Handlebars confusion I don't get it - javascript

I have tried my best to debug thoroughly but i just can't figure out why this code does not work.. I know its my fault but i can't find the bug. Please help me guys
var docs = document.getElementById('pag_temp').innerHTML;
var template = Handlebars.compile(docs);
Handlebars.registerHelper("makeradio", function(name, options){
var radioList = options.fn();
radioList = radioList.trim().split("\n");
var output = "";
for(var val in radioList){
var item = radioList(val).trim();
output += '<input type="radio" name="'+ name +'" value="'+ item +'"> '+ item + '<br/>';
return output;
var tempdata = template({});
document.getElementById('dynamic').innaHTML += tempdata;

I see 3 issues in the code.
for in is best to iterate over objects. In this case when you split the output is an array. User for loop instead.
You have a typo, when you are replacing the element. Supposed to be innerHTML
radioList(val) --> () will invoke a method, where as you want to access a property. So it has to be [].
You can try this approach. But I strongly feel that you should be using a different delimiter instead of \n
var docs = document.getElementById('pag_temp').innerHTML;
var template = Handlebars.compile(docs);
Handlebars.registerHelper("makeradio", function(name, options) {
var radioList = options.fn();
var hasSpaces = radioList.indexOf(' ') > -1;
var hasNewLines = radioList.indexOf('\n') > -1;
if (hasNewLines) {
radioList = radioList.trim().split("\n");
} else if (hasSpaces) {
radioList = radioList.trim().split(" ");
var output = "";
// for in is best to iterate over objects.
// use for loop instead
for (var i = 0; i < radioList.length; i++) {
var item = radioList[i].trim();
output += '<input type="radio" name="' + name + '" value="' + item + '"> ' + item + '<br/>';
return output;
var tempdata = template({});
document.getElementById('dynamic').innerHTML += tempdata;
Check Fiddle


How to use higher order functions instead of FOR Loop for Line items in Suitelet printouts (Netsuite)?

i have been tasked by my senior to print values of line items using higher order functions (.filter/.map/.reject/.reduce). I m confused how to write the higher order function instead of a for loop(for printing the line values in Invoice Printout). I need to print the line only when the qty is more than 3. I m an intern and i dont know how it will work, kindly help.
Link to The code snippet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uVQQb0dsg_bo53fT3vk9f0G8WwZomgQg/view?usp=sharing
I always used if condition for printing the row only when the quantity field has value more than 3. I even know how to .filter but i dont know how to call it and where to call it. Please help
I don't believe Array.from works in server side code. If it does then use that. What I have been using are the following functions. They don't conform to the higher order functions specified but they work with Netsuite syntax and go a long way towards simplifying sublist handling and encapsulating code:
//I have this as a snippet that can be included in server side scripts
function iter(rec, listName, cb){
var lim = rec.getLineCount({sublistId:listName});
var i = 0;
var getV = function (fld){
return rec.getSublistValue({sublistId:listName, fieldId:fld, line:i});
for(; i< lim; i++){
cb(i, getV);
// to use it:
iter(ctx.newRecord, 'item', function(idx, getV){
if(parseInt(getV('quantity')) >3){
or for SS1 scripts I have the following which allows code to be shared between UserEvent and Scheduled scripts or Suitelets
function forRecordLines(rec, machName, op, doReverse) {
var i, pred, incr;
var getVal = rec ? function(fld) {
return rec.getLineItemValue(machName, fld, i);
} : function(fld) {
return nlapiGetLineItemValue(machName, fld, i);
var getText = rec ? function(fld) {
return rec.getLineItemText(machName, fld, i);
} : function(fld) {
return nlapiGetLineItemText(machName, fld, i);
var setVal = rec ? function(fld, val) {
rec.setLineItemValue(machName, fld, i, val);
} : function(fld, val) {
nlapiSetLineItemValue(machName, fld, i, val);
var machCount = rec ? rec.getLineItemCount(machName) : nlapiGetLineItemCount(machName);
i = 1;
pred = function(){ return i<= machCount;};
incr = function(){ i++;};
i = machCount;
pred = function(){ return i>0;};
incr = function(){ i--;};
var ret = op(i, getVal, getText, setVal);
if (typeof ret != 'undefined' && !ret) break;
// User Event Script:
forRecordLines(null, 'item', function(idx, getV, getT, setV){
if(parseInt(getV('quantity')) >3){
// in a Scheduled Script:
forRecordLines(nlapiLoadRecord('salesorder', id), 'item', function(idx, getV, getT, setV){
if(parseInt(getV('quantity')) >3){
Usually its a straight forward task, but since you are getting length and based on that you are iterating, you can use Array.from. Its signature is:
Array.from(ArrayLikeObject, mapFunction);
var tableData = Array.from({ length: countItem}, function(index) {
vendorBillRec.selectLineItem('item', index);
var item = vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemText('item', 'item');
var description = nlapiEscapeXML(vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'description'));
var quantity = parseFloat(nullNumber(vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity')));
return { item, description, quantity}
var htmlData = tableData.filter(...).map(getRowMarkup).join('');
function getRowMarkup(data) {
const { itemName, descript, quantity } = data;
return '<tr>' +
'<td colspan="6">' +
'<p>' + itemName + ' ' + descript + '</p>'+
'</td>' +
'<td colspan="2" align="right">' + quantity + '</td>' +
Or if you like to use more functional approach:
Create a function that reads and give you all data in Array format. You can use this data for any task.
Create a function that will accept an object of specified properties and returns a markup.
Pass the data to this markup after any filter condition.
Idea is to isolate both the task:
- Getting data that needs to be processed
- Presentation logic and style related code
var htmlString = Array.from({ length: countItem}, function(index) {
vendorBillRec.selectLineItem('item', index);
var item = vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemText('item', 'item');
var description = nlapiEscapeXML(vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'description'));
var qty = parseFloat(nullNumber(vendorBillRec.getCurrentLineItemValue('item', 'quantity')));
return getRowMarkup(item, description, qty)
function getRowMarkup(itemName, descript, quantity) {
return '<tr>' +
'<td colspan="6">' +
'<p>' + itemName + ' ' + descript + '</p>'+
'</td>' +
'<td colspan="2" align="right">' + quantity + '</td>' +

