jquery error $ is not defined in javascript extension - javascript

I know you might close this now, but please listen. I am making an extension with jquery. Here is my manifest.json:
"name":"Ad Killer",
"description":"A Basic program for blocking ads",
"default_title":"Ad Killer"
Here is my jquery.js:
and finally my content.js:
$(document).onload(function() {
alert('It Works!!')
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for (var i = 0, max = elems.length; i < max; i++) {
elems[i].hidden = true;
The problem is that every time I run this, it gives me the error $ is not defined, but I have already initialised JQuery. What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be appreciated.

Yes as Maxim said, download the jquery.js file and make sure you include it in manifest.json. Also, make sure that when you are writing the "js":[ part that you load jquery.js first

I have made a chrome extension with jquery, what worked for me was to download the jquery file and include that in your manifest in the place of "jquery.js".


my first chrome extension: Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist [duplicate]

After the Chrome extension I'm working on is installed, or upgraded, the content scripts (specified in the manifest) are not re-injected so a page refresh is required to make the extension work. Is there a way to force the scripts to be injected again?
I believe I could inject them again programmatically by removing them from the manifest and then handling which pages to inject in the background page, but this is not a good solution.
I don't want to automatically refresh the user's tabs because that could lose some of their data. Safari automatically refreshes all pages when you install or upgrade an extension.
There's a way to allow a content script heavy extension to continue functioning after an upgrade, and to make it work immediately upon installation.
The install method is to simply iterate through all tabs in all windows, and inject some scripts programmatically into tabs with matching URLs.
"background": {"service_worker": "background.js"},
"permissions": ["scripting"],
"host_permissions": ["<all_urls>"],
These host_permissions should be the same as the content script's matches.
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => {
for (const cs of chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts) {
for (const tab of await chrome.tabs.query({url: cs.matches})) {
target: {tabId: tab.id},
files: cs.js,
This is a simplified example that doesn't handle frames. You can use getAllFrames API and match the URLs yourself, see the documentation for matching patterns.
Obviously, you have to do it in a background page or event page script declared in manifest.json:
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
// Add a `manifest` property to the `chrome` object.
chrome.manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest();
var injectIntoTab = function (tab) {
// You could iterate through the content scripts here
var scripts = chrome.manifest.content_scripts[0].js;
var i = 0, s = scripts.length;
for( ; i < s; i++ ) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tab.id, {
file: scripts[i]
// Get all windows
populate: true
}, function (windows) {
var i = 0, w = windows.length, currentWindow;
for( ; i < w; i++ ) {
currentWindow = windows[i];
var j = 0, t = currentWindow.tabs.length, currentTab;
for( ; j < t; j++ ) {
currentTab = currentWindow.tabs[j];
// Skip chrome:// and https:// pages
if( ! currentTab.url.match(/(chrome|https):\/\//gi) ) {
Historical trivia
In ancient Chrome 26 and earlier content scripts could restore connection to the background script. It was fixed http://crbug.com/168263 in 2013. You can see an example of this trick in the earlier revisions of this answer.
The only way to force a content script to be injected without refreshing the page is via programatic injection.
You can get all tabs and inject code into them using the chrome tabs API.
For example you can store a manifest version in local storage and every time check if the manifest version is old one (in background page), if so you can get all active tabs and inject your code programmatically, or any other solution that will make you sure that the extension is updated.
Get all tabs using:
and inject your code into all pages
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {file: "content_script.js"});
Try this in your background script. Many of the old methods have been deprecated now, so I have refactored the code. For my use I'm only installing single content_script file. If need you can iterate over
chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts array to get all .js files.
function installScript(details){
// console.log('Installing content script in all tabs.');
let params = {
currentWindow: true
chrome.tabs.query(params, function gotTabs(tabs){
let contentjsFile = chrome.runtime.getManifest().content_scripts[0].js[0];
for (let index = 0; index < tabs.length; index++) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabs[index].id, {
file: contentjsFile
result => {
const lastErr = chrome.runtime.lastError;
if (lastErr) {
console.error('tab: ' + tabs[index].id + ' lastError: ' + JSON.stringify(lastErr));
Chrome has added a method to listen for the install or upgrade event of the extension. One can re-inject the content script when such an event occur.
Due to https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=168263, the connection between your content script and background script is severed. As others have mentioned, one way to get around this issue is by reinjecting a content script. A rough overview is detailed in this StackOverflow answer.
The main tricky part is that it's necessary to "destruct" your current content script before injecting a new content script. Destructing can be really tricky, so one way to reduce the amount of state you must destruct is by making a small reinjectable script, that talks to your main content script over the DOM.
can't you add ?ver=2.10 at the end of css or js you upgraded?
"content_scripts": [ {
"css": [ "css/cs.css?ver=2.10" ],
"js": [ "js/contentScript.js?ver=2.10" ],
"matches": [ "http://*/*", "https://*/*" ],
"run_at": "document_end"
} ],

