XPages Validation with CSJS function call from submit button - javascript

I have a form that has a javascript validation function built from its previous functioning web site (i.e. old domino form). I am in the process of converting that website to xpages. Is it possible to tie that function as a CSJS to the save and close button like it was in the past application?
I only ask as there are lots of conditional validation requirements that would all need to be recreated that are existing in this function. . Also the form has tab pannels, and partial refresh conditions that I would have to code around to avoid refreshes calling validation, etc.
I have a feeling I will have problems with some of the calls, example:
form1 = document.forms[0] ;
val_AlphaSuffix = form1.Suffix.value ;
var msg="";
form = document.forms[0] ;
val_Eff_Date = form.Eff_Date.value ;
if (val_Eff_Date== "") {
msg=msg+"Effective Date is missing.\n";

If anyone has a better way of passing the document instead of each item, I would love to see that, but if not I think this answer by Tim T. probably is the best answer I can see:
Expression Language (e.g. #{id:Hours20}) can only be interpreted within the context of a component attribute, such as the onChange event code for a field. Once you move the code into a separate library, the code is no longer an attribute of a component, it's code that can be referenced in component attributes.
As with any other good function, design all client-side JavaScript functions to accept anything that might be context-sensitive as a parameter. For example:
function updateHours(inputId, outputId) {
var hours20 = XSP.getElementById(inputId).value;
XSP.getElementById(outputId).value = hours20;
Then your onChange event can reference this function, but pass in only the context-sensitive information:
updateHours("#{id:Hours20}", "#{id:Hours10}");
This way you're keeping reusable business logic in script libraries, which is always a good thing, but nothing in those libraries is assuming anything about page structure or server-side variables.
answered Jan 16 '14 at 0:17
Tim Tripcony

There are a few moving parts you want to look at...
If you want to perform an entire client side validation, don't tie it to a button, but use the form event onSubmit="validate(this)". This will call your function with the form as parameter and you don't need to worry if you got the right form. You could use class parameters on your fields to specify generic validation requirements e.g. class="mandatory max_50" etc.
However be aware: client side validation is only for the comfort of the user, since it can be bypassed easily. Unless you are on very slow connection, you might want to take advantage of XPages server side validators and the error control.
Update: use the XSP object to add the event: https://www.notessensei.com/blog/2010/07/meet-the-xsp-object.html


how validation works in mongoose

I was reading documentation of mongoose: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/guide.html
It is said that validation occurs before saving document in the database.
And to turn this feature off we have to set option: validateBeforeSave to false.
However I have another decent Node.js tutorial example where they just use .validate as follows:
var course = new Course({});
course.validate(function(err) {
assert.equal(err.errors['title'].kind, 'required');
course.title = 'Introduction to Computer Science';
assert.equal(course.title, 'Introduction to Computer Science');
var s = '0123456789';
course.title = '';
while (course.title.length < 150) {
course.title += s;
course.validate(function(err) {
assert.equal(err.errors['title'].kind, 'maxlength');
I can't understand the underlying reason for using validate without setting validateBeforeSave option to false? Could someone please clarify how the provided code above works?
validateBeforeSave, as the name implies, validates the mongoose object before persisting it to database. This is a schema level check, which, if not set to false, will validate every document. It includes both built-in (like a Number cannot contain string or a required field should exist etc.) and custom defined validations.
validate does the same, only it has no concern with saving the document afterwards. It's the method on the object which you invoke, like course.validate(callback), and get to know if the object is valid or not through err in the callback.
Both are doing one and the same thing but at different times and different level. Also, both are not mutually exclusive, so one does not need to be set off for other to work.
As for the use case of validate, unit testing is one example. You may want to test your validators without the trouble of mocking save or setting up a test database. I believe the example is trying to do something like that, though not in a structured way.
As you said mongoose is fireing up validation before save operation, but there are some cases when you want to validate document schema without save. For this you can use validate method directly.
Your example from tutorial show us piece of code representing unit tests. So for example we can check methods which generate some model to save without saving him.
Also validate method could help when you have complicated action flow with many saves and dependencies. For example you want to save user dashboard model with proper structure but firstly you saving user profile. With validate method and for instance wrong dashboard structure you can check request and throw exception before saving user profile.
In the example code, they are using Async Custom Validator which you would understand better if you check this: http://mongoosejs.com/docs/validation.html#built-in-validators
They are used when standard validation is not enough and this is purely my observation that they are usually used in testing along with some testing framework and assetion library.