Passing an object by it's name through HTML to javascript

It's a pretty simple question and I'm going insane over here googling this all around and getting all these insanely non related answers.
here is the code:
function Banana(boja, duzina) {
this.boja = boja;
this.duzina = duzina;
var zut = new Banana("zuta", 12);
function fja(obj) {
var rez = "";
for (var key in obj)
var rez += key + " = "
obj.key + "<br/>";
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = rez;
<button onclick="fja();">klikni</button>
<div id='div1'>xd</div>
Is it possible to pass an instance of an object "zut" to this function through HTML? If yes,how,if not,how am I supposed to do it through JS?
I want div1 html to be turned into:
boja = zuta
duzina = 12
thanks for answers
function Banana(boja, duzina) {
this.boja = boja;
this.duzina = duzina;
var zut = new Banana("zuta", 12);
function fja(obj) {
var rez = "";
for (var key in obj)
rez += key + " = "+ obj[key] + "<br/>";
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = rez;
<button onclick="fja(zut);">klikni</button>
<div id='div1'>xd</div>
You certainly can, although why your code doesn't work is because
1) - You're re declaring the variable rezand assigning to it using += which is no valid.
2) - obj.key is not valid, because there no such property called key, To access it you need to use brackets obj[key] nowkey will be considered as a variable and it's value will be used to get the property's value.
3) - You missed a + in this line var rez += key + " = " (HERE) obj.key + "<br/>";
4) - Your call to the method in the html is missing the argument.
you can either use onclick="fja(new Banana('zuta', 12));
Or declare the object inline in the HTML, or declare it in the js and pass it name
//in the Js
var zut = new Banana("zuta", 12);
//in the HTML
Example one
function Banana(boja, duzina) {
this.boja = boja;
this.duzina = duzina;
function fja(obj) {
var rez = "";
for (var key in obj)
rez += key + " = " + obj[key] + "<br/>";
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = rez;
<button onclick="fja(new Banana('zuta', 12));">klikni</button>
<div id='div1'>xd</div>
Example Two
function Banana(boja, duzina) {
this.boja = boja;
this.duzina = duzina;
var zut = new Banana("zuta", 12);
function fja(obj) {
var rez = "";
for (var key in obj)
rez += key + " = " + obj[key] + "<br/>";
document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML = rez;
<button onclick="fja(zut);">klikni</button>
<div id='div1'>xd</div>

