Constructor Method in React - javascript

I have read the React Docs regarding the constructor method and what it can be used for as far as setting state and binding functions but is it really necessary in most cases?
What's the difference between doing
export default class MyClass extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
foo: 'bar',
this.member = 'member';
this.someFunction = this.anotherFunction(num);
anotherFunction = (num) => num * 2;
render() {
// render jsx here
and simply putting all that outside the constructor like
export default class MyClass extends Component {
state = {
foo: 'bar',
member = 'member';
someFunction = this.anotherFunction(num);
anotherFunction = (num) => num * 2;
render() {
// render jsx here
Is one option preferred over the other and are there any performance issues I should know about? This has been bugging me for a bit and I can't seem to find a concrete answer out there.

Your two examples are functionally identical, but the key thing is that assigning things outside of class methods, but inside of body of a class, like you have with everything other than render and constructor, is not standard ES6, and will only work via Babel. That syntax is the proposed class property syntax.


Passing classes as React props - Which of the two implementations is correct?

This question should be an easy riddle for TypeScript/React hackers.
I have a React component that passes a class-object to a child-component.
Within the child-component, I call a method on the class-object.
Those two components look as follows:
class ParentComponent extends React.Component<{}, Foo> {
constructor(props: any) {
this.state = new Foo();
render() {
return (<ChildComponent {...this.state} />);
class ChildComponent extends React.Component<Foo, {}> {
render() {
this.props.fooMethod(); // TypeError or not? fooMethod is not a function?
return (<div/>);
Furthermore, I have two different implementations of Foo.
One of them works, whereas the other one throws a TypeError in the child-component.
Can you explain why only one of those Foo implementations works?
First Foo implementation:
class Foo {
constructor() {
this.fooMethod = function(): void {};
fooMethod: () => void;
Second Foo implementation:
class Foo {
fooMethod(): void {};
Actually, the problem has nothing to do with React.
What is happening is that those two implementations behave slightly different one from each other.
The following code:
class Foo {
constructor() {
this.instanceMethod = function(): void {};
fooMethod: () => void;
const fooInstance = new Foo();
Declares a class with an instance method instanceMethod.
The following:
class Foo {
prototypeMethod(): void {};
const fooInstance = new Foo();
Declares a class with a prototype method prototypeMethod.
When you use object destructuring syntax {...this.state} only own properties and methods (non prototype) are assigned.
So that is the reason why the first implementation works while the second throws an error.

Context for nested classes in ES6 is strange

I have the following nested class structure:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {TextField} from '#material-ui/core';
import './ProfileEditor.css';
export default class ProfileEditor extends Component {
SyncedTextField = class SyncedTextField extends Component {
onChange = event => {
render() {
return (
render() {
return (
<form className={"ProfileEditor"}>
When the code is bundled by Webpack, and run in Firefox, it runs this.onChange correctly, but the outputted this refers the the context of the ProfileEditor class instead.
This is excessively strange because in the JSX, when I refer to "this" it points to SyncedTextField correctly, but in the onChange method, it points to ProfileEditor.
I did add some properties to ProfileEditor to sanity check myself, and the properties showed up as declared in ProfileEditor, even when a conflicting definition was provided in SyncedTextField.
Can someone please tell me how I can avoid this issue, and what may be causing it?
Incorrect behaviour may be specific to browser development tools. But in this case it's caused by how transpiler works. There is a bug in Babel 6 class fields (which are stage 3 proposal) transform implementation.
The example compiled with Babel outputs ProfileEditor as this in onChange.
Here's SyncedTextField constructor from Babel output:
function SyncedTextField() {
var _ref2;
var _temp2, _this2, _ret2;
_classCallCheck(this, SyncedTextField);
for (
var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0;
_key2 < _len2;
) {
args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
return (
(_ret2 = ((_temp2 = ((_this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(
(_ref2 =
SyncedTextField.__proto__ ||
(_this2.onChange = function(event) {
console.log(_this); // SHOULD BE _this2
_possibleConstructorReturn(_this2, _ret2)
Notice that transpilers create _this, _this2, etc. temporary variables to provide lexical this in arrow functions but Babel uses wrong variable.
onChange = ... class field is syntactic sugar for:
constructor(...args) {
this.onChange = event => {
When the example is changed from class fields to constructor code, it outputs SyncedTextField.
The same example compiled with TypeScript (used by Stackblitz by default in React template) works as expected and outputs SyncedTextField as this in onChange.
Since classes are rarely defined this way, Babel bug is usually not applicable.
SyncedTextField = class SyncedTextField extends Component {...} is an antipattern. There is no reason to nest class expression like that. It is inefficient because it is evaluated on each ProfileEditor instantiation. It should be class declaration, can be used as <SyncedTextField/> this way.
Even if SyncedTextField should be defined as a property of ProfileEditor component for testability or extensibility reasons, it's preferable to make it prototype property:
class SyncedTextField extends Component {...}
class ProfileEditor extends Component {
get SyncedTextField() { return SyncedTextField }

