Printing multiple files through javascript - javascript

I need to print multiple files using javascript. Print single file works fine but as soon as I try and print multiple files, I get only one printed.
My javacript is as under
function LoadPrint() {
if (document.getElementById("pdf").src !== "") {
var frm = document.getElementById("pdf").contentWindow;
return false;
and I call it from c# as below
foreach (var str in filenames)
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Print", "LoadPdfFile('" + "/Templates/" + str + "');", true);
How can I tell RegisterStartupScript to wait until the file is printed?

If you have a component to generate a pdf, you'll have the functionality to create one pdf by merging many.
I suggest you write a method to create a new pdf with a pagebreak between each one and let the server handle it instead of the client


Printing a pdf with mvc

I have pdfs being generated on a website, and am trying to implement a print button for that pdf. I know about being able to print a specific div and it's associated html, but is it possible to have a button that opens up a pdf generated by my website in the chrome print preview without having to download it first?
I appreciate any help.
The pdf file that is generated on the server has to come down to the client (i.e. downloaded) so cannot really print something that is not on the client.
In case you want to bypass the file saving action (explicitly done by the user) and go directly to print preview, you can try something like this before returning the file:
var pdfFileName = "Some Filename";
if (Request.Browser.Browser == "InternetExplorer" || Request.Browser.Browser == "IE")
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", #"attachment;filename=""" + pdfFileName + #".pdf""");
Response.AppendHeader("content-disposition", #"inline;filename=""" + pdfFileName + #".pdf""");
byte[] pdfBytes = ... // get the file data into this variable
return File(pdfBytes, "application/pdf")
I don't think so. The PDF still has to be downloaded and rendered by the PDF library before it can be printed, unlike HTML which is the browser's native format.
Use Datatables.Net Export tables

How to read an attachment content into an array or String by clicking a button on XPage?

I have an XPage with an File Upload/Download control that shows my attachments. I need to read a content of first file attachment (name not known/random) into a string var or array by clicking a button.
I am not sure if XMLHttpRequests() can work on XPage or if there is an standard XPages control to do that?
I do need just to read content. (Users don't need to interact with attachment directly (select/save/other UI actions)).
You need to clarify what "first" means: oldest, attached first, first in alphabet? Domino doesn't guarantee a sequence. You can use #AttachmentNames in an evaluate statement. You then get use that name to directly access that attachment from your browser using a rest call using this syntax:
http(s)://[yourserver]/[application.nsf]/[viewname|0]/[UNID| ViewKey]/$File/[AttachmentName]?Open
More details are in this blog entry.
If you want to handle that on the server side then you use document.getAttachment().
Working example:
var valString:String = "";
var nrt:NotesRichTextItem=document1.getDocument().getFirstItem('Body');
if (nrt!=null){
var eos:java.util.Vector = nrt.getEmbeddedObjects();
if (!eos.isEmpty()) {
var eo:NotesEmbeddedObject = eos.get(0);
var inputReader:BufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(eo.getInputStream(), "UTF-16"));
while ((inputLine = inputReader.readLine()) != null) {
valString+=inputLine + "<br>";
if (inputReader != null){inputReader.close();}
return valString;

Run script in wkhtmltopdf process

I use wkhtmltopdf to create pdf(s) from html(s)
I have next function :
private void CreateTempPdf(string htmlPath, string pdfPathTemp)
var processorInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
Arguments =
"--margin-top 27 \"" + htmlPath + "\" \"" + pdfPathTemp +
"\" ",
FileName = PublisherConfigurationManager.Pdf2HtmlConverter,
UseShellExecute = true
using (var proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process())
proc.StartInfo = processorInfo;
in which i pass paths of html file and destination file.
I want to add some js script to run, before pdf will be generated.
I add my code : --run-script <js> into Arguments after pdfPathTemp but script isn't applied to pdf. I also add it before --margin but this case also doesn't help me.
How correctly add scripts into wkhtmltopdf process?
I would simply add the script directly into the HTML page. In this case I would load the HTML from the path into a string, inject the script, then write a tempfile for the process duration.
As for why --run-script does not work, I have no idea. Have you tried it directly in the command line with a very simple script and HTML to see if a minimal example works for you?
If that is not an option, you might have to play around with different files for differnt js arguments, if you require such things.