Can I use links in chrome extensions? [duplicate]

I am writing a chrome extension which will enable transliteration for specific textboxes in facebook.
I have used the script tab to load https://www.google.com/jsapi in background.html
here is the code i have used in a content script
i tried to load using ajax and the generic way.
when i checked it said google undefined.
url: "https://www.google.com/jsapi",
dataType: "script",
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute('src','https://www.google.com/jsapi?'+(new Date()).getTime());
function yes_it_is_facebook()
// document.getElementsByName('xhpc_message_text')[0].id = 'facebook_tamil_writer_textarea';
// alert(document.getElementsByName('xhpc_message').length)
google.load("elements", "1", { packages: "transliteration" });
function onLoad()
var options = {
shortcutKey: 'ctrl+g',
transliterationEnabled: true
var control = new google.elements.transliteration.TransliterationControl(options);
and i have https://www.google.com/jsapi in manifest.json content script array.
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js", "js/myscript.js", "https://www.google.com/jsapi"]
it showed an error
Could not load javascript https://www.google.com/jsapi for content
here is my manifest.json
"name": "Facebook Tamil Writer",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "Facebook Tamil Writer",
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "images/stick-man1.gif",
"background_page": "background.html",
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js", "js/myscript.js", "https://www.google.com/jsapi"]
"permissions": [
in that i have added https://www.google.com/jsapi for your understanding and i have tested removing that also.
so how do i load that javascript into a document context . that is when ever a web page is loaded... here i specifically loading for facebook. still i have to correct the indexof condition because it is not giving the proper result but that is not the problem to this context of my question.
so please suggest me.
I don't seem to find any documentation regarding this but I think you cannot mention an http:// path in content_scripts option. A possible work around could be this:
$('head').append("<script type='text/javascript' src='http://google.com/jsapi'>");
Or loading it via ajax request as you have commented out in your code.
Secondly google.com/jsapi will have to be loaded before you can use it in your script. In your manifest you are loading your script first and then google.com/jsapi.
A friendly advice:
jQuery by default disallows caching by appending timestamp at the end of url. Since the script you are trying to load is not likely to change in short durations you can pass cache: false as an option for saving load time. Check out this page for more info.
Better yet you can bundle the script with your package so that there is no ajax request associated with your extension, that will add to the speed of your extension.
One of the biggest issues with google.load is that it cannot properly load resources after the page has fully loaded, because the API uses document.write to inject scripts/styles. To fix the issue, two methods have to be patched:
(function(g) {
var loader_d = g.loader.d,
setOnLoadCallback = g.setOnLoadCallback;
// Force not to use document.write when the document is loaded
g.loader.d = g.loader.writeLoadTag = function(a, b) {
loader_d(a, b, document.readyState === 'complete');
// Executes functions directly when page has loaded
g.setOnLoadCallback = function(a_listener, b) {
if (b || document.readyState !== 'complete') {
setOnLoadCallback(a_listener, b);
} else {
// When the API is not loaded yet, a TypeError with google.
// will be thrown. Not a ReferenceError, because google.* is defined
// Retry max *c* times.
var c = 5;
b = function() {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof TypeError && (''+e).indexOf('google.')!=-1) {
if (c--) setTimeout(b, 2000);
Now, problem 2: Content Scripts run in an isolated environment: any properties of the global namespace, window, are not accessible. So, any injected APIs are not visible to your Content Script.
To fix this, see the following Stack Overflow answer: Building a Chrome Extension.
This might help with understanding Chrome's security policies
In there is says that if you attach a script tag to the page (not the popup or content script) it loads in the context of the page not your extension. And script from the extension can not talk to scripts of the page. If you look at the page script's you'll see it there but not under your extension scripts.
I discovered this while trying to inject the Google API script.
script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=init";
The init function is defined in my content script. But the Goolge API script is loaded as a page script. So if I do this
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerText = "function init(){ alert('hi'); }";
script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=init";
The injected init function is called and I see the alert 'hi'. Not sure if this helps but I figured I'd make a note of it for anyone else struggling with loading the Google apis. I'll update this answer if I figure out a way to actually get it loaded.

javascript in extension not working

I am trying to make a chrome extension that blocks iframes. I have a content.js file that has the javascript code in it but it does not execute.
Here is my manifest.json:
"name":"Ad Killer",
"description":"A Basic program for blocking ads",
"default_title":"Ad Killer"
var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
for (var i = 0, max = elems.length; i < max; i++) {
elems[i].hidden = true;
My question is that is there any way to make the javascript in content.js work? Any help would be appreciated.
Your manifest is currently adding jquery.js to every page you visit. You just need to add content.js to your "content_scripts" array. Assuming content.js is in the same location as your manifest.json:
Additionally, you'll want to make sure the code runs when the DOM is ready. Since you're using jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
//your code here
There are options for the manifest that define when the scripts run, but I've never had much success with them, you can explore them here: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts see the run_at attribute.
And you may even want to set up a timeout or poll to query for iframes since some of them may be created asynchronously, that is, after the ad content is loaded.

