Update JS Variable in another file - javascript

I am working on a bot and my goal is to essentially create a counter for my bot every time it is called. My first thought is to have a variable stored in another file and when the main js file is called it calls a method to update the variable in the other file. Do I have to use require() or is there another way for me to do this?

You should either store data in database or a JSON file. In the case of JSON file, the code can be written like this.
let fs = require('fs');
let updateCounter = () => {
fs.readFile('/path/to/counter.json', 'utf8', (er, data) => {
throw er;
data = JSON.parse(data);
fs.writeFile('/path/to/counter.json', JSON.stringify(data), er => {
throw er;
"calledTimes": 0

I can think of 2 ways so far:
in another.js, you module.exports = {counter:0}; and in main.js you require(./another).counter++; (every time the return of require is the original object (nodejs's cache mechanism)
put the counter into global scope: global.counter = 0;
Hope this helps you. Good luck.


Discord bot Command That changes Value of a different command

I'm looking for a way to change a text string or a value in one command by typing the new value in a different command. For example I have Discord js v12 and I'm using module commands with each command being in its own .js file.
module.exports = {
name: 'calc',
cooldown: 1000,
run: async(client, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) return await message.delete();
await message.delete();
var multiply = args[0] * (100 - percalc) / 100;
var calculation = multiply.toFixed(2);
if(!args[0]) return await message.channel.send('Specify a Value');
await message.channel.send(changableValue);
await message.channel.send(calculation < 5 ? 5 : calculation);
and I have the consts in the config file like
const percalc = 50;
const changableValue = 'Text example';
Right now the command _calc {number} puts out a calculation in percentage based on the percalc const and a text that comes with it in the changableValue part.
I'd like to make a command let's say _calcset {Value} that will save the provided value and will send it in place of the changableValue const.
First of all, note that the only reason the keyword const exists is because it stands for constant and constant variables can never be changed once initialized. So make sure you change the variable declaration keyword to just var or let.
Method 1 - If you don't need data to persist
Now, if you only want the variable to be changed per session, and you're fine with it going back to what you defined it as when you shut down the bot, you can just update the variable using functions exported from the js file. But to get the dynamic variable you'll also need to use a getter function that you export as well. Example:
var changeableValue = "foo";
function getValue() {
return changeableValue;
function updateValue(newValue) {
changeableValue = newValue;
module.exports = {
const { getValue, updateValue } = require("config.js");
console.log(getValue()); // logs "foo"
console.log(getValue()); // logs "bar"
Unfortunately, as I mentioned, the changeableValue var will be reset back to "foo" every time you shut off the bot. If that's okay with you, then the above works fine.
Method 2 - If you need data to persist through sessions
If you want to persist the changeableValue variable through sessions, then it gets a little more complicated. Your two most likely options are either to write the value to a JSON file using the fs module (so it will be saved to your disk), or save the value in some other database, like MongoDB. I would recommend using another database provider because there are more problems you can run into when writing to your own disk, for example, if you make two write requests at the same time (like if two users use the command at the same time), you can corrupt the file when the requests try to write at the same time. However setting up an external database is outside of the scope of this question, so here's how you would set up writing to a JSON file:
"changeableValue": "foo"
const fs = require("fs");
var { changeableValue } = require("config.json");
console.log(changeableValue) // logs "foo"
var updatedValueJSON = JSON.stringify({ changeableValue: "bar" }); // necessary because the JSON object must be converted to a string
fs.writeFile("config.json", updatedValueJSON, "utf8", () => {
// this is the callback function called when the file write completes
let { changeableValue } = require("config.json");
console.log(changeableValue); // logs "bar", and now if you restart the bot and import changeableValue, it will still be bar

result from a function printing twice when function is exported to a different JS file

