returning data in node js - javascript

I have two files in my application,
var fs = require('fs');
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
var designtokenfile = require ('./designtokenfile');
var designtokendb = require ('./designtokendb');
var TYPE=process.env.TYPE;
var DesignFactory={};
DesignFactory.storeDesign = function(TYPE) {
if (TYPE == 'file') {
var data=design.designtokenfile.load();
} else if (TYPE == 'db') {
return designtokendb;
now, I have another designtokenfile.js file,
var fs = require('fs');
var load = function() {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
return data;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
So my problem is am not able get data returned from load method. when I print data inside storeDesign method returned from load function, it displays undefined.
but I want contents of output.txt inside storeDesign method.
Please help me.

Instead of:
var load = function() {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
return data;
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
which has no way of working because the if after the return would never be reached, use this:
var load = function(cb) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
cb(null, data);
and use it like this:
load((err, data) => {
if (err) {
// handle error
} else {
// handle success
Or use this:
var load = function(cb) {
return new Promise(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
and use it like this:
load().then(data => {
// handle success
}).catch(err => {
// handle error
In other words, you cannot return a value from a callback to asynchronous function. Your function either needs to tak a callback or return a promise.
You need to reed more about asynchronous nature of Node, about promises and callbacks. There are a lot of questions and answers on Stack Overflow that I can recommend:
promise call separate from promise-resolution
Q Promise delay
Return Promise result instead of Promise
Exporting module from promise result
What is wrong with promise resolving?
Return value in function from a promise block
How can i return status inside the promise?
Should I refrain from handling Promise rejection asynchronously?
Is the deferred/promise concept in JavaScript a new one or is it a traditional part of functional programming?
How can I chain these functions together with promises?
Promise.all in JavaScript: How to get resolve value for all promises?
Why Promise.all is undefined
function will return null from javascript post/get
Use cancel() inside a then-chain created by promisifyAll
Why is it possible to pass in a non-function parameter to Promise.then() without causing an error?
Implement promises pattern
Promises and performance
Trouble scraping two URLs with promises
http.request not returning data even after specifying return on the 'end' event
async.each not iterating when using promises
jQuery jqXHR - cancel chained calls, trigger error chain
Correct way of handling promisses and server response
Return a value from a function call before completing all operations within the function itself?
Resolving a setTimeout inside API endpoint
Async wait for a function
JavaScript function that returns AJAX call data
try/catch blocks with async/await
jQuery Deferred not calling the resolve/done callbacks in order
Returning data from ajax results in strange object
javascript - Why is there a spec for sync and async modules?
Return data after ajax call success

fs.readFile ist asynchrone so you need to pass a callback function or use fs.readFileSync

You are getting undefined because of asynchronous nature.. Try for the following code:
var fs = require('fs');
var load = function(callback) {
fs.readFile('output.txt', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
//return data;
callback(null, data);
if (err) {
callback("error", null);
var fs = require('fs');
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
var designtokenfile = require ('./designtokenfile');
var designtokendb = require ('./designtokendb');
var TYPE=process.env.TYPE;
var DesignFactory={};
DesignFactory.storeDesign = function(TYPE) {
if (TYPE == 'file') {
var data=design.designtokenfile.load(function(err, res){
} else {
} else if (TYPE == 'db') {
return designtokendb;


How to assign a variable in callback function in a callback function in javascript

