Using pspdfkit in electron (React)? - javascript

I would like to use pspdfkit with React in electron. I am not sure how I could do this. I know there is a React native wrapper available, but I am not sure whether this is of any use to me, since I am not using React native, but React & electron.
On the other hand, there seems to be a web version available, but the only example given on their website is with docker. I would like to integrate it into my React / electron app, not have it run on localhost:XXXX in a browser.
Any advice on how I could approach this, generally speaking?

PSPDFKit Founder and CEO here.
What you are looking for is an Offline-Version of PSPDFKit for Web. This is a separate framework that works standalone and doesn't need a Server-Component to render PDF documents. We're already working on that. Stay tuned!
Happy to discuss this more: peter at pspdfkit dot com


What exactly is required in order to create custom WebChat for Twilio Flex?

I would like to understand how exactly I would go about creating a completely custom webchat for a website.
The reason why is because I realize that there are some limits to the degree to which I can customize the WebChat that is out-of-the-box, especially using JS alone.
I went about viewing the instructions for how to setup WebChat using the instructions, and I was just not able to figure out how to use the npm approach, only the CDN (using core and a separate website is using Wordpress). which sort of limited the degree to which I could make customizations to the UI.
I really wish I was able to use the npm package, but unfortunately the two web frameworks that the sites were build with ( core, and WordPress) didnt have a clear way of accomplishing this. I posted about this issue previously with someone just saying "Its easy, just search online" . My search didnt result in anything helpful, unfortunately.
If someone can provide us engineers interested in making tweeks with clear instructions or an example of using javascript alone to add/remove components, I wouldnt have to build the web chat from scratch. There is just very limited documentation I feel for this. It almost appears that the app needs to be a react app, just to host the webchat if trying to customize using the extensibilty options twilio flex team provided.
Any insight is appreciated. What I am expecting is someone saying "Unfortunately, completing customizations using NPM is only available if the web framework is react based". or something like that. Is this true or false? If it is false, how exactly can I replace a component using javascript alone?

Navigation in react application

Once i tried to create a react native application, but I find it vey hard and not suitable for my needs.
Then i immigrate to react, i kind of begginner in web programming and I remember in react native was a term called 'navigation' and alot of libraries that gives you ability to navigate between screens in alot different ways, stack navigator and etc...
Now i came to react and I started to work with material-ui, but I cant find anything about navigation its seems everything with navigation is related to react native (and I dont sure i can use it in react, at least i didnt find any refrence to that)
Maybe there is another term for navigation in react applications? I saw react-router-dom videos but I dont want to play with the url, its going to be phonegap application using react with webpack...
Any directions for libraries or things i need to read and learn?
Im sorry if this question is very basic, Thanks alot!
You could try the StaticRouter in React Router.
It can load different components based on the path, but won't change the URL. It's usually used for Server-side Rendering.
Although I suspect what you'd really like is to use routerHistory in React Router. Take a look at this example,
react-native targeting mobile app while reactJS targeting Web. They are similar but not the same.
i kind of begginner in web programming and I remember in react native was a term called 'navigation'
Web programming has nothing to do with react native, react native has nothing to do with browser nor web.
I saw react-router-dom videos but I dont want to play with the url,
Sounded like you wanted to visit, in a browser, without using url? No it's not how it works. Browser will need a URL to render any webpages that you wished.

When to use react with electron

I plan on making a desktop only app. I don't have any intent to deploy it to a web server. Think something like VS code.
Im used to just "throwing" react at any problem that has the term "web application" in it. It streamlines so much its almost impossible to write really great apps without it in my opinion.
However, electron is a different beast entirely. Should I use react still, or is there more benefit to just sticking with raw electron in my case? I'm fairly new to development in electron, so I would like to do it right.
Electron is actually Chromium browser on the front end and nodejs on the backend. Building an electron app is technically building a webpage which ships its back end along with it.
If you have a dynamic application that needs to rerender frequently, ReactJS’s virtual DOM will be super effective
So, if you're used to 'throwing' react at any problem that has the term 'web application' in it, i would suggest you go with reactjs.

Best framework to multi-window app using electron.js

I wrote electron.js multi-window application using native javascript. I want to rewrite this app using one of javascript framework like React, Vue or Angular. They are SPA frameworks so I predict, that one instance corresponds to one window. I think that Angular may be too large for smaller windows.
My app currently has one main window (that executes a lot of code) and three smaller, so I don't want to use too big frameworks for them. One more question: all of those framewoks are compatybile with typescript?
I have built a multi-window (multi-page) Electron app using both Bootstrap and Angular and had no issues.
You can get Typescript definitions for React / Bootstrap here or (for Bootstrap) here.
A tutorial for using Typescript with Angular can be found here. It is a little dated but should be a good starting point.
This question in stackoverflow also has some useful information that you may find helpful.

Use React Native components in a Meteor React web application

As we're building a Meteor React web application which will be presented inside a web view inside a react native application. As you can probably tell by reading that sentence, this doesn't make much sense, but due to time constraints and the fact that the react native application is made by another team, we have decided to present it in a web view for now, and eventually convert it to RN as well.
So to prevent having to write everything twice, is there a way to use React Native components in Meteor? (So use <View> for example instead of <div>).
If you want to go down this path, you can use react-native-web to build React Native components for the web.
Just want to warn that while building your web client with RN components will definitely help you transition, you will still pretty much have to scrap all your client side Meteor logic when you transition later. The best RN meteor client currently is react-native-meteor and is more of a proof of concept than anything -- trying to emulate key features of Meteor with a wrapper using a DDP client, but definitely not there yet.
So in the end, you're going to put in some serious hours making the conversion later or scrapping Meteor altogether when you go full native. If you're a fan of Meteor, I would suggest trying apollo made by the folks at Meteor and works out of the box with RN. You can still get all the best features of Meteor like reactive data, optimistic UI, subscriptions, etc. and the learning curve is pretty mild.

