Is it possible to show interpolated data using dygraphs? - javascript

I have been working for the last months with dygraphs. It is a incredible library and I have got great results but I´m having some problems to find the way of interpolating data from different signals to be shown in the same chart.
The data I received from different sensors have not the same timestamp for the different samples, so for the most of the points of the x axe timestamps I have only the value of one signal. The chart is plotted perfectly, but I would like to see the interpolated value of the rest of the signals in that x point I am pointing over. Below I have the chart I get.
Reading on the dygraph documentation I have seen that when you have independent series, it is possible to see at least the value "undefined" for the signals without data in that point of the x axe.
The csv I use to plot the data is shown below. It has the same structure indicated in the dygraph documentation but I don´t get this undefined label neither.
Thanks in advance.

This is an approach that does not add any data to your csv data and still provides interpolated values for all the columns as you move your mouse around. It adds a listener to the mousemove event within dygraph and interpolates the closest points for all of the data. At the moment I have simply shown it in an extra DIV that is after the graph but you can display it however you like:
function findNextValueIndex(data, column, start) {
var rows = data.length;
for (var i = start; i < rows; i++) {
if (data[i][column] != null) return (i);
return (-1);
function findPrevValueIndex(data, column, start) {
for (var i = start; i >= 0; i--) {
if (data[i][column] != null) return (i);
return (-1);
function interpolate(t0, t1, tmid, v0, v1) {
return (v0 + (tmid - t0) / (t1 - t0) * (v1 - v0));
function showValues(headers, colors, vals) {
var el = document.getElementById("info");
var str = "";
for (j = 1; j < headers.length; j++) {
str += '<p style="color:' + colors[j] + '";>' + headers[j] + ": " + vals[j] + "</p>";
el.innerHTML = str;
document.getElementById("hiddenDiv").style.display = "none";
function movecustom(event, dygraph, point) {
var time = dygraph.lastx_;
var row = dygraph.lastRow_;
var vals = [];
var headers = [];
var colors = [];
var cols = dygraph.rawData_[0].length;
// draw a line on the chart showing the selected location
var canvas = dygraph.canvas_;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,200,200,0.1)";
ctx.moveTo( dygraph.selPoints_[0].canvasx, 0);
ctx.lineTo( dygraph.selPoints_[0].canvasx, 1000);
for (var j = 1; j < cols; j++) {
colors[j] = dygraph.colors_[j - 1];
if (dygraph.rawData_[row][j] == null) {
var prev = findPrevValueIndex(dygraph.rawData_, j, row - 1);
var next = findNextValueIndex(dygraph.rawData_, j, row + 1);
if (prev < 0)
vals[j] = dygraph.rawData_[next][j];
else if (next < 0)
vals[j] = dygraph.rawData_[prev][j];
else {
vals[j] = interpolate(dygraph.rawData_[prev][0], dygraph.rawData_[next][0], time, dygraph.rawData_[prev][j], dygraph.rawData_[next][j]);
} else {
vals[j] = dygraph.rawData_[row][j];
headers = Object.keys(dygraph.setIndexByName_);
showValues(headers, colors, vals);
window.onload = function() {
new Dygraph(
document.getElementById('graph'), document.getElementById('csvdata').innerHTML, {
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
drawPoints: true,
labelsDiv: "hiddenDiv",
interactionModel: {
'mousemove': movecustom
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph" style="height:120px;"></div>
<div id="info"></div>
<div id="hiddenDiv" style="display:none"></div>
<pre id="csvdata" style="display:none">

