addRow(myTable) {
var table = document.getElementById("myTable");
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var element1 = document.createElement("input");
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var element2 = document.createElement("input");
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var element2 = document.createElement("input");
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var element3 = document.createElement("input");
<table id="myTable" border="1" ; width: "100%">
<th>Expected Mark
<td><input type="text" name="code1" value="SCJ119"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject1" value="Object-Oriented Programming">
<td><input type="text" name="credit1" value="4"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark1" value=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="code2" value="SCK302"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject2" value="Software Engineering"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="credit2" value="3"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark2" value=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="code3" value="SCO107"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject3" value="Operating System"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="credit3" value="3"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark3" value=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="code4" value="SSV901"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject4" value="Web Programming"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="credit4" value="3"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark4" value=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="code5" value="ENG213"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject5" value="Advanced Academic English
<td><input type="text" name="credit5" value="2"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark5" value=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="code6" value="QBS221"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="subject6" value="Structure and Functions of
<td><input type="text" name="credit6" value="3"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="mark6" value=""></td>
<br><input type="button" value="Add Subject" onclick="addRow('myTable')">

#RobG I think the only way, to my knowledge, would to use a SQL database and have it be updated via a SQL client. This can be done with software like ISS (built-in to Windows Vista+) or other third-party SQL clients.
Edit: #RobG, I understand that, however, the easiest way to accomplish this is to fetch rows out of a database or even a Microsoft Excel file to use as variables for the grades the student(s) have.

The jquery below works when the element's value changed;
$('.myElements').each(function() {
var elem = $(this);
// Save current value of element'oldVal', elem.val());
// Look for changes in the value
elem.bind("propertychange change click keyup input paste", function(event){
// If value has changed...
if ('oldVal') != elem.val()) {
// Updated stored value'oldVal', elem.val());
// Do action - You can call javascript function to add cell
When the input value changed you can add one more cell like this(Im in grade);
var row = document.getElementById("myRow");
var x = row.insertCell(0);
x.innerHTML = "New cell";
Once you have all grades you can calculate the GPA from grade's values as you wish.
I hope this helps you mate.


How to access HTML array object in javascript?

