Retrieve Outlook calendar info in JavaScript/JQuery - javascript

I'm trying to write a web page for a musician friend. I want to get gig info from her Outlook calendar so I can put it on the page. I've been going in circles all day trying to find the right way to do this. Some info is out of date. Some tell me to do things that don't exist. Etc.
All I need to do is read info, probably from a specific "gigs" calendar, or even from her default. I will never have to write info or access anything else. I've created my own outlook calendar to play with, but am stuck cold.
It's seems to me that there should be some simple AJAX call that could do this (so I can manipulate it with JS), but I can't find one that works. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong or point me in the right direction.
If that can't be done, I'd at least like to be able to embed an Outlook calendar on the page. I did something similar years ago with a google calendar and that was easy. Now, I keep getting told I have to go get a link, but I follow the directions and there is no link.

Pretty sure you can export to CSV from Outlook and use something like this CSVToArray(); method.


Changing DOM based on Google Calendar resource availablity

Thanks for any help that you provide in advance! I've been learning to code for the last year, and I'm actively building my first app.
I'm using: - Front End: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap (with MDBootstrap add-on), jQuery - Back End: Node.JS (with Express, Passport, Cookie-session) and MongoDB
My question I believe is relatively simple, but I just haven't been able to piece together what I need to build to realise my vision for this app. Although the front end is more complex, the fundamental functionality of this app is to authenticate users (using Google Sign-in) and then display either RED or GREEN based on a shared Google Calendar's event data.
On the Back End, I'm authenticating users then pulling their Google profile data. Authenticating using Google gives me access to an AccessToken and a RefreshToken. Everything up to this point is fine and seems to work well (at least for a first attempt).
Anyway, the problem is getting access to the private (shared between colleagues) Calendar Event data on the Front End so I can set up logic to choose what is displayed to the user. I can't seem to be able to make an API call because I need the Access Token/Refresh Token on the Front End and I can't see how I can pass that data through. I assume that because the code for the API call is on the Front End, this might not be the best way to go about this?
I'm partial to stripping down the app and starting again, but I don't know if what I've built so far is already on the right path, or if I need to follow a different path altogether? Really all I'm looking for is a guidance on a structure/path that I should follow to get this done as I'm lacking a lot of direction at the moment.
I'd really appreciate anyones help here.
Thanks all

How do I create a simple "news feed" inside my Angular App?

Im working on a static Homepage right now.
Im a beginner in Web-Dev and also a beginner in using Angular.
What I want:
I want my site to take Data outside of a spreadsheet (or any other data source) and display it on my Page, so I don't have to rebuild my page each time the Data changes.
The Data should be 1 single sentence. Not more.
I does not matter if its a spreadsheet or another online services, it just should be easy to implement.
What i have tried:
I have tried making this work with google spreadsheets. But to be honest, I don't know enough to do it by myself and the tutorials I tried didn't work or i didn't understand
I open google spreadsheet (or whatever is the best option here).
I write "Im on vacation until 12.03" inside the sheet.
My Site takes the Data / Sentence and display it somewhere, so someone visiting my site knows im on vacation
Im looking for the simplest method to implement those functionality. I dont need JSON format or anything. Just 1 sentence that i write /change from time to time to display on my Website without the need to rebuild the angular app.

Auto-Open Links From Slack

I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to auto-open links that I receive in Slack.
I work in a call center and every time I get a call, Slackbot gives me a link that I have to click. 100% of the time, the link I receive from Slackbot must be opened.
However, I also know a little JavaScript and was thinking that maybe I could just make a program to do this for me. I was looking into Slack apps, but they don't seem to be too hackable. Anyone have any suggestions or keywords I can Google? I promise I dug through SO and Slack's docs before asking, just wanted to make sure I didn't overlook anything.
No, this feature currently does not exist. Slack only unfurls URLs, but does not open them.
Its currently also not possible to programmatically change how Slack processes incoming messages, e.g. to create a custom viewer etc. I hope the Slack team add that in the future though. That would be really helpful.
An approach that could work and I would recommend looking into is developing a user script for your browser. Check out Tampermonkey.

Filemaker - Automatically log into

I'm not really that experienced in this area but I have the following problem:
I'm creating a Filemaker solution which is linked to Google Calendar. It works really well so far. Now what I'd like to do is to actually have a visible calendar within my solution. I can already link filemaker scripts to my Google Cals entries, so all I need now is a way to view the actual calendar and insert entries. There are many ways to accomplish this. The most elegant solution I've come across is Seedcode.
Since none of these solutions though are cheap (they cost 1000 bucks at least) and aren't even on par with the actual Google Calendar or Sunrise calendar - a portal to Google Cal. I thought that it would be much better to just include in a webview in filemaker. Thus my solution would have the same functionality as Seedcode, with a much more sophisticated UI.
My dilemma now is that I have to login to Sunrise within Filemaker's webview. When I attempt to login, a popup of the system's standard browser (Internet explorer) comes up. After logging in through the popup, the webview still remains on the same login page (loading for ever)...
Now to my question. Is it possible to inject the login submit through javascript or something similar? Or is there any other way to accomplish this? I don't think that it supports cookies; although I'm not really sure how FM's webview works.
I'm really experienced with C++/Python. But as you may have noticed, I'm quite a noob in regards to html etc.
There is a really simple and free Filemaker calendar example here:
It's easy to integrate into your current solution if in this order you:
1) Copy/paste the tables to your database,
2) Copy/paste the scripts
3) Copy/paste the calendar layout
4) Re-point the date relationship to your 'events' so that your events show on the calendar.

How to make a simple event calendar in a c# MVC web project

I'm making a web page that has a calendar in it. It will be used as an event calendar, but I need the events info to come from a database, not hard coded. I also need it so it only displays the events (you can not add one) but when clicked it takes you to another web page (that will add it to the database). I need it this way because of user control. Only the user who creates the event should be able to delete or edit it(which is why I want it to go to another page).
I've been googleing like crazy but have not found anything I need. I did find a calendar called FullCalendar but I can't figure any way to get the events into it. They require an array of events but of course I can't use a server side variable like or anything in the javascript. I also can't find one that doesn't allow everyone to edit or delete others posts (which is a security issue).
I'm not familiar with javascript so I have no idea how to get a variable form my database into the script.
Please help. I just want a very simple calendar that shows events that I can get from my own database. Hopefully one that allows hyperlinks as the events name so I can have it go to the events own page when clicked.
While it's difficult to answer your question (as you have not provided any code as to what you have tried or researched so far), if you are looking for something simple, I would recommend looking at creating a web helper for your calendar. By doing this, you can do everything you are looking to do without having to use JavaScript. A starting (but very simple) example of a calendar web helper is found here: ASP.NET MVC Calendar Helper
However, might I also recommend that you spend some time learning JavaScript as there is quite a bit you can do to improve the user experience. But, as the previous example shows, you don't necessarily have to.
If I understood you correctly, you need some kind of a calendar where a user can manage his tasks. I can advise you a calendar that requires no knowledge of JavaScript, stores info to a database, and you can adjust access rights to your calendar (so if you need, only one user can make changes to it). It is described in this tutorial, and you can also check the demo. To my mind, it should be a good solution for you.

