Can't fire function on document load - javascript

<input class="test removeMe" type="text">
$(function () {
function isEmpty() {
if (!$(".test").val()) {
} else {
Please, tell me, where am I wrong?
I want isEmpty to fire on load/reload and check if the input has value. If it doesn't, it will remove the removeMe class. If it does have some value, it will add addMe class to it.
Console is empty, I can't figure it out why this isn't working properly.
Very odd... It does fire proper alert relatively if it is empty or not, but doesn't add/remove classes.
Update 02
It does work, but not exactly...
The this isn't working... if replace it with the targeted element, than it will work. So the question is remained: Why this isn't working here?

Call function from document on ready function.
function isEmpty() {
if (!$(".test").val()) {
} else {

$(function () {
function isEmpty() {
if (!$(".test").val()) {
} else {
alert("not Empty");
<script src=""></script>
<input class="test removeMe" type="text">

Rory McCrossan provided with great and informative answer here: Why "$(this)" doesn't work in the following example
And adeneo pointed out on another SO question/answers about how this works: How does the "this" keyword work?


remove div if empty or appendChild

I need that when my div is empty, remove if not, run the appendChild code. I'm not getting the logic right, I think
$(window).on("load", function() {
if ('#leftmenu:empty') {
} else {
document.querySelector('.paddingbox iframe')
$(window).on("load", function() {
if ($('#leftmenu').html().length == 0) {
} else {
//do whatever
I don't know what you want. Please refer enter link description here to find how to check div is empty. Then if not you can add the code you want. Currently, this code is the wrong syntax. You need to fix it like
document.querySelector('.paddingbox iframe'));
$( "p:empty" )
//.text( "Was empty!" )
//.css( "margin", "0" )
<script src=""></script>
<p>Has text</p>
<p>Has text</p>
Please Try this
$(document).ready(function() {
if ($('#leftmenu').length==0)
} else {
document.querySelector('.paddingbox iframe')
You've got a couple of errors with your code - you're if statement is only checking a string and not actually if the empty div exists and you have a syntax error on your append (and I'm not sure you can append directly to a collection like that)
Try this (comments to what I have changed)
$(window).on("load", function() {
var $emptyDiv = $('#leftmenu:empty'); // get empty div
if ($emptyDiv.length) { // see if empty div exists
$emptyDiv.remove(); // remove empty div
} else {
$'.iframe-output').append($('.paddingbox iframe')); // you may as well use jquery append as you are using jquery

Jquery/Javascript Add class if X class is not exist

I am new here, sorry if I do some mistake with this question.
I have a HTML code.
hit me
with this function i can add class two in class one
$(document).ready(function () {
but how if I want to add class two if class two is not exist and do other function if class two is exist?
maybe like this,
hit me
i klik hit me and jquery is add class two,
hit me
but when I klick hit me again, class two is not removed and because class is exist, i create other function based on class two is exist.
lets say like this,
i klik hit me
hit me
<div id="blah" class=""*>lorem</div>
hit me
<div id="blah" class=""*>lorem</div>
and klik hit me again.
hit me
<div id="foo" class="blah2">lorem</div>
can you give me code or google suggest keyword or link, because I confused what i must search first.
thanks for adv,
sorry for my Grammer, i cant speak/write English well, if any wrong grammer or language please correct me.
Using the hasClass() method and you're examples:
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('two')) {
} else {
Use jQuery hasClass method .
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('two')) {
} else {
i'm a little confused as to what exactly you want to do, but I think you need to look into .hasClass() for starters.
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('.one').hasClass('two')) {
// do stuff you want to do if element already has class "two"
else {
// do stuff if it doesnt already have class "two"
I am guessing at your exact needs, but I hope that my assumptions weren't too far off base.
Given HTML like this:
hit me
<div id="change" class="blah1"></div>
And JS Like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
var changeDiv = $('#change');
if ($(this).hasClass('two')) {
changeDiv.html('<p>Blah 2</p>');
} else {
changeDiv.html('<p>Blah 1</p>');
You will be able to toggle your link's class and change or update another div based on the class of your link when clicked.
You can see this code working at
Another way to look at this is to check if the given class exists in the dom. Therefore, one can use the following:
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($('.two').length) {
//there is a class two
} else {
//there is no class two
Hope I typed it right
Use this code:
$(document).ready(function () {
if(!$('#mydiv').hasClass('myclass')) {