How are custom broadcast events implemented in JavaScript (or jQuery)?

I want to implement a custom event that can be "broadcast", rather than sent to specific targets. Only those elements that have registered themselves as listeners for such events will receive them.
What I have in mind would look as follows.
First, in various places of the code, there would be statements of the form
some_subscriber.on_signal( 'some_signal', some_handler );
I'm using the term signal as shorthand for "broadcast event". In the expression above, some_subscriber registers itself as a listener of one type (called 'some_signal') of such signals, by providing a handler for it.
Elsewhere in the code, there would be statements of the form
publisher.signal_types[ 'some_signal' ].broadcast( event_data );
When statements like these get executed, a new event is generated and "broadcast". By this I mean that the code that calls the broadcast method has no direct information about the listeners for the signal it is issuing.
I have implemented a sketch of this idea in this jsFiddle, mostly in order to illustrate what I described in words above1. (It's certainly not production-grade, and I'm not particularly confident that it could be made so.)
The key elements of this implementation are the following. First, publisher objects do not keep track of their subscribers, as can be seen in the implementation of a factory method for such a publisher, shown below:
function make_publisher ( signal_types ) {
// ...
var _
, signal = {}
, ping = function ( type ) {
signal[ type ].broadcast( ... );
signal_types.forEach( function ( type ) {
signal[ type ] = $.register_signal_type( type );
} );
return { signal_types: signal_types, ping: ping };
This publisher object exposes only two items: the types of signals it broadcasts (in signal_types), and a ping method. When its ping method is invoked, the publisher responds by broadcasting a signal:
signal[ type ].broadcast( ... )
The ultimate recipients of this broadcast are nowhere to be seen in this code.
Second, elsewhere in the code, subscribers register themselves as listeners of these broadcast signals, like so
$( some_selector ).on_signal( signal_type, some_handler );
Note: It is basically impossible to illustrate the rationale for this scheme using an example that is both small and realistic. The reason for this is that the strength of this scheme is that it supports very loose coupling between the publisher code and subscriber code, and this is a feature that is never necessary in a small example. On the contrary, in a small example, code that implements such loose coupling invariably comes across as unnecessarily complex. It is therefore important to keep in mind that this apparent excess complexity is an artifact of the context. Loose coupling is very useful in larger projects. In particular, loose coupling via a publisher/subscriber-type pattern is one of the essential features of MVC.
My question is: is there a better (or at least more standard) way to achieve this effect of "broadcasting" custom events?
(I'm interested in both jQuery-based answers as well as "pure JS" ones.)
1An earlier, ill-fated version of this post was met with almost universal incomprehension, and (of course) the all-too-typical down-voting. With one exception, all the comments I got challenged the very premises of the post, and one directly questioned my grasp of the basics of event-driven programming, etc. I'm hoping that by presenting a working example of what I mean at least it won't come across as utterly inconceivable as it did when I described it in words alone. Luckily, the one helpful comment I did get on that earlier post informed me of the function jQuery.Callbacks. This was indeed a useful tip; the sketch implementation mentioned in the post is based on jQuery.Callbacks.
All right.
So I think what you can do is use the native dispatchEvent and addEventListener methods and use document as the only element for both publishing and subscribing to those events. Something like:
var myCustomEvent = new Event('someEvent');
document.addEventListener('someEvent', doSomething, false);
And to make cross-browser, you could:
var myCustomEvent = new Event('someEvent');
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener('someEvent', doSomething, false);
} else {
document.attachEvent('someEvent', doSomething);
You can read more on the subject here and here. Hope this helps.
My question is: is there a better (or at least more standard) way to
achieve this effect of "broadcasting" custom events?
No, there is not a more standard way of doing publish/subscribe in Javascript. It is not directly built into the language or the browser and there are no platform standards for it that I'm aware of.
You have several options (most of which you seem aware of) to put your own system together.
You could pick a specific object such as the document object or the window object or a new object you create and use jQuery's .on() and .trigger() with that object as a central clearing house to cobble together a publish/subscribe-like model. You could even hide the existence of that object from your actual use by just coding it into a few utility functions if you want.
Or, as you seem to already know, you could use the jQuery.Callbacks functionality. There's even publish/subscribe sample code in the jQuery doc.
Or, you can find a third party library that offers a somewhat traditional publish/subscribe model.
Or, you can build your own from scratch which really just involves keeping a list of callback functions that are associated with a specific event so when that event is triggered, you can call each callback function.
If you came here looking for the jQuery way of doing this, here you go:
Add the event broadcast/dispatch code:
complete: function () {
// signal to registered listeners that event has occured
Register a listener for the event:
$(<element-name>).on(<event-name>, function() {...});
$(document).on("build_complete", function () {
Doing it this way: $(document).build_complete(function() {...}); leads to an error: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).build_complete is not a function.
I know this has been marked as answered back in 2015 -- but a solution that is also elegant and simple could be to use Redux

