How to make rows on bootstrap with unknown number of columns? - javascript

I have dynamic generated columns that have variable width according to the user screen size:
How can I split these divs in rows?

You don't need to split them into rows. Many responsive layouts require column units to exceed 12 in a row. This is known as column wrapping in Bootstrap.
If the content of the columns varies in height, you will need to use responsive resets to prevent the height problem. This will force a "wrap" every X number of columns, based on the tier.
Clearfix Demo (responsive tiers)
There is also a CSS-only variation of the 'clearfix'.

Bootstrap row has a length of twelve, this means everything above twelve will be placed under the row. Unfortunately this is not looking nice. I do not know how you make the those divs. Assuming you pass an array to your front-end you can use javascript based on how many divs.
there is probaly a better way. I am new to programming, but would think of something like this:
Note that you need to change yourArray to the variable name of your array.
<div id="allRows">
var mqxs = window.matchMedia( "(max-width: 767px)" );
var mqsm = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 768px)" );
var mqmd = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 992px)" );
var mqlg = window.matchMedia( "(min-width: 1200px)" );
var html = '<div class="row">';
if (mqxs.matches){
var max = 2;
var count = 1;
for(var i=0; i < yourArray.length; i++){
if (var > max){
html += "</div>";
html+= "<div class='row'>";
count = 1;
html+= "<div class= 'col-xs-6>yourArray[i]'</div>";
count += 1;
}else if (mqsm.matches){
var max = 3;
var count = 1;
for(var i=0; i < yourArray.length; i++){
if (var > max){
html += "</div>";
html+= "<div class='row'>";
count = 1;
html+= "<div class= 'col-sm-4'>yourArray[i]'</div>";
count += 1;
}}else if (mqmd.matches){
var max = 4;
var count = 1;
for(var i=0; i < yourArray.length; i++){
if (var > max){
html += "</div>";
html+= "<div class='row'>";
count = 1;
html+= "<div class='col-md-3'>yourArray[i]'</div>";
count += 1;
}else (mqlg.matches){
var max = 6;
var count = 1;
for(var i=0; i < yourArray.length; i++){
if (var > max){
html += "</div>";
html+= "<div class='row'>";
count = 1;
html+= "<div class= 'col-lg-2>yourArray[i]'</div>";
count += 1;
html += </div>
document.getElementById("allRows").innerHTML = html;


How can I use jQuery to randomly select one column from each row?

I have dynamically created rows and columns with jQuery. Can anyone help me on how to select a random column from each row? So far here is how my code looks like;
var canva = $("#board");
var gameHolder = "<div class='gHolder'>";
var rows = 7;
var cols = 10;
function boardSetUp(){
for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++){
var row = "<div class='row'>";
for(var j = 0; j < cols; j++){
var col = "<li class='col'>";
col += "</li>";
row += col;
row += "</div>";
gameHolder += row;
gameHolder += "</div>";
You can use a comibnation of Math.floor() and Math.random() to get an integer between 1 and the amount of columns (x) per row.
Math.floor (Math.random () * x) + 1
I simplified your given example and added a funtion to select one random column per row. For this example I dynamically add a class for each selected column.
$(document).ready (function () {
var rows = 7;
var cols = 10;
var gameHolder = '';
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
gameHolder += '<div class="row">';
for(var j = 0; j < cols; j++)
gameHolder += '<div class="col"></div>';
gameHolder += '</div>';
function select_cols () {
var canvas = $("#board");
//reset all columns
$('.col').removeClass ('selected');
//loop through every row
canvas.find ('.row').each (function (i) {
//count columns and select random one
var count = $(this).find ('.col').size (); // $(this) is the current row
var selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * count) + 1;
//get your selected column-element
var column = $(this).find ('.col:nth-child(' + selected + ')') // :nth-child(x) is a css-selector
//do something with it. for example add a class
column.addClass ('selected');
#board {
border: 1px solid #999;
.row {
display: flex;
.col {
flex-grow: 1;
height: 10px;
border: 1px solid #999;
.selected {
background-color: #958;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="board"></div>
<button onclick="select_cols ();">select random columns</button>
I see that you're asking for a random column for each row, but if you'd like just a random position on the game board, you could do something like this:
var canva = $("#board");
var gameHolder = "<div class='gHolder'>";
var rows = 7;
var cols = 10;
function boardSetUp(){
for(var i = 0; i < rows; i++){
var row = "<div class='row'>";
for(var j = 0; j < cols; j++){
var col = "<li class='col' id='" + i + "-" + j + "'>";
col += "</li>";
row += col;
row += "</div>";
gameHolder += row;
gameHolder += "</div>";
function selectRandomLocation(){
var pos = $('#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * rows) + '-' + Math.floor(Math.random() * cols));
return pos;
you can use foreach and random ,
try :
var j = 0;
random_col = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
var i = 0;
if(random_col == i)
/* $(this) = your random col */
alert("the random col is a number "+i+" for col number "+j);