How to remove empty values from array in google docs script

I am trying to print out the values of the array in a google doc. I do get the correct values but it goes on printing out a number of "undefined" values. The simplest way is probably to filter out the undefined values before I print out the array.
Here is the array declaration:
var paramArr = Object.keys(e.parameter).reverse();
var tableArr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < paramArr.length - 1; i++) {
var tempArr;
var nameSelector = "Company:" + i;
var startDateSelector = "Started:" + i;
var endDateSelector = "Ended:" + i;
var referenceSelector = "Reference:" + i;
var descriptionSelector = "Description:" + i;
tempArr = [e.parameter[nameSelector] + " ",
e.parameter[startDateSelector] + " - " +
e.parameter[endDateSelector]+ "\n\n" +
I have tried this, but it doesn't work:
tempArr = tempArr.filter(function(element){
return element !== undefined;

javascript - unable to populate 2D array

My instructor tasked us to build a 2D array and populate it with values from our HTML form. He gave us this example to create the array.
var tasks = new Array();
var index = 0;
He then said to insert the values into the two columns using this code.
tasks[index]["Date"] = tempdate;
tasks[index]["Task"] = temptask;
However, something about these two lines is causing the script to break, because when I comment them out the final line of my script returns a value to the correct div. When I uncomment these lines no value is returned. Is there something wrong in my syntax?
This is my complete js file:
var tasks = new Array();
var index = 0;
function addTask() {
var tempdate = new Date();
var temptask = document.getElementById("taskinfo").value;
var td = document.getElementById("taskdate").value;
tempdate = td + " 00:00";
tasks[index]["Date"] = tempdate;
tasks[index]["Task"] = temptask;
tasks.sort(function (a, b) { return b.date - a.date });
var tablecode = "<table class = 'tasktable'>" +
for (var i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
tablecode = tablecode + "<tr>" +
"<td>" + tasks[i]["Date"].toDateString() + " </td>" +
"<td>" + tasks[i]["Task"] + " </td>" +
tablecode = tablecode + "</table>";
//I am only returning "temptask" to test with, I will be returning "tablecode".
document.getElementById("bottomright").innerHTML = temptask;
return false;
tasks[index] (in the first case, tasks[0]) doesn't yet exist, so you can't give it properties. Try this to create an object and assign it to tasks[index]:
tasks[index] = {
Date: tempdate,
Task: temptask
in place of
tasks[index]["Date"] = tempdate;
tasks[index]["Task"] = temptask;
Alternatively, you can use
tasks[index] = {};
tasks[index]["Date"] = tempdate;
tasks[index]["Task"] = temptask;

Get specific string using javascript

I will briefly explain my issue:
I have a numbers looks like this: 971505896321;971505848963;971505478231;971509856987;
My client should write the above numbers in a text field and I should take the 971505896321 and 971505848963 and 971505478231 and 971509856987 and add them into a list.
I success now to add the numbers to the list but I have difficulties how to get the numbers without ;.
function AddPhoneNo()
var recipientNumber = document.smsmobile.mobile_no;
var opt = "<option value='" + recipientNumber.value + "'>" + recipientNumber.value + "</option>"
if (recipientNumber.value != "")
recipientNumber.value = "";
All the numbers should start with 971 and the length of each number is 12. For example: 971506987456.
Appreciate your help.
var recipientNumber = "971505896321;971505848963;971505478231;971509856987;";
var mobileArr = recipientNumber.split(";");
and then u can run a loop on the above array and add those to your options
You just need to replace ; if I m getting you corretly than code for you is
var recipientNumber = document.smsmobile.mobile_no.replace(';','');
if you are entering all number one than you need to split out your string
var recipientNumber = "971505896321;971505848963;971505478231;971509856987;";
var arrayofNumbers= recipientNumber.split(";");
var i; for (i = 0; i < arrayofNumbers.length; ++i)
var opt = "<option value='" + arrayofNumbers[i]+ "'>" + arrayofNumbers[i]+ "</option>"
if (arrayofNumbers[i] != "")

