Concatenation of two tables in Javascript and html - javascript

I have two html tables which I render in my react component and I want to create a third html table which is the concatenation of the first two tables. To be more specific I have a table:
<td>Collaterals Value</td>
<td>Buying Power/Available Power</td>
<td>Market to Market</tr>
<td>Outstanding Order Margin</td>
and another table like this:
I want to create a table like
<td>Collaterals Value</td>
<td>Buying Power/Available Power</td>
<td>Market to Market</tr>
<td>Outstanding Order Margin</td>
Any ideas of how I can implement this?

All you have to do is get the append the tr from the second table to the tbody of the first table. Javascript will take care of doing the removal from the second table as a part of the appendChild.
var tables = document.querySelectorAll("tbody");
Table 1
<td>Collaterals Value</td>
<td>Buying Power/Available Power</td>
<td>Market to Market</tr>
<td>Outstanding Order Margin</td>
Table 2


How can I split 3 columns into 2 evenly?

I have the following React JSX code for a table:
And I want to add a footer with 2 columns filling up the entire width but I'm having trouble doing that. I tried colspan but its not working as expected. How can I do this?
You can do this with colspan, all you need to take into account is that colspan should be integers (1,2,3) and cannot have something like 1.5.
So the trick is to also use colspan in your first row and give them all a colspan of 2, such that the total is 6 which you can divide by two columns of 3.
<table border="1">
<td colspan="2">col1</td>
<td colspan="2">col2</td>
<td colspan="2">col3</td>
<td colspan="3">footer1</td>
<td colspan="3" >footer2</td>
Just colspan your footer cell on all the 3 cells. Then add a separate table within that footer table and make 2 columns. Don't forget to make that inner table as lean as possible (no border, no margin, .. as you need it)
<table border="1">
<td width="400">col2</td>
<td colspan="3">
<table width="100%">
<td width="50%">footer left</td>
<td width="50%">footer right</td>

Delete row in html if all cells blank

I'm generating a table based on some external data. Every row does not have data in the columns I'm returning. I'd like to delete the row that have all cells empty. I have found some code to delete the row if one cell is empty, but one empty cell is allowed. I'd like to delete the first and third rows.
I've tried this, but it deletes all rows:
<table border="1">
$("td").each(function() {
if (this.innerText === '') {
Simply modify your script to iterate over tr elements instead of td.
If the text content of a tr row is blank, that means all of its cells are blank, as well. Here's a working demo:
$("tr").each(function() {
if (!$(this).text().trim()) {
<script src=""></script>
<table border="1">
You can use each of the tr elements like this. Hope to help, my friend :))
return $(this).find('td').length == $(this).find('td:empty').length;

Hiding table header if table rows until next table header are hidden

I have a list in a table that is alphabetically ordered like so.
<td class="hide-me">Ants</td>
<td class="hide-me">Animals</td>
<td class="hide-me">Apples</td>
<td class="hide-me">Bats</td>
<td class="hide-me">Bananas</td>
I use the $('table tr:has(td.hide-me)').hide() method to hide any of the elements that I don't want shown. However I also want to be able to hide the table headers if the table rows that contain normal table cells are hidden.
In the case above I would like to hide <tr><th><strong>A</strong></th></tr> because it has all of the following table rows hidden but not the the <tr><th><strong>B</strong></th></tr> because not all of the table rows are hidden.
I am relatively new to Jquery and am not sure how best implement conditional statements for a situation like this.
The first thing I did was put a class on the tr to indicate that that row contained a header. This makes it much easier to tell which rows are headers, rather than having to interrogate if they contain a th.
The second thing I did was change your hide expression for the .hide-me to find the hide me first, then find their parent trs, and hide them. This way the selector doesn't have to find the tr and check if each one has a hide me.
Then finally the logic finds all the headers, and shows them, so if any were previously hidden, they would be visible. It then filters the headers and only returns the ones that do not have any following trs that are not hidden. Havin the headers that do not have any visible following trs, it then hides them.
return $(this).nextUntil('.header').filter(':not(:hidden)').length < 1;
<script src=""></script>
<tr class="header">
<td class="hide-me">Ants</td>
<td class="hide-me">Animals</td>
<td class="hide-me">Apples</td>
<tr class="header">
<td class="hide-me">Bats</td>
<td class="hide-me">Bananas</td>
<tr class="header">

how to delete Parent table without removing children table content?

How to delete Parent Table with all table attribute, without removing children table using jquery/javascript
You can take inner table with unwrap and change html of parent element body in this case which will delete old table.
$('body').html($('table table').unwrap())
<script src=""></script>
Or you can take inner table, delete old one and then add inner table to parent element.
var table = $('table table').unwrap();
<script src=""></script>

Change colors of table row if column contains certain value

I have a table that looks something like this:
<asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server">
<div id="divTable" class="divTable">
<table id="myTable">
<tbody id="myContent">
<td>Some Text</td>
<td>Some Text</td>
<td>Some Text</td>
<td id="findMe">
Now, here's what I'm trying to do. If <%#Eval("IsFlagged")%> returns anything at all, i'd like to make all the cells in the table row a certain color.
I've been reading about .contains(), but I haven't found an example that simply asks "if not null, apply a .css style to the rest of the cells of the table row".
I put together an example in jsfiddle:
Edit: Your edit makes the code a little simpler, but it's the same principle.
var isFlagged = $('#findMe').text();
if(isFlagged.length > 0)
First, try to give that specific td a class or someting so you can target it. Then you can check the length of $('td.yourclassname').html();
If you are using VB.Net then you can use this code..
<tr style="background-color:<%# IIF(IsDBNull(Eval("IsFlagged"),"none","yellow") %>">
you can apply this logic to TD also.