I had a function that counts the number of lines in a file and prints out the result and it works fine. I also have a separate js file I imported to my first js file with a rough addition function which also works fine.
The first issue I had is when I run my first js file it prints out count twice. This is occurring when I import the first js file to the second js file. When I comment out the require on the second js file the lineCount() function correctly runs and count is printed only once as it is supposed to.
Why is the result count printing twice when I require the js file in a separate file and how can I fix it to only print the result once while the require statement is still there?
My second question is when I run my first js file I get TypeError: add is not a function even though I exported add from my second js files and called it properly fun1.add(). Why is the function not running and how can I fix it?
const fun1 = require(PATH to second js file);
const fs = require('fs')
function lineCount() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let count = 0;
.on("data", (buffer) => {
let idx = -1;
do {
idx = buffer.indexOf(10, idx + 1);
} while (idx !== -1);
}).on("end", () => {
}).on("error", reject);
module.exports = {
const fun2 = require(PATH to first js file);
function add() {
const a = 3;
const b = 5;
module.exports = {
Why is the result count printing twice when I require the js file in a separate file and how can I fix it to only print the result once while the require statement is still there?
Regarding printings: the first one is from lineCount , the second one from fun1.add()
Requiring the module in JavaScript will run the code inside it.
When you run the first file:
The second file is requiring. So it goes into the file and begins to run it. When it begins - the first file is requiring and it begins to run it again and so on. It called cycle dependencies. You should avoid it. So, just remove const fun2 = require(PATH to first js file); from the second file cause I don't see any usage of it.
FYI: there are no errors if you call the first file. But there is the error you mentioned when the second file is called and the reason is a cycle dependency.

Get data out of callbacks

I am using "pdf-text" module for Node.js to convert a pdf into a string array and then get specific elements out of it. But the problem is, I can only access the data, "chunks", only when I am inside the callback. I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files. I have tried storing the elements of the array inside variables while inside the function, but no luck. Here's the code:
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
output = chunks;
P.S. I am fairly new to Node.js and JavaScript and help would be appreciated greatly.
The output variable will only be set with "chunks" contents when the callback is called.
Btw, you need to add ");" after the callback function declaration on the pdfText function call.
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
otherFunction(); // undefined
output = chunks;
otherFunction(); // chunks content
function otherFunction() {
console.log(output); // undefined
About js callbacks: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/nodejs/nodejs_callbacks_concept.htm
But the problem is, I can only access the data, "chunks", only when I am inside the callback.
Yes, that is correct. You can't access the data before it is available, and when it becomes available, your callback gets called with the data.
I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files.
Suppose you did this. Now you have a problem. Your code in those different files: how will it know when the data is ready? It won't.
You need some way to tell that code the data is ready. The way you tell that code is by calling a function. And at that point you don't need global variables: when you call the function in that other file, you pass the data to it as a function parameter.
In other words, don't just have global code in some file that expects to be able to use your chunks data by referencing a global variable. Instead, write a function that you can call from your callback, and pass chunks into that function.
If you are using node 8, I believe you can use the async-await feature. So you can refactor your code so that it looks like the following:
var pdfText = require('pdf-text');
var pathToPdf = "PDF FILE NAME";
var fs = require('fs');
var buffer = fs.readFileSync(pathToPdf);
var output;
async function getPDF(buffer) {
pdfText(buffer, function(err, chunks){
if (err){
return await chunks;
// you can get the chunks given the buffer here!
I want to store it in some global variable so that I can use it in different files. I have tried storing the elements of the array inside variables while inside the function, but no luck.
I don't think you can store the chunks as a global variable though as you would have to export the chunk (e.g module.exports = getPDF(buffer);), which is synchronous, while the function getPDF is asynchronous. So you have to use it within the same file. What I would do, is import the function instead and then pass it a different buffer in different js files where different pdf is required. Hope this helps.

