Chrome v57 - errors after mouse move in grid - javascript

a long time we are developing one webapplication, that was running fine on Chrome 56. After Chrome upgrade on version 57.0.2987.* we are encountering a big problem. Sometimes if I'm moving with mouse, some errors will apears:
when this erros will apears, we cannot click on some functions like this:
it will generate another error:
so our application is in this state useless.
However, after refresh is all fine, after another refresh can this errors apears again. We don't know how to exactly simulate this bug.
Did someone encounter any similar problem?
PS: I'm not developer of this webapp, but if you need any other info, just ask. First I was asking here
Edit: On chrome 56 it works, on beta chrome 58 it works too without these errors.

It was just creepy version of Chrome. These errors was only on Chrome version 57. Other versions are ok. Even Google released version 58 faster, then it was expected.


Chrome dev tools crashing when debugging JS

Been googling around a bit for the last week or two and haven't come up with any leads.
I believe this started ever since the latest major chrome web browser update, from 68 to 69. (currently on version 69.0.3497.100 )
Basically, when I'm using the chrome dev tools and debugging some javascript, the browser crashes when I begin typing a variable name into the console. I'll get a character or two in and then bam, the whole thing crashes.
I'll close the browser, reopen it and still crashes immediately when typing in the console. Sometimes there are a few hours in between episodes, but this has been a persistent issue for too long and is severely impacting my ability as a developer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
As pointed out on this Reddit post: Google Chrome 69 Issues, that particular version was riddled with bugs. One website, quoting here from the same reddit thread, titled their article as "Atrocious performance - Google Chrome 69".
While this is not a solution, the easiest thing you can do is update to the latest version. (70.0.3538.77, at the time of writing.)

Layout process slows down after updating Chrome to version 60

After Chrome update to version 60, my application (Typescript + React) works very slowly. Using Performance tab in Chrome Dev Tools, I found out that the browser takes sick time rendering elements (the Layout process).
Summary time graph here
Has anyone encountered such problem? What could possibly cause this? The code is the same for sure, I have checked once more on two different versions of Chrome. I am running out of ideas.
After version 60, when I opened a new browser window (Ctrl-N or Ctrl-Shift-N) I had everything inside Chrome totally SLOW, even typing.
I solved it disabling option "Use hardware acceleration when available" in Chrome settings.
PS: I am using Linux Mint 18 sarah

PDF.js is randomly crashing the Google Chrome tab

My problem may seem a bit vague (it is to me too), but here is my attempted explanation of it.
A few months ago, I implemented PDF.js in my web application. It was really useful, and I am using it for interactions with my clients.
Suddenly, last week, my clients reported to me "Aw, Snap" messages in Google Chrome on their PCs when they try to launch PDF.js. I have an iMac and two PCs at home, so I decided to test this out.
When I used Google Chrome on my iMac to launch PDF.js, I found it worked fine.
When I used Google Chrome on my first PC to launch PDF.js, I found it worked fine.
When I used Google Chrome on my second PC to launch PDF.js, even though it previously worked, it kept crashing and showing me "Aw, Snap" messages.
This was weird. I tried removing all the extensions, clearing the cache, clearing the LocalStorage, but nothing seemed to fix the problem.
I then realised, after some communication with my clients, launching PDF.js in Safari, Torch, Opera or Firefox on any operating system worked perfectly fine.
Why would this happen? I am using the web viewer in PDF.js. I also tried with the basic hello world example, but that broke as well (which I now find really weird), so I suspect there's something wrong with the rendering engine.
I also tried including the compatibility.js file after building the source, but with no avail.
Is there any known bug which causes Google Chrome tabs to crash?
Yes, I got it now.
From, I found the answer (thanks Rob and PDF.js dev team!). Take a look yourself!
I'm only posting this here so that anyone who stumbles upon this post with a similar problem can be helped (as this error took me quite a while to figure out).
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. We've tried the latest version of pdf.js from github, also tried Chrome 33 (stable) which should have their V8 fix included and it still crashes. Also, tried the pdf.js commit mentioned in github thread (4ce6cb8 - - still crashes. Also tried latest Chrome Canary available on 19/03/2014 - crash is there.
We can provide the WinDbg memory dump if it's of any help.
PS: sorry, this should be the answer to Rob W thread right above but I cannot add it there due to 0 reputation.

One page PDF crashes Chrome with PDF JS [duplicate]

My problem may seem a bit vague (it is to me too), but here is my attempted explanation of it.
A few months ago, I implemented PDF.js in my web application. It was really useful, and I am using it for interactions with my clients.
Suddenly, last week, my clients reported to me "Aw, Snap" messages in Google Chrome on their PCs when they try to launch PDF.js. I have an iMac and two PCs at home, so I decided to test this out.
When I used Google Chrome on my iMac to launch PDF.js, I found it worked fine.
When I used Google Chrome on my first PC to launch PDF.js, I found it worked fine.
When I used Google Chrome on my second PC to launch PDF.js, even though it previously worked, it kept crashing and showing me "Aw, Snap" messages.
This was weird. I tried removing all the extensions, clearing the cache, clearing the LocalStorage, but nothing seemed to fix the problem.
I then realised, after some communication with my clients, launching PDF.js in Safari, Torch, Opera or Firefox on any operating system worked perfectly fine.
Why would this happen? I am using the web viewer in PDF.js. I also tried with the basic hello world example, but that broke as well (which I now find really weird), so I suspect there's something wrong with the rendering engine.
I also tried including the compatibility.js file after building the source, but with no avail.
Is there any known bug which causes Google Chrome tabs to crash?
Yes, I got it now.
From, I found the answer (thanks Rob and PDF.js dev team!). Take a look yourself!
I'm only posting this here so that anyone who stumbles upon this post with a similar problem can be helped (as this error took me quite a while to figure out).
Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. We've tried the latest version of pdf.js from github, also tried Chrome 33 (stable) which should have their V8 fix included and it still crashes. Also, tried the pdf.js commit mentioned in github thread (4ce6cb8 - - still crashes. Also tried latest Chrome Canary available on 19/03/2014 - crash is there.
We can provide the WinDbg memory dump if it's of any help.
PS: sorry, this should be the answer to Rob W thread right above but I cannot add it there due to 0 reputation.

browser api gamepad not detecting in windows

I'm having a strange problem. I have an ancient microsoft sidewinder version 1 gamepad laying around, And since I'm learning javascript/html5 I thought let's try the gamepad in browser.
I tried it on linux (my laptop, ubuntu 13.04) did:
navigator.webkitGetGamepads()[0] in the console of my chrome browser (version 28.0.1500.71) and the gamepad was detected right away.
Than I tried the same thing on my windows 7 64 bit desktop, running Version 30.0.1599.101 m
did: navigator.webkitGetGamepads()[0] in the console, but no luck here, it keeps telling me undefined. When I go to "my devices" in windows, the gamepad is there.
I have the same problem on my laptop running windows 8, 64 bit.
I have no idea what's wrong, and I have no idea how to fix it. (I hope it's fixable)
Please help
You might want to try the most known gamepad testing scripts first.
Firefox (28, use Aurora) :
If your Gamepad is using DirectInput and not XInput you may have some issues with Chrome, but it will work fine with Firefox then. For instance, I had the same problem with the PS4 Gamepad.
The spec is unfinished, but this repository is a great start. Try it:
It attempts to account for differences in implementations of the unfinished spec, as well as Chrome's prefixed implementation.

