How do I change array variable - javascript

I have an variable array called data, for IGcombobox datasource, I want to change the array when I click my #select, how can I do that? With this code it doesn't change the variable. Also I could just use php, but I dont want to do that!
<div id="checkboxSelectCombo" name="kanal" style="position:absolute;" ></div>
<select id="seade" name="seade">
<?php for($i = 1; $i <= $devi; $i++) {
echo '<option value="' . $i . '">' .$device_name[$i]. '</option>';
} ?>
$(function () {
var data = [
{ ID: "1", Name: "Vooluandur 1" },
{ ID: "2", Name: "Meeter 1" }
$("#seade").on('click', function(event) {
if ($("#seade").val() == 2) {
var data = [
{ ID: "3", Name: "Vooluandur 2" },
{ ID: "4", Name: "Meeter 2" }
width: "100px",
dataSource: data,
textKey: "Name",
valueKey: "ID",
multiSelection: {
enabled: true,
showCheckboxes: true

You could try this: (didn't run it though)
$("#seade").on('change', function(event) {
if (this.value == 2) {
data = [
{ ID: "3", Name: "Vooluandur 2" },
{ ID: "4", Name: "Meeter 2" }

Had found something to refresh the datasource hope it will work
where you update your "data" variable below that put this line
$("#checkboxSelectCombo").igCombo("option", "dataSource", data);
This should change the dataSource and rebind the combo.

I found a solution, since changing data variable doesn't affect igCombo datasource, I can just change datasouce variable like this
var data2 = [{
ID: "3",
Name: "Vooluandur 2"
ID: "4",
Name: "Meeter 2"
$("#seade").on('change', function(event) {
if (this.value == 2) {
dataSource: data2,
textKey: "Name",
valueKey: "ID",
Documentation source:


Show key as value in datatable

Hi I'm currently having trouble with datatable. My datasource is object and I want every first key in the object displayed as value in datatable. Here is my code.
var my_data = {
"content": [
"data_v1": [{"id" : 1}]
"data_v2": [{"id" : 2}]
"data_v3": [{"id" : 3}]
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
columns: [
{ data: 'content'
} );
} );
What output I expect is this.
| Content |
Note: As long as posible, I don't want to use forloop or any kind of loop. TIA
Any help will be so much appreciated.
var myData = {
"content": [
"data_v1": [{"id" : 1}]
"data_v2": [{"id" : 2}]
"data_v3": [{"id" : 3}]
$('#example').DataTable( {
data: Object.keys(myData["content"]),
columns: [
{ title: 'content'
Object.keys will return an array of keys from the data provided
This answer is from #colin of Datatable.
$(document).ready(function() {
var my_data = {
"contents": [{
"data_v1": [{
"id": 1
"data_v2": [{
"id": 2
"data_v3": [{
"id": 3
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
data: my_data.contents,
columnDefs: [{
targets: 0,
render: function(data, type, row, meta) {
return (Object.keys(row)[0]);
<script src=""></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table id="example"></table>

mongo update script: change fields in embedded documents

I am writing a script to update(add and rename) certain fields, which are part of an embedded document within the ones stored in the db collection.
to give an example document:
_id: UUID("025bda29-0d09-4923-8f7f-ea2e825be2c8"),
name: "test",
sets: [
"name": "1",
"values": [
name: "a",
value: 5
"name": "2",
"values": [
name: "a",
value: 3
This is my script:
function convertGroup (group) {
for (var i = 0; i < group.sets.length; i++) {
var set = group.sets[i];
var oldValuesField = "sets." + i.toString() + ".values";
var mainValuesField = "sets." + i.toString() + "mainValues";
var additionalValuesField = "sets." + i.toString() + ".additionalValues";
"_id" : group._id
}, {
$set: {
mainValuesField : set.values,
additionalValuesField : [ ]
$unset: {
oldValuesField: ""
db.getCollection('group').find({'sets.0.mainValues': {$exists: false}}).forEach(convertGroup);
According to the documentation the $rename does not work on arrays, that is why I used set and unset.
what happens when I run this code, is that I get the mainValues field and additionalValues field in the group document, and not in the set documents.
this is what I want it to become:
_id: UUID("025bda29-0d09-4923-8f7f-ea2e825be2c8"),
name: "test",
sets: [
"name": "1",
"mainValues": [
name: "a",
value: 5
"additionalValues": [ ]
"name": "2",
"mainValues": [
name: "a",
value: 3
"additionalValues": [ ]
Can anyone explain to me why this happens and how I can make this work the way I want it to?
I managed to fix it by rewriting the script like this:
function convertGroup(group) {
group.sets.forEach(function (set) {
if (!set.mainValues) {
$set : {
set.mainValues = set.values
if (!set.additionalValues) {
$set : {
set.additionalValues = []
db.getCollection('group').update({'_id': group._id}, group);
db.getCollection('group').find({'sets.mainValues': {$exists: false}}).forEach(convertGroup)
the different is mostly not using the notation 'sets.[index].values' but editing it directly on the json and using 'update' instead of 'updateOne'

Changing js array on a html

I want to manipulate an js array after a click but its not triggering.
example is here
what did i do is: (i need to re set dataset which is loaded into table previously please take a look at above example)
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".retrievemenu").click(function() {
//alert( );
var restid =;
data = [
["sasa", "a", "a"]
$.post("server.php", {
retrievemenu: 1,
restid: restid
}, function(data) {
data: data,
columns: [{
title: "Restaurant Name"
}, {
title: "Menu Name"
}, {
title: "Actions"

