Json to Map Unsing Amcharts - javascript

I need to creat a Tunisia map using Amcharts with my json data
Code in my json / id in tunisiaLow
nbre in my json / value in tunisialow
i change in tunisiaLow like my json data but not work
i need samthink like this
pleas help me
this is my code in plunker plnkr.co/edit/6aDJREhcFYSfM5JW99mX?p=preview

The biggest issue with your code is that you modified the AmCharts map JS file in such a way that it completely breaks with the library. The JS files should not be modified unless you know what you're doing and follow the directions on creating your own map files tutorial. Your modified file removes the required id attribute that makes the map function.
Ideally you should modify your data to match the map format, not the other way around. Going by your last ticket, you seem to be unable to change your data, so the solution is the same as the last - remap your data to conform with AmCharts' format.
The original JS/SVG map has a list of IDs for each province. Since your dataset's titles don't exactly match the titles within the original map, you'll want to create a lookup object that uses your titles to link up to the internal map IDs, for example, using your French titles:
var areaDataMapping = {
"TUNIS": "TN-11",
"ARIANA": "TN-12",
"BEN AROUS": "TN-13",
"MANOUBA": "TN-14",
"NABEUL": "TN-21",
"ZAGHOUAN": "TN-22",
"BIZERTE": "TN-23",
"BEJA": "TN-31",
"JENDOUBA": "TN-32",
"KEF": "TN-33",
"SILIANA": "TN-34",
"KAIROUAN": "TN-41",
"SOUSSE": "TN-51",
"MONASTIR": "TN-52",
"MAHDIA": "TN-53",
"SFAX": "TN-61",
"GAFSA": "TN-71",
"TOZEUR": "TN-72",
"KEBILI": "TN-73",
"GABES": "TN-81",
"MEDENINE": "TN-82",
From there, you can remap your parsed JSON file to create the correct area object array with the required properties such as id, title and value and then assign the result to your code:
var remappedAreas = AmCharts.parseJSON( areas ).map(function(area) {
return {
id: areaDataMapping[area.libelleFr],
title: area.libelleAr,
code: area.code,
value: area.nbre
var map = AmCharts.makeChart("...", {
// ...
"dataProvider": {
// ...
"areas": remappedAreas,
// ...
// ...
Here's an updated plunkr, which uses the official AmCharts JS for Tunisia instead of your version.


creating D3 Word Cloud by using an array of json objects instead of reading from json file

I am quite new to D3 and I have a D3 word cloud template that reads from a json file and then creates a word cloud. The part that reads from json file and inputs the keys and values into chart is :
d3.json("testdata.json", data => {
var chart = renderChart()
.data({ values: data })
What I wish to do is populate this word cloud from an array of json objects that are created by the program dynamically during the program execution that is why I cannot write it into a json file manually.
One of the many codes that I tried to use was this:
test =>{
var chart = renderChart()
.data({ values: test})
where test is my array of json objects.
The code is working with no errors but it is displaying nothing.
Any help much appreciated !
Fixed! code has to be:
var chart = renderChart()
.data({ values: test})

load json data to dataset in d3js

I am having json file like this. It contains some data.
[{\"Frequency\":\"Building 1\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":46,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":32,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 2\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":23},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":33,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 3\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":57,\"Value1\":22,\"Value2\":24},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":42,\"Value1\":16,\"Value2\":11}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 4\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":59,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":44,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":35}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 5\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":11},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":3}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 6\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":21},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":47,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":24}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 7\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":58,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":43,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 8\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":2},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33}]}]
I want to store this json file into dataset in d3.js. or
I have given all data are static into my code. I want to give these data from json file to d3.js can any one give me example.
my expected result is
dataset = JSON.parse("[{\"Frequency\":\"Building 1\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":46,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":32,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 2\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":23},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":33,\"Value2\":12}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 3\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":57,\"Value1\":22,\"Value2\":24},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":42,\"Value1\":16,\"Value2\":11}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 4\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":59,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":44,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":35}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 5\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":11},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":3}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 6\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":62,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":21},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":47,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":24}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 7\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":58,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":43,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":22}]},{\"Frequency\":\"Building 8\",\"Data\":[{\"Name\":\"Medicine\",\"Value\":48,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":2},{\"Name\":\"food\",\"Value\":34,\"Value1\":26,\"Value2\":33}]}]");
inside the bracket my data should be come i dont know how to do this can any tell me how to do this.
before i tried this but it is not working.
d3.json("D3json.json", function(error, data) {
var datas = data;
here is my jsfiddle example: Click here to see the example
Vinoth S
If I understood your question correctly, you are trying to dynamically load JSON data in contrast to having it hard-coded in your file.
Here is an example how to do it: http://bl.ocks.org/Jverma/887877fc5c2c2d99be10
In general, you have to execute the drawing part after you successfully loaded the data (within the callback function of d3.json())

