Redux - Remove object from store on http response error - javascript

Consider the following flow:
I have a page with a list of "products" and a modal to create a single "product". I open the modal, fill the form and submit the form.
At this point, I dispatch an action CREATING_PRODUCT, add the product to the store and send the http request to the server.
I close the modal and display the list of results with the new product.
Let's suppose I receive an error response from the server.
Desired behavior:
I would like to display an error, remove the project from the list, re-open the modal and display the form already filled.
How can I find that project and remove it the list? I don't have an id (or a combination of unique properties) to find that project in the store. I don't see a clean way to link a request/response to that "product" object in the store.
Possible solution
The client adds a "requestId" into the project before adding it to the store. On response error, I dispatch a generic "CREATE_ERROR" and I remove the project with that requestId from the store.
Same problem with edit and delete. For example during a delete should I keep a reference to the deleted project with the requestId in the store, until the http request is successful?
I bet it is a problem with a common solution, but I can't find examples.

In general, your Redux store should be modeled somewhat like a relational database, in that every time you have a list of data models, each element of the list should have its own identifier. This helps a lot when dealing with more complex data schemes.
You should probably store your projects as an object, something like:
// ...other store properties
projects: {
"_0": { // ... project properties }
"_1": { // ... project properties }
// ...more projects...
This way, whenever you need to mess with an existing project, you can just reference its id and use projects[id] to access that project. This would also solve the edit and delete cases, as you could just pass the IDs around as handles.
I like this short piece on why your Redux store should be mostly flat and why data should always have identifiers very much. It also talks about using selectors to "hide" your IDs away, which may or may not be useful for you.
In your case, as you are getting IDs from a server, you could have an ID prefix which indicates unsaved values. So your projects object would become something like:
projects: {
"_0": { // ... }
"_1": { // ... }
"UNSAVED_2": { // ... }
This way, you could easily identify unsaved values and handle them when an error occurs, still get the benefits of generating temp IDs on the client-side in order to revert changes on error, and also warn your user if they try to leave your app while their data still hasn't been synchronized - just check if there are any "UNSAVED" IDs :)
When you get a response from the server, you could change the "UNSAVED_suffix" ID to an actual ID.


How to properly save and validate model objects with other nested objects in Ember.js?

Let's say the user creates a new Person with a few PhoneNumbers. Everything is done through a single form, where you can dynamically add as many PhoneNumbers to the Person as you want. The user clicks the save button and whole form gets submitted to the server, after which a save response comes back from the server.
The important thing is, that i don't want to save the PhoneNumbers separately from the Person. I want the operation to be atomic - everything gets sent together in one request and either everything validates on the server side and gets saved together in one transaction, or nothing gets saved and error data returns.
Right now, to achieve it I have a savePerson action in my controller, where I do awful things like this:
phones.forEach((phone) => {
if (!! {
var p = null;
if (! {
p ='phoneNumber', {
'person': person,
} else {
p ='phoneNumber',;
p.person = person;
p.number =;
{...} {
{...}'phoneNumber'); //needs to be done to remove records created by createRecord - their saved duplicates will come back after model reload
In the example above, in phones array there are regular non-model objects whose properties are bound to corresponding fields in PhoneNumber subforms in Person form (so in phones[1].phone there is the second phone number dynamically added by the user filling in the Person form).
I also have no idea how to properly handle server-side validation of the embedded objects. To validate the top level object (Person) I return error data compatible with JSON API specification like this:
"errors": [
"detail": "This value is invalid",
"source": {
"pointer": "data/attributes/firstName"
This works with Ember and eventually I have my errors in model and can retrieve them in the template with {{ get model.errors propertyName }}. But how to return errors referring to the nested objects? I have no idea unfortunately.
I tried to seek various solutions to my conundrums but to no avail. I couldn't find any examples regarding such situations unfortunatelly. But it seems pretty basic. Am I missing something fundamental?
I will be really grateful for any suggestions. Thanks. POST(create) / PUT(update) logic doesn't match application logic - how to avoid PUT in certain situations?