sorry for asking simple question. I am really a beginner in Javascript. I need to access my HTML array form object in my javascript, but I don't know how to do it.
The goal is to trigger the alert in javascript so the browser will display message according to the condition in javascript. Here is my code :
checkScore = function()
//I don't know how to access array in HTML Form, so I just pretend it like this :
var student = document.getElementByName('row[i][student]').value;
var math = document.getElementByName('row[i][math]').value;
var physics = document.getElementByName('row[i][physics]').value;
if (parseInt(math) >= 80 ) {
alert(student + " ,You are good at mathematic");
if (parseInt(physics) >= 80 ){
alert(student + " ,You are good at physics");
<h2>HTML Forms</h2>
<form name="student_score" action="/action_page.php">
<table border=1>
<td>Math Score</td>
<td>Physics Score</td>
<td>Other info</td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][student]"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][math]" onblur="checkScore()" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][physics]" onblur="checkScore()" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][otherinfo]"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[2][student]"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][math]" onblur="checkScore()" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][physics]" onblur="checkScore()" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[2][otherinfo]"></td>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<p>If you click the "Submit" button, it will save the data.</p>
We are going to leverage few things here to streamline this.
The first is Event Listeners, this removes all javascript from your HTML. It also keeps it more dynamic and easier to refactor if the table ends up having rows added to it via javascript.
Next is parentNode, which we use to find the tr that enclosed the element that was clicked;
Then we use querySelectorAll with an attribute selector to get our target fields from the tr above.
/*This does the work*/
function checkScore(event) {
//Get the element that triggered the blur
var element =;
//Get our ancestor row (the parent of the parent);
var row = element.parentNode.parentNode;
//Use an attribute selector to get our infor from the row
var student = row.querySelector("[name*='[student]']").value;
var math = row.querySelector("[name*='[math]']").value;
var physics = row.querySelector("[name*='[physics]']").value;
var otherField = row.querySelector("[name*='[otherinfo]']");
if (parseInt(math, 10) >= 80) {
alert(student + " ,You are good at mathematic");
if (parseInt(physics, 10) >= 80) {
alert(student + " ,You are good at physics");
/*Wire Up the event listener*/
var targetElements = document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='math'], input[name*='physics']");
for (var i = 0; i < targetElements.length; i++) {
targetElements[i].addEventListener("blur", checkScore);
<h2>HTML Forms</h2>
<form name="student_score" action="/action_page.php">
<table border=1>
<td>Math Score</td>
<td>Physics Score</td>
<td>Other info</td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][student]" class='student'></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][math]" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][physics]" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][otherinfo]"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row1[2][student]"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][math]" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][physics]" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[2][otherinfo]"></td>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Well, it follows your line of code exactly as it is (because you said you do not want to change the code too much).
<h2>HTML Forms</h2>
<form name="student_score" action="/action_page.php">
<table border=1>
<td>Math Score</td>
<td>Physics Score</td>
<td>Other info</td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][student]"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][math]" onblur="checkScore(this)" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[1][physics]" onblur="checkScore(this)" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[1][otherinfo]"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row1[2][student]"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][math]" onblur="checkScore(this)" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="number" name="row[2][physics]" onblur="checkScore(this)" min="0" max="100"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="row[2][otherinfo]"></td>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
JavaScript [Edited again using part of the #Jon P code, the query selector is realy more dynamic, and the value of the "other" field you requested is commented out]
//pass element to function, in html, only add [this] in parenteses
checkScore = function (element) {
//Get our ancestor row (the parent of the parent);
var row = element.parentNode.parentNode;
//Use an attribute selector to get our infor from the row
var student = row.querySelector("[name*='[student]']").value;
var math = row.querySelector("[name*='[math]']").value;
var physics = row.querySelector("[name*='[physics]']").value;
var other = row.querySelector("[name*='[otherinfo]']");
if (parseInt(math) >= 80) {
//other.value = student + " ,You are good at mathematic";
alert(student + " ,You are good at mathematic");
if (parseInt(physics) >= 80) {
//other.value = student + " ,You are good at physics";
alert(student + " ,You are good at physics");
Tested :), and sorry about my english!
Try that, haven't tested it
var form = document.getElementsByName("student_score")[0];
var students = form.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for(var i = 0; i < students.length; i++){
var student = students[i].childnodes[0].value;
var math = students[i].childnodes[1].value;
var physics = students[i].childnodes[2].value;
if (parseInt(math) >= 80 ) {
alert(student + " ,You are good at mathematic");
if (parseInt(physics) >= 80 ){
alert(student + " ,You are good at physics");

Insert HTML table row clone at index without jquery

I am attempting to insert a row at the index of the addmorebutton td row.
First attempt indeed adds a row at the desired index however not as I would have expected, simply as space vs actually adding a bounded row column box.
How do I insert a new row at the clicked index of td that is empty and is indeed apart of the table?
function deleteRow(row) {
var i = row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
function addRow() {
var i = row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex;
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
<form name='mturk_form' method='post' id='mturk_form' action=''>
<input type='hidden' value='' name='assignmentId' id='assignmentId' />
<h1>This is a test</h1>
<div id="tablediv">
<input type="button" id="addbutton" value="Add Index" /><br/><br/>
<table id="Table" border="1">
<td>Measured Depth</td>
<td>Add Row?</td>
<td><input size=25 type="text" id="Measured Depth" contenteditable='true'></td>
<td><input size=25 type="text" id="Inclination" contenteditable='true'></td>
<td><input size=25 type="text" id="Azimuth" contenteditable='true'></td>
<td><input type="button" id="delbutton" value="Delete" onclick="deleteRow(this)" /></td>
<td><input type="button" id="addmorebutton" value="Add More Indexs" onclick="addRow.apply(this)" /></td>
<p><input type='submit' id='submitButton' value='Submit' /></p>
You could try to add the respective cells to new row, saving the row on a var and the with the appendChild() function. Something like this:
function addRow(row) {
var i = row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex + 1;
var nextRow = document.getElementById('Table').insertRow(i);
// Start iterating over all the cells on the row
var cell = nextRow.insertCell(0);
cell = nextRow.insertCell();
cell = nextRow.insertCell();
cell = nextRow.insertCell();
cell = nextRow.insertCell();
cell = nextRow.insertCell();
input = document.createElement("Input");
input.type = "button";
input.setAttribute("onclick", "addRow(this)");
input.value = "Add More Indexs"
And of course append on each cell the respective input.
Then maybe you would like to add a function to increase the index number of the rows under the new one...
Also I changed the onclick value on the original button to addRow(this).

