SharePoint Rest Document library - javascript

I am creating a custom page writing the HTML and javascript for a SharePoint site. I would like to embed document libraries inside my custom html I am writing in SharePoint designer.
I have nto found a way to easily embed document libraries in custom html but did stumble on some documentation for a rest api. I figured I could use this and write my own ajax app in the html for users to navigate the document library.
I am currently trying with this javascrip just to see if I can pull html or JSON for a document library contents:
<script type="text/javascript">
var folderUrl = "x/x/x/testDocumentLibrary/Forms/AllItems.aspx";
var url = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl + "/_api/Web/GetFolderByServerRelativeUrl('" + folderUrl + "')?$expand=Folders,Files";
for(var i = 0; i < data.Files.length;i++){
for(var i = 0; i < data.Folders.length;i++){
I am not sure if I am using the right url for the folderUrl variable.
In order to conduct some tests what is _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeURL pulling? I am trying to see if I can work backwards and create the URL manually first with out the SP function calls.

The folderUrl variable in your example code should end with the path to the library; everything up until /Forms/AllItems.aspx, so /x/x/x/testDocumentLibrary where /x/x/x/ is the server-relative path to the site on which the library resides.
The _spPageContextInfo object provides two variations of server-relative URL, one for the current site (called a "web" in SharePoint jargon) and one for the current site collection (called a "site" in SharePoint jargon). Appropriately, these properties are labeled webServerRelativeURL and siteServerRelativeURL. Both of these are server-relative, meaning that they exclude the first part of the domain name. (Instead of they'll give you /sites/stackoverflow.)
For a REST call, you probably want the absolute URL, not the server-relative URL. You can access the web and site absolute URLs through _spPageContextInfo's properties webAbsoluteURL and siteAbsoluteURL.
If the list/library you're accessing is on the current site where your REST is running, use the webAbsoluteURL property.


Is it possible to access elements of a website?

I have a link here: and I've been wanted to pull data from it. In the developer console I typed out
let players = document.getElementsByClassName("AnchorLink link clr-link pointer")
and it works perfectly. How can I get this to work in my ide?
Disclaimer: the following is for teaching purpose only and should not be abused.
Use a public API if provided by the website owner.
Investigate what happens to the request by using the Network tab.
You'll notice that a request is made to an URI which ends in something like: ....ffl/news/players?days=30&playerId=2576623.
If you click that link you'll go directly to a page that serves an API response as JSON.
Inspect again the entire website Ctrl + Shift + F and look for that player ID 2576623 - and you'll notice that is stored inside each player image URI. So let's collect all those IDs.
Open Dev Tools Console and run:
var _i = document.querySelectorAll("tbody .player__column img[src*='full/']");
Now that you have your image elements it's time to collect all the IDs:
var _ids = [..._i].map(el => el.src.match(/(?<=full\/)[^\.]+(?=\.)/)[0]);
From this point on you - can use any server-side script (or even JS if there's no CrossOrigin limitation), and fetch that JSON data.

how to jump to page of rendered pdf

Im using pdfobject along with forcePDFJS which uses pdfjs viewer.js to render pdf's.. Once they are rendered I need to be able to jump to pages without reloading the document.. The documents can be pretty large
I've seen some mentions about using PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber. but I haven't seen a good example on how to use it correclty
I've seen two example of using the PDFApplicationViewer
1. PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber = pagNum;
2. document.getElementById('mycanvas').contentWindow.PDFApplicationViewer.pdfview.currentPageNumber = pagNum;
Althought the second on make more sense Im not sure where the contentWindow object from the element comes from. Im assuming the pdfobject embeds something that I could get access too but I can't figure it out..
Also, since I couldn't really find alot on this.. Is this even possible..
For time constraint reasons I don't want to have to put together a new viewer using pdfjs.. I like what comes with the viewer.html.. I just need to jump the pages without reloading
PDFObject.embed doesn't return any reference So I looked into the pdfObject code to see how it was embedding the pdf..
for this to work there needs to be a iframe.. So when rendering with pdfobject Im using a configureation as follows:
Notice forcePDFJS=true
var options = {
pdfOpenParams: {
view: "FitV",
page: pageNum
forcePDFJS: true,
PDFJS_URL: "../pdfjs/web/viewer.html"
Here is code that works
var pdfviewer = document.getElementById('pdfviewer');//get the viewer element
var contenttag = pdfviewer.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0]//got this from pdfobject code
contenttag.contentWindow.PDFViewerApplication.pdfViewer.currentPageNumber = parseInt(pageNum);//change the page
In my case, the pdfviewer id is not available anymore.
PDFObject does return the reference of iframe that it creates. I was using basic HTML + JS so I had to save that reference to global window object to be able to access it from anywhere in the project.
Finally, with the reference we have, we can access the PDFViewerApplication object as below and manipulate the PDF:

Accessing file with JS when files are a folder deeper than domain

We have a MVC site which uses subdomains. Not in the traditional but instead we are using The source files all exist in the sub folders of each sub domain because each might have some slightly different things. This causes the Dev team to have to place JS directly into the razor pages so the razor code was able to update URLs like below.
var temp = $('div').load('#Url.Content("~/Images/Excel.png")');
Unfortunately using a code like below in a separate JS file tries loading from and not
var temp = $('div').load('/Content/Templates/warning.html');
Theses add on to the domains and can change with clients. Is there a way to get the domain plus sub when the files are loaded like that in the JS without needing to place the code into the razor? I'd prefer a separation of concerns because we are loading scripts sometimes which aren't even used because of it.
what I always do when in similar situations is that I create a function in the main.js or whatever name your using for your shared js file, modify the URL in the function and use the function as the initiator:
in the main.js:
var loadFile = function(selector,path){
and then whenever and wherever you wanna load a file:
var temp = loadFile('div','/Content/Templates/warning.html');
you can upgrade your loadFile function to let it know if it has to load from the root of the website if needed:
var loadFile = function(selector,path,loadFromRoot){
var root=(loadFromRoot) ? '' : '/sub';

How to get hyperlink ids in another html file

am doing a project it requires a web site.on this site i have to darw state diagram for hyperlinks.that is how the hyperlinks are attached to one another on a using to get hyperlink id in another html file.i know about document.getElementById.
Thanks inadvance
That would require a way to access another HTML file through AJAX, which is not possible if it isn't on your domain or if CORS isn't enabled.
There's however quite a few things you could do:
Use your own server-side as proxy for fetching the HTML file.
Do the processing on the server-side and let JavaScript plot the data.
Do everything on the server-side.
If you'd like to get the ID's of a link you should use a HTML parser. Modern browsers include a such, it's called DOMParser. You'd do something like this:
var parser = new DOMParser();
var doc = parser.parseFromString(yourHTMLSource, 'text/html');
var links = doc.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i = 0, length = links.length; i < length; i++) {
links[i].getAttribute('id'); // -> Returns the ID of the link, if any
As I remember it, IE doesn't support this, but has it's own module for HTML parsing with some different methods, but still relatively easy to use.

How should I create relative paths in javascript using MVC3?

I am having some difficulty aligning my paths without a hardcode in javascript. I am running an MVC3 web application.
If my path is of the form
var url = 'http://serverNameHardcode/websiteNameHardcode/service/service?param1=' + param;
Then things work fine when I do
function (data) {alert('callback success');},'json');
I would like to create a relative path. I tried
var url = 'service/service?param1=' + param;
And this works when I run locally and also in Firefox, but not in IE7. When I publish to the server without the hardcode the callback never fires. I know MVC-3 adds some complexity to routing, but I do not know if it applies to this situation; so, I marked this question as such.
How should I setup my path so I don't need hardcodes?
Just write out the app path as a global js variable from your master view, then compose links as
APPPATH + "path/whatever"
Just had to solve this for one of my jQuery plugins, where it is preferable not to modify anything global (i.e. outside the scope of the plugin use) so I had to disregard the marked answer.
I also found that because I host DEV locally in IIS I could not use a root-relative path (as localhost is not the root).
The solution I came up with extended what I had already started with: a data-controller attribute specifying which controller to use in the element I am applying my plugin to. I find it preferable to data-drive the controller names so the components can be more easily reused.
<div data-controller="Section">
<div data-controller="#Url.Content("~/Section")">
This injects the server root (e.g. /Test.WindowsAzure.Apr2014/ before the controller name so I wind up with /Test.WindowsAzure.Apr2014/Section which is perfect for then appending actions and other parameters as you have. It also avoids having an absolute path in the output (which takes up extra bytes for no good reason).
In your case use something like:
// Assuming $element points to the element your plugin/code is attached to...
var baseUrl = $'controller');
var url = baseUrl + '/service?param1=' + param;
Another approach we now use, when we do not mind injecting a global value, is Razor-inject a single global JavaScript variable onto window in the layout file with:
window.SiteRoot = "#Url.Content("~/")";
and use it with
var url = window.SiteRoot + '/service?param1=' + param;
One option:
var editLink = '#Url.Action("_EditActivity", "Home")';
$('#activities').load(editLink + "?activityID=" + id);
another example:
var actionURL = '#Url.Action("_DeleteActivity", "Home")';
$('#activities').load(actionURL + "?goalID=" + gID + "&activityID=" + aID);
If you don't need to add to the string:
$('#activities').load('#Url.Action("_Activities", "Home", new { goalID = Model.goalID},null)');
I really need the path to get this to work, maybe its IE7. Who knows. But this worked for me.
Grab the URL and store it somewhere. I chose to implement the data attribute from HTML5.
<div id="websitePath" data-websitePath='#Request.Url.GetLeftPart(System.UriPartial.Authority)#Request.ApplicationPath'></div>
Then when you need to perform some AJAX or otherwise use a URL in javascript you simply refer to the stored value. Also, there are differences in the versions of IIS (not cool if your devbox is IIS5 and your server is IIS7). #Request.ApplicationPath may or may not come back with a '/' appended to the end. So, as a workaround I also trim the last character if it is /. Then include / as part of the url.
var urlprefix = $('#websitePath').data('websitepath');
urlprefix = urlprefix.replace(/\/$/, "");
var url = urlprefix + '/service/service?param1=' + param;
While the accepted answer is correct I would like to add a suggestion (i.e. how I do it).
I am using MVC, and any ajax request goes to a controller. My controllers have services so if a service call is required the controller will take of that.
So what's my point? So if ajax always communicates with a controller, then i would like to let the MVC routing resolve the path for me. So what I write in Javascript for url is something like this:
url: 'controller/action'
This way there is no need for the root path etc...
Also, you can put this in a separate Javascript file and it will also work whereas #Url.Content will need to be called on the view.

