Electron $(...).selectpicker is not a function - javascript

I need your help. I've been stuck with this problem for 2 days.
I'm building an application with electron (by Atom) and I use bootstrap-select. When I launch the app an error rises even if the function in question has not been called yet:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).selectpicker is not a function
Do someone know how to fix that?

I solved my problem. It seems that using
to include the library doesn't work properly, instead, I downloaded the bootstrap-select library and imported manually in the HTML file.


Tipue search + Jekyll = jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).tipuesearch is not a function

I am trying to make a local JavaScript search option for this open-source website. It's built with Jekyll (Feeling responsive theme) + Tipue Search for Jekyll.
However, I keep getting:
jQuery.Deferred exception: $(...).tipuesearch is not a function #http://learn.neurotechedu.com/search/:1:33
Its very frustrating, because I feel like i have all files and links in place but the called function is still not connecting with the js file. Could anyone give me a hand?
I'm a noob :(
You do not link to your resource correctly. It is showing a 404 response for multiple assets. So you are trying to reference a function that has not been defined yet.
I believe the issue is from including jQuery twice; once from the google apis like in the Tipque instructions, and once from javascript.min.js. I'd try removing the include of javascript.min.js on this page (since it's jQuery 2.1.1 and you want jQuery 3.2.1 for Tipque search as of this writing) and see if your search works now.

How to use javascript in foundation(6)?

I am using foundation for sites using libsass.
css working fine however am unable to use any javascript components.
I see there's an app.js file which I have included in my application which online the following:
However in the browser I get the following console error:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).foundation is not a function
I assumed wrongly that some how the js was already loaded like bootstrap however no foundation js files were being included so adding to my app config:
Fixed the issue, apologies for posting early.

React Native - React.createElement is Not a Function

Figured I would see what React Native is all about, so I followed the instructions here and can't even get the out of the box project to run correctly. Chrome dev tools throws all sorts of errors. Here is the stack trace shown in the simulator, anybody else run into this?
It seems like what may have happened here is that you named your project "React". The CLI replaces the word "SampleApp" with the name that you specified in the sample files that it generates.
This is the original file here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/Examples/SampleApp/index.ios.js You can see where it has "SampleApp" in a few places where on your file has "React" for all of them.
It really wasn't your fault, the CLI just needs to be a little smarter and not allow someone to create a project named "React". :)
I got the same error when I used different version of JSXTransformer.js and react.js . Using 0.13.3 from cdn solved the problem. https://cdnjs.com/libraries/react/

Uncaught Error: Cannot call `compile` without the template compiler loaded. Please load `ember-template-compiler.js` prior to calling `compile`

im new to the ember.js framework and using ruby on rails and ember.debug.js -v 1.10.1(latest release). I have been reading online that ember changed this latest patch but i cant figure out how to fix my problem of:
Uncaught Error: Cannot call `compile` without the template compiler loaded. Please load `ember-template-compiler.js` prior to calling `compile`.
Could someone please nudge me in the direction to getting my compiler to run properly? i wish i knew what code snippets from my project would help determine the answer...
This post may help you:
If you're not using ember-cli - your HTML should look something like this:
<script src="assets/ember-template-compiler.js"></script>
<script src="assets/ember.debug.js"></script>
If you are using ember-cli your templates should be precompiled and you shouldn't be having that problem.
We need to include the ember-template-compiler.js in our application. I think ember-rails does not include this by default.
Add this in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js
//= require ember-template-compiler

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function when using a jQuery plugin in Magento

I am working on a Magento Extension. Magento has a known issue when you try to use jQuery in Magento because Magento uses the Prototype library.
The work around for it is to put your jQuery code in no conflict mode like this...
Once I did this, it resolved 90% of my problems i was having with JavaScript errors. However I still have 3 major problems with JavaScript right now and I believe they are related...
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
When I view the line numbers that it is reporting these errors from I see this...
Line 1168 jQuery(".acc-wizard").accwizard({ now this accwizard() is a function that is loaded from a jQuery plugin file. I have verified the file is loaded and it is loaded after my jQuery and after I set the no conflict mode for jQuery. I am not sure if something in the plugin file needs to be changed as well to work with the no conflict mode or why it is saying it is undefine?
Same situation with simplecolorpicker() on line 1180.
I have uploaded the file that holds the accwizard() jQuery Plugin, it is about 14kb in size and can be found here http://www.codedevelopr.com/screenshots/2014/acc-wizard-bs-3.js I figured it is a little to large to post that code here.
Can anyone help me to get these errors resolved? It seems any jQuery plugin I try to use results in this undefined error above?
So I have been experimenting with a lot of things with no luck...that is until I tried loading all my JS files inline in my actual template page that my extension uses...once I do that, it all works with none of these errors.
This is frustrating though as I much prefer to have separate JS file for my JS...instead of loading 3 JS files I even tried putting all 3 into 1 file and loading that 1 file but I still get the JS errors...now when I copy that 1 file that had all 3 files combined and put it directly in the template file...everything works perfectly! This makes no sense to me, please help?
There's not enough context in your answer to pinpoint the reason, but it sounds like your web browser executes the code ...
BEFORE it has downloaded and initialized the plugin that defines the accwizard method.