Putting image in table using innerHTML (Javascript / Html)

Alright, some information right off the bat, I have a table that is dynamically being created.
The table looks roughly like this :
|item__ | price | category | category | category | category | picture |
|chicken| $20 | _______ |_ ______ | _______ | _______ | 1000.png|
var array = csvpls();
var table = "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
if (j == 6) {
table += "<td>" + "<img src='CSV_Photos/" + array[i][j] +"'style ='width:500px;height:300px'>";
} else if {
table += "<td>" + array[i][j];
table += "<tr>";
table += "</tr>";
document.getElementById("Invtable").innerHTML = table;
This is the code that I have at the moment, where array is a 2D array. And every (6th column in the row, I want it to be an image) When runned, this does not display any table whatsoever.
In the code below
var array = csvpls();
var table = "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
table += "<td>" + array[i][j];
table += "<tr>";
table += "</tr>";
document.getElementById("Invtable").innerHTML = table;
Without the if statement and the additional img content, the table displays perfectly, but obviously 1000.png shows up instead of the actual image.
CSV_Photos is a folder where the image is stored at, essentially in the same folder. I don't know what is wrong, any help or leads are appreciated.
Edit: So the 2nd part of the code I have works perfectly, It generates a table for me. But at every 6th column of a row is a picture name (1000.png) and its in the folder CSV_Photo. I want it to no display as 1000.png, but instead the picture. The 1st section of code is my attempt to make it an image, but no table is created so I'm guessing there is something wrong with this line table += "" + <"img src= 'CSV_Photos/" + array[i][j] +"'style ='width:500px;height:300px'>";
I think there are several problems in your code that needs to be fixed :
You are not appending the td elements inside the tr but directly
inside the table, you need to move the line table += "<tr>";
before the nested loop.
And you are not specifying closing tags for <td> elements so when
you include the img tag it will mess up the layout.
Another thing just inverse the use of " and ' in your img tag
definition because HTML uses ".." to define attributes.
Here's how should be your code:
var array = csvpls();
var table = "<tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
if (j == 6) {
table += "<td>" + '<img src="CSV_Photos/' + array[i][j] + '" style ="width:500px;height:300px"></td>';
} else if {
table += "<td>" + array[i][j] + "</td>";
table += "</tr>";
document.getElementById("Invtable").innerHTML = table;
var array = csvpls();
var table = "<table>";
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
table += "<tr>";
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
table += "<td>" + array[i][j];
table += "</tr>";
table += "</table>";
document.getElementById("Invtable").innerHTML = table;
If you wanted the image to be on the 2nd row, 3rd cell the condition should be:
if (i === 1 && j === 2) {...
If you want the whole 2nd row with the same image in each cell then it should be:
if (i === 1) {...
If you want a entire 3rd column to have the same image then it would be:
if (j === 2) {...
If it's a different image for every cell, then name each file by table coordinates like this...
...then change the string that renders an image inside a cell as:
table += `<td><img src='${i}-${j}.png' style ='width:50px;height:50px'></td>`
Or if I understand correctly, the array already has the filenames. If that's true, then the string should be...
table += `<td><img src='${array[i][j]}' style ='width:50px;height:50px'></td>`
... and the array would be something like this:
var array = [
BTW, I had to do some changes to the code in order for it to work since it's only a partial code you provided, but the gist of it is the condition of course.
Also you'll notice the strange syntax of the strings, that's ES6 template literals or "strings on steroids".
var array = cvpls();
var table = ``;
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
table += `<tr>`;
for (var j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) {
if (i === 1 && j === 2) {
table += `<td><img src='' style ='width:50px;height:50px'></td>`;
} else {
table += `<td>${array[i][j]}</td>`;
table += `</tr>`;
document.getElementById("Invtable").innerHTML = table;
function cvpls() {
return array = [
[4, 5, 6, 9, 2],
['img', 'img', 'img', 'img', 'img'],
['d', 'b', 'g', 'i', 'o']
td {
border: 1px solid black
<table id='Invtable'></table>

Modifying <img src style="visibility"> through JavaScript

I'm building a memory game in HTML & JS where you guess 2 different images and try to pick 2 same ones.
I'm stuck with putting an onclick function to a hidden image.
Here is my code so ill try to explain better...
var table = '';
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
table += '<tr>';
for(var j = 0; j < 3; j++){
table += '<td align="center"><img src="./pics/image_part_00' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1) + '.jpg";" width="100px"" onclick="clicked(this);" style="visibility: hidden;"></td>';
table += '</tr>';
document.getElementById('theGame').innerHTML = '<table border=1 cellpadding="10" class="tabela1">' + table + '</table>'
Now what im trying to do is to overwrite that visibility: hidden; so the image is visible when clicked....
And here is the function
function clicked(element){ = "visible";
but it doesn't work because with that im changing the visibility of a table cell.
Anyone got a solution? I'm probably missing something and can't figure it...
NOTE: It's a school assignment so it has to be in a table.
Here is a some fixed javascript. when you catch onclick event, it won't work on hidden elements. So I move event listener onto td:
var table = '';
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
table += '<tr>';
for(var j = 0; j < 3; j++){
table += '<td align="center" onclick="click_it(this)">
<img src="./pics/image_part_00' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1) + '.jpg"
width="100px" style="visibility: hidden"></td>';
table += '</tr>';
document.getElementById('theGame').innerHTML = '<table border=1 cellpadding="10" class="tabela1">' + table + '</table>';
function click_it(cell){
var image = cell.children[0]; = 'visible';
You can search for the img child of the table cell
var child = element.childNodes;
The var child will return an array of elements, then you just need to access to the position that the is, and change the visibility attribute:
child[1].style.visibility = "visible";
You can try below,
just played a trick to match element id dynamically
to make it visible.
Added on click to td instead of image.
added id to image.
here is the code
<div id="theGame">
var table = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
table += '<tr>';
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
table += '<td align="center" onclick="clicked(' + j + ')"> <img id=img_' + j + ' src="./pics/image_part_00' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 6) + 1) + '.jpg;" width="100px" style="visibility: hidden;"> </td>';
table += '</tr>';
document.getElementById('theGame').innerHTML = '<table border=1 cellpadding="10" class="tabela1">' + table + '</table>'
function clicked(element) {
document.getElementById('img_' + element).style.visibility = "visible";

JavaScript Create Calendar Table in DOM

I have created a table with 6 rows and 5 cols. The table is created for each month having presumably different number of days. I would like each col to display a date from 1-30 or 1-31 (depending on the month).
This is what I have so far:
function daysOfMonth(){
var table= " ";
var rows= 3;
var cols=6;
var number= 31;
for(var r=0; r<rows; r++){
table+= "<tr>";
for(var c=0; c<=cols; c++){
table+= "<td>" + c +"</td>"
// each col should display number for(var i=0l i<=number; i++)
table+= "</tr>"
document.write('<table>' + table +"</table>")
};// func end
Here is a codepen
As i've see your code get two little bugs, solved in my simple example.
By this poin could you try to make it better. But i expect it helps you to understand how to make a calendar.
function daysOfMonth(){
var _table= "<p>jol</p> ";
var rows= 5;
var cols=6;
var c= 1;
var daysMonth =31;
for(var r=0; r<rows; r++){
_table+= "<tr>";
for(var i=0; i<=cols; i++){
_table+= "<td>" + c +"</td>";
// each col should display number at i
_table+= "</tr>";
document.getElementById('calendar').innerHTML = '<table>hola' + _table +'</table>';

Dynamically assign unique id from var value in Javascript, jquery

In my program, I use javascript to generate a table which is then appended to the html document:
var html = "<table>";
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
html += "<tr>";
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++)
html += "<td class=\"covered\"><input type=\"image\" src=\""/></td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
I want each of the input elements to have a unique ID -- specifically a number. I was hoping to have a variable that is initialized to 1, which gets incremented each time a TD element is created. The value of this variable would be used as the input element ID. I haven't found any way to do this specifically. Thanks in advance!
Try this:
var html = "<table>";
var index=0;
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
html += "<tr>";
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++)
html += "<td class=\"covered\"><input id='img"+(index++)+"' type=\"image\" src=\""/></td>";
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
Try to add a global variable let count and increment it in inner loop, like,
var html = "<table>";
var count=1;// use this variable in inner for loop and increment it by 1
for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++)
html += "<tr>";
for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++){
html += "<td class=\"covered\">\
<input id='"+(count++)+"' type=\"image\" src=\"\"/>\
html += "</tr>";
html += "</table>";
Try this code:
html += "<td id='td-" + c +"'class=\"covered\"><input value='td-" + c +"' type=\"image\" src=\""/></td>";
use this
var ID= new Date().getTime();