how to check the value of checkboxes in each row of table dynamically using javascript or jquery

I have a table in which values are dynamically added from database as below:
var row = table.insertRow(i);
i = i+1;
// Insert new cells (<td> elements) at the 1st and 2nd position of the new <tr> element:
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
var cell5 = row.insertCell(4);
var cell6 = row.insertCell(5);
var cell7 = row.insertCell(6);
var cell8 = row.insertCell(7);
var cell9 = row.insertCell(8);
var cell10 = row.insertCell(9);
var cell11 = row.insertCell(10);
// Add some text to the new cells:
cell1.innerHTML = '$name';
cell2.innerHTML = '$name2';
cell3.innerHTML = '$lastname';
cell4.innerHTML = '$lastname2';
cell5.innerHTML = '$mellicode';
cell6.innerHTML = '$estekhdamnum';
cell7.innerHTML = '$email';
cell8.innerHTML = '$username';
cell9.innerHTML = '$password';
cell10.innerHTML = '$id';
var checkbox = document.createElement('INPUT');
checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'checkbox[]';
checkbox.value = 'i-1';
I would like to add a button at the end of the table that when I click it, it checks all the check boxes, recognizes the row of the checkbox and do some query.
and below is the button that when I click on it, I would like to do the query on checked check boxes.
<input type="submit" class="form-control" name = "karbar" value=""onclick="add_karbar()"/><br><br>
I shouldn't use 'tr' here I think but I don't know how to recognize the check boxes and see if it is checked or not and recognize the row of the checked checkbox.
thanks for your answer in advance.
Hope this is what you are looking for,
$("#check").click(function() {
var index = [];
$("#table tbody input[type='checkbox']:checked").each(function(el) {
<script src=""></script>
<table id="table">
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox"></td>
<input type="submit" id="check">
You could do something like this.
// Click event on button
// iterate through all checkboxes that are checked
$("input[type=checkbox]:checked").each(function () {
// debugging purposes only
console.log($(this).val() + " is checked");
// Add your code here
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox1" value="1" checked>1
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" value="2" checked>2
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3" value="3" checked>3
<button id="checker">Check</button>

Insert a row in a table based on a value of another row with user input

I'm trying to find a way to insert a row in a table based on a value that the user inputs and if that value exists in the table. For example, the table will have 10 rows. The user would like to add a row beneath row number 8. Please see screenshot.
<table class="myTable" id="myTable">
<th class="myTable th">PALLET #</th>
<th class="myTable th">CASE COUNT</th>
<th class="myTable th">HILLTOP LOT #</th>
<th class="myTable th">SSCC (LAST 4)</th>
for ($x=1 ; $x <=2 4; $x++) {
<td style="font-size: 160%" id="pallet">' .$x. '</td>
<td id="caseCount"><input type="text" id="inputText_Small" name="caseCount" value="" maxlength="2"/></td>
<td id="hilltopLot"><input type="text" id="inputText_Order" name="hilltopLot" value="" maxlength="10"/></td>
<td id="sscc"><input type="text" id="inputText_Medd" name="sscc" value="" maxlength="4"/></td>
After clicking on the "Add Line" button and typing 8, it will look for row number 8 and insert a row beneath it also naming it row 8.
<br />
<br />
<p class="center">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" class="blueButt_Big" />&nbsp&nbsp
<input class="blueButt_Big" type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="parent.location='view_prodLine.php'" />&nbsp&nbsp
<input class="blueButt_Big" type="button" value="Add Line" onclick="addLine()" />&nbsp&nbsp
<input class="blueButt_Big" type="button" value="Delete Line" onclick="myDeleteFunction()" />
function addLine() {
var person = prompt("Please enter the pallet number");
if (person != null) {
var table = document.getElementById("myTable");
var row = table.insertRow(-1);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
var cell3 = row.insertCell(2);
var cell4 = row.insertCell(3);
cell1.innerHTML = person;
cell2.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="inputText_Small" name="caseCount" value="" maxlength="2"/>';
cell3.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="inputText_Order" name="hilltopLot" value="" maxlength="10"/>';
cell4.innerHTML = '<input type="text" id="inputText_Medd" name="sscc" value="" maxlength="4"/>';
I've only been able to add a row to the very bottom of the table after prompting the user for input. I know I can specify where the row is inserted using the code I commented out. The obvious problem is that the position where it will insert the new row will change if the user adds more than one line. I fear I may be overthinking it, any thoughts?
//var x = document.getElementById("myTable").rows[22].cells;
//x[0].innerHTML = person;
function myDeleteFunction() {
You can do it this way:
<table id="myTable">
<td>Row1 cell1</td>
<td>Row1 cell2</td>
<td>Row2 cell1</td>
<td>Row2 cell2</td>
<td>Row3 cell1</td>
<td>Row3 cell2</td>
<input type="number" id="RowNumber"/>
<button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
function myFunction() {
var RowNumber = document.getElementById("RowNumber").value;
var table = document.getElementById("myTable");
var row = table.insertRow(RowNumber);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
cell1.innerHTML = "NEW CELL1";
cell2.innerHTML = "NEW CELL2";
See it working here:

how to obtain data from dynamic rows created in Javascript into html tag?

There is form which has table containing 1 row and 4 column.The add row button creates a exact row but with different ids .I want to obtain the data filled in this form and send to a php script when clicked on save and continue later button at the bottom .How can I do this?This being a html page.
<form name="myform">
<h3 align="left"><b>Computer</b><h3>
<table id="POITable" border="1" width="100%">
<th style="width:10%">Sr No.</th>
<th>Item Description</th>
<th>Rate(Inclusive of Taxes)</th>
<th>Total Cost</th>
<td><textarea rows="4" cols="50" id="comp_item"></textarea></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" id="comp_quant"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" id="comp_rate"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" id="comp_total"/></td>
Total:<input type="text" name="computer" align="right"><br>
<input type="button" id="addmorePOIbutton" value="Add New Row" onclick="insRow()"/>
function insRow()
console.log( 'hi');
var x=document.getElementById('POITable');
var new_row = x.rows[1].cloneNode(true);
var len = x.rows.length;
new_row.cells[0].innerHTML = len;
var inp1 = new_row.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; += len;
inp1.value = '';
var inp2 = new_row.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += len;
inp2.value = '';
var inp3 = new_row.cells[3].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += len;
inp3.value = '';
var inp4 = new_row.cells[4].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += len;
inp4.value = '';
x.appendChild( new_row );
<input type="submit" value="SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER">
To retrive your data in php you must add name attributes to your form input-fields. I have rewritten your code by replacing the input-id's with name instead, like so:
<td><textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="comp_item"></textarea></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_quant"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_rate"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_total"/></td>
also in your form-element you must specify action and method.
<form name="myform" action="myphpformhandler.php" method="POST">
I took the liberty to rewrite some of your code but the essentials are intact.
<form name="myform" action="myphpformhandler.php" method="POST"> <!-- point action towards the php-file where you wish to handle your data -->
<h3 align="left"><b>Computer</b><h3>
<table id="POITable" border="1" width="100%">
<th style="width:10%">Sr No.</th>
<th>Item Description</th>
<th>Rate(Inclusive of Taxes)</th>
<th>Total Cost</th>
<td><textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="comp_item"></textarea></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_quant"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_rate"/></td>
<td><input size=25 type="number" name="comp_total"/></td>
Total:<input type="text" name="computer" align="right"><br>
<input type="button" id="addmorePOIbutton" value="Add New Row"/>
<input type="submit" value="SAVE AND CONTINUE LATER">
(function() { // Prevent vars from leaking to the global scope
var formTable = document.getElementById('POITable');
var newRowBtn = document.getElementById('addmorePOIbutton');
newRowBtn.addEventListener('click', insRow, false); //added eventlistener insetad of inline onclick-attribute.
function insRow() {
var new_row = formTable.rows[1].cloneNode(true),
numTableRows = formTable.rows.length;
// Set the row number in the first cell of the row
new_row.cells[0].innerHTML = numTableRows;
var inp1 = new_row.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0]; += numTableRows;
inp1.value = '';
var inp2 = new_row.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += numTableRows;
inp2.value = '';
var inp3 = new_row.cells[3].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += numTableRows;
inp3.value = '';
var inp4 = new_row.cells[4].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; += numTableRows;
inp4.value = '';
// Append the new row to the table
formTable.appendChild( new_row );
document.getElementsByName("len")[0].value = numTableRows;
Now to access your data in your "myphpformhandler.php" you use the $_POST-variable with your html-element names. like so!
$_POST['comp_quant1']; //etc...

