10 stars rating system with JQuery - javascript

Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/0yvkuL29/
I want to use click instead of hover. I've tried with .on("click"). But it works just to put the .rating_over and I can't remove the class. I want to create the rating system to work with javascript/ jquery. I don't need to work with font-awesome.
// Handles the mouseover
function() {
// Handles the mouseout
function() {
.ratings {
overflow: visible;
padding: 10px;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.ratings_stars {
background: url('https://maxcdn.icons8.com/Share/icon/Messaging//star1600.png') no-repeat;
display: inline-block;
height: 70px;
padding: 2px;
width: 7%;
background-size: 100%;
.ratings_vote {
background: url('') no-repeat;
.ratings_over {
background: url('http://www.fancyicons.com/download/?id=3343&t=png&s=256') no-repeat;
width: 7%;
background-size: 100%;
.total_votes {
background: #eaeaea;
top: 58px;
left: 0;
padding: 5px;
position: absolute;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 no-padding">
<div id="rating" class="ratings no-padding">
<div class="star_1 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_2 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_3 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_4 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_5 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_6 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_7 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_8 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_9 ratings_stars"></div>
<div class="star_10 ratings_stars"></div>
<input type="text">
//Rate and Review
when I click on the 10th star, all stars become yellow which is the right behaviour. Now when I click on the first star, the rest of the stars don't turn black and I need this to be implemented through onclick

Your fiddle tells what is wrong: The method andSelf is unknown. You can adapt the JavaScript to something like this:
var clicked=false;
var marked=0;
console.log(clicked+' '+marked)


SlideUp goes up although selected class has not been left

function hoverimgon(elem){
function hoverimgoff(elem){
.credentials-element {
max-width: 1170px;
margin-bottom: 80px;
.ct-el-color {
height: 250px;
background-color: coral;
display: none;
max-width: 1170px;
background-color: #DD3330;
color: #ffffff;
height: 250px;
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="credentials-element" onmouseover="hoverimgon(this)" onmouseout="hoverimgoff(this)">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup">
<div class="credentials-element" onmouseover="hoverimgon(this)" onmouseout="hoverimgoff(this)">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup">
SlideUp goes up although selected class has not been left. Although several elements have the same class, the second div should only appear with the mouseover element and not with all. If the second is selected with the mouse, this should not disappear, just as it is the case, you should have the possibility to select something in the credentials-popup. What is the mistake?
Use jQuery :visible Selector and have it hide when the mouse leaves the hidden message area.
function hoverimgon(elem) {
var $slide = $(elem).find('.credentials-popup');
if (!$slide.is(":visible")) { // only slide down if hidden
function hoverimgoff(elem) {
if ($(elem).is(":visible")) { // only slide up if visible
.credentials-element {
max-width: 1170px;
margin-bottom: 80px;
.ct-el-color {
height: 250px;
background-color: coral;
.credentials-popup {
display: none;
max-width: 1170px;
background-color: #DD3330;
color: #ffffff;
height: 250px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="credentials-element" onmouseover="hoverimgon(this)">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup" onmouseout="hoverimgoff(this)">
<div class="credentials-element" onmouseover="hoverimgon(this)">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup" onmouseout="hoverimgoff(this)">
you are should use a proper jQuery call, and since you are using jQuery, there is no need to write JavaScript functions for such a simple job. I have made the solution for you in a JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/c8dh5qbk/2/
<div class="credentials-element">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup">Something</div>
<div class="credentials-element">
<div class="ct-el-color"></div>
<div class="credentials-popup">Something else</div>
$('.credentials-element').mouseover(function() {
if (!$(this).children('.credentials-popup').is(":visible")) {
}).mouseout(function() {
if ($(this).children('.credentials-popup').is(":visible")) {
.credentials-element {
max-width: 1170px;
margin-bottom: 80px;
.ct-el-color {
height: 50px;
background-color: coral;
display: none;
max-width: 1170px;
background-color: #DD3330;
color: #ffffff;
height: 50px;
padding:10px 0;
text-align: center;

JavaScript changes up my CSS

I have some div boxes in my html and they are formatted the way I want.
Whenever I use JavaScript to change the value of one of the boxes it changes the formatting.
Why is that? And how do I prevent it from doing that?
document.getElementById("0").innerHTML = 20;
body {
background-color: red;
width: 1000px;
margin: 10px;
#top {
display: block;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
#bottom {
display: block;
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
.box {
height: 94px;
width: 96px;
border: 1px solid white;
display: inline-block;
<div id="board">
<div class="row" id="top">
<div class="box" id="0"></div>
<div class="box" id="1"></div>
<div class="row" id="bottom">
<div class="box" id="2"></div>
<div class="box" id="3"></div>
Here is my JSFiddle:
In my fiddle I have my JavaScript statement active, you can comment it out to see what it does to my formatting.
It's actually not the JS, but due to the content being added. They align at first because there's no content, but once you add in content, it tries to line up the text with the bottom of the next block. You can avoid this by setting:
to the box class.

Box visible on hover then staying visible after moving mouse to another box

I am making sort of a drop down list but more of a button, and i needs to be able to look good. I have almost got every thing I need but when i move the mouse onto the box that appears (drop down list), it disapears. This is what I have so far;
<div id="buttons">
<div id="box"></div>
<div id="content">content here</div>
<div id="box1"></div>
<div id="content1">content here</div>
<div id="box2"></div>
<div id="content2">content here</div>
#box {
position: absolute;
width: 10vw;
height: 10vw;
background-color: blue;
#content {
position: absolute;
left: 11vw;
width: 10vw;
height: 10vw;
background-color: red;
display: none;
function() {
$("#content").slideDown(); //.show();
function() {
$("#content").fadeOut(); //hide();
function() {
$("#content").show(); //.show();
function() {
$("#content").fadeOut(); //hide();
Anything I am doing wrong, better ways to do this or a link to an existing question that already answers this would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Here is exactly what you wanted.
$("#box, #content").on("mouseenter", function() {
$("#content").slideDown(); //.show();
.on("mouseleave", function() {
if (!$("#content").is(":hover"))
$("#content").fadeOut(); //hide();
You could also achieve this without any Javascript / JQuery by animating the height of the content with CSS.
#box {
position: absolute;
width: 10vw;
height: 10vw;
background-color: blue;
#box:hover + #content, #content:hover {
height: 10vw;
#content {
position: absolute;
left: 11vw;
width: 10vw;
height: 0;
background-color: red;
-webkit-transition: height 0.5s;
transition: height 0.5s;
overflow: hidden;
<div id="buttons">
<div id="box"></div>
<div id="content">content</div>
<div id="box1"></div>
<div id="content1">content</div>
<div id="box2"></div>
<div id="content2">content</div>

With jQuery how can you make all of the parent divs and body expand in height to accommodate content?

