How to make HTML5 Canvas "Press/Click to play" start screen - javascript

I've finished the basic mechanic of a game and also done with the end screen. Now I plan to have a png made with Photoshop where the title and instructions are. And when I click/press enter I should be able to start the game like normal.
Been searching for quite sometimes but most of the answer seems to aim towards framework or complex menu.
My program also starts at this point
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
canvas1 = document.getElementById("gameCanvas1");
canvasContext1 = canvas1.getContext("2d");
canvas2 = document.getElementById("gameCanvas2");
canvasContext2 = canvas2.getContext("2d");

Use a game state manager to hold the current game state function then just listen to the mouse and key events during the splash screen state. The game state just holds the function you need to call once per frame to run the game or slash screen or end game screen.
function splashIO (event) { // function to start the game when IO is correct
// check for the correct events
if(event.type === "click" || (event.type === "keydown" && event.code === "Enter")){
// remove events
gameStates.current = gameStates.startGame;
// holds the game state and game state functions
const gameStates = {
current : undefined,
splash () { // display splash ===================================
// display splash and wait for new state
setupSplash () { // setup splash screen ==========================
canvas.addEventListener("click", splashIO);
canvas.addEventListener("keydown", splashIO);
gameStates.current = gameStates.splash();
gameStates.current(); // call the first frame
startGame () { // setup game =====================================
gameStates.current =; //set up state function
gameStates.current(); // call the first frame
game () { // plays the main game ===============================
// play game
// main animation loop
function mainLoop () {
gameStates.current(); // run current game state
gameStates.current = gameStates.setupSplash; // set current state to splash screen
// wait for page to load then start the animation
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
requestAnimationFrame(mainLoop); // start the animation


How to let Pix2Pix with p5.js run?

I would like to try the ml5.js Pix2Pix example for p5.js. If I just copy the code, update the paths, and try to let it run on my local server, it doesn't work.
Same here:
// Copyright (c) 2019 ml5
// This software is released under the MIT License.
/* ===
ml5 Example
Pix2pix Edges2Pikachu example with p5.js using callback functions
This uses a pre-trained model on Pikachu images
For more models see:
=== */
// The pre-trained Edges2Pikachu model is trained on 256x256 images
// So the input images can only be 256x256 or 512x512, or multiple of 256
const SIZE = 256;
let inputImg, inputCanvas, outputContainer, statusMsg, pix2pix, clearBtn, transferBtn, modelReady = false,
isTransfering = false;
function setup() {
// Create a canvas
inputCanvas = createCanvas(SIZE, SIZE);
// Display initial input image
inputImg = loadImage('', drawImage);
// Selcect output div container
outputContainer = select('#output');
statusMsg = select('#status');
// Select 'transfer' button html element
transferBtn = select('#transferBtn');
// Select 'clear' button html element
clearBtn = select('#clearBtn');
// Attach a mousePressed event to the 'clear' button
clearBtn.mousePressed(function() {
// Set stroke to black
// Create a pix2pix method with a pre-trained model
pix2pix = ml5.pix2pix('', modelLoaded);
// Draw on the canvas when mouse is pressed
function draw() {
if (mouseIsPressed) {
line(mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY);
// Whenever mouse is released, transfer the current image if the model is loaded and it's not in the process of another transformation
function mouseReleased() {
if (modelReady && !isTransfering) {
// A function to be called when the models have loaded
function modelLoaded() {
// Show 'Model Loaded!' message
statusMsg.html('Model Loaded!');
// Set modelReady to true
modelReady = true;
// Call transfer function after the model is loaded
// Attach a mousePressed event to the transfer button
transferBtn.mousePressed(function() {
// Draw the input image to the canvas
function drawImage() {
image(inputImg, 0, 0);
// Clear the canvas
function clearCanvas() {
function transfer() {
// Set isTransfering to true
isTransfering = true;
// Update status message
statusMsg.html('Applying Style Transfer...!');
// Select canvas DOM element
const canvasElement = select('canvas').elt;
// Apply pix2pix transformation
pix2pix.transfer(canvasElement, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
if (result && result.src) {
// Set isTransfering back to false
isTransfering = false;
// Clear output container
// Create an image based result
// Show 'Done!' message
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<h1>Pix2Pix Edges2Pichaku Example</h1>
<p>1. Wait until the model is loaded</p>
<p>2. Press your mouse to draw a Pikachu on the left side of the canvas.</p>
<p>3. A colored Pikachu image will automatically appear on the right side of the canvas in ~2 seconds. You could also click the "Transfer" button to generate an new image.</p>
<p>4. You could click the "Clear" button to clear the canvas and draw again.</p>
<p id="status">Loading Model... Please wait...</p>
<div class="flex">
<div id="canvasContainer"></div>
<div id="btnContainer" class="flex flex-space-between">
<button id="clearBtn">Clear</button><br />
<button id="transferBtn" class="btn">Transfer</button>
<div id="transferContainer">
<div id="output"></div>
Here would be also a jsFiddle:
Has anyone an idea how to let it run? Would be very thankful.
I think I was able to get the 'callback' example to work locally with some tinkering:
Download files from the example:
Adjust the index.html to load ml5.min.js from the URL in your code.
Create a new function:
function startTransfer(){
// Create a pix2pix method with a pre-trained model
pix2pix = ml5.pix2pix('./models/edges2pikachu.pict', modelLoaded);
Replace all calls to transfer() except the first one in modelLoaded() with startTransfer().
Start a simple local web server; for me: python -m http.server worked.
The example appeared to work. I could draw on the canvas, and the ML model would redraw the Pikachu image factoring in the new lines I added. Note, sometimes the initial transfer is run before the template image (input.png) is loaded, and the result is a garbled yellow / red pixels; clicking 'Transfer' fixes this.
Basically, it always will reload the model into the ml5 library; I don't know of the performance implications of this, but it was redrawing relatively quickly in my browser. The file will be cached in the browser, so that isn't a concern, but I'm not sure of the internals of the ml5.js lib and what ml5.pix2pix(...) does.
I've put my revised code (including some other tweaks to the JS) up on ... but it won't work there because the assets aren't available relative to the HTML file, and we can't load the edges2pikachu.pict direct from due to CORS issues.

