Redux mapStateToProps returns undefined - javascript

Redux is successfully storing and updating state. The reducers are seemingly working correctly. I'm able to use this.props.dispatch. However, when it actually comes to detailing that information (i.e. this.props.array I always seem to get undefined.
export default function array(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
state.array = action.array
return state;
return state;
State-aware component:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
array: array
array: array
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
messages: state.messages,
array: state.array
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component);
This only seems to be able to save state btw when I define an empty array. This doesn't seem right, I thought the intention of Redux was a self-contained store? Updating a variable seems to defeat the purpose a bit.
Would appreciate any help.

export default function array(state = {}, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "UPDATE_ARRAY":state={
return state;
return state;
you should always update your state immutably,instead of mutating the current application state ,you should create another object and return that.State should be immutable ,only way to change the state is to create a new one.This helps to improve the performance of the application.
I am not sure if you application has more than one reducer or not, if it has, than you must be using combine reducer method .So to access state.array in mapsStateToProps is like this
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
return {
messages: state.{reducer_name}.message,
array: state.{reducer_name}.array
in place of 'reducer_name' you have to specify the reducers_name which you have define in combine reducer
And last mapStateToProps return array ,in props not in component state.
which you can access in this way {this.props.array},you cant set component state in componentDidMount and in componentWillRecieveProps (in case of aysnc action).

Your component will receive array as a field in its props field. Your code assumes it's in the state field. So instead of:
this.state = {
array: array
you would just access this.props.array wherever in your code you need to use the array. You don't need to put it in the local state at all. Usually, you would use it in the render function, like in this example:
return <div>The array contains {this.props.array.length} items.</div>
I wonder if you're confusing local state with the Redux store's state? Local state is what you get/set when you access this.state in your component code. Every component can have its own state object that it can read from and write to.
The Redux store's state is what's passed in to mapStateToProps. It's usually the entire state object of all the combined reducers in your top-level reducer (though if you only have one reducer function and are not using combineReducers, then the store state is identical to that single reducer's state).
I suggest choosing more descriptive variable names, so that your code will be more readable. It's hard to understand what your intentions are for your code with such generic names. For example, you could name your reducer something that indicates what it's for, like bookListReducer, and name the array you want to store and retrieve for what will go inside it, like books. Naming both your reducer and all your variables array makes it harder to read your code. This will help anyone who reads your code in the future - including, most importantly, you!, as well as future Stack Overflow readers of your future questions (and perhaps this one if you edit it).

I am not sure the following is your issues, but hope these will help:
export default function array(state = {}, {type, array}) {
switch (type) {
return {...state, array};
return state;
Your reducer should be pure, which you had is mutating the state.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
array: array // what is array?
Above constructor is not right. You should be able to access the array from this.props.array as your mapStateToProps
Do a console.log(this.props) in your render function or ComponentWillReceiveProps, see if you can something :)


Two ways of updating an array in redux state object, why does one work and the other doesn't?

I initially had my reducer as such, and it does not work (my updated redux state does not lead my component to update, my component's prop 'RecipeStore' is mapped onto the redux state's 'myRecipes' property)
const initialState={
myRecipes: []
export default function(state=initialState, action){
const newState={...state}
return newState
return state;}}
I figured that my component did not rerender with redux store update because I mutated state, and you should never mutate state. So I rewrote the reducer as such:
const initialState={
myRecipes: []
export default function(state=initialState, action){
console.log("reducer invoked")
const copyState={...state, myRecipes:state.myRecipes.concat(action.payload)}
return copyState
return state;
And this time it worked - my component updates every time the redux store changes. However - my original reducer also created a copy of the original state using the spread operator, and only mutated the copy, why doesn't it work?
This is one of these situations where I'm glad that I solved the problem but am peeved that I don't know why.
Can someone lend me their thought?

Why redux create state in store with '0' name?