Kendo ui grid: change field type depending in the row

I'm having a issue that I dont know how to afford. I have a kendo grid which is being poblated with a json file.
The issue is that in the json file there is a field that has a different type in different elements.
I'll explain myself with an example:
"listaPreguntas": [
"idPregunta": 1126,
"idTipificacion": 1712,
"tipoPregunta": "E",
"pregunta": "¿DE QUE COLOR ES?",
"numeroOrden": 2,
"respuestasPosibles": [
"idRespuestaPosible": 1066,
"respuestaPosible": "HOSPITAL"
"idRespuestaPosible": 1068,
"respuestaPosible": "AMBULATORIO"
"idRespuestaPosible": 1070,
"respuestaPosible": "CENTRO SALUD"
"idRespuestaPosible": 1072,
"respuestaPosible": "UNIDAD MOVIL"
"idRespuestaPosible": 1074,
"respuestaPosible": "UNIDAD DONACION"
"idRespuestaPosible": 1076,
"respuestaPosible": "UNIDAD MOVIL (UVI)"
"idTipoEnumerado": 1
"idPregunta": 1150,
"idTipificacion": 1712,
"tipoPregunta": "T",
"pregunta": "¿cuantas personas?",
"numeroOrden": 1,
"respuestasPosibles": null,
"idTipoEnumerado": 0
"idPregunta": 1152,
"idTipificacion": 1712,
"tipoPregunta": "F",
"pregunta": "¿Mayores?",
"numeroOrden": 3,
"respuestasPosibles": null,
"idTipoEnumerado": 0
You can see three objects in the json file, the first object has a type "E" and has six possible values, the second object has a type "T" (Text) and the last one is a boolean.
What i need is to show in the grid a column which type change depending on the type of the json. I need to have a text value in some cases, a checkbox and a dropdownbox.
I hope you could understand me.
Thanks in advance.
Here is example for custom editor from
columns: [ {
field: "name",
editor: function(container, options) {
var input = $("<input/>");
input.attr("name", options.field);
if(options.model.tipoPregunta == 'E')
input.kendoDropDownList( ... );
if(options.model.tipoPregunta == 'T')
if(options.model.tipoPregunta == 'F')
} ],
editable: true,
dataSource: [ { name: "Jane Doe" }, { name: "John Doe" } ]
options.model is a row dataItem
You just need to create a template for your column in your grid config:
columns: [{
field: "respuestasPosibles",
template: function(e){
if ( (e.tipoPregunta === 'E') && $.isArray(e.respuestasPosibles) ){
var st = '';
$.each(e.respuestasPosibles, function(i, a){
st += a.respuestaPosible + '(' + a.idRespuestaPosible + ')<br>';
return st;
// The cell will be empty
return '-';
}, ....

adding client events to telerik drop down list makes it static

I am trying to add client events to a telerik dropdownlist, but doing so makes it static. By static I mean it doesnt behave as a dropdown list anymore, Its doesnt respond when I click and hence cant view/select values. But as soon as I change the dropdown list to a combobox it works perfectly fine. It lets me click and view/select values.
Why is this happening? why can I add client events to a telerik combobox but not to a telerik dropdown list?
Here is how I populate Combo Box:
<%= Html.Telerik().ComboBox().Name("ComboBox")
.HtmlAttributes(new { #id = "ComboBox", #style = "width:104px;" })
.ClientEvents(events =>
function ComboBox_onDataBinding(e) {
var comboBox = $('#ComboBox').data('tComboBox');
{ Text: "Product 1", Value: "1" },
{ Text: "Product 2", Value: "2", Selected: true },
{ Text: "Product 3", Value: "3" },
{ Text: "Product 4", Value: "4" },
{ Text: "Product 5", Value: "5" }
], true);
Here is how I populate drop-down list:
<%= Html.Telerik().DropDownList().Name("DropDownList")
.HtmlAttributes(new { #id = "DropDownList", #style = "width:104px;" })
.ClientEvents(events =>
function DropDownList_onDataBinding(e) {
var dropDownList = $('#DropDownList').data('tDropDownList');
{ Text: "Product 1", Value: "1" },
{ Text: "Product 2", Value: "2", Selected: true },
{ Text: "Product 3", Value: "3" },
{ Text: "Product 4", Value: "4" },
{ Text: "Product 5", Value: "5" }
], true);
Thanks in advance.
In your case, when you don't use Ajax or WebService client side databinding, you shouldn't configure OnDataBinding event handler. You need to configure OnLoad instead:
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnLoad("ddl_onLoad").OnChange("ddl_onChange")
function ddl_onLoad(e) {
var ddl = $(this).data('tDropDownList');
{ Text: 'Product 1', Value: '1' },
{ Text: 'Product 2', Value: '2', Selected: true },
{ Text: 'Product 3', Value: '3' },
{ Text: 'Product 4', Value: '4' }
], true);
function ddl_onChange(e) {
//var ddl = $(this).data('tDropDownList');
you're calling .dataBind() inside the OnDataBinding handler, which is just going to trigger the OnDataBinding event again, and again...
consider doing your client side databinding inside the OnLoad event or something

