Moving a custom overlay in Google Maps javascript API v3 - javascript

I'm developing a small app using Google Maps javascript API v3 where I need to display 2 markers and update their positions using ajax. I found no problem in doing it using Google Maps Markers, but I need a more customized marker so I'm using Google Maps custom overlays and I can't find the way to make the movements smooth.
This is the design of the markers (that also uses css animations, so I need custom html):
Markers design
The problem I have is that I can't find a way to actually move the custom overlay on the map. What I'm doing now is removing the overlay and creating a new one every time I have to move it, what makes a little blink and don't allow me to make a smooth transition from one position to the other.
So here are my questions:
1- Is using custom overlays the best way to build the markers according to the design? Is there any way to make Google Maps Markers look like the design?
2- If using custom overlays ( is the best option, is there another way for moving them that is not removing and creating a new one?
Thanks in advance!

After struggling with this some time (it really took me several hours) I have manage to do it getting inspired by this fiddle:
The functionality is not the same, but I could get some ideas.
Since there is not a lot of documentation I have created my own fiddle with a working (and simplified) example, just in case is useful for anyone:


Creating a 3D bar overlay on google maps

I have been trying to find a way to create 3D bars on top of google map along the lines of a road representing some parameters related to road condition.
I m trying to achieve something like this but on google maps instead.
I tried to look for available charting libraries. The closest one I could get to is Mapbox , using the hexbins
However, it is not flexible enough to include my own user interactions and control.
Another impressive demo that I came across is this from Xibis. However it is just a sample and I couldn't figure out how it is done.
Are there any such libraries available or any ideas to achieve something similar?

Custom game map working like Google Maps

I'm looking for a way to create a zoomable, draggable and customisable (add pins, draw trails, etc...) map using my own pictures (taken from various game maps).
I've found out about OpenLayers but I'm completely lost on how to use my custom files. I've also heard about tiles naming convention but I'm a bit lost too
Could someone provide some input on what external script I could use (does OpenLayers fit my needs?) and how should I get started?
Thanks in advance
Google has a pretty cool exemple of their Google Maps API on the moon. You can find it here and it should be enough to get you started. It's using custom images and the code is documented, have fun :)
I never used OpenLayers so I can't really help on that part, but you should try Google Maps first and see if It fits your needs. If not, you'll probably have more specific questions which OpenLayers might answer.

Blank map MapType wanted in google maps v3

I'm trying to find a way of producing a solid color map in Google Maps v3 API, making that another selection in my drop-down MapTypes menu. My understanding is that was possible with v2 using MAP_TYPE_NONE, but I can't find a comparable functionality in v3.
I find I can produce gray background using
MaptypeTypes.push(new gmaps.ags.MapType("http://",{name:'No map'}));
but besides being a kludge, that takes around 5 seconds to kick in. I do want to do something via the drop-down MapTypes menu, which I assume means via the Map Registry, rather than having to create a new button solely for that purpose.
FWIW a working example (with kludge) is at
Yes, you can do that. Check the documentation about Modifying the Map Type Registry and creating Styled Maps.
A good tool to help you build your custom style is the Styled Maps Wizard.
Hope this helps!

highlight building google maps v3

Im trying to highlight specific building within a map using the google maps v3 api. I was wondering if anyone had any idea how to do this. I've been looking through google api documentation and come across nothing at the moment.
For example: - This is a map of a section manhattan, as you can see the 3d building. Im trying to highlight specific ones on hover.
Thanks :D
If you have information about where the building is, then you can use a Polygon to highlight it. If you don't have information about where the building is, then you are probably out of luck. The Google Maps API doesn't have any way of interacting with the map at that level.
Now, I suppose that one thing you could do is:
download the Google Maps tile,
find the point in the image that the user clicked on,
do a flood fill of that point with some awful colour,
set to clear all the pixels which are not the colour,
overlay that image on top of your map
You would also need to be clever about buildings which lie in more than one tile.
HOWEVER, this might run you afoul of the Terms of Use. I know that they disallow modifying the artwork; I am not sure if this would count as modifying the artwork; you'd need to look carefully at the TOU and maybe ask a lawyer. Or ask Google. (Don't ask me, I am not a lawyer.)
In many countries, every building is a cadastral parcel and there Web Map Service (WMS) layers showing them, provided for free by state bodies.
Using these layers, you can get building polygon coordinates. For ex:

tiled textures across a google map in javascript

Using the google maps v3 javascript API, it's possible to add 'GroundOverlays' as a picture. Have a look here:
However, I'm working on a project where I'm trying to add a texture to the whole world map. Obviously I can add a single, absolutely massive gif/png overlay but I'd rather add a tiling texture. I've been digging around in the API and can't find any way to do this.
Anyone have any ideas on how this could be done?
Thanks very much
Yes, what you want to use is an image map type. This allows you to add tiles on top of the regular Google Base Map. If you want to completely replace the Google tiles, you would need to implement a Custom Map Type. My favorite example of that is the Liberty City Map.