Access DOM elements data document->Iframe ->Iframe->method chrome extension

I'm trying to access some data from an iframe nested within an iframe, from developers console:
That's what I expect back, but I've tried to get that very same info from a google chrome extension that I'm developing and for some reason I cant access messages array, this is the manifest file and contentscript.js (I've tried everything that came to my mind and searching for a few hours without success :/):
var iframeContentBody = document.getElementById('contentBody');
var innerDocContentBody = iframeContentBody.contentDocument;
var iframeRawContent = innerDocContentBody.getElementById('rawContent');
var innerDocRawContent = iframeRawContent.contentDocument; // iframeRawContent is undefined here
console.log(iframeRawContent.messages); // this prints undefined
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Read Comments",
"description": "Read all comments from the current forum",
"version": "1.0",
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["*://*.forum.net/*"],
"js": ["content.js"]
"browser_action": {
"default_title": "Read Comments"
"permissions": ["activeTab", "tabs"]
Gists to set everything up:
HTML Example
after downloading and placing these 3 files in the same folder, run this:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 # You may need to run it with sudo
then go to localhost/test.html and you're all set, if you test the line that I posted in the console you should see [1,2,3]
Extension example
this is the extension code
Developers console:
Chrome extension with "all_frames": true
Hacky solution: Partial solution
In this gist there is a way to do it, it's hard to detect when the iframe has been loaded, and it's harded to detect when the iframe inside the another iframe has been loaded, so a setTimeout gives enough time to get it done, then adding a script element to the dom seems to bypass all security measures that chrome extensions may have and it does get the content of the attribute without any other issue, still this seems hacky and it's not what I'm trying to do, I'm looking for a clean solution or a clean way to access the dom of a nested iframe as the example code states...
Thanks, any suggestion is welcome.
This was my solution after all, between what we talk over comments and my research over docs and other threads:
Content script:
(function () {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
contentBody = document.getElementById("contentBody");
contentBody.addEventListener("load", function () {
rawContent = contentBody.contentDocument.getElementById("rawContent");
if (rawContent) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.src = chrome.extension.getURL('injected.js');
s.onload = function() {
Injected file:
keys = Object.keys(document.getElementById("contentBody").contentDocument.getElementById("rawContent").contentDocument.defaultView.window.messages);
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "Read Comments",
"description": "Read all comments from the current forum",
"version": "0.0.1",
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["*://localhost/*"],
"run_at": "document_start",
"js": ["content.js"]
"browser_action": {
"default_title": "Read Comments"
"permissions": [
"web_accessible_resources": ["content.js", "injected.js"]
As a simple explanation the main issue was the asyc load of iframes and the moment when the extension code ran, so after listening to a lot of events and discarding the ones that doesn't have the required elements on the dom everything went fine...
For completeness, here’s a version with "all_frames":true. There are two problems to work around: (1) getting messages from the inner frame to the top and (2) getting messages from the isolated world of the webpage to the isolated world of the content script (I assume you’re wanting to do more than just write messages to the console). This solves both at once by using postMessage.
if ( window.top !== window.parent ) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.textContent = "postMessage(messages,'*');";
s.onload = function() {
} else if ( window.top === window ) {
addEventListener('message',function(e) {
I must confess I’ve not actually tested it out. You may need to try making the injected script send a message from the webpage.

Refused to execute inline event handler because of Content-Security-Policy

What do I need to change here so that the JavaScript code works with the manifest version 2 and the security policy?
function init()
chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab)
url = tab.url;
if(url.indexOf('chrome://') == -1 && url.indexOf('about:blank') == -1){
document.main.q.value = url;
I got it working after I put the JavaScript code from the HTML file into an own file and added the following to the manifest file:
"content_scripts": [ {"js": [ "popup.html" ], "matches": [ "http://*/" ]} ],
"permissions": [ "tabs" ]
The inline event handler definition must be rewritten in terms of addEventListener and extracted into popup.js, so you should remove the onfocus="this.select()" in your popup.html, and in the popup.js, add the following lines:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
document.getElementById('address_box').addEventListener('onfocus', this.select);
Make sure you are using the latest versions of your library. I don't think you are using jQuery but if you do make sure you are using the latest version which supports CSP.
Both the extension and libraries code need to support CSP when you update to manifest version 2.

