Creating and live-updating database without php (on Heroku) [closed] - javascript

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm wondering if there's some way, using JS+nodejs, to create and to live- update a database.
I am in a bit of a time crunch and am very unfamiliar with PHP, and am having problems using PHP+Heroku. I am much more familiar with JS+nodejs. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Have you tried using meteor?
Meteor runs on top of NodeJS and you can build apps with two way data binding ( database and front-end) using meteor. Plus It has support for Angular and React.
Alternatively you can build everything from scratch with NodeJS, some front-end framework and


General questions about php and react.js [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm about to learn react.js but I have a lot of questions,
if I'm learning react do I need PHP?
Do I need PHP with react.js and how will I use it inside PHP if possible
if I do PHP do I need React?
React.js is a javascript front-end library. It is fully written in javascript and that is the only language you need to know to use it.
PHP is a scripting language that is generally used to create the backend of your applications.
So yes you could technically develop your backend using PHP and then use React to create the frontend of your application, however it would be easier to simply use javascript to create both the backend and the frontend of your project.
If you're interested in backend development using javascript, I recommend you start by looking at node.js and the express.js library.

is it possible to use pure node js without using express as a back-end for vue js? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've already created a project using vue js and node js but with express. I was just thinking if it's possible to use node js alone without using such a framework?
Yes, it's possible to develop a whole website/web app without an extra framework like express. The thing is that you have to manage so many things on your own.
Your web app/website code became harder to read as you progress in NodeJS. URL routing is complex than express. So, You have to write a bunch of switch cases.
It's possible to use NodeJS alone. But, you have to write more code that is provided by express or any other framework.

How to implement a chat feature on Laravel Application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have
a web-application that use :
Laravel for the back-end
Angular for the front-end.
I finished
implement the whole
email activation
Now, I want
to add a chat feature to allow my users to chat with each other.
How do we make something like that ? How do we start ?
For anyone that have done this, how did you start ?
Any hints or suggestions on this will be much appreciated.
Actually chat application should not be done in pure PHP i would build chat application on the top of and pushing messages from laravel to client (angular)

How to use angularJs in GWT? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to integrate angularJs in my existing GWT application. I am new to angularJs. How to start with it?
Take a look at
AngularGWT - This is a library that enables Authors to write components or complete apps for AngularJS in Java. This is mostly done using compiler castings for Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java Code into Javascript.
AngularGWT is the way to go. But if you want an simple way off, include the angular.js in your *.html file and use JSNI to access Angular JS from your code.

Migration from Java backend with simple Javascript frontend to MEAN stack [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I created a client-server web app using Java backend (JBoss RESTEasy, Jackson, MongoDB) and Javascript frontend (just jQuery and some plugins).
Now as I learning Javascript I want to create the same app using MEAN stack.
What should I start with? All necessary tools are installed (node.js, grunt, bower etc). MongoDB with needed data is ready.
Should I start with Mongoose model for my data? Or with Angular part?
I would suggest building bottom-up from the existing documents in MongoDB to the Mongoose models and doing a quick prototype to replicate a key performance scenario of your existing application. This will help with capacity planning, you'll have real application workloads and a foundation to add Angular on top of later.

