Cant get the user openclinica apiKey - javascript

This is the Endpoint for getting user account and its Api Key:
using the folling endpoint with postman
I am getting 500 Internal Server Error and I dont know why.
I am not even quite sure if the URL is correct on my Postman.
Any help on this?

The url should be:
pages/accounts/login submits to j_spring_security_check


im getting a bad request 400 when I try to send some registration information to the server Cannot deserialize instance of out of START_ARRAY token

im still learning how to do this, and its my first time of full stack, im getting a an error 400 bad request when I try to parse json to the server and I don't know why, can you help me understand
my javascript code trying to communicate with server
400 bad request error on the console when I click register button
You might need to serialize the body data you are sending to the server with json stringify or another tool per web standards. Posting your server logic might help too.
here is the fetch documentation to stringify json before sending to the server to be read:

foursquare places API GET request returns 503 Bad Gateway or Header overflow

I am trying to fetch coffee stores around a specific latitude, longitude within a certain radius but I am failing.
My query string looks like this"41.8781,-87.6298"&radius=10000&query="coffee"
I've provided my authentication key inside of the header
Why am I getting this response?
503 means that the server is down, but the foursquare website tells that the website is up and running. What am I doing wrong?
link to places api
I was getting the same error in code and on Postman. In Postman, I had to uncheck the existing Accept header and add another with the application/json value to get it to work correctly.
Screenshot of Postman headers

ebay "errorId": 1100, "longMessage": "Insufficient permissions to fulfill the request."

I managed to set up a developer account to get API responses working on the API explorer. However, I'm trying to connect to Postman and have been getting the following error messages.
I have gotten my user access token as follows:
The Callback URL: I have used the RuName (eBay Redirect URL name)
Auth URL: I have used (
Access Token URL: I have used the (
ClientID and Client Password I've used the credentials from my developer account
This returns the following token:
As you can see a USER ACCESS TOKEN.
When I go to use the request in an API put request I always get the following error:
The token seems to be right.
I try the same call in the built in API explorer and it works.
Please could someone advise its driving me crazy, probably something I've done wrong but any ideas?
During Authentication the following happens it prompts me to login and then shares the oath code (it doesn't tell me to accept the application as stated in document not sure why though)

Get the api oath access token from reddit api

I got the code successfully from the reddit oauth api but I am getting invalid grant(Before I was getting 401 unauthorized on sending data as json) error when trying to get the access token after that. I am using postman for sending the post request to Here is My header and form data which I am using in postman. I am sending my client id and secret in authorization tab(tried in sending header) from postman and using x-www-form-urlencoded to send grant type, code and redirect uri(tried sending them as a form data and json as well). In headers my content type is x-www-form-urlencoded. Please help in getting the token if someone have used reddit api.
Authorization:Basic Base.Encode64(clientid:secret)
//client id and secret are those which I got by creating the app in reddit
"code":"authcode which I got from the get request before",
//I tried sending these through query string as well
Your token expires after 3600 minutes if I am not mistaken

Getting 400 for the MSOneDrive Update rest api

I was trying to send request to update the file. Below is the request I am sending
But I am getting 400 bad request. Could anyone please let me know where I am going wrong?