I'm creating an Web-Application (Frontend and Backend, so both are under my control) using Backbone and Pyramid, being connected via a RESTful API.
During development I encountered a problem several times by now, where Backbone PUTs (=updates) a new model, while it actually should POST (=create) it.
Backbone decides whether to POST or UPDATE a model depending of the presence of an ID-field (if no ID present in the current model: -> POST/create | if so: PUT/update).
However I encountered several situations by now, where this behaviour doesn't match my application logic.
Let's say our main model (and its objects being persistently saved in a relational database in the backend) is called Foo, having fields like id, field_1, field_2.
Example #1: Creating a template or preview of Foo: Before creating (=POSTing) an object of Foo, I can create and show a preview to the user and/or save it as a template.
While doing so, the backend (in case of the preview: temporarily) adds the object to the database and returns the full model - including an ID in its HTTP response - back to Backbone.
Template- and Preview-objects of Foo are (temporarily) saved into the same table, as final objects (column type indicates its type (0 = final/live, 1 = preview, 2 = template)).
When now - after previewing / saving as template - trying to actually CREATE an object of Foo, the Backbone model already has the ID field set and actually PUTs and updates the template or not-anymore-existing preview, instead of POSTing and therewith creating a new Foo inside the database (as intended).
=> solution #1: calling POST /json/preview does not return the ID field, so Backbone doesn't get confused.
=> solution #2: overriding parse() of Foo in Backbone-model to kick out ID field from response
.=> kinda works
Example #2: Having a Periodic model, which refers to a Foo-template. Intention of a Periodic is to offer the user the possibility of semi-automatically creating a new Foo object based on a Foo-template every X months.
Now there is a call GET /json/periodics, which returns all Periodic-objects with its nested Foo-objects (Foo-templates), including their IDs, e.g. [{'interval': 12, template_id: 42, template: { 'id': 42, field_1: 'foo', field_2: 'bar', .. } , { .. } , .. ].
On the frontend the user now can periodically confirm (or skip) creating a new Foo-object, by issuing: periodics[X] which however again PUTs and therewith updates the Foo-model, instead of POSTing and creating a new one (as intended).
Here again (as in example 1), I could strip out the ID field of Foo - either in the backend or frontend.
However there are situations, where I need the id-field of templates, e.g. when actually editing them, so here I'd need two calls (GET /json/templates_WITHOUT_FOO-IDs and GET /json/templates_WITH_FOO-IDs). which also sounds far from right.
Question is: What's the right (and consistent) way of avoiding Backbone falsely assuming a model should be PUT instead of POSTed in certain situations / views?
Backbone's save and fetch methods just make calls to the Backbone.sync
method, which in turn is just a wrapper for an ajax call. you can pass
in ajax parameters using the save function without having to actually
extend it. basically ends up being something like this:{attributes you want to save}, {type:'POST', url: 'apiurl/model/:id/played'});
You would have to do this every time though so it is probably better practice to extend Backbone.sync for your model.
The Backbone website has a bit of information about what I'm talking about as far as the Backbone sync and save taking ajax options. There are also a few examples I've seen on extending sync but I can't seem to track them down at the moment.

How to choose the Redux state shape for an app with list/detail views and pagination?