PDF hostContainer callback

Following this SO solution here to notify clients of a click event in a PDF document, how is it possible to notify the client when the PDF gets submitted by the client using this.myPDF.submitForm("localhost/Handler.ashx?r=2) function?
The PDF File is created inside a user control then rendered into a HTML object:
string container = ("<object data='/myfile.pdf' type='application/pdf'></object>");
The JS file attached to the PDF is done like this:
var webClient = new WebClient();
string htmlContent = webClient.DownloadString(fileurl + "pdf_script.js");
PdfAction action = PdfAction.JavaScript(htmlContnent, pdfstamper.Writer);
And the content of the js file:
this.disclosed = true;
if (this.external && this.hostContainer) {
function onMessageFunc(stringArray) {
try {
this.myPDF.submitForm("http://localhost/Handler.ashx?EmpNo=12345" + "#FDF", false);
catch (e) {
function onErrorFunc(e) {;
try {
if (!this.hostContainer.messageHandler);
this.hostContainer.messageHandler = new Object();
this.hostContainer.messageHandler.myPDF = this;
this.hostContainer.messageHandler.onMessage = onMessageFunc;
this.hostContainer.messageHandler.onError = onErrorFunc;
this.hostContainer.messageHandler.onDisclose = function () { return true; };
catch (e) {
When the submitForm call is made the PDF contents (form fields) get saved successfully and an alert is displayed in the PDF by doing this:
message = "%FDF-1.2
1 0 obj
<</Root 1 0 R>>
return message;
What I'm trying to do is to get the PDF to callback the client after the form submit call sent from this client, a way to acknowledge the client that the form has been submitted, not in a form of an alert, but rather, a way to trigger a function in the host (the container, an iframe, object...etc).
The FDF response you used was unknown to me, so I've learned something new from your question. I've studied the AcroJS Reference and the FDF specification in the PDF Reference, and now I have a better understanding of what your code does. Thank you for that.
I assume that you already know how to trigger a JavaScript message in an HTML file using a JavaScript call from a PDF. See the createMessageHandler() in the JavaScript Communication between HTML and PDF article.
I interpret your question as: "How to I invoke this method after a successful submission of the data?"
If there's a solution to this question, it will involve JavaScript. I see that one can add JavaScript in an FDF file, but I'm not sure if that JavaScript can 'talk to' HTML. I'm not sure if you can call a JavaScript function in your initial PDF from the FDF response. If it's possible, you should add a JavaScript entry to your PDF similar to the /Status entry.
The value of this entry is a dictionary, something like:
/Before (app.alert\("before!"\))
/After (app.alert\("after"\))
/Doc [/MyDocScript1, (myFunc1\(\)),
/MyDocScript2, (myFunc2\(\))
In your case, I would remove the /Before and /Doc keys. I don't think you need them, I'd reduce the dictionary to:
/After (talkToHtml\(\))
Where talkToHtml() is a method already present in the PDF:
function talkToHtml() {
var names = new Array();
names[0] = "Success!";
I don't know if this will work. I've never tried it myself. I'm basing my answer on the specs.
I don't know if you really need to use FDF. Have you tried adding JavaScript to your submitForm() method? Something like:
cURL: "http://localhost/Handler.ashx?EmpNo=12345",
cSubmitAs: "FDF",
oJavaScript: {
Before: 'app.alert("before!")',
After: 'app.alert("after")',
Doc: ["MyDocScript1", "myFunc1()",
"MyDocScript2", "myFunc2()" ]
This will only work if you submit as FDF. I don't think there's a solution if you submit an HTML query string.
In case you're wondering what MyDocScript1 and MyDocScript2 are:
Doc defines an array defining additional JavaScript scripts to be
added to those defined in the JavaScript entry of the document’s name
dictionary. The array contains an even number of elements, organized
in pairs. The first element of each pair is a name and the second
is a text string or text stream defining the script corresponding
to that name. Each of the defined scripts is added to those already
defined in the name dictionary and then executed before the script
defined in the Before entry is executed. (ISO-32000-1 Table 245)
I'm not sure if all of this will work in practice. Please let me know either way.

How can you read a file line by line in JavaScript?

I'm writing a web-app for the iPad that will be loading data from a text file. (A sample data set is around ~400 kb). I have everything set up except the file reading. The way I have set up my code, you pass an object which reads a file line by line.
How can I read a file line by line?
If there is no direct way to read a file line by line, can someone please show me an example of how to read a file into a string object? (so that I can use the split method :P)
This could work, if I understood what you want to do:
var txtFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
txtFile.onreadystatechange = function()
if (txtFile.readyState === 4) { // document is ready to parse.
if (txtFile.status === 200) { // file is found
allText = txtFile.responseText;
lines = txtFile.responseText.split("\n");
Mobile Safari doesn't have the File API, so I assume you're talking about reading from a web resource. You can't do that. When you read a resource via ajax, the browser will first read it fully into memory and then pass the entire string to your ajax callback as a string.
In your callback, you can take the string and break it into lines, and wrap that up in an object that has the API that your code wants, but you're still going to have the string in memory all at once..
With jQuery:
myObject = {}; //myObject[numberline] = "textEachLine";
$.get('path/myFile.txt', function(myContentFile) {
var lines = myContentFile.split("\r\n");
for(var i in lines){
//here your code
//each line is "lines[i]"
//save in object "myObject":
myObject[i] = lines[i]
//print in console
console.log("line " + i + " :" + lines[i]);
}, 'text');
i dont think thats possible until you use ajax to hit some server side code.