Office-JS API: Fetching filtered data from table

I am trying to figure out a way to fetch only the filtered values from a table if a filter is active in Office-JS API.
Right now the only way I have figured to fetch all the table data is from the table range values property:
var table = tables.getItemAt(0);
var tableRange = table.getRange();
ctx.sync().then(function () {
// This returns all the values from the table, and not only the visible data
var values = tableRange.values;
Any ideas on how I can proceed to fetch only the visible values from the table if a filter is active?
From previous experience with Office Interop I have achieved the same by looping through the different Areas of the table range, but I am unable to find the equivalent to Areas in Office-JS.
The upcoming next wave of features as part of Excel JS APIs 1.3 will include a new object "RangeView" that allows you to read only the visible values off the Range object.
Here's a link to the open spec on GitHub - https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js-docs/tree/ExcelJs_1.3_OpenSpec/excel.
Note that this isn't available just yet, but will be in the near future.
Usage for your case off a table would look like this:
var table = tables.getItemAt(0);
var visibleView = table.getRange().getVisibleView();
ctx.sync().then(function () {
var values = visibleView.values;
One way to get only filtered data is through the Binding.getDataAsync method, which takes a filterType parameter.
coercionType: "table",
filterType: "onlyVisible"
var values = (asyncResult.value.rows);
This code assumes you have already created a binding to the table. If not, you can run the following code first, which uses the table name to call Bindings.addFromNamedItemAsync:
id: "myTableBinding1"
// handle errors and call code sample #1
Note that the solution above is supported as far back as Excel 2013 because it uses the shared APIs. The Excel-specific API set doesn't yet have the capability to return only unfiltered data.
-Michael Saunders, PM for Office add-ins

How to get object and save it to a new one

I'm trying to build a webmap using Leaflet. My data are stored in a zipped shapefile, so I'm using the shapefile-js, which allows me to load and use the data. My program loads the zipped shapfile and adds the content to a geoJson object.
The next big thing: I want to grap the geoJson object to visualize the data in a table view using for example datatables.net or json Table.
Firstly find some code below:
var m = L.map('map', {
center : [51.3, 10.3],
zoom : 6,
minZoom : 6,
maxZoom : 10
var geo = L.geoJson({
features : []
}, {
onEachFeature : function (feature, layer) {
click : displayInfos
layer.bindLabel(layer.feature.properties.GEN, {
direction : 'auto'
style : style,
// add the shapefile to the geojson object `geo`
shp('zipped_shapefile.zip').then(function (data) {
Now I have some questions about it:
1.) As already said, now I want to access the data as a (geo)json object. Using Chrome's developer tools, I ask for the 'geo'object and I get the following output:
e {options: Object, _layers: Object, _initHooksCalled: true, _leaflet_id: 22, _map: e…}
Here is the question of why: Why is this not already a FeatureCollection type? This is only the case, if I use geo.toGeoJSON(); , where geo is the L.geoJson object (check code above).
2.) I've tried to solve the problem with a workaround. So...using the developer console I type
> geo2 = geo.toGeoJSON();
and I get the following result:
Object {type: "FeatureCollection", features: Array[412]}
This is exactly, what I want to have, isn't it? It's a json object... In my opinion, I only have to add this line at the end of my code (see the big code-block), but by doing it, I only get an empty FeatureCollection object.
> geo2
Object {type: "FeatureCollection", features: Array[0]}
I need to know, how I can store the geo-object (from whatever reason the geo-object is not accessible as a json object (question 1)) as a json object (question 2). As previously mentioned: it works by using the console, but not by placing the lines in my code :-/
Any help is mich appreciated :)

Drawing lines with geoJSON data in D3.js

I'm trying to draw US state outlines with the D3 framework (http://mbostock.github.com/d3/) but am having issues generating the actual SVG data. I've written my code to follow the Chloropleth example (as it most closely resembles what this project needs), made sure the supplied data is in geoJSON format, and AFAIK have the backend half of this working fine.
The problem is that when I view the DOM, the <svg> object contains only one <g> element (which I created manually, per the example), and none of the child <path> elements that should under it. My code seems fairly identical to the example, and my data appears to look correct, though I am outputting MultiPolygons instead of the Polygon object that the example uses.
Our app is a RoR project with jQuery (we're only using D3 for the SVG and geography features). The test page tries to create an <svg> element under a div called theArea, based upon the selection from a dropdown select of U.S. states:
$(document).ready( function() {
$("#chooser_state").change( function() {
var status = "#status";
var statebox = "#chooser_state";
var theArea = "#theArea"
var url = "/test/get_state_geom";
var data = { state: $(statebox).val() };
$(status).text("Request sent...");
$.post(url, jQuery.param(data), function(resp) {
$(status).text("Received response: " + resp["message"]);
var path = d3.geo.path();
var svg = d3.select(theArea).append("svg");
var state = svg.append("g").attr("id", "state_view");
var features = resp.payload.features;
$(status).text("Created SVG object");
.attr("d", path );
The data we're feeding D3 looks like this:
'type' => 'Feature',
'id' => '01',
'properties' => {
'name' => 'Colorado'
'geometry' => {
'type' => 'MultiPolygon',
'coordinates' => [
< -- and so on -- >
Can someone clue me in to what we're doing wrong? I am new to geo and GIS stuff. I suspect the problem lies with the data() function, as it looks like it should be creating the blank <path> objects for each Feature (though we have only one, at the moment), but the D3 documentation seems unclear (and difficult to understand).
EDIT: Just wanted to add that the geoJSON we generate was created by the geoJSON extension for the GeoRuby gem. The actual map lines were sourced from the consolidated data that US Census Bureau's cartographic boundary files, which were converted to SQL and saved with postGIS. Part of me suspects the geoJSON extension is doing something wrong, so that is my next avenue of attack.
After giving up on this and then coming back, I noticed that my FeaturesCollection was not, in fact, a collection. There's a small detail that is easy to overlook when examining geoJSON samples: the contents of the FeaturesCollection is an array of hashes, not a single hash.