So I have found this question which seems pretty similar but I do not understand the answer at all I tried to implement it but I do not recognize the patterns of the answer in my code. similar question
Now here is my problem, I have this piece of code :
var fs = require('fs');
var index = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../data/7XXX7/index.json', 'utf8'));
window = {};
var indicators = require('./indicators');
var parser = new window.patient.Indicator('tes', 'test');
var i = 0;
function create_indicators() {
var result = [];
fs.readdirSync('../data/7XXX7/files/').forEach(file => {
fs.readFile('../data/7XXX7/files/' + file, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err)
throw err;
let $ = {};
$.poids = parser.poids(data);
$.taille = parser.taille(data);
$.temperature = parser.temperature(data);
$.tension = parser.tension(data);
$.pouls = parser.pouls(data);
$.ps =;
$.saturation = parser.saturation(data);
for (var j in index.files)
if (index.files[j].name === file)
$.id = index.files[j].name;
$.date = index.files[j].date;
$.name = index.files[j].IntituleSession;
if ($.poids || $.taille || $.temperature || $.tension || $.pouls || $.ps || $.saturation)
console.log(result); // print the actual state of result
// console.log(i); prints 0 then 1 then ...
console.log(i); // prints 0
console.log(result); // prints []
return result;
let result = create_indicators();
console.log(result); // prints []
And it displays :
Why does the callback function in readFile has it's own variables ? Cause it's asynchronous ? But when I use readFileSync it doesn't work too.
How to make result get all the values I put into it ? when I console log result after result.push($); it works so that's not my parser, i is also properly indented each time.
Your code doesn't wait for the files to get read and have the result pushed to result before moving on. Where you're doing asynchronous operations on items in an array, I would recommend using promises and using Promise.all() to wait for each file to get read and processed before you try using the result. You could do something like this:
function create_indicators() {
const result = fs.readdirSync('../data/7XXX7/files/').map(file =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile('../data/7XXX7/files/' + file, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) reject(err);
// do whatever
if ($.poids || /* ... */ $.saturation) {
// ...
resolve($); // instead of `result.push($);`
} else {
resolve(); // can't reject for `Promise.all()` to work
return Promise.all(result).then(items => items.filter(item => item));
create_indicators().then(indicators => {
// do something with your list of indicators
}).catch(err => {
// handle error
It creates a promise for each file in your directory that resolves when the file has been processed. It resolves with the item if there is one or nothing if your condition is not met, rejecting if there's an error (promise equivalent to throw). Since you only want the items that meet your condition, you can then do a filter on the result of Promise.all() to get rid of any undefined in the array (you could also get rid of the condition checking in the fs.readFile callback and do it instead in the filter if you'd like). This returns a promise that resolves with your filtered list.
Here's your problem:
fs.readFileSync('../data/7XXX7/files/' + file, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
The readFileSync doesn't take a callback as an argument. It returns the data or raises an exception. It is synchronous (as the "Sync" in the name suggests) and you're using it as if it was asynchronous.
See the docs:
readFileSync doesn't callback. It is synchronous.
use fs.readdir to get the list of files you want to read. See How do you get a list of the names of all files present in a directory in Node.js?
Need to understand how callback works.
readFileSync doesn't callback. It might be helpful to explain how callback works in asynchronous fs.readFile and fs.readdir
When you are doing asynchronous operations, because you don't know when it is going to be finished, you pass in a function (callback) in the parameter, and run it at the end of the operation.
fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
fs.readFile in the above code will run the function (err, data) when it finishes executing and pass in the data as the second parameter. If error occurs it will pass in the error as the first parameter.
You can also get a callback function defining what to do when the parsing is over. The callback will need to take error and result. (if you need the error)
So your create_indicators function should take a callback function.
fs = require("fs")
function create_indicators(folderPath, callback) {
let result = [];
fs.readdir(folderPath, (err, files) => {
if (err)
callback(err, null); //pass the error to callback if there is any
else {
files.forEach((file, index, filesArray) => {
fs.readFile(file, (err, data) => {
if (err)
callback(err, null); //pass the error to callback if there is any
else {
// pass data to callback function when it is the last result
if (result.length == filesArray.length)
callback(null, result);
When you call it, pass in what you want to do with the result and error as a function.
create_indicators(".", function(err,result){
if (err)
console.error("Got error:", err);
console.log("Got result:", result);
//do what you want with the final result
Once you got the callback working, look into Promise which will make this procedure cleaner and easier. Read:

Promise won't resolve

I'm new to node and I'm having an issue with resolving an async Promise. My promise isn't resolving and I'm not sure what I did wrong. I'm still having troubles understanding promises and callbacks so any feedback is helpful.
var filterFiles = function(){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
fs.readdir(rootDir, function(err, files){
if(err) return console.log(err);
var task = function(file){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
if(! /^\..*/.test(file)){
fs.stat(rootDir + '/' + file, function(err, stats){
var actions =;
return Promise.all(actions).then(function(resolve, reject){
resolve({dirArray: dirArray, fileArray: fileArray});
var obj = {
fileArray: fileArray,
dirArray: dirArray
It see at least three errors:
When you hit this if statement if(! /^\..*/.test(file)){ and it does not execute the if block, then the parent promise is never settled.
There is no error handling on fs.stat() so if you get an error on that call, you are ignoring that and will be attempting to use a bad value.
The error handling on your call to fs.readdir() is incomplete and will leave you with a promise that is never settled (when it should be rejected).
For a robust solution, you really don't want to be mixing promises and callbacks in the same code. It leads to the opportunity for lots of mistakes, particularly with error handling (as you can see you had at least three errors - two of which were in error handling).
If you're going to use Promises, then promisify the async operations you are using at the lowest level and use only promises to control your async code flow. The simplest way I know of to promisify the relevant fs operations is to use the Bluebird promise library with its Promise.promisifyAll(). You don't have to use that library. You could instead manually write promise wrappers for the async operations you're using.
Here's a version of your code using the Bluebird promise library:
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
function filterFiles() {
return fs.readdirAsync(rootDir).then(function(files) {
let fileArray = [];
let dirArray = [];
// filter out entries that start with .
files = files.filter(function(f) {
return !f.startsWith(".");
return, function(f) {
return fs.statAsync(f).then(function(stats) {
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
} else {
}).then(function() {
// make the resolved value be an object with two properties containing the arrays
return {dirArray, fileArray};
filterFiles().then(function(data) {
}).catch(function(err) {
// put whatever is appropriate here
This was rewritten/restructured with these changes:
Use promises for all async operations
Fix all error handling to reject the returned promise
Filter out files starting with a . synchronously before processing any files (simplifies async processing).
Use to process an array of values in parallel.
In the filterFiles().then() handler, handle errors
You can't res.send() a Javascript object so I used res.json(data) instead (though I'm not sure what exactly you really want to send).
Replace regex comparison with more efficient and simpler to understand .startsWith().
If you don't want to use the Bluebird promise library, you can make your own promise wrappers for the fs methods you use like this:
fs.readdirAsync = function(dir) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readdir(dir, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
fs.statAsync = function(f) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.stat(f, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {
function filterFiles() {
return fs.readdirAsync(rootDir).then(function(files) {
let fileArray = [];
let dirArray = [];
// filter out entries that start with .
files = files.filter(function(f) {
return !f.startsWith(".");
return Promise.all( {
return fs.statAsync(f).then(function(stats) {
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
} else {
})).then(function() {
// make the resolved value be an object with two properties containing the arrays
return {dirArray, fileArray};
filterFiles().then(function(data) {
}).catch(function(err) {
The main issue you are having is that outer-most Promise is not resolved or rejected. You can fix this by resolving your Promise.all instead of returning it.
// ... next potential issue is here
return {dirArray: dirArray, fileArray: fileArray}
(I know, kind of awkward-looking right?)
Next, your return value after the Promise.all resolves is a little weird. In the task function, you're pushing items onto dirArray and fileArray, but they are not declared or assigned in your snippet. I will assume that they are in-scope for this code. In this case, you just need to return your desired object.
Additionally, to make your async code more readable, here are some tips:
try not to mix callbacks with Promises
use a Promise library to promisify any code limited to callbacks. Example: bluebird's promisifyAll
avoid nesting callbacks/promises when possible

node.js promises not forcing order execution of functions

I have three functions that I want to use promises to force them to execute in order.
function 1 sends a http request, fetches JSON data and saved it to a file
function 2 loops through that file and updates the database according the difference values/values missing
function 3 will loop through the newly updated database and create a 2nd json file.
Currently function 1 works perfectly on its own with a setInterval of 30 minutes.
I want to start function 2 when function 1 has finished. then function 3 after function 2 has finished.
Using promises I am trying to attach function 2 to a simple finished log to understand how to use promises but not getting much success. The items from the for loop log but my Finished/err log before my for loop which shouldn't be happening. Any suggestions?
function readJson() {
return new Promise(function() {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/" + "bitSkin.json", 'utf8', function read(err, data) {
if (err) { throw err; }
var bitCon = JSON.parse(data);
for(var i=0; i<7; i++) { //bitCon.prices.length; i++) {
var price = bitCon.prices[i].price
var itemName = bitCon.prices[i].market_hash_name;
(function() {
var iNameCopy = itemName;
var priceCopy = price;;
function fin() {"Finished");
readJson().then(fin(), console.log("err"));
Promises have no magical powers. They don't magically know when async code inside them is done. If you create a promise, you yourself have to resolve() or reject() it when the async code has an error or completes.
Then, in addition, you have to pass a function reference to a .then() handler, not the result of executing a function. .then(fin()) will call fin() immediately and pass it's return value to .then() which is not what you want. You want something like .then(fin).
Here's how you can resolve and reject the promise you created:
function readJson() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(__dirname + "/" + "bitSkin.json", 'utf8', function read(err, data) {
if (err) { return reject(err); }
var bitCon = JSON.parse(data);
for(var i=0; i<7; i++) { //bitCon.prices.length; i++) {
var price = bitCon.prices[i].price
var itemName = bitCon.prices[i].market_hash_name;
(function() {
var iNameCopy = itemName;
var priceCopy = price;;
And, you could use that like this:
function fin() {"Finished");
readJson().then(fin, function(err) {
console.log("err", err)
Summary of changes:
Added resolve, reject arguments to Promise callback so we can use them
Called reject(err) when there's an error
Called resolve() when the async code is done.
Passed a function reference for both .then() handlers.
FYI, when creating a promise wrapper around an async function, it is generally better to wrap just the function itself. This makes the wrapper 100% reusable and puts more of your code in the promise architecture which generally streamlines things and makes error handling easier. You could fix things up that way like this:
fs.readFilePromise = function(file, options) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.readFile(file, options, function(err, data) {
if (err) return reject(err);
function readJson() {
return fs.readFilePromise(__dirname + "/" + "bitSkin.json", 'utf8').then(function(data) {
var bitCon = JSON.parse(data);
bitCon.prices.forEach(function(item) {;
return bitCon;

