How to setup babel-standalone in my none node js environment? - javascript

I want to use es6's import, require and export in my web app using codeigniter.
i found babel-standalone but it's not working.screenshot of embed js files

With the added detail that
import, require and export is undefined
Here's the problem: that's not what Babel does. Babel transpiles code: it turns one file of ES6 code into a file that contains ES5 code that does the same thing. It does not combine source code files that use require or import into bundles.
You're looking for browserify or Webpack to do that - they are bundlers, tools that let you use require, import, and export to organize code. You'll need to use one of them to accomplish your goal - Babel alone will not do what you're trying to do.


Is there a way to bundle native ECMAScript modules?

I wonder if there a standard way to bundle native ES modules.
Suppose I have such a "brilliant" project (just for example):
<!-- index.html -->
<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>
// main.js
import value from "./lib.js"
// lib.js
export default 'hello world';
Now it needs three requests to load — it's too much, I need only two — .html and .js.
It looks simple at first glance (cat *.js > bundle.js) but there is no syntax for multiple ES modules in one file (as I can see).
I know I can translate ES modules syntax to some other module system (e. g. AMD) and then bundle them but it isn't what I want.
I am curious to accomplish this by native module features only. As simple and handmade as possible.
Is there a way to do this? Maybe at least a proposal?
Thank you.
rollup supports ESM as an output format as well. Your example transpiles to a simple script, but if you have exports in your entry module it will keep them.
rollup, webpack etc natively understand and can bundle ES modules.

Use "import" with Node library, rather than "require"?

Newbie Node question here.
I'm trying to use the Google Cloud Node client with an existing application (not written by me) that bundles its code with rollup.
I've tried importing the library with require, as per its documentation, as follows:
import REGL from "regl/dist/regl";
import Camera from "./lib/camera";
var gcloud = require('google-cloud');
But my application complains (CLARIFICATION: it only starts producing this error when I add the require statement, otherwise the imports work fine):
'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level
So maybe I need to use import gcloud instead of require, but how? I tried looking at the code in node_modules and doing this instead:
import gcloud from "google-cloud/src/index";
But now I get a bunch of other errors
🚨 Unexpected token
node_modules/google-cloud/node_modules/ent/reversed.json (2:7)
1: {
2: "9": "Tab;",
How can I use import instead of require, or alternatively, how can I make require play nicely with import?
import is ES6 syntax. You either must use an experimental flag with nodejs or use babel to compile your js to be ES6 compatible.
Since the problem is with require and not import, i'm updating my answer.
I'm not sure what you're setup is but it's because, i'm guessing, google-cloud isn't written in es6. So you'll have to see if there's an es6 version in the src. If there is you could try (I doubt this will work)
import * as gcloud from 'google-cloud'
if that doesn't work - try a shimming module like riveted. You'll need webpack to compile this. Since you're using rollup.js, which i'm unfamiliar with you'll need a es5 to es6 compiler for this.

Which tools do I need in order to use ES6 style imports for my project using Gulp?

I have a legacy project which uses Gulp to compile SASS and minify JS etc. (based on Drupal).
I'd like to use ES6 style imports and also be able to import modules that are located in node_modules without referencing the full path (for example import the lodash.debounce module as
import throttle from 'lodash.throttle'
What do I need to achieve that? (besides Gulp and NPM). Babel? Browserify? Lost with all the tooling.
I'd like to avoid webpack as it would increase the complexity of my project (and I don't know if I can use it in parallel with the way Drupal 7 is doing things)
Yep, you want babel. The documentation to set it up in your gulpfile is here:
You'll want to use the es2015 preset to enable the import syntax.
var gulp = require("gulp");
var babel = require("gulp-babel");
gulp.task("default", function () {
return gulp.src("src/app.js")
presets: ['es2015']
To use import you need a transpiler, for example babel.
Assuming you are building code for the browser then to use import (transpiled to require) you need webpack or browserify which will also allow you to import from node_modules (there are other module builders too, jspm and systemjs, however I know next-to-nothing about them).
For either of these you will also need something to enable babel to be used in the build process. I use webpack with babel-loader.
I found a useful reference here specifically on using ES6 modules with webpack.

Using node modules with Rollup to build web client

I'm trying to build a react application using rollup instead of browserify and babel. I realize I need to use the rollup-plugin-babel to transpile jsx, but when I tell rollup the format is iife, the final page loads with an error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: React is not defined
What do I need to add to the rollup.config.js to include the node modules I've installed in package.json in my final build?
Two options:
Include React as a separate <script> tag before your app bundle
Include rollup-plugin-node-resolve in your config file, to pull in dependencies from your node_modules folder.
If you take the second route you'll also need rollup-plugin-commonjs (to convert the CommonJS module into an ES module). I think you would also need to add import * as React from 'react' to each module that contained JSX, otherwise you'll continue to get the ReferenceError.
Note: you might be able to use rollup-plugin-buble to transpile JSX. It's similar to the Babel plugin but much faster (though it doesn't transpile every ES2015 feature)

re-exporting ES6 modules with webpack and ts-loader

I have a typescript project which uses ES6 style syntax for importing and exporting content in a module, the problem is I have a webpack entry point which does something like:
export {Something} from "./some-file";
However when I go to include the outputted webpack module like so:
import {Something} from "./some-webpack-bundle"
So is this to be expected and do I need to tell webpack to manually expose Something or is there some quick way to resolve these sort of re-export scenarios?
I was being an idiot, all other aspects were exporting as libraries however this one was not, so the above code should work fine assuming you export your webpack bundle as a library (we use UMD).