To have the page the page on my website to expand in height according to the dynamic data pushed into the container.
The page has a set of images and text that is populated via a JSON feed. The text is overflowing into the footer because it is not expanding its containing div which would subsequently expand its containing div which would subsequently expand the body. So I need for a specific child div to push its multiple parent divs.
I have searched similar problems on Stackoverflow and attempted various CSS solutions such as giving all of the parent divs a CSS rule of clear:both or even in the HTML inserting a <div style="clear:both"></div> but none of those solutions worked.
So now I am experimenting with jQuery to see if I could find a solution to this problem.
I know I need to create a variable of some sort like
var newHeight = $("#carousel").height();
And that it needs to have push out the height with something like
This is my current HTML
<div class="container">
<div class="block push">
<div id="mainContent" class="row">
<div class="large-12 columns">
<h1>Before & After Case Gallery</h1>
<div id="casesContainer">
<div id="carousel"></div>
<script id="casestpl" type="text/template">
<div class="case">
<div class="gallery_images_container">
<div class="item_container">
<div class="gallery_heading">BEFORE</div>
<img src="/assets/img/content/images-bruxzir-zirconia-dental-crown/cases/{{image}}_b_300.jpg" alt="Photo of {{alt}}" />
<div class="item_container">
<div class="gallery_heading">AFTER</div>
<img src="/assets/img/content/images-bruxzir-zirconia-dental-crown/cases/{{image}}_a_300.jpg" alt="Photo of {{alt}}" />
<div class="description_container">
<span><strong>Case Number {{{number}}} {{version}}:</strong></span>
The {{{description}}} in the <p> is overflowing into its parent divs <div class="description_container"> then <div class="case"> then <div id="carousel"> then <div class="casesContainer"> then <div class="large-12"> (which is a container in Foundation) then <div class="mainContent"> and so on.
Here is my CSS
html, body { height: 100%; }
.container { display: table; height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; }
.block { display: table-row; height: 1px; }
.push { height: auto; }
#mainContent {}
#casesContainer {
.image-navigation {
background: rgb(6,6,6);
color: #fff;
max-width: 640px;
height: 24px;
.image-navigation a {
color: #fff;
padding: 6px;
.image-navigation-previous, .image-navigation-next{
width: 50%;
.image-navigation-previous {
text-align: right;
.image-navigation-next {
text-align: left;
#carousel {
overflow-y: auto;
.case {
max-width: 640px;
.gallery_images_container {
clear: both !important;
max-width: 320px;
float: left;
.gallery_heading {
background: black;
color: white;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
.description_container {
background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% white;
min-width: 308px;
max-width: 640px;
padding: 6px 6px 12px 6px;
clear: both !important;
I realize that #carousel { height:auto; min-height:600px; overflow-y: auto; } is an ugly hack. It was just an experiment.
I hope that I am just completely missing something and this is an easy jQuery fix. Or maybe my HTML and CSS could use a different structure?
Not a complete fix but maybe helpful.
I've used this function but Internet Explore increases the heights on resize.
$(document).on('ready', function() {
// $(window).on('resize', function() {
var height1 = $("#r1c1").height();
if (height1 < $("#r1c2").height()) { height1 = $("#r1c2").height() }
if (height1 < $("#r1c3").height()) { height1 = $("#r1c3").height() }
// }).trigger('resize'); // Trigger resize handlers not working correctly with IE8.

Fade in div on mouseover

This is a followup to my earlier question, Fade in/out js mouseover event.
I am looking to incorporate a div mouseover effect on a small menu on my page. My previous question solved the issue, but I had not incorporated the page layout into the function, which has now stopped it from working.
My basic code is:
<style type="text/css">
#container {
margin: 0%;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
background-color: #222222;
#left, #right {
float: left;
margin: 0% 0 0% 0%;
padding: 0%;
background-color: #000;
#right {
float: right;
margin: 0% 0% 0% 0;
.clear {
height: 0;
font-size: 1px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 0;
clear: both;
<script type="text/javascript">
oldSelected = "home"
$ (document).ready(function(){
$ ("#products img").mouseover(function(){
$ (".description").stop(true, true);
var newSelected = $(this).attr("alt");
$ ("#" + oldSelected).fadeOut('normal',function(){
$ ("#" + newSelected).fadeIn();
oldSelected = newSelected
<div id="container" style="width: 974px; height: 200px;">
<div id="left" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
<div id="products" >
<img src="home.png" alt="home" />
<img src="services.png" alt="services" />
<img src="contact.png" alt="contact" />
<div id="right" style="width: 760px; height: 200px;">
<div class="description" id="home">
.. content ..
<div class="description" id="services">
.. content ..
<div class="description" id="contact">
.. content ..
I assume the mouseover effect has stopped working due to the products and description divs being relocated under new divs.
How do I go about adjusting the code to get the function working again under this layout? Would it work in a table layout instead?
You can try .slideDown and .slideUp
or .show() .hide() with duration

