Using Angular 2 Components inside Material <md-tab-group> - javascript

I'm starting an Angular 2/Material Design project and have run into a problem when trying to use components with <md-tab-group>. I've seen the general structure examples like the following:
<md-tab label="Gallery">
//gallery content here
<md-tab label="Settings">
//setting content here
However, I'd like to modularize the functionality of each tab and it's contents into separate Angular 2 components like this:
The structure I have at the moment follows the basic Angular 2 component conventions, for example:
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import {Http} from '#angular/http';
selector: 'app-gallery',
templateUrl: './gallery.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./gallery.component.css']
export class GalleryComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
I then use the <md-tab> element inside each component's template like so.
<md-tab label="gallery">
<p>Gallery here...</p>
Finally, I've made sure everything is imported and declared properly.
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '#angular/http';
import { MaterialModule } from '#angular/material';
import { AppComponent } from './core/app.component';
import 'hammerjs';
import { GalleryComponent } from './gallery/gallery.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Is this possible? At the moment I'm suspecting maybe it's not possible to extract the <md-tab> element from the <md-tab-group>. To me it seems cumbersome to include all tabs and their contents in one single html file, not to mention defeating the purpose of Components. If it is possible to do I'd be grateful for any guidance on how to set it up correctly. Thanks in advance!

The components you put into tabs should not depend on the tabs. Therefore, they should not be wrapped in md-tab in their templates. Material tabs are designed as a container you can put anywhere with almost any content you desire. It serves the purpose of single responsibility, not defeats it.
As requested, a sample of how it might look like. I assume there are three components: GaleryComponent (gallery with tabs), PicturesGridComponent (displays a grid of pictures) and PictureComponent (displays formatted picture). Templates are simplified to show the structure of nesting components.
GaleryComponent template:
<md-tab label="cats">
<app-pictures-grid [pictures]="catPictures"></app-pictures-grid>
<md-tab label="dogs">
<app-pictures-grid [pictures]="dogPictures"></app-pictures-grid>
PictureComponent template:
<app-picture *ngFor="let picture of pictures" [picture]=picture>
If tabs are an enumerable object, you can always try to create them with ngFor (I did not test it).


dynamically render a component in lazy loaded module with AOT throws cant find component factory

Current behavior
I declared those dynamic components as entry components in the module where I also want to render them. With JIT it works fine.
Following structure has the part of my app I want to render them: app -> home (lazy) -> contracts (lazy) -> search.
So I added those components to the module I use for the search component/route. When I'm compiling with AOT, everytime I visit the search route, the app tells me there is no component factory. Of course I searched google and found some results:
I tried adding them to the ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS provider, I tried to import a ModuleWithProviders with .forRoot() in my app.module and I also tried simply importing and declaring my dynamic and all of its dependant components in the root module (app.module). Everything resulting in the same error.
I declare my dynamic components as entry components like so:
imports: [SharedComponentsModule, FinoSchemaFormsModule, TabGroupModule, FinoInputModule],
declarations: [EnergySearchSettingsComponent, DslSearchSettingsComponent, MobileSearchSettingsComponent, ComparisonDetailSectionComponent],
entryComponents: [EnergySearchSettingsComponent, DslSearchSettingsComponent, MobileSearchSettingsComponent],
exports: [EnergySearchSettingsComponent, DslSearchSettingsComponent, MobileSearchSettingsComponent, ComparisonDetailSectionComponent],
providers: [CategoryMappingProvider]
export class ComparisonComponentsModule { }
This module gets imported in the SearchModule, where also my SearchComponent is declared. In this component I want to render those components dynamically using the ComponentFactoryResolver I inject in the SearchComponent.
ngOnInit() {
this.searchSettingsComponent = this.comparisonService.getSearchComponent(); // returns either EnergySearchSettingsComponent, DslSearchSettingsComponent or MobileSearchSettingsComponent
let componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(searchSettingsComponent);
this.searchSettingsComponent = this.searchContainer.createComponent(componentFactory);
this.searchSettingsComponent.instance.comparisonSettings = comparisonSettings;
this.searchSettingsComponent.instance.onSave.subscribe(settings => this.saveSearchSettings(settings));
The SearchComponent is the routing component of the search route, which is a child route of my contract route, which gets lazy loaded. This again is a child route of my home route (also lazy loaded) and this belongs to the main route.
Angular version: 5.2.4
For Tooling issues:
- Node version: 8.11.3
- Platform: Mac
It must be pretty simple. Just create the SharedModule and put all reusable dynamic component in it, export those components from SharedModule and import this Module in all required. Lazy loaded Modules.
Since it is imported direct to the Module, it must be available while creating the Dynamic Component.
Have you tried updating angular to latest 6.1.10? With version 5 I had issues with lazy loaded modules.
I had a similar task, and it worked fine under 6.1.4.
I've created a working example for you under 7.0.1
I've created both cases
Dynamic component is declared in the module which will create the dynamic component
Dynamic component is declared in a shared module and imported in the lazy-loaded module which will create dynamic components. You can create a shared module for every dynamic component, so you import only one component in a lazy loaded module
I don't feel as though there is enough information in your question to give you the exact answer to the problem you are facing.
I was able to create a solution with, what I feel is a similar setup to yours that you could use to solve your problem or to ask a more pointed question.
TLDR: Full GitHub repo here
I created an app structure as follows:
/dynamic-provider --contains component that is dynamically loading other components
--module is lazy loaded by dynamic-one module
/dynamic-one --contains lazy loaded module
--module is lazy loaded by app module
/dynamic-loader --contains a component to be dynamically loaded
app.module looks as follows
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
{ path: 'dynamic-loader', loadChildren: './dynamic-one/dynamic-one.module#DynamicOneModule' },
{ path: '', component: AppComponent }
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
dynamic-one.module looks as follows
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router';
imports: [
{ path: '', loadChildren: '../dynamic-loader/dynamic-loader.module#DynamicLoaderModule' }
export class DynamicOneModule {
constructor() {
dynamic-loader.module looks as follows
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router';
import { DynamicProviderModule } from '../dynamic-provider/dynamic-provider.module';
import { SlotComponent } from './slot.component';
declarations: [ SlotComponent ],
imports: [
{ path: '', component: SlotComponent }
export class DynamicLoaderModule { }
dynamic-provider.module looks as follows
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { OneComponent } from './one.component';
import { ProviderService } from './provider.service';
declarations: [ OneComponent ],
entryComponents: [ OneComponent ],
exports: [ OneComponent ],
providers: [ ProviderService ]
export class DynamicProviderModule { }
As you state, your dynamic creation of components is working when the module isn't loaded, so I haven't included that code here(though it is in the repo for completeness). As can be seen here though, the app module lazy loads the dynamic-one module which in turn lazy loads the dynamic-loader module. The dynamic-loader module dynamically creates components from the dynamic-provider module.
How this differs from your implementation is very hard to tell as you have provided only a small amount of information. I hope this helps you find the missing piece you are looking for though!
Creating shared modules allows you to organize and streamline your
code. You can put commonly used directives, pipes, and components into
one module and then import just that module wherever you need it in
other parts of your app.
By re-exporting CommonModule and FormsModule, any other module that imports this SharedModule, gets access to directives like NgIf and NgFor from CommonModule and can bind to component properties with [(ngModel)], a directive in the FormsModule.
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { SharedModule } from '../../shared/shared.module';
import { EntryModalComponent } from './entry-modal.component';
imports: [
declarations: [ EntryModalComponent ],
entryComponents: [ EntryModalComponent ],
exports: [ EntryModalComponent ]
export class EntryModalModule { }
Now you can use this EntryModalComponent for dynamic loading in some other component after importing the module where it's defined.
In the latest versions Angular has updated a lot of staff about lazy loaded modules. And with high probability this trouble is fixed now.