If jQuery has Class do this action

I am trying to check whether or not a particular element has been clicked but am having trouble doing so. Here is my HTML:
<div id="my_special_id" class="switch switch-small has-switch" data-on="success" data-off="danger">
<div class="switch-on switch-animate"><input type="checkbox" checked="" class="toggle">
<span class="switch-left switch-small switch-success">ON</span>
<label class="switch-small"> </label>
<span class="switch-right switch-small switch-danger">OFF</span>
Here is my jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id').click(function() {
if ($('#my_special_id div:first-child').hasClass('switch-on')) {
I am guessing that my id "my_special_id" is not what is actually being clicked?
I guess click event should have event parameter.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id').click(function(e) {
if ( check condition) {
parameter 'e' above specified is the event object that has all info about click event.
so if u check all info under 'e.tartget', u will be able to find out which one is clicked.
Hope it's helpful for you.
Cheers :)
Since you are looking for a alert when the checkbox is clicked
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id input.toggle').click(function() {
if ($('#my_special_id div:first-child').hasClass('switch-on')) {
Demo: Fiddle
Simply put alert when you click on that particular class switch-on
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id div:first-child .switch-on').on('click',function() {
Or even try like
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id').click(function() {
if ($(this + 'div:first-child').hasClass('switch-on')) {
This JavaScript works for me.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id').click(function() {
if ($('#my_special_id div:first-child').hasClass('switch-on')) {
You are sure you have JQuery?
Your code looks fine I think either you have a syntax error somewhere else or you do not have JQuert.
does this alert?
$(document).ready(function() {
alert("Jquery works");
The click event will trigger to whatever you're bound do. the only time you'd have to be worried is if you bound to both a parent and child (e.g. you had listed #my_special_id,.switch-small--then you'd have to look at
With that said, you can use scope to limit how jQuery finds the div:first-child. I'm not 100% sure what you're after, but the below appears to do what you're after:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#my_special_id').click(function() {
// look for div:first-child within `this` (where `this=#my_special_id`
// per the .click selector above)
if ($('div:first-child',this).hasClass('switch-on')) {
If you're looking to bind to the on/off separately, you may want to change it around a bit. we can still check for .switch-on, just have to traverse differently:
// here we bind to the on/off buttons and not the container
$('#my_special_id .switch-small').click(function(){
// you want the facsimilee of `div:first-child`, so (because we're now
// within that node, we use .parent() to get back up to it
var $firstChild = $(this).parent();
if ($parent.hasClass('switch-on')){

How to call a jquery event in javascript object?

I am really new to javascript objects.
Here is my code:
var homenavmenu = {
// alert({
return false;
Why doesn't it work? It won't alert(1);
Here is my HTML:
<div class="navMenu">
Working Demo
PLease check your html again, demo is working with what you need.
Behavior: click on the button and you will get alert.
Hope this helps :)
var homenavmenu = {
// alert({
return false;
<input type="button" value="hulk" class="navMenuButton" />​
ok it seems like you can't use
should use
invoke as
this work for me,but i don't know why it worked in the example above.

Regular Expression: replace everything but not a specific word

I'm trying to perform a simple replace(); method in JavaScript where I'd like to remove every class from an HTML element except a specific one, how can I do it?
I tried this without success:
<div id="my_div" class="hello letsgo baby is_checked cool">Gordon Freeman</div>
$(document).ready(function () {
alert ($(#my_div).attr("class").replace (/^(is_checked)$/, ""));
// id'like it returns "is_checked" or "" to work like a boolean;
You're trying to alert is_checked when it's there, right? Try using .hasClass:
$(document).ready(function () {
if($("#my_div").hasClass("is_checked")) {
else {
If you just want to know whether an element has a certain class on it, this returns true or false telling you exactly that:
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($(this).hasClass('is_checked') {
if ($(this).hasClass('is_checked'))
You want to remove every class except a specific one? You can use jQuery's attr() method and define the class specifically:
Here's an example of this in action:
Also important to note that if you wish to select an element in jQuery by its id, you need to wrap it in quotes. You have:
It should be:

