how can i get array data source, kendo-grid? - javascript

I'm getting array of properties and I want to show all of them in grid.
How to do it? Is it possible?
This is my code:
function StartBuild(ProfileProperties) {
var details = [];
for (i = 0; i < ProfileProperties.length; i++) {
details[i]=[{ name: ProfileProperties[i][0], email: ProfileProperties[i][1], phoneWork: ProfileProperties[i][2], Mobile: ProfileProperties[i][3], ManagerName: ProfileProperties[i][4] }];
$(document).ready(function () {
var datasource = new{
transport: {
read: function (e) {
pageSize: 10,
batch: false,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
name: { editable: false },
Fname: { editable: false }
dataSource: datasource,
pegable: true,
sortable: {
mode: "single",
allowUnsort: false
columns: [{
field: "name",
title: "name",
filterable: {
cell: {
}, {//[Bild, nameP, email,phonework, Mobile, ManagerName]
field: "email",
title: "email"
}, {
field: "phoneWork",
title: "phoneWork"
}, {
field: "Mobile",
title: "Mobile"
}, {
field: "Manager",
title: "Manager"
filterable: {
mode: "row"
Only if I write details[0] it shows the first properties otherwise it doesn't show anything.

It looks like there are a couple of problems.
First, the transport setup is incorrect. pageSize, batch, and schema are not part of the transport need to take them out of the transport block and just have them in the datasource block.
You want:
var datasource = new{
transport: {
read: function (e) {
pageSize: 10,
batch: false,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
name: { editable: false },
Fname: { editable: false }
Instead of(what you have):
var datasource = new{
transport: {
read: function (e) {
pageSize: 10,
batch: false,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
name: { editable: false },
Fname: { editable: false }
Second, the details needs to be an array of objects, not an array of an array of an object.
You want:
var details = [];
for (i = 0; i < ProfileProperties.length; i++) {
details.push({ name: ProfileProperties[i][0], email: ProfileProperties[i][1], phoneWork: ProfileProperties[i][2], Mobile: ProfileProperties[i][3], ManagerName: ProfileProperties[i][4] });
Instead of:
var details = [];
for (i = 0; i < ProfileProperties.length; i++) {
details[i]=[{ name: ProfileProperties[i][0], email: ProfileProperties[i][1], phoneWork: ProfileProperties[i][2], Mobile: ProfileProperties[i][3], ManagerName: ProfileProperties[i][4] }];
Two other issues that are not directly causing a problem, but are incorrect are:
Your dataSource.schema configuration does not match your actual data at all. The schema really needs to match the fields of the actual data otherwise it cannot match up the configuration.
You spelled "pageable" wrong in the grid configuration.


Angularjs Kendo Master-detail grid Apply Default ID from Master to Add New Detail Record

I am trying to get the value from the ID field on the expanded row from the Master grid in order to populate the corresponding field on the Details grid when adding a new record in the Details grid. I tried the following:
$scope.detailGridOptions = function (dataItem) {
return {
dataSource: {
type: 'aspnetmvc-ajax',
transport: {
read: "/Home/GetTaggedContractorsByMajor"
create: "/Home/AddContractorToTag"
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true,
serverFiltering: true,
schema: {
data: "Data",
total: "Total",
model: {
id: "ContractorID",
fields: {
CompanyID: { editable: true, nullable: true, type: "string" },
TagID: { editable: true, nullable: true, type: "number" },
vchCompanyName: { editable: false, nullable: false, type: "string"},
Date: { editable: false, nullable: false, type: "date" },
AddedBy: { editable: false, nullable: false, type: "string" }
pageSize: 5,
filter: { field: "TagID", operator: "eq", value: dataItem.TagID }
scrollable: false,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
editable: "popup",
edit: function (e) {
var uid = $(this.element[0]).closest('.k-detail-row').prev().attr('data-uid');
var selector = kendo.format("tr[data-uid='{0}']", uid);
var currentGridElement = $(selector).closest("[data-role=grid]");
var parentRow = currentGridElement.closest(".k-detail-row").prev();
var parentGrid = parentRow.closest("[data-role=grid]").data("kendoGrid");
var parentModel = parentGrid.dataItem(parentRow);
return {
TagID: parentModel.TagID
toolbar: ["create"],
columns: [
field: "TagID"
, hidden: true
field: "CompanyID",
title: "CompanyID"
, editor: companyDropDownEditor
field: "vchCompanyName",
title: "Company Name"
field: "Date",
title: "Date Added"
field: "AddedBy",
title: "Added By"
"parentGrid" variable is always null. However, if use the name of the grid directily as $scope.tagsGrid, I can get the grid but the line var parentModel = $scope.tagsGrid.dataItem(parentRow); gives the error "Unable to get property 'TagID' of undefined or null reference". I think even if I am able to get that part of the code working, I am still missing something as trying to manually set the ID like this
return {
TagID: 1
does not set the ID either. If it is not possible to automatically set the ID field for the new detail row, is it possible to get the ID value from Master and send it as a parameter with my create Url?
Any assistance is greatly appreciated!
I was able to get this to work with a few tweaks to the edit event function:
edit: function (e) {
var grid = $scope.tagsGrid;
var uid = e.model.uid;
var selector = kendo.format("tr[data-uid='{0}']", uid);
var currentGridElement = $(selector).closest("[data-role=grid]");
var parentRow = currentGridElement.closest(".k-detail-row").prev();
var parentModel = grid.dataItem(parentRow);
e.model.TagID = parentModel.TagID;

Adding new row to grid

I require a Kendo Grid for the user to enter 'n' number of results, then click a button (seperate from the grid control) which will take all the results added to the grid and save them to the database. This should be a simple task considering there are no CRUD operations going on with the grid itself except to add additional, blank rows for data entry...
The problem is that the content of the grid is not static and can vary in column size (from 1 to 6) based on user input (my example shows how this will be represented in the form of an array Lots). It seems that most if not all tutorials available seem to focus solely on static content with very little help when it comes to anything else.
So far (with some feedback from Telerik) I have come up with the following...
Set up a Lot Schema i.e. a placeholder for all the data for each Lot in the array:
var Lots = [];
Lots.push({ ID: 13, LotNumber: "158UL" }),
Lots.push({ ID: 14, LotNumber: "646UE" });
var LotResultsSchema = [];
for (var p = 0; p < Lots.length; ++p) {
Result: {
Count: '',
Mean: '',
SD: ''
Set up the overall grid Schema Model ID:
var schemaModel ={
id: "ID",
fields: {
ID: { editable: false, nullable: true },
ResultDateTime: {
type: "date", validation: {
required: true
LotResults: LotResultsSchema,
StandardComment: {
ID: {
nullable: true, validation: {
required: false
Description: {
defaultValue: "<empty>",
validation: {
required: false
ReviewComment: {
ID: {
nullable: true, validation: {
required: false
Description: {
defaultValue: "<empty>",
validation: {
required: false
Set up the datasource for the grid based on the schema above:
var gridConfigDataSourceAdd = new{
data: [],
schema: {
model: schemaModel
Set up the column schema (again taking into account that there can be multiple columns created based on array size):
var columnSchema = [];
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "ResultDateTime", format: "{0:yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss}", editor: dateTimeEditor, title: 'Date Time' });
for (var j = 0; j < Lots.length; ++j) {
title: Lots[j].LotNumber,
field: Lots[j].ID,
columns: [{
field: "LotResults[" + j + "].Result.Count",
title: 'Count'
}, {
field: "LotResults[" + j + "].Result.Mean",
title: 'Mean'
}, {
field: "LotResults[" + j + "].Result.SD",
title: 'SD'
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "StandardComment", title: 'Comment', editor: standardCommentDropDownEditor, template: "#=StandardComment.Description#" });
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "ReviewComment", title: 'Review Comment', editor: reviewCommentDropDownEditor, template: "#=ReviewComment.Description#" });
columnSchemaAdd.push({ command: ["edit", "destroy"] });
Set up the overall grid:
dataSource: gridConfigDataSourceAdd,
height: 550,
navigatable: true,
autoBind: false,
editable: {
mode: "inline"
toolbar: ["create"],
columns: columnSchemaAdd
Running this code and clicking the 'Add New' button to create a new row produces the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'Result' of undefined
I understand why I am getting this error, due to the new item being created with undefined LotResults. What I can't understand is how this can happen when the default values are being set up in the Lot Schema.
Any advice is appreciated, I am hoping someone has used Kendo Grids for the same purpose before as I would really like to get a look at an example which works!
I think the problem is with LotResultsSchema. Instead of creating it as a separate array, can try to merge it to the fields class?
var Lots = [];
Lots.push({ ID: 13, LotNumber: "158UL" }),
Lots.push({ ID: 14, LotNumber: "646UE" });
var fields1 = {
ID: { editable: false, nullable: true },
ResultDateTime: {
type: "date", validation: {
required: true
StandardComment: {
ID: {
nullable: true, validation: {
required: false
Description: {
defaultValue: "<empty>",
validation: {
required: false
ReviewComment: {
ID: {
nullable: true, validation: {
required: false
Description: {
defaultValue: "<empty>",
validation: {
required: false
for (var p = 0; p < Lots.length; ++p) {
fields1['Count' + Lots[p].ID] = {type : "number"};
fields1['Mean'+Lots[p].ID] = {type : "number"};
fields1['SD' +Lots[p].ID] = {type : "number"};
var schemaModel ={
id: "ID",
fields: fields1
var gridConfigDataSourceAdd = new{
data: [],
schema: {
model: schemaModel
var columnSchemaAdd = [];
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "ResultDateTime", format: "{0:yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss}", title: 'Date Time' });
for (var j = 0; j < Lots.length; ++j) {
title: Lots[j].LotNumber,
field: Lots[j].ID,
columns: [{
field: 'Count' + Lots[j].ID ,
title: 'Count'
field: 'Mean'+Lots[j].ID ,
title: 'Mean'
}, {
field: 'SD' + Lots[j].ID ,
title: 'SD'
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "StandardComment", title: 'Comment', template: "#=StandardComment.Description#" });
columnSchemaAdd.push({ field: "ReviewComment", title: 'Review Comment', template: "#=ReviewComment.Description#" });
columnSchemaAdd.push({ command: ["edit", "destroy"] });
dataSource: gridConfigDataSourceAdd,
height: 550,
navigatable: true,
autoBind: false,
editable: {
mode: "inline"
toolbar: ["create"],
columns: columnSchemaAdd
A sample

Kendo UI grid comboBox undefined on focus out?

I have working on Keno UI grid and I have added a comboBox as a column in the grid which also supports autocomplete feature. Apparently, comboBox is working fine but when I type half of world and focus out of the comboBox cell then it shows undefined. I have tried to handle it on combobox change event, but it is still showing undefined value? Below is my code for combobox and grid.
function productDropDownEditor(container, options) {
$('<input id="ProductDropDown" style="width:250px;" data-bind="value:' + options.field + '"/>')
dataSource: dataSource,
autoBind: false,
dataTextField: 'ProductName',
dataValueField: 'ProductID',
filter: "contains",
suggest: true,
index: 3,
change: function (e) {
var cmb = this;
// selectedIndex of -1 indicates custom value
if (cmb.selectedIndex < 0) {
cmb.value(0); // or set to the first item in combobox
close: function (e) {
var cmb = this;
And here is following code for kendo grid.
$(function () {
columns: [
field: "Products", width: "250px",
editor: productDropDownEditor,
title: "Product",
template: "#=Products.ProductName#",
attributes: {
"class": "select2_single"
{ field: "PurchasePrice", width: "150px" },
{ field: "PurchaseQuantity", width: "150px" },
{ field: "SaleRate", title: "Sale Rate", width: "150px" },
{ field: "Amount", title: "Amount", width: "150px" },
{ command: "destroy", title: "Delete", width: "110px" },
editable: true, // enable editing
pageable: true,
navigatable: true,
sortable: true,
editable: "incell",
toolbar: ["create"], // specify toolbar commands
edit: function (e) {
//// var parentItem = parentGrid.dataSource.get(e.model.PurchaseID);
////e.model.set("ShipCountry", parentItem.Country);
//if (e.model.isNew()) {
// // set the value of the model property like this
// e.model.set("PropertyName", Value);
// // for setting all fields, you can loop on
// // the grid columns names and set the field
//editable: "inline",
dataSource: {
serverPaging: true,
requestStart: function () {
kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), true);
requestEnd: function () {
kendo.ui.progress($("#loading"), false);
serverFiltering: true,
serverSorting: true,
batch: true,
pageSize: 3,
schema: {
data: "data",
total: "Total",
model: { // define the model of the data source. Required for validation and property types.
id: "Id",
fields: {
PurchaseID: { editable: false, nullable: true },
PurchasePrice: { nullable: true },
PurchaseQuantity: { validation: { required: true, min: 1 } },
SaleRate: { validation: { required: true, min: 1 } },
Amount: { type: "number", editable: false },
Products: {
nullable: false,
validation: { required: true},
defaultValue: {ProductID:1, ProductName:"Googo" },
//from: "Products.ProductName",
parse: function (data) {
if (data == null) {
data = { ProductID: 1};
return data;
type: "object"
batch: true, // enable batch editing - changes will be saved when the user clicks the "Save changes" button
change: function (e) {
if (e.action === "itemchange" && e.field !== "Amount") {
var model = e.items[0],
type = model.Type,
currentValue = model.PurchasePrice * model.PurchaseQuantity;//formulas[type](model);
if (currentValue !== model.Amount) {
model.Amount = currentValue;
$("#grid").find("tr[data-uid='" + model.uid + "'] td:eq(4)").text(currentValue);
//if (e.field == "Products") {
// $("#grid").find("tr[data-uid='" + model.uid + "'] td:eq(0)").text(model.Products);
transport: {
read: {
url: "#Url.Action("Read", "Purchase")", //specify the URL which should return the records. This is the Read method of the HomeController.
contentType: "application/json",
type: "POST", //use HTTP POST request as by default GET is not allowed by ASP.NET MVC
parameterMap: function (data, operation) {
if (operation != "read") {
// post the products so the ASP.NET DefaultModelBinder will understand them:
// data.models[0].ProductID = data.models[0].Product.ProductID;
var result = {};
// data.models[0].ProductID = $("#ProductDropDown").val();
for (var i = 0; i < data.models.length; i++) {
var purchase = data.models[i];
for (var member in purchase) {
result["purchaseDetail[" + i + "]." + member] = purchase[member];
return result;
} else {
var purchaseID = $("#hdnPurchaseId").val();
//output = '{ purchaseID: ' + purchaseID + '}';
data.purchaseID = purchaseID; // Got value from MVC view model.
return JSON.stringify(data)

Getting a string on an update request in KendoUI datasource

I have a pretty simple grid with data source that retrieves data correctly
For that cause I have a schema.parse function defined
The problem is that when I try to update/create new row the schema.parse() called again and the parameter that is passed to it is a string that contains the HTML of my page. cannot really get what the hell is going on there.
var _dataSource = new{
transport: {
read: {
dataType: "json",
url: layerDefProvider.getLayerUrlById("surveys") + "/query",
data: {
f: "json",
//token: token,
outFields: "*",
//outSR: 3857,
where: "1=1"
type: "POST"
create: function (options) {
console.debug("called");//never gets called
update: function (options) {
console.debug("called");//never gets called
destroy: function (options) {
console.debug("called");//never gets called
filter: {
field: "OBJECTID", operator: "eq", value: 0
schema: {
data:function(response) {
parse: function (data) {//on loading it is fine, on updating the data param is a string of my HTML of the page
var rows = [];
var features = data.features;
if (!features) {
return [];
for (var i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
var dataRow = {};
dataRow.OBJECTID = features[i].attributes.OBJECTID;
dataRow.Name = features[i].attributes.Name;
dataRow.Date = features[i].attributes.Date;
dataRow.Comment = features[i].attributes.Comment;
return rows;
model: {
fields: {
OBJECTID: { type: "number", editable: false },
Name: { type: "string" },
Date: { type: "string" },
Comment: { type: "string" }
var _surveysPicker = $(config.table).kendoGrid({
toolbar: ["create","save"],
editable: true,
dataSource: _dataSource,
height: 300,
sortable: true,
selectable: "multiple",
columnMenu: true,
resizable: true,
columns: [{
field: "OBJECTID",
width: 40
}, {
field: "Name",
width: 40
}, {
field: "Date",
width: 40
}, {
field: "Comment",
width: 100
You need to move your parse function inside read event if you need to parse data only on read action.