Issue with output list for learnyounode #6 MAKE IT MODULAR

Just started coding last thursday, bear with me here:
my code for this question of the tutorial is returning a list of just the extension names from the directory and not a list of the files with the said extension, e.g. if i used a directory with 3 .js files and used js as my extension argument in the command line, then i would get
1. js
2. js
3. js
as the output, here is the question from the tutorial and my code. THANK YOU!
the question from learnyounode tutorial number 6:
Exercise 6 of 13
This problem is the same as the previous but introduces the concept of modules. You will need to create two files to solve this.
Create a program that prints a list of files in a given directory, filtered by the extension of the files. The first argument is the directory name and the second argument is the extension filter. Pr
int the list of files (one file per line) to the console. You must use asynchronous I/O.
You must write a module file to do most of the work. The module must export a single function that takes three arguments: the directory name, the filename extension string and a callback function, in
that order. The filename extension argument must be the same as was passed to your program. i.e. don't turn it into a RegExp or prefix with "." or do anything else but pass it to your module where y
ou can do what you need to make your filter work.
The callback function must be called using the idiomatic node(err, data) convention. This convention stipulates that unless there's an error, the first argument passed to the callback will be null, a
nd the second will be your data. In this case, the data will be your filtered list of files, as an Array. If you receive an error, e.g. from your call to fs.readdir(), the callback must be called wi
th the error, and only the error, as the first argument.
You must not print directly to the console from your module file, only from your original program.
In the case of an error bubbling up to your original program file, simply check for it and print an informative message to the console.
These four things are the contract that your module must follow.
Export a single function that takes exactly the arguments described.
Call the callback exactly once with an error or some data as described.
Don't change anything else, like global variables or stdout.
Handle all the errors that may occur and pass them to the callback.
The benefit of having a contract is that your module can be used by anyone who expects this contract. So your module could be used by anyone else who does learnyounode, or the verifier, and just work. *
and my code is:
module (p6m.js):
var fs=require('fs'), ph=require('path'), exports =module.exports={}
return callbk(err,null)
return ph.extname(file)==="."+ext
return callbk(null,files)}
and my program (p6.js):
var p6m=require('./p6m'), path=process.argv[2], ext=process.argv[3]
p6m.f(path, ext, function(err,files){
if(err){return console.log.error('Error occured:', err)};
I got the same problem with my code as of need to use a single function export . So instead of exporting a module function like this :
exports =module.exports={}
try it doing this way :
module.exports = function (path, ext, callbk) {...};
because its a single function so you don't need to specify that function with a name " f " as if you are doing it in this statement :
exports.f = function(path,ext,callbk){...};
whenever you will import the module,it will automatically call this function only, since the module contains this single function.
You can try this piece of code, it works well for me.
module code: mymodule.js
var fs = require('fs');
var ph= require('path');
module.exports = function (path, ext, callbk) {
var pathio = "." + ext;
fs.readdir(path, function (err, files) {
if (err)
return callbk(err);
else {
var listf = []; //listf is the resultant list
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (ph.extname(files[i]) === pathio) {
callbk(null, listf);
program code : moduletest.js
var mod = require('./mymodule');
mod(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], function (err, listf) {
if (err) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < listf.length; i++) {
and do remember, learnyounode series is very specific about its way of coding and syntax, so even if you are doing the logic right way still you won't get pass,you need your code to be the best and optimized. I'll suggest you to refer to discussions on nodeschool itself for various issues you might get in learnyounode series.
That will work and output the right results, but what they are looking for is something like this:
module.exports = function() {};
Because they only want one function total in the exports.
You could also do something like this:
module.exports = FindFilesByExtension;
function FindFilesByExtension(path, ext, callback) {
//your code
Here is my solution,
Thsi is my module file filteredls.js
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
module.exports = function filterFiles(folder, extension, callback) {
fs.readdir(folder, function(err, files) {
if(err) return callback(err);
var filesArray = [];
files.forEach(function(file) {
if(path.extname(file) === "."+extension) {
return callback(null, filesArray);
And here is my test file for reading module modular.js
var ff = require('./filteredls.js');
ff(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], function(err, data) {
return console.error(err);
data.forEach(function(file) {
And this is my result screenshot,

How to make a globally accessible variable?