Seamless way to bind reference to a class method with class instance [duplicate]

I'm new to using ES6 classes with React, previously I've been binding my methods to the current object (show in first example), but does ES6 allow me to permanently bind a class function to a class instance with arrows? (Useful when passing as a callback function.) I get errors when I try to use them as you can with CoffeeScript:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
// Instead of this
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this)
// Can I somehow do this? Am i just getting the syntax wrong?
handleInputChange (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
So that if I were to pass SomeClass.handleInputChange to, for instance setTimeout, it would be scoped to the class instance, and not the window object.
Your syntax is slightly off, just missing an equals sign after the property name.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
This is an experimental feature. You will need to enable experimental features in Babel to get this to compile. Here is a demo with experimental enabled.
To use experimental features in babel you can install the relevant plugin from here. For this specific feature, you need the transform-class-properties plugin:
"plugins": [
You can read more about the proposal for Class Fields and Static Properties here
No, if you want to create bound, instance-specific methods you will have to do that in the constructor. However, you can use arrow functions for that, instead of using .bind on a prototype method:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
There is an proposal which might allow you to omit the constructor() and directly put the assignment in the class scope with the same functionality, but I wouldn't recommend to use that as it's highly experimental.
Alternatively, you can always use .bind, which allows you to declare the method on the prototype and then bind it to the instance in the constructor. This approach has greater flexibility as it allows modifying the method from the outside of your class.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
handleInputChange(val) {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
You are using arrow function and also binding it in constructor. So you no need to do binding when you use arrow functions
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
OR you need to bind a function only in constructor when you use normal function like below
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
Also binding a function directly in render is not recommended. It should always be in constructor
I know this question has been sufficiently answered, but I just have a small contribution to make (for those who don't want to use the experimental feature). Because of the problem of having to bind multiple function binds in the constructor and making it look messy, I came up with a utility method that once bound and called in the constructor, does all the necessary method bindings for you automatically.
Assume I have this class with the constructor:
import React from 'react';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.modifyState = this.modifyState.bind(this);
this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this);
this.addTag = this.addTag.bind(this);
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.savePet = this.savePet.bind(this);
this.addPhotoInput = this.addPhotoInput.bind(this);
this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);
// ... actual method declarations omitted
It looks messy, doesn't it?
Now I created this utility method
* NB: to use this method, you need to bind it to the object instance calling it
export function bindMethodsToSelf(objClass, otherMethodsToIgnore=[]){
const self = this;
.forEach(method => {
//skip constructor, render and any overrides of lifecycle methods
|| method==='constructor'
|| method==='render') return;
//any other methods you don't want bound to self
if(otherMethodsToIgnore.indexOf(method)>-1) return;
//bind all other methods to class instance
self[method] = self[method].bind(self);
All I now need to do is import that utility, and add a call to my constructor, and I don't need to bind each new method in the constructor anymore.
New constructor now looks clean, like this:
import React from 'react';
import { bindMethodsToSelf } from '../utils';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
// ...

Best Way to Bind an ES6 Class Method [duplicate]

I'm new to using ES6 classes with React, previously I've been binding my methods to the current object (show in first example), but does ES6 allow me to permanently bind a class function to a class instance with arrows? (Useful when passing as a callback function.) I get errors when I try to use them as you can with CoffeeScript:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
// Instead of this
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this)
// Can I somehow do this? Am i just getting the syntax wrong?
handleInputChange (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
So that if I were to pass SomeClass.handleInputChange to, for instance setTimeout, it would be scoped to the class instance, and not the window object.
Your syntax is slightly off, just missing an equals sign after the property name.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
This is an experimental feature. You will need to enable experimental features in Babel to get this to compile. Here is a demo with experimental enabled.
To use experimental features in babel you can install the relevant plugin from here. For this specific feature, you need the transform-class-properties plugin:
"plugins": [
You can read more about the proposal for Class Fields and Static Properties here
No, if you want to create bound, instance-specific methods you will have to do that in the constructor. However, you can use arrow functions for that, instead of using .bind on a prototype method:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
There is an proposal which might allow you to omit the constructor() and directly put the assignment in the class scope with the same functionality, but I wouldn't recommend to use that as it's highly experimental.
Alternatively, you can always use .bind, which allows you to declare the method on the prototype and then bind it to the instance in the constructor. This approach has greater flexibility as it allows modifying the method from the outside of your class.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
handleInputChange(val) {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
You are using arrow function and also binding it in constructor. So you no need to do binding when you use arrow functions
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
OR you need to bind a function only in constructor when you use normal function like below
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
Also binding a function directly in render is not recommended. It should always be in constructor
I know this question has been sufficiently answered, but I just have a small contribution to make (for those who don't want to use the experimental feature). Because of the problem of having to bind multiple function binds in the constructor and making it look messy, I came up with a utility method that once bound and called in the constructor, does all the necessary method bindings for you automatically.
Assume I have this class with the constructor:
import React from 'react';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.modifyState = this.modifyState.bind(this);
this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this);
this.addTag = this.addTag.bind(this);
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.savePet = this.savePet.bind(this);
this.addPhotoInput = this.addPhotoInput.bind(this);
this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);
// ... actual method declarations omitted
It looks messy, doesn't it?
Now I created this utility method
* NB: to use this method, you need to bind it to the object instance calling it
export function bindMethodsToSelf(objClass, otherMethodsToIgnore=[]){
const self = this;
.forEach(method => {
//skip constructor, render and any overrides of lifecycle methods
|| method==='constructor'
|| method==='render') return;
//any other methods you don't want bound to self
if(otherMethodsToIgnore.indexOf(method)>-1) return;
//bind all other methods to class instance
self[method] = self[method].bind(self);
All I now need to do is import that utility, and add a call to my constructor, and I don't need to bind each new method in the constructor anymore.
New constructor now looks clean, like this:
import React from 'react';
import { bindMethodsToSelf } from '../utils';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
// ...