Phaser3 framework javascript: current anims index

In phaser 3 framework, what syntax do I use to check the current frame index?
I want to make a hit area appear only when the player's sprite sheet reaches a certain index(the index displaying the motion of 'attack'). I want to accomplish this through detecting its current frame index.
How can I do this?
You could use the sprite events like: Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, details in official phaser documenation
player.on(Phaser.Animations.Events.ANIMATION_UPDATE, function (anim, frame, gameObject, frameKey) {
// Here you can check for the specific-frame
if(frameKey == "show_hit_area_frame"){
// ... show hitarea
// alternatively: with the index of the frame
if(frame.index == 7){
// ... show hitarea
In this selected Event, you can also check the current frame, for other properties of the frame object (details in official documenation), if you don't know/have the specific framekey/index.
The solution is found.
//hitbox solution:
//hitboxB listener
gameState.playerB.on('animationstart-kill', function () {
console.log("finish kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x = gameState.playerB.flipX ? gameState.playerB.x + 120 : gameState.playerB.x - 120;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = gameState.playerB.y;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = true;
gameState.playerB.on('animationcomplete-kill', function () {
console.log("kill <3")
gameState.hitBoxB.x =0 ;
gameState.hitBoxB.y = 0;
// gameState.hitBoxB.visible = false;