How can I make a globally accessible variable in nightwatch.js? I'm using a variable to store a customized url (dependent on which store is loaded in our online product), but I need it to be accessible across several javascript functions. It appears the value of it resets after each function ends, despite it being declared outside of the function at the head of the file.
It's been some time since you asked your question and support for what you requested might not have been (natively) available before. Now it is.
In the developer guide two methods are provided for creating global variables accessible from any given test, depending on your needs. See here for good reading.
Method 1:
For truly global globals, that is, for all tests and all environments. Define an object, or pass a file, at the "globals_path" section of your nightwatch.json file, i.e.
"globals_path": "./lib/globals.js",
You will need to export the variables, however, so brushing up on Node is a good idea. Here is a basic globals.js file example:
var userNames = {
basicAuth: 'chicken',
clientEmail: 'SaddenedSnail#domain.com',
adminEmail: 'admin#domain.com',
module.exports = {
userNames: userNames
This object/file will be used for all of your tests, no matter the environment, unless you specify a different file/object as seen in method 2 below.
To access the variables from your test suite, use the mandatory browser/client variable passed to every function (test), i.e:
'Account Log In': function accLogin(client) {
var user = client.globals.userNames.clientEmail;
.waitForElementVisible('yourUserNameField', 1000)
.setValue('yourUserNameField', user)
Method 2:
For environment based globals, which change depending on the environment you specify. Define an object, or pass a file, at the "globals" section of your nightwatch.json file, nested under your required environment. I.e.
"test_settings" : {
"default" : {
"launch_url" : "http://localhost",
"selenium_port" : 4444,
"selenium_host" : "localhost",
"globals": {
"myGlobal" : "some_required_global"
Please note that at the time of writing, there seems to be a bug in nightwatch and thus passing a file using Method 2 does not work (at least in my environment). More info about said bug can be found here.
To expand on Tricote's answer, Nightwatch has built-in support for this. See the documentation.
You can either specify it in the nightwatch.json file as "globals": {"myvar": "whatever"} or in a globals.js file that you reference within nightwatch.json with "globals": "path/to/globals.js". In the latter case, globals.js could have:
module.exports = {
myvar: 'whatever'
In either case, you can access the variable within your tests as Tricote mentioned:
module.exports = {
"test": function(browser) {
console.log(browser.globals.myvar); // "whatever"
I'll probably get down-voted for this, but another option that I have been using successfully to store and retrieve objects and data is to do a file write as key value pairs to an existing file.
This allows me to, at the end of a test run, see any data that was randomly created. I create this file in my first test script using all of the data I will use to create the various accounts for the test. In this way, if I see a whole lot of failures, I can take a look at the file and see what data was used, then say, log in as that user and go to that location manually.
In custom commands I have a file that exports the following function:
saveToFile : function(path, filename, data) {
this.yfs = fs;
buffer = new Buffer(data);
console.log("Note: About to update the configuration with test data" )
fs.open(path, 'w', function(err, fd) {
if (err) {
throw 'error opening file: ' + err;
fs.write(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, null, function(err) {
if (err) throw 'error writing file: ' + err;
return fs.close(fd, function() {
console.log('File write: ' + path + ' has been updated.' );
In this file, 'data' is key value pairs like "username" : "Randy8989#mailinator.com". As a result I can use that data in later scripts, if so desired.
This being true, I'll be exploring GrayedFox's answer immediately.
Not sure it's the best way, but here is how I do it : you can define a variable in the browser.globals and access it in your different tests
For instance :
module.exports = {
before: function(browser) {
console.log("Setting up...");
// initialize global variable state
browser.globals.state = {};
"first test": function(browser) {
var settings = browser.globals,
state = browser.globals.state;
state.my_shared_var = "something";
// ...
// use a shared variable
.setValue('input#id', state.my_shared_var)
// ...
// ...
// save something from the page in a variable
.getText("#result", function(result) {
state.my_shared_result = result.value;
// ...
"second test": function(browser) {
var settings = browser.globals,
state = browser.globals.state;
// ...
// use the variables
.url("http://example.com/" + state.my_shared_result + "/show")
.assert.containsText('body', state.my_shared_var)
// ...
An alternative of globals.json if you need read data with complex procedure, is just to create a function in the same test file.
In the following example, I needed simple values and data from csv.
So I created getData() function and I can invoke directly from inside:
let csvToJson = require('convert-csv-to-json');
function getData(){
let users = csvToJson.getJsonFromCsv("/../users.csv");
return {
"users:": users,
module.exports = {
"login": function(browser) {
//data is loading here
var data = getData();
.waitForElementVisible('input[name="q"]', 4000)
.setValue('input[name="q"]', data.wordToSearch)
.waitForElementVisible('#result-stats', 4000)
generaly it is a bad practice, but you can assign it as field of window class.
window.someGlobalVar = 'http://example.org/'
and window object is accessible globally