Waiting on asynchronous functions within multiple conditionals

The meteor project I'm working on uploads files when certain conditions are satisfied. Regardless of whether or not the files are uploaded, a has to be made once the if statements have completed. Because of the conditionals, when I use callbacks it results in a lot of duplicate code. As it is written below, I expect the could be executed before the uploadFile callbacks get executed which would be a problem.
var data = {
name: "..."
uploadFile(parameters, function(error,result){
if(err) handleError(err);
else data.url1 = result.secure_url;
uploadFile(parameters, function(error,result){
if(err) handleError(err);
else data.url2 = result.secure_url;
/* This needs to wait until both if statements above
have completed */'insertData', data, function(error,result){
you could remove the conditionals and instead implement Javascript Promises they're fun and fancy plus they eliminate callback hell and provide a readable top down format:
This fiddle shows how you could use promises to wait for async callbacks instead of conditional if statements
With promises you can return a new promise as the callback from a promise, and keep going and going and the callback will get passed to the new .then until you're done if there is any errors along the way, it skips right to the .catch.
function uploadFile(file) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Simulate ASYNC Call for Uploading File
setTimeout(function() {
console.log(file + ' Uploaded Successfully!');
return resolve(file);
// if (err) {
// return reject(err);
// }
}, 3000);
var data = {};
.then(function(cb) {
data.url1 = cb;
return uploadFile("filename2");
.then(function(cb) {
data.url2 = cb;
return uploadFile("filename5");
.then(function(cb) {
data.url3 = cb;
//all done with callbacks
.catch(function(err) {
// One of the uploads failed log the err;

Serial execution with Q promises

I think I'm misunderstanding how Q promises work. I want my first promise to resolve before the next one starts, but that's not happening. Here is my code:
var Q = require('q');
function doWork(taskName) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
console.log('starting', taskName);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('done with', taskName);
return deferred.promise;
doWork('task one')
.then(doWork('task two'))
.then(function() { console.log('all done'); });
This code produces:
$ node test.js
starting task one
starting task two
done with task one
done with task two
all done
I would hope that it produces:
$ node test.js
starting task one
done with task one
starting task two
done with task two
all done
What am I doing wrong?
This works:
doWork('task one')
.then(function() {
return doWork('task two')
.then(function() {
console.log('all done');
That makes sense - just calling doWork directly in then() will fire off the timeout immediately, instead of giving Q a chance to wait until task one is complete.
The reason is that the doWork needs to be referenced as a function. If you want to reference a function inside the '.then' then you just give the function name, you don't pass the parameters. When the parser sees .then(doWork('taskTwo'))it will run doWork('taskTwo') BEFORE the .then is even evaluated. It's trying to bind the function parameter.
In this case, if you return the parameter for the next task in the resolved promise of the previous task then the parser will call doWork with the correct parameter and in the correct order.
var Q = require('q');
function doWork(taskNum) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
console.log('starting', taskNum);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('done with task', taskNum);
return deferred.promise;
.then(function(lastTaskNum) { console.log('all done'); });
Sample code using q and request
var Q = require('q'),
request = require('request'),
api = {}; = function (options) {
var deferred = Q.defer();, function (error, response, body) {
error ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(body);
return deferred.promise;
api.get = function (options) {
var deferred = Q.defer();, function (error, response, body) {
error ? deferred.reject(error) : deferred.resolve(response);
return deferred.promise;
.post({url: ''})
.then(function (body) {
return api.get({url: 'http://myspace.hell'});
}, function (error) {
//error handling logic
.then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
//error handling logic
.done(); //when you are done
In the code above, you can see that I define 2 API methods: get and post.
I'm using the request library.
my post api method, resolves the promise with the body of response object returned by
my get api method, resolves the promise with the response of the request.get() call
You can see exactly how you can chain these 2 api call using the promises.
In the first then I return the second promise, so that I can chain the promise.