How to use arrow functions (public class fields) as class methods?

I'm new to using ES6 classes with React, previously I've been binding my methods to the current object (show in first example), but does ES6 allow me to permanently bind a class function to a class instance with arrows? (Useful when passing as a callback function.) I get errors when I try to use them as you can with CoffeeScript:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
// Instead of this
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this)
// Can I somehow do this? Am i just getting the syntax wrong?
handleInputChange (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
So that if I were to pass SomeClass.handleInputChange to, for instance setTimeout, it would be scoped to the class instance, and not the window object.
Your syntax is slightly off, just missing an equals sign after the property name.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
This is an experimental feature. You will need to enable experimental features in Babel to get this to compile. Here is a demo with experimental enabled.
To use experimental features in babel you can install the relevant plugin from here. For this specific feature, you need the transform-class-properties plugin:
"plugins": [
You can read more about the proposal for Class Fields and Static Properties here
No, if you want to create bound, instance-specific methods you will have to do that in the constructor. However, you can use arrow functions for that, instead of using .bind on a prototype method:
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
There is an proposal which might allow you to omit the constructor() and directly put the assignment in the class scope with the same functionality, but I wouldn't recommend to use that as it's highly experimental.
Alternatively, you can always use .bind, which allows you to declare the method on the prototype and then bind it to the instance in the constructor. This approach has greater flexibility as it allows modifying the method from the outside of your class.
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
handleInputChange(val) {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val, this);
You are using arrow function and also binding it in constructor. So you no need to do binding when you use arrow functions
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
handleInputChange = (val) => {
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
OR you need to bind a function only in constructor when you use normal function like below
class SomeClass extends React.Component {
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
console.log('selectionMade: ', val);
Also binding a function directly in render is not recommended. It should always be in constructor
I know this question has been sufficiently answered, but I just have a small contribution to make (for those who don't want to use the experimental feature). Because of the problem of having to bind multiple function binds in the constructor and making it look messy, I came up with a utility method that once bound and called in the constructor, does all the necessary method bindings for you automatically.
Assume I have this class with the constructor:
import React from 'react';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.modifyState = this.modifyState.bind(this);
this.handleKeyUp = this.handleKeyUp.bind(this);
this.addTag = this.addTag.bind(this);
this.removeTag = this.removeTag.bind(this);
this.savePet = this.savePet.bind(this);
this.addPhotoInput = this.addPhotoInput.bind(this);
this.handleSelect = this.handleSelect.bind(this);
// ... actual method declarations omitted
It looks messy, doesn't it?
Now I created this utility method
* NB: to use this method, you need to bind it to the object instance calling it
export function bindMethodsToSelf(objClass, otherMethodsToIgnore=[]){
const self = this;
.forEach(method => {
//skip constructor, render and any overrides of lifecycle methods
|| method==='constructor'
|| method==='render') return;
//any other methods you don't want bound to self
if(otherMethodsToIgnore.indexOf(method)>-1) return;
//bind all other methods to class instance
self[method] = self[method].bind(self);
All I now need to do is import that utility, and add a call to my constructor, and I don't need to bind each new method in the constructor anymore.
New constructor now looks clean, like this:
import React from 'react';
import { bindMethodsToSelf } from '../utils';
class PetEditor extends React.Component {
this.state = props.currentPet || {tags:[], photoUrls: []};
this.tagInput = null;
this.htmlNode = null;
// ...