I use React, Redux and Redux-saga. For reducers I use combineReducers(). In the reducer I set initial state like this:
const authentication = (state = [{isAuthenticated: false}], action) =>
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, userLogin(
return state;
This creates the authentication object with the variable isAuthenticated. However, when I retrieve this value from state, after the initial state is set, I see in Redux DevTools (and in the console) that redux created the field with name '0' and my initial state.
Why does Redux creates this field? Can I disable this? I don't want to create several code blocks for inspecting field with '0' prefix in my code.
doing state = [{isAuthenticated: false}] makes your default an array

Handle async actions that do not store result in state

I stumbled upon a requirement on a section of a vanilla JS webapp that requires a single JSON "definitions" object to render. Definitions are loaded via an HTTP request at the very beginning, read, parsed and handed down to another layer of the app. The object itself never changes throughout its life cycle.
I'm now trying to model this scenario in ReactJS, using Redux + redux-thunk. I created a thunk/async action the fetches the JSON object, extracts what it needs and ends up updating the state with that -
but it does not store the object itself in the state. This seems like the right, logical approach since, as mentioned, the definitions are never modified in any way. I'd argue it's simply not state, in a strict sense.
However, by taking that decision I ended up struggling while implementing the actual React.Component. Almost every single example I've seen out there in the wild for async cases like this one:
Defines a thunk action that fires some API call.
Stores whatever they got back (or after some alterations) in a state property.
Maps that property to this.props in the Component with mapStateToProps and connect.
In my case, I don't really have a state property to bind to. So I ended up returning the definitions object in my async action and using the component's local state to get what I needed.
class ContainerComponent extends React.Component {
state = { definitions: {} };
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
.then((definitions) => this.setState({ definitions }));
render() {
return (<PresentationalComponent definitions={this.state.definitions} />);
export default connect()(ContainerComponent);
Not saying that this.setState should be avoided, but this looks an awful lot like what I had before even introducing Redux: an API call returning a promise - only with a lot more meddling indirections.
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((definitions) => this.setState({ definitions }));
So, how should I go about this? Is there any particular thing I am missing here? Any pattern I should be following? Perhaps, avoiding Redux entirely for this matter?
You are right in that having a component state isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I believe you are confused on where to store that data once the API call is made.
You mention that it is not necessarily state, but I would argue otherwise. Prior to making the API call, your application does not have that data. You may have certain UX/UI indications at the start up of your application that, for example could indicate on if the data is being fetched: definitions.all.isFetching.
In your componentDidMount, dispatching the action to fetch the data is correct. Once the action is fired, and the success response is received, your reducer should save the definitions to your redux store like
import { assign, get } from 'lodash';
const all = (
state = { isFetching: false, data: [] },
) => {
switch (action.type) {
return assign({}, state, { isFetching: true });
return assign({}, state, get(action, ''), { isFetching: false });
default: return state;
Then in your component, you would connect your redux store
function mapStateToProps(state){
return {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { listDefinitions })(ContainerComponent);
Also note I moved the action out in my example and am placing it into the connect with mapDispatchToProps shorthand.

Overwrite entire state in redux

This is yet another novice question about redux. In my app, i would like to be able to load the state from a text file, i.e. to be able to completely re-initialise the whole state object. So I don't want to reset the state to an initial value, but replace it with a new one. (FYI the application stores data merely in the browser's localStorage. Also, so far I have followed the awesome tutorial from I have tried several approaches, but none of them have yielded results. For example, in my reducers/index.js i have:
export default function App (state = {}, action) {
return {
todos: todos(state.todos, action),
global: global(state, action)
In reducers/global.js I have:
const global = (state = {}, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
return action.fileContents;
return state
What happens is that the state object, oddly (or not :)) enough, gets a new field called global which contains the original state (and not the one read from the file) and it even gets nested for a couple of levels (so i have a replica of the state at
I am aware of the hackiness of this approach, even willing to accept a fundamental flaw (due to my ignorance) in my setup, still i haven't been able to find a simple and unambiguous answer to my problem.
As always, any help would be much appreciated.
I know little about redux, but based on what I know about JavaScript I would say you need something like this:
// reducers/index.js
export default function App (state = {}, action) {
state = global(state, action);
return {
todos: todos(state.todos, action),
So the reducer named global has a chance to replace the whole state object at once.

React componentDidUpdate method won't fire on inherited props change if connected to a store that didn't change

I want my component know if some library is already loaded. To know that from any context i connect it to the "library" reducer of my store to my component.
I also pass it a configuration object this.props.dataObject from the parent where the component has been called. Like this:
class GoogleButton extends Component {
render() {
if ( {
return <a id='sharePost' className='google_icon'></a>
} else {
return null
componentDidUpdate() {
gapi.interactivepost.render('sharePost', this.props.dataObject)
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { libraries: state.libraries }
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(GoogleButton)
The reducer that handles the libraries state is like this:
let newState = {...state}
newState[action.libraryName] = action.state
return newState
When I change the library state componentDidUpdate works. The problem is when i change the prop inherited by the parent this.props.dataObject. In that case is where componentDidUpdate wont fire. If i remove the connect from the component it works as espected. I'm missing something here?
Most likely some of your props are mutated outside the component.
For example, you might be rendering your component like this:
class Parent extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = { libraries: {} }
handleClick() {
// MUTATION! = true
// Normally this forces to update component anyway,
// but React Redux will assume you never mutate
// for performance reasons.
this.setState({ libraries: this.state.libraries })
render() {
return (
<div onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>
<GoogleButton libraries={this.state.libraries} />
Because Redux apps deal with immutable data, connect() uses shallow equality check for its props to avoid unnecessary re-renders. However, this won’t work if you use mutation in your app.
You have two options:
Don’t Mutate Anything
This is the best option. For example, instead of something like
handleClick() { = true
this.setState({ libraries: this.state.libraries })
you can write
handleClick() {
libraries: {
google: true
This way we are creating a new object so connect() wouldn’t ignore the changed reference. (I’m using the object spread syntax in this snippet.)
Disable Performance Optimizations
A worse alternative is to completely disable performance optimizations made by connect(). Then your props would update even if you mutate them in the parent, but your app will be slower. To do this, replace
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(GoogleButton)
export default connect(mapStateToProps, null, null, { pure: false })(GoogleButton)
Don’t do this unless absolutely necessary.
I solved it. I'm not 100% sure that this is accurate, but I will explain. If im wrong with something, please correct me.
I keep thinking about the shallow equality check that Dan said in his answer. The problem was there.
I was passing down an object from the parent and the nested elements of that object were the ones that changed. The object remain the same. So with the shallow equality check that connect brings the component will never update.
My solution was in the parent use Object.assign({}, dataObject) when I pass down the prop so I make another different object. Now shallow equality check could compare it and determinate that the props have changed and there before update the component.
i had same problem and i used object.assign for create new state but i use combineReducer and it cause multi level state ,in my case i pass whole state as props to component so shallow equality check can not detect my state change so componentDidUpdate didnot call,it is important to pass state in level it change when using combine reducer
in my case i pass it like this
const MapStateToProps=(state)=>{
return {
and my state tree is like this
ReportReducer: {
reportConfig: {
reportDateFilter: 'this week',
reportType: null,
reportShopId: null,
updateShop: true
and in my reducer and return it like this as ReportReducer
export default combineReducers({reportConfig});
and my root reducer is like this
const rootReducer =combineReducers({ReportReducer});
const store = createStore(rootReducer ,{},enhancer);
Another option that you can use is to make a deep copy of the inherit prop this.props.dataObject on the child component, this in order for the componentDidUpdate to 'catch' the updated prop, you could use:
Use this where you are passing the prop from the parent component, this works for me in a similar problem (This applies when you don't have any function inside the prop).
I had this exact same problem with Components I used from an external library.
So I didn't had the option to modify the inherited property.
I only needed a part of the inherited property object (will use dataObject for simplicity). Solved it by adding it to the mapStateToProps function:
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
return { libraries: state.libraries, neededValue: ownProps.dataObject.value }
By which a shallow compare is enough to notice a value change. So use this.props.neededValue iso this.props.dataObject.value in the render() function.