Using javascript/jQuery, wait 3 seconds for click, then proceed

I've been trying to figure out how to run an infinite loop while pausing for user click, then allow for a break out.
When the loop starts, the user is presented with an image, and must choose the identical image from one of 4 displayed. If they successfully click the match within 5 seconds, they are presented another image, and the game goes on.
If they either choose an incorrect image, or 5 seconds elapses, the game ends.
I've got all of the functionality worked out, except this pause while waiting for a click or the time to expire.
Ideally, I'd also like the time to be adjustable on each iteration. Say start at 5 seconds, then shorten the time slightly (10ms) on each loop.
I believe it must be solvable using setTimeout() or setInterval(), but just can't wrap my head around it.
Here is a minimal concept of what I'm trying to accomplish.
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
/* create array of images */
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
var runnow = setInterval(
//get random image from loaded theme
rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length) ];
//display chosen image
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+rand_img+'" />');
// wait up to 5 seconds for user to click or time to expire
if(*clicked and matched*){
//get new random image and reset timer (less 10ms)
if(*time expired*){
//bail out and game ends
/* reduce time */
speed -= speed_reduce;
You'll want something like this I think:
var speed = 5000, // the initial time
function newimage(){
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
currentimage=Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length);
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+imgs[currentimage]+'" />');
timer = setTimeout(speed, lost)
function answer(id){
speed -= 10; // time decrease every time.
function lost(){
// what to do when lost.
$("#puppy").on("click",function(){answer(0)}); // here #puppy is the id of the answer image, and 0 the index in the imgs array.
One way to solve this problem is to use setTimeout() and clearTimeout() rather than setInterval. Also, you need some event for the successful button click (I've pretended you have a special "#successfulmatch" button):
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
var imgs = ['puppy.png','kitten.png','bunny.png','goldfish.png'];
var myTimeout;
function runNow(speed){
rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length) ];
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="'+theme_dir+rand_img+'" />');
// Keep track of the timeout so we can cancel it later if the user clicks fast enough.
myTimeout = window.setTimeout(function(){
game_running = false;
// Cancel the timeout because the user was fast enough
// Give the user less time than before
runNow(speed - speed_reduce);
// Throw an error: you forgot to hide the clickable buttons when the game ended.
Looks like you are mixing the logic for checking "has the user clicked the image? was it correct?" with the one for checking "has time expired?"
You can listen for onclick events on the images
and set a timeout event for the game over
so the user has to cancel that timer, to cancel imminent game over, by clicking on the images
if the right image is clicked the timer is reset
if not, it's game over
you can cancel a timeout event before it runs with cancelTimeout()
see W3C here for a reference.
here is a quick prototype:
$('#playnow').on('click', function() {
var speed = 5000;
var speed_reduce = 10;
var game_running = true;
/* create array of images */
var imgs = ['puppy.png', 'kitten.png', 'bunny.png', 'goldfish.png'];
// function that ends the game if it's called
function gameover() {
alert("GAME OVER");
game_running = false;
// in order to use clearTimeout() you must store the timer in a global variable
// setting a timeout that will end the game if it's not cleared before
window.timer = setTimeout(gameover, speed);
// function that is called whenever the user clicks on a image
function onclickimage(event) {
if (!game_running) return;
if ( /*clicked right img*/ ) {
// get random image from loaded theme
var rand_img = imgs[Math.floor(Math.random() * imgs.length)];
// display chosen image
$('#goal_image').html('<img src="' + theme_dir + rand_img + '" />');
// delete timer, user now has one more opportunity
// speed is less 10ms
speed -= speed_reduce;
// launch timer again
window.gametimer = setTimeout(loop, speed);
} else { // if click did not match correct image
Well, firstly, you need to clearInterval() when they either click or fail in order to stop the current interval. Then, you can restart an interval with the new speed. The interval seems to be working for.
Every 5 seconds a new picture is displayed. So, you want an onclick event for the picture that clears the interval and starts a new one. So, you may want to use setTimeout instead of setInterval since it is only a single iteration at a time.
You could use setInterval, I suppose, but there's no real benefit to it. This way also makes it relatively easy to reduce the speed each time.

Stop the execution of setInterval

I'm building a little fantasy game. In the game, the player has a endurance limit. For each click at the map, the endurance bar is increased:
angular.element('.click').click(function() {
var endurance_click = angular.element('.progressbar').height();
angular.element('.progressbar').css('height', endurance_click-20);
The thing I want to accomplish is that if you click around at the map, and stops before you have run out of endurance, and wait for 2sec, I want to fire an function that restores you endurance. When you decide to move on, I want to stop the function.
I have tried setInterval, but the function just keeps running.
Here is my code:
//Call a function that should restore the endurance
d = window.setInterval(restoreEndurance2, 2000);
function restoreEndurance2()
var endurance_restore = angular.element('.progressbar').height();
angular.element('.progressbar').css('height', endurance_restore+20);
if(endurance_restore >= 320) //If it's restored
How can I make the function stop when I start navigate through the map?

setInterval does not stop after second call

I am currently working on a battle system.
The health gets calculated every 200ms, and I'm using a Interval. It works pretty good, until I start the game - the Interval again. It doesn't stop anymore.
It is a lot of code - I have also an online live demo here
Like I said - works the first, but not the second.
So, just the main code:
var frameStop;
// Draws Startscreen
function showStartRaid(name) {
playerBTC = btc;
playerBTCs = btcs;
playerName = nick;
// Sets stats for called level
enemyBTC = dun[name]["buyer"]["btc"];
enemyBTCs = dun[name]["buyer"]["btcs"];
enemyName = dun[name]["buyer"]["label"];
enemyNum = dun[name]["meta"]["base"];
/* Reset everything in html */
var battle = false;
$(".raid_building").click(function() {
//Draws level
//Sets start BTC as fighting stats (they will decrease during battle)
fplayerBTC = playerBTC;
fenemyBTC = enemyBTC;
//Click on "Start"
$("#startRaid").click(function() {
function raiden() {
//Calculates fighting
fenemyBTC -= playerBTCs/frameMinus;
fplayerBTC -= enemyBTCs/frameMinus;
/*Draws stats and health here in html */
if(fplayerBTC >= 0 && fenemyBTC >= 0)
console.log("battle goes on")
else {
//If battle is over, stop it
//Start battle
frameStop = setInterval(raiden, frameRaid);
Thanks for any help, I'm helpless.
With your code, every time .raid_building is clicked, you hook up a new handler for clicks on #startRaid. So that means, if .raid_building is clicked twice, you'll have two handlers for clicks on #startRaid, both of which start a new interval timer. Your frameStop variable will only contain the handle of one of them; the other will continue. And of course, a third click will compound the problem (you'll have three click handlers, each of which fires up a new interval timer). And so on...
Move the code hooking click on #startRaid outside the click handler on .raid_building.