Call a JavaScript function from C++

I have a CDHTMLDialog, with which I have 2 HTML pages and a .js file with a few fairly simple functions.
I would like to be able to call one of the JS functions from my program with a simple data type passed with it. e.g. MyFunc(int). Nothing needs to be returned.
I would appreciate any guidance on how I go about this,
Edit: Thanks to CR for his answer, and everyone else who submitted there ideas too.
Something a little like this worked in the end (stripped a little error handling from it for clarity):
void callJavaScriptFunc(int Fruit)
CString FuncStr;
CString LangStr = "javascript";
VARIANT vEmpty = {0};
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> HTML2Doc;
CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> HTML2Wind;
hRes = GetDHtmlDocument(&HTML2Doc);
hRes = HTML2Doc->get_parentWindow(&HTML2Wind);
if( Fruit > 0 )
FuncStr = "myFunc(808)"; // Javascript parameters can be used
hRes = HTML2Wind->execScript(FuncStr.AllocSysString(), LangStr.AllocSysString(), &vEmpty);
Easiest approach would be to use the execScript() method in the IHTMLWindow2 interface.
So you could get the IHTMLDocument2 interface from your CDHTMLDialog by calling GetDHtmlDocument, then get the parentWindow from IHTMLDocument2. The parent window will have the IHTMLWindow2 interface that supports execScript().
There might be an easier way to get the IHTMLWindow2 interface from your CDHTMLDialog but I'm used to working at a lower level.
the SpiderMonkey library can "Call a JavaScript function from C++", please refer to
but in your case, maybe this is not the answer.
To give you a hint - javascript injection in server-side-technologies is usually performed through bulk-load at startup (GWT) or injected when the HTML is generated and served each post-back (ASP.NET).
The important point of both approaches is that they inject the javascript calls somewhere in the page (or in a separated .js file linked in the HTML in case of GWT) when generating the HTML page.
Even if you're on win development (looks like it since you're on MFCs) it might be the case that you have to insert your js method call in the HTML and then load (or reload if you wish to interact with the html from your MFC app) the HTML file in your CHTMLDialog.
I don't see any other way of achieving this (maybe I am just not aware of some suitable out-of-the-box functionality) other than editing your HTML and (re)loading it - which is pretty convenient and workable if you have to call your js method once off or just inject some kind of event-handling logic.
Might be a bit of a pain if you have to interact with the page from your MFC app. In this case you have to re-generate your HTML and reload it in your CHTMLDialog.
Either way you can simply have some kind of placeholder in your HTML file, look for that and replace with your javascript code, then load the page in your CHTMLDialog:

Event handling in Dojo

Taking Jeff Atwood's advice, I decided to use a JavaScript library for the very basic to-do list application I'm writing. I picked the Dojo toolkit, version 1.1.1. At first, all was fine: the drag-and-drop code I wrote worked first time, you can drag tasks on-screen to change their order of precedence, and each drag-and-drop operation calls an event handler that sends an AJAX call to the server to let it know that order has been changed.
Then I went to add in the email tracking functionality. Standard stuff: new incoming emails have a unique ID number attached to their subject line, all subsequent emails about that problem can be tracked by simply leaving that ID number in the subject when you reply. So, we have a list of open tasks, each with their own ID number, and each of those tasks has a time-ordered list of associated emails. I wanted the text of those emails to be available to the user as they were looking at their list of tasks, so I made each task box a Dijit "Tree" control - top level contains the task description, branches contain email dates, and a single "leaf" off of each of those branches contains the email text.
First problem: I wanted the tree view to be fully-collapsed by default. After searching Google quite extensively, I found a number of solutions, all of which seemed to be valid for previous versions of Dojo but not the one I was using. I eventually figured out that the best solution would seem to be to have a event handler called when the Tree control had loaded that simply collapsed each branch/leaf. Unfortunately, even though the Tree control had been instantiated and its "startup" event handler called, the branches and leaves still hadn't loaded (the data was still being loaded via an AJAX call). So, I modified the system so that all email text and Tree structure is added server-side. This means the whole fully-populated Tree control is available when its startup event handler is called.
So, the startup event handler fully collapses the tree. Next, I couldn't find a "proper" way to have nice formatted text for the email leaves. I can put the email text in the leaf just fine, but any HTML gets escaped out and shows up in the web page. Cue more rummaging around Dojo's documentation (tends to be out of date, with code and examples for pre-1.0 versions) and Google. I eventually came up with the solution of getting JavaScript to go and read the SPAN element that's inside each leaf node and un-escape the escaped HTML code in it's innerHTML. I figured I'd put code to do this in with the fully-collapse-the-tree code, in the Tree control's startup event handler.
However... it turns out that the SPAN element isn't actually created until the user clicks on the expando (the little "+" symbol in a tree view you click to expand a node). Okay, fair enough - I'll add the re-formatting code to the onExpand() event handler, or whatever it's called. Which doesn't seem to exist. I've searched to documentation, I've searched Google... I'm quite possibly mis-understanding Dojo's "publish/subscribe" event handling system, but I think that mainly because there doesn't seem to be any comprehensive documentation for it anywhere (like, where do I find out what events I can subscribe to?).
So, in the end, the best solution I can come up with is to add an onClick event handler (not a "Dojo" event, but a plain JavaScript event that Dojo knows nothing about) to the expando node of each Tree branch that re-formats the HTML inside the SPAN element of each leaf. Except... when that is called, the SPAN element still doesn't exist (sometimes - other times it's been cached, just to further confuse you). Therefore, I have the event handler set up a timer that periodically calls a function that checks to see if the relevant SPAN element has turned up yet before then re-formatting it.
// An event handler called whenever a "email title" tree node is expanded.
function formatTreeNode(nodeID) {
if (dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren().length != 0) {
messageBody = dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren()[0].labelNode.innerHTML
if (messageBody.indexOf("<b>Message text:</b>") == -1) {
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/>/g, ">");
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/</g, "<");
messageBody = messageBody.replace(/&/g, "&");
dijit.byId(nodeID).getChildren()[0].labelNode.innerHTML = "<b>Message text:</b><div style=\"font-family:courier\">"+messageBody+"</div>";
// An event handler called when a tree node has been set up - we changed the default fully-expanded to fully-collapsed.
function setupTree(theTree) {
messageNode = dijit.byId("tree-"+theTree).rootNode.getChildren();
for (pl = 0; pl < messageNode.length; pl++) {
messageNode[pl].expandoNode.onclick = eval("nodeUpdateIntervalID = setInterval(\"formatTreeNode('"+messageNode[pl].id+"')\",200); formatTreeNode('"+messageNode[pl].id+"');");
The above has the feel of a truly horrible hack, and I feel sure I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere early on in my thought process. Can someone please tell me:
The correct way to go about putting nicely-formatted text inside a Dojo/Dijit Tree control.
The correct way to handle Dojo events, like where I can figure out what events are available for me to subscribe to.
A better JavaScript library to use (can I do what I want to with JQuery and avoid the all-around-the-houses approach seen above?).
PS: If you're naming a software project, give thought to its name's uniqueness in Google - I'm sure searching for "Dojo" documentation in Google would be easier without all the martial arts results getting in the way.
PPS: Firefox spellchecker knows how to spell "Atwood", correcting me when I put two 'T's instead of one. Is Jeff just that famous now?
I assume that you followed the dijit.Tree and dojo.data in Dojo 1.1 tutorial which directed you to pass the data to the tree control using a data store. That had me banging my head of a brick wall for a while.
Its not really a great approach and the alternative is not really well documented. You need to create a use model instead. I have included an example below of a tree model that I created for displaying the structure of an LDAP directory.
You will find the default implementation of the model in your dojo distribution at ./dijit/_tree/model.js. The comments should help you understand the functions supported by the model.
The IDirectoryService class the code below are stubs for server-side Java POJOs generated by Direct Web Remoting (DWR). I highly recommend DWR if you going to be doing a lot of client-server interaction.
dojo.declare("LDAPDirectoryTreeModel", [ dijit.tree.model ], {
getRoot : function(onItem) {
IDirectoryService.getRoots( function(roots) {
mayHaveChildren : function(item) {
return true;
getChildren : function(parentItem, onComplete) {
IDirectoryService.getChildrenImpl(parentItem, onComplete);
getIdentity : function(item) {
return item.dn;
getLabel : function(item) {
return item.rdn;
And here is an extract from the my JSP page where I created the model and used it to populate the tree control.
dojoType="dijit.Tree" model="treeModel"