Issue setting up dependencies for Angular testbed with ng bootstrap elements despite importing NgbModule.forRoot()

I'm having trouble setting up the dependencies for a component that includes an ng bootstrap modal. The following code is from a test project that isolates the issue. The component works and runs with no errors when the website is served but there seems to be a dependency issue with the tests. I'm using the NgbModal service to open and close the modal within the component. Here's the setup of the component:
selector: 'app-main-component',
templateUrl: './main.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./main.component.css'],
providers: [ NgbModal ]
export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private modalService: NgbModal) { }
and here's where the dependencies are set up in the app.module.ts:
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { MainComponent } from './main/main.component';
import { NgbModule } from '#ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
and the dependencies for the testbed are set up in the main.component.ts file here:
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [ MainComponent ],
imports: [ NgbModule.forRoot(), BrowserModule ],
providers:[ NgbModal ]
component = TestBed.get(MainComponent);
modalService = TestBed.get(NgbModal);
When I try to run the tests it's giving me this error
Failed: StaticInjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[NgbModal -> NgbModalStack]:
StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[NgbModal -> NgbModalStack]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for NgbModalStack!
which seems to imply there's a missing dependency. With errors like this in the main app it seems like it's usually caused by the NgbModule.forRoot() not getting imported but it's in the imports for the test.
Thank you for your time.
Turns out the issue wasn't in my main component spec file, it was an issue running the test for my app component spec file. Since the component was used in the main app component it needed to have the same imports in the app component spec file.

Routing in angular disables javascript functions

I have a simple angular routing module that looks like this:
import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '#angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '#angular/router';
import { HomeComponent } from './../../home/home.component';
import { LoginComponent } from './../../login/login.component';
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
component: HomeComponent
path: 'login',
component: LoginComponent
imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }
The HomeComponent is loaded at first whenever I open the page. everything works fine until I switch to the login page. Both of them have certain parts that work with javascript. I added those in the .angular-cli.json file.
If I switch to the login page using the following button:
<li class="active"><a routerLink="">Home</a></li>
none of those functions seem to work, also whenever I switch back to the homepage component, the functions that did work before won't work here either.
So far i found out that the scripts are loaded once since the main application is loaded using "eager loading" and the compontens use "lazy loading".
Is there a way to load the scripts again or any other way to fix this?
I managed to fix the problem by using the solution given on the following page:
how to load js on component level in angular 4. I don't want to load all js file at app startup
given by Milad.

Angular 2 module import breaking app

I'm doing the quickstart tutorial and am encountering some error. The following is my file structure:
//## home/home.component.ts #################
import {Component} from '#angular/core';
template: `
<div>I'm a home component.</div>
export class HomeComponent{}
//## home/home.module.ts #################
import {NgModule} from "#angular/core";
import {HomeComponent} from "./home.component";
declarations: [HomeComponent],
exports: [HomeComponent]
export class HomeModule {
//## app.component.ts #################
import {Component} from "#angular/core";
selector: 'app',
template: `
<div>I'm the App Component</div>
export class AppComponent {}
//## app.module.ts #################
import {AppComponent} from "./app.component";
import {BrowserModule} from "#angular/platform-browser";
import {NgModule} from "#angular/core";
import {HomeModule} from "./home/home.module"; //this breaks it
declarations: [AppComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
imports: [BrowserModule, HomeModule] //home module breaks it
export class AppModule{}
//## main.ts #################
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from "#angular/platform-browser-dynamic";
import {AppModule} from "./app.module";
I am confused, as this is a pretty simple example. The Home module is causing the application to fail somehow. It gives the following error:
ZoneAwareErrormessage: "(SystemJS) Cannot set property 'stack' of undefined ... followed by hundreds of lines of the same. Does anyone have any ideas on how to debug errors like these?
If HomeModule is a feature module, change your declaration section to be declarations: [CommonModule, HomeComponent]
I get the same error,and it's cause the zone find some error in my template. I'm in Angular 2.4.1 and zone 0.7.4,try upgrade.
btw,I had set the template property to the url of my template,it's work,so,I think the zone may has a bug or something.
You must import CommonModule in the HomeModule. Your HomeModule code will be like this:
import {NgModule} from "#angular/core";
import {CommonModule} from "#angular/common"; // Add this
import {HomeComponent} from "./home.component";
imports: [CommonModule], // Add this
declarations: [HomeComponent],
exports: [HomeComponent]
export class HomeModule { }
I coudn't fix this, but for anyone experiencing the same problem, avoid the quickstart tutorial and use angular-cli to generate things instead. It seems much cleaner and easier to understand when starting out.
ng new new-project --style=sass should sort you out.

Normal website body as Angular 2 Componentwithout replacing them

I want to make my website modern with some cool features.
For this I used jQuery and self made things. But that's slow and everything I developed is easier in Angular.
So I started to implement the Angular 2 code into my normal website.
The things (app.component, main.ts, app.module) work. I have the angular functionality on my page.
That's the first try.
Now I found out that I can't use second and third components (this ones which are not in bootstrap array) not within the selector.
So the bootstrapped component is the root-element for everything I think.
The next step was to replace the whole body as a component.
For example with angular 1 it was easy: ng-controller="app" and finish.
I can do this with <body> and everything.
Now with Angular 2 I must define a template for the component. else I get this error Uncaught Error: No template specified for component AppComponent
So the questions are...
Is it possible to use the as selector for the app so that I can use components within the app without bootstrapping them?
Or is there a way to use the components flexible?
The main reason is:
I want to define components globally which must not exist on each page. So I can have a component which is called test-component which is only used on test.html and a about-component which is only used on about.html
You understand?
Currently the problem is that I get this error: app.js:116448EXCEPTION: Error in :0:0 caused by: The selector "my-app" did not match any elements and ORIGINAL EXCEPTION: The selector "my-app" did not match any elements
If I define them both it works. But if one component is missing then I get this error.
Current scripts:
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '#angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import {Http} from "#angular/http";
selector: 'my-app',
template: `<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> <a (click)="test()">:)</a>`
export class AppComponent {
constructor (private http: Http) {}
name = 'Angular';
test() {
return this.http.get('/asd/aaa/test').subscribe((a) => {
console.log('A', a);
}, (b) => {
console.log('B', b);
import {NgModule} from '#angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '#angular/platform-browser';
import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {JsonpModule, HttpModule} from "#angular/http";
import {FormsModule} from "#angular/forms";
import {TestComponent} from "./test.component";
imports: [
declarations: [
bootstrap: [
// TestComponent // this shouldnt be a bootstrap because else the component MUST exist on the page!
export class AppModule {
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import {Http} from "#angular/http";
selector: 'test-app',
template: `<h1>Hello {{name}}</h1> <a (click)="test()">:)</a>`
export class TestComponent {
constructor (private http: Http) {}
name = 'Angular !!!!!!!!!!!!';
test() {
return this.http.get('/asd/aaa/test').subscribe((a) => {
console.log('A', a);
}, (b) => {
console.log('B', b);
As I said if I want to use the body as root element it replaces everything of the body. And this is not for my use case.
It's only a normal website. Multiple HTML (background = PHP) pages.
I could implement this platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); on each page where I need something. Then I could write a module for each page. I think this could solve the problem, too. But it's bad... Having a lot of modules...