Is it possible to have full CRUD functions in kendo grid with local data

I'm currently implementing a kendo grid and i'm populating it with local data.
That is; I have generated a JSON string from my action and supplying that string on the view page.
In the end i would like to know if it is possible to implement full CRUD functions with local data?
here's a sample of the code written so far;
<div id="example" class="k-content">
<div id="grid"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var myData = ${coursemodules},
dataSource = new{
data: myData,
batch: true,
pageSize: 30,
schema: {
model: {
id: "id",
fields: {
id: { editable: false, nullable: true},
name: { type: "string", validation: { required: true }},
qualificationLevel: { type: "string", validation: { required: true }},
description: { type: "string", validation: { required: true }},
published: { type: "boolean" },
gateApprove: { type: "boolean" },
duration: { type: "number", validation: { min: 1, required: true } },
academicBody: { type: "string" }
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 350,
scrollable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: true,
toolbar: ["create", "save", "cancel"],
columns: [
field: "id",
title: "ID",
width: '3%'
field: "name",
title: "Course Title",
width: '20%'
field: "description",
width: '35%'
field: "published",
title: "Published",
width: '7%'
field: "gateApprove",
title: "Gate Approve",
width: '7%'
field: "duration",
title: "Duration",
width: '5%'
field: "academicBody.shortName",
title: "Academic Body",
width: '10%'
editable: true
I have realise that for the datasource, you have to declare transport to implement the CRUD. However, I need to declare "data". I tried declaring both transport and data. That doesn't seem to work.
Yes you can Here is JSFiddle Hope this will help you.
// this should be updated when new entries are added, updated or deleted
var data =
"ID": 3,
"TopMenuId": 2,
"Title": "Cashier",
"Link": ""},
"ID": 4,
"TopMenuId": 2,
"Title": "Deposit",
"Link": ""}
dataSource: {
transport: {
read: function(options) {
create: function(options) {
update: function(options) {
destroy: function(options) {
batch: true,
pageSize: 4,
schema: {
model: {
id: "ID",
fields: {
ID: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
TopMenuId: {
editable: false,
nullable: true
Title: {
editable: true,
validation: {
required: true
Link: {
editable: true
data: "",
total: function(result) {
result = || result;
return result.length || 0;
editable: true,
toolbar: ["create", "save", "cancel"],
height: 250,
scrollable: true,
sortable: true,
filterable: false,
pageable: true,
columns: [
field: "TopMenuId",
title: "Menu Id"},
field: "Title",
title: "Title"},
field: "Link",
title: "Link"},
command: "destroy"}
When binding local data, the Grid widget utilizes an abstraction that represents a local transport. Therefore, it does not require a custom transport; modifications made in the grid are reflected to the bound data source. This includes rollbacks through a cancellation.
There is fully functional example of this in telerik documentation
What you need is define transport block in dataSource object with custom CRUD funtions which update local source.
transport: {
create: function(options){
var localData = JSON.parse(localStorage["grid_data"]); = localData[localData.length-1].ID + 1;
localStorage["grid_data"] = JSON.stringify(localData);
read: function(options){
var localData = JSON.parse(localStorage["grid_data"]);
update: function(options){
var localData = JSON.parse(localStorage["grid_data"]);
for(var i=0; i<localData.length; i++){
if(localData[i].ID =={
localData[i].Value =;
localStorage["grid_data"] = JSON.stringify(localData);
destroy: function(options){
var localData = JSON.parse(localStorage["grid_data"]);
for(var i=0; i<localData.length; i++){
if(localData[i].ID ==={
localStorage["grid_data"] = JSON.stringify(localData);