Imagine I have a number of entries(say, users) in my database. I also have two routes, one for list, other for detail(where you can edit the entry). Now I'm struggling with how to approach the data structure.
I'm thinking of two approaches and a kinda combination of both.
Shared data set
I navigate to /list, all of my users are downloaded from api a stored in redux store, under the key users, I also add some sort of users_offset and users_limit to render only part of the of the list
I then navigate to /detail/<id>, and store currently_selected_user with <id> as the val... which means I will be able to get my user's data with something like this users.find(res => === currently_selected_user)
updating will be nice and easy as well, since I'm working with just one data set and detail pointing to it
adding a new user also easy, again just working with the same list of users
Now the problem I have with this approach is that, when the list of users gets huge(say millions), it might take a while to download. And also, when I navigate directly to /detail/<id>, I won't yet have all of my users downloaded, so to get data for just the one I need, I'm gonna have to first download the whole thing. Millions of users just to edit one.
Separated data set
I navigate to /list, and instead of downloading all of my users from api, I only download a couple of them, depending on what my users_per_page and users_current_page would be set to, and I'd probably store the data as users_currently_visible
I then navigate to /detail/<id>, store currently_selected_user with <id> as the val...and instead of searching through users_currently_visible I simply download user's data from api..
on update, I'm not gonna update users_currently_visible in any way
nor will I on add
What I see as possible problem here is that I'm gonna have to, upon visiting /list, download data from api again, because it might not be in sync with what's in the database, I also might be unnecessarily downloading users data in detail, because they might be incidentally already inside my users_currently_visible
some sort of frankenstein-y shenanigans
I detail, I do the same as in Separated data set but instead of directly downloading user's data from api, I first check:
do I have any users_currently_visible
if so, is there a user with my id between them?
if both are true, I then use it as my user data, otherwise I make the api call
same happens on update, I check if my user exists between users_currently_visible if so, I also update that list, if not I do nothing
This would probably work, but doesn't really feel like it's the proper way. I would also probably still need to download fresh list of users_currently_visible upon visiting /list, because I might have added a new one..
Is there any fan favorite way of doing this?... I'm sure every single one redux user must have encountered the same things.
Please consult “real world” example from Redux repo.
It shows the solution to exactly this problem.
Your state shape should look like this:
entities: {
users: {
1: { id: 1, name: 'Dan' },
42: { id: 42, name: 'Mary' }
visibleUsers: {
ids: [1, 42],
isFetching: false,
offset: 0
Note I’m storing entities (ID -> Object maps) and visibleUsers (description of currently visible users with pagination state and IDs) separately.
This seems similar to your “Shared data set” approach. However I don’t think the drawbacks you list are real problems inherent to this approach. Let’s take a look at them.
Now the problem I have with this approach is that when then list of users gets huge(say millions), it might take a while to download
You don’t need to download all of them! Merging all downloaded entities to entities doesn’t mean you should query all of them. The entities should contain all entities that have been downloaded so far—not all entities in the world. Instead, you’d only download those you’re currently showing according to the pagination information.
when I navigate directly to /detail/, I wouldn't yet have all of my users downloaded, so to get data for just the one, I'm gonna have to download them all. Millions of users just to edit one.
No, you’d request just one of them. The response action would fire, and reducer responsible for entities would merge this single entity into the existing state. Just because state.entities.users may contain more than one user doesn’t mean you need to download all of them. Think of entities as of a cache that doesn’t have to be filled.
Finally, I will direct you again to the “real world” example from Redux repo. It shows exactly how to write a reducer for pagination information and entity cache, and how to normalize JSON in your API responses with normalizr so that it’s easy for reducers to extract information from server actions in a uniform way.
I also used normalizr approach before to normalize entities, but the problem with it is that this requires manual work.
If you know Apollo in GraphQL world, you probably know that it supports automatic normalisation, so data for a given object is not stored in multiple places. Thx to that they also support automatic updates, if your server responds with an object with the same id but with updated attrs, Apollo will recognize it and update this object in multiple places.
However, why this luxury should be reserved only for GraphQL? Due to this reason I implemented redux-requests library, which supports automatic normalisation for any API, REST, GraphQL, Firebase, whatever. How does it work? Imagine you have a book list and detailed endpoints. To communicate with them, you would just dispatch Redux actions like that:
const fetchBooks = () => ({
request: { url: '/books' },
meta: { normalize: true },
const fetchBook = id => ({
request: { url: `/books/${id}` },
meta: { normalize: true },
Now, to update title of a book in both places, we would just do:
const updateBookTitle = (id, newTitle) => ({
request: { url: `books/${id}`, method: 'PATCH', data: { newTitle } },
meta: { normalize: true },
If you are interested with such an approach, more about it could be read here

MEAN / AngularJS app check if object already posted

I have thig angularJS frontend and I use express, node and mongo on the backend.
My situation looks like:
//my data to push on server
$scope.things = [{title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}, {title:"title", other proprieties}]
$scope.update = function() {
$scope.things.forEach(function(t) {
title: t.title,
//other values here
}, function() {
console.log('Thing added');
//where Thing.create its just an $ factory
The HTML part looks like:
//html part
<button ng-click="update()">Update Thing</button>
Then on the same page the user has the ability to change the $scope.things and my problem is that when I call update() again all the things are posted twice because literally thats what I'm doing.
Can someone explain me how to check if the 'thing' its already posted to the server just to update the values ($http.put) and if its not posted on server to $
Or maybe its other way to do this?
I see a few decisions to be made:
1) Should you send the request after the user clicks the "Update" button (like you're currently doing)? Or should you send the request when the user changes the Thing (using ngChange)?
2) If going with the button approach for (1), should you send a request for each Thing (like you're currently doing), or should you first check to see if the Thing has been updated/newly created on the front end.
3) How can you deal with the fact that some Thing's are newly created and others are simply updated? Multiple routes? If so, then how do you know which route to send the request to? Same route? How?
To me, the upside of using the "Update" button seems to be that it's clear to the user how it works. By clicking "Update" (and maybe seeing a flash message afterwards), the user knows (and gets visual feedback) that the Thing's have been updated.
The cost to using the "Update" button is that there might be unnecessary requests being made. Network communication is slow, so if you have a lot of Thing's, having a request being made for each Thing could be notably slow.
Ultimately, this seems to be a UX vs. speed decision to me. It depends on the situation and goals, but personally I'd lean towards the "Update" button.
The trade-off here seems to be between code simplicity and performance. The simpler solution would just be to make a request for each Thing regardless of whether it has been updated/newly created (for the Thing's that previously existed and haven't changed, no harm will be done - they simply won't get changed).
The more complex but more performant approach would be to keep track of whether or not a Thing has been updated/newly created. You could add a flag called dirty to Thing's to keep track of this.
When a user clicks to create a new Thing, the new Thing would be given a flag of dirty: true.
When you query to get all things from the database, they all should have dirty: false (whether or not you want to store the dirty property on the database or simply append it on the server/front end is up to you).
When a user changes an existing Thing, the dirty property would be set to true.
Then, using the dirty property you could only make requests for the Thing's that are dirty:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing.dirty) {
// make request
The right solution depends on the specifics of your situation, but I tend to err on the side of code simplicity over performance.
If you're using Mongoose, the default behavior is to add an _id field to created documents (it's also the default behavior as MongoDB itself as well). So if you haven't overridden this default behavior, and if you aren't explicitly preventing this _id field from being sent back to the client, it should exist for Thing's that have been previously created, thus allow you to distinguish them from newly created Thing's (because newly created Thing's won't have the _id field).
With this, you can conditionally call create or update like so:
$scope.things.forEach(function(thing) {
if (thing._id) {
Thing.update(thing._id, thing);
else {
Alternatively, you could use a single route that performs "create or update" for you. You can do this by setting { upsert: true } in your update call.
In general, upsert will check to see if a document matches the query criteria... if there's a match, it updates it, if not, it creates it. In your situation, you could probably use upsert in the context of Mongoose's findByIdAndUpdate like so:
Thing.findByIdAndUpdate(id, newThing, { upsert: true }, function(err, doc) {
See this SO post.
#Adam Zemer neatly addressed concerns I raised in a comment, however I disagree on some points.
Firstly, to answer the question of having an update button or not, you have to ask yourself. Is there any reason why the user would like to discard his changes and not save the work he did. If the answer is no, then it is clear to me that the update should not be place and here is why.
To avoid your user from loosing his work you would need to add confirmations if he attempts to change the page, or close his browser, etc. On the other if everything is continuously saved he has the peace of mind that his work is always saved and you dont have to implement anything to prevent him from loosing his work.
You reduce his workload, one less click for a task may seem insignificant but he might click it many time be sure to have his work save. Also, if its a recurrent tasks it will definitely improve his experience.
Performance wise and code readability wise, you do small requests and do not have to implement any complicated logic to do so. Simple ng-change on inputs.
To make it clear to him that his work is continuously save you can simply say somewhere all your changes are saved and change this to saving changes... when you make a request. For exemple uses, look at office online or google docs.
Then all you would have to do is use the upsert parameter on your mongoDB query to be able to create and update your things with a single request. Here is how your controller would look.
$scope.update = function(changedThing) { // Using the ng-change you send the thing itself in parammeter
var $scope.saving = true; // To display the saving... message
Thing.update({ // This service call your method that update with upsert
title: changedThing.title,
//other values here
}).then( // If you made an http request, I suppose it returns a promise.
function success() {
$scope.saving = false;
console.log('Thing added');
function error() {
//handle errors

Meteor - Allow multiple users to edit a post

I'm not able to use the node server debugger so I'm posting here to see if I can get a nudge in the right direction.
I am trying to allow multiple users to edit documents created by any of the users within their specific company. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated.
// Passing in the user object (has profile object {company: "1234"}
// Passing in document (has companyId field that is equal to "1234"
update: function(userObject, components) {
return ownsDocument(userObject, components);
// check to ensure user editing document created/owned by the company
ownsDocument = function(userObject, doc) {
return === doc.companyId;
The error I'm getting is: Exception while invoking method '/components/update' TypeError: Cannot read property 'company' of undefined
I'm trying to be as secure as possible, though am doing some checks before presenting any data to the user, so I'm not sure if this additional check is necessary. Any advice on security for allowing multiple users to edit documents created by the company would be awesome. Thanks in advance. -Chris
Update (solution):
// check that the userId specified owns the documents
ownsDocument = function(userId, doc) {
// Gets the user form the userId being passed in
var userObject = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
// Checking if the user is associated with the company that created the document being modified
// Returns true/false respectively
return doc.companyId === userObject.profile.companyId;
Looking at the docs, it looks like the first argument to the allow/deny functions is a user ID, not a user document. So you'll have to do Meteor.users.findOne(userId) to get to the document first.
Do keep in mind that users can write to their own profile subdocument, so if you don't disable that, users will be able to change their own company, allowing them to edit any post. You should move company outside of profile.
(If you can't use a proper debugger, old-fashioned console.log still works. Adding console.log(userObject) to ownsDocument probably would have revealed the solution.)