Best practices with jQuery form binding code in an application

We have an application with a good amount of jQuery JSON calls to server side code. Because of this, we have a large amount of binding code to parse responses and bind the appropriate values to the form. This is a two part question.
What is the reccomended approach for dealing with a large number of forms that all have different data. Right now were are trying to take a structured approach in setting up a js "class" for each page, with an init, wireClickEvents etc.. to try to have everything conformed.
Is there any "best practices" with creating repetitive jQuery code or any type of reccomended structure other than just throwing a bunch of functions in a js file?
You should probably look into a framework like knockout.js This way you can just update your models and the forms will update automatically.
Not 100% sure example what you are asking, but personally, and I use MochiKit, I create JavaScript "classes" (or widgets, if you prefer) for every significant client-side UI structure. These know, of course, how to populate themselves with data.
I don't know what more there is to say - writing UI code for the browser in JavaScript is no different than writing UI code for other types of apps, as far as I am concerned. Build classes and instantiate them as needed, populate them with data, have them throw events, etc. etc.
Am I up in the night on this? :)
EDIT: In other words, yes - do what you are doing, for the most part. I see too many novice JavaScript hackers write a bunch of poorly-cohesive functions that don't appear to be a part of anything specific other than they are all in a single file. Hope that makes sense.
I think there are multiple challanges for you. The first question is how to structure javascript code, i.e. how to build namespaces so that you don't fight name clashes or have to name your functions like
One of the proven patterns for modules in javascript is to use an anonymous function to build a new naming scope. The basic idea is shon in the following code
(function() {
var foo = 1;
(function() {
if(foo == 1) alert("namespace separation failed!")
I think this blog entry is a good introduction.
The second question you face is how to avoid all the repetition in javascript code.
You have a couple of weapons against this.
functions - this seams obvious but it's often forgotten to refactor common code into functions where it can be done. In you case this will be functions to copy values from the json response into the forms and like that
higher order function - or functions as data - or callback, as they are often called in javascript. These are the mightiest weapon in javascript. In case for form and ajax handling you can use callback to avoid repetition in the control flow of your forms.
Let me construct an example out of my head (using jquery for convinence)
// this is a validator for one form
var form1validator = function() {
if($("input[name=name]",this).attr("value").length < 1 &&
$("input[name=organisation]",this).attr("value").length < 1)
return "Either name or organisation required"
// and this for a second form
var form2validator = function() {
if($("input[name=age]",this).attr("value").length < 21
return "Age of 21 required"
// and a function to display a validation result
var displayResult = function(r) {
// we use them as higher order functions like that
$("#form1").onSubmit(validator(form1validator, displayResult, function() {
//on submit
...send some xhr request or like that
$("#form2").onSubmit(validator(form2validator, displayResult, function() {
this.submit() // simply submit form
$("#form1b").onSubmit(validator(form1validator, function(r) {
alert("There was an validation error " + r);
}, function() {
//on submit
...send some xhr request or like that
// the validator function itself would be defined as
function validator(formValidator, displayResult, onSubmit) {
var r = formValidator.apply(this)
if(typeof(r) === 'undefined')