It seems that the best way to do this is to massage the data before submitting it to the dygraph call. This means the following steps:
1) parse the csv file into an array of arrays.
2) go through each line of the array to find where the holes are
3) interpolate to fill those holes
4) modify the constructed arrays to be displayed by dygraph
5) call dygraph
Not the most attractive code, but seems to work...
function findNextValueIndex(data, column, start) {
var rows = data.length;
for(var i=start;i<rows;i++) {
if(data[i][column].length>0) return(i);
function interpolate(t0, t1, tmid, v0, v1) {
return((v0 + (tmid-t0)/(t1-t0) * (v1-v0)).toString());
function parseCSV(string) {
var data = [];
// first get the number of lines:
var lines = string.split('\n');
// now split the first line to retrieve the headings
var headings = lines[0].split(",");
var cols = headings.length;
// now get the data
var rows=0;
for(var i=1;i<lines.length;i++) {
if(lines[i].length>0) {
data[rows] = lines[i].split(",");
// now, fill in the blanks - start by finding the first value for each column of data
var vals = [];
var times = [];
for(var j=1;j<cols;j++) {
var index = findNextValueIndex(data,j,0);
vals[j] = parseFloat(data[index][j]);
// now put those start values at the beginning of the array
// there is no way to calculate the previous value of the sensor missing from the first sample
// so we use the first reading and duplicate it
for(var j=1;j<cols;j++) {
data[0][j] = vals[j].toString();
times[j] = parseInt(data[0][0]);
// now step through the rows and interpolate the missing values
for(var i=1;i<rows;i++) {
for(var j=1;j<cols;j++) {
if(data[i][j].length>0) {
vals[j] = parseFloat(data[i][j]);
times[j] = parseInt(data[i][0]);
else {
var index = findNextValueIndex(data,j,i);
if(index<0) // no more data in this column
data[i][j] = vals[j].toString();
data[i][j] = interpolate(times[j],parseInt(data[index][0]),parseInt(data[i][0]),vals[j],data[index][j]);
// now convert from strings to integers and floats so dygraph can handle it
// I've also changed the time value so that it is relative to the first element
// it will be shown in milliseconds
var time0 = parseInt(data[0][0]);
for(var i=0;i<rows;i++) {
data[i][0] = parseInt(data[i][0]) - time0;
for(var j=1;j<cols;j++) {
data[i][j] = parseFloat(data[i][j]);
var obj = {
labels: headings,
data: data
window.onload = function () {
var data_obj = parseCSV(document.getElementById('csvdata').innerHTML);
new Dygraph(
labels: data_obj.labels,
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
drawPoints: true
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph" style="height:200px;"></div>
<pre id="csvdata" style="display:none">

connectSeparatedPoints: true
Not do what you need?


Speeding up UrlFetch Google App Scripts?

The goal is to run through about 10,000 lines of links. Determine which have page numbers > 3 and highlight the first column. I have all of this done, but the problem is that it takes Url Fetch too long, I run into a maximum run time error. Is there anyway I can speed up this code so I can run through the 10,000 lines?
function readColumns() {
//program is going to run through column 3 by going through the amount of rows, truncating last three characters to see if pdf, then highlighting first column
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = sheet.getDataRange();
var rowNum = columns.getNumRows();
var values = columns.getValues();
var html;
var htmlString;
for(var i = 1; i <= rowNum; i++){
var columnLogger = values[i][2];
html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(values[i][2],
muteHttpExceptions: true,
Logger.log("Error at line " + i);
var error = true;
htmlString = html.getContentText();
var index = htmlString.indexOf("Pages") + 6;
var pageNumber = parseInt(htmlString.charAt(index),10);
var lastChars = "" + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-3) + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-2) + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-1);
if((error) || (!lastChars.equals("pdf") && values[i][6].equals("") && !pageNumber >= 3)){
//goes back to first column and highlights yellow
var cellRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, rowNum, 3)
var cell = cellRange.getCell(i+1, 1)
Edit - short scripts:
function foreverCall(){
var start = 1480;
start = start + 100;
function readColumns(start) {
//program is going to run through column 3 by going through the amount of rows, truncating last three characters to see if pdf, then highlighting first column
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var columns = sheet.getDataRange();
var rowNum = columns.getNumRows();
var values = columns.getValues();
var html;
var htmlString;
var error;
for(var i = start; i < start+100; i++){
if(loop(values, error, html, htmlString, rowNum, sheet, columns, i)){
var cellRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, rowNum, 3)
var cell = cellRange.getCell(i, 1)
function loop(values, error, html, htmlString, rowNum, sheet, columns, i){
var columnLogger = values[i][2];
var lastChars = columnLogger.slice(-4);
if(!lastChars.equals(".pdf") && values[i][6].equals("")){
return true;
error = false
html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(values[i][2].toString());
if(html == null){
error = true;
Logger.log("Error at line " + i);
error = true;
htmlString = html.getContentText();
var index = htmlString.indexOf("Pages") + 6;
var pageNumber = parseInt(htmlString.charAt(index),10);
//goes back to first column and highlights yellow
if(error || !pageNumber >= 3){
return true;
return false;
You can replace this:
var lastChars = "" + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-3) + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-2) + columnLogger.charAt(columnLogger.length-1);
With this:
var lastChars = columnLogger.slice(-3);
You could also initiate the fetch script from an html sidebar or dialog to run short batches and then return back to the success handler which could then initiate another batch depending upon the return value. The return value could also be used to start the next batch at the next row. It would actually take longer to run but you could probably stay well under the script limit by keeping your batches small.
You can replace with the line with
var lastChars = columnLogger.slice(-3);

Pushing values to getColumn.values for Excel add In

So I am trying to import and read a json to an excel sheet, using an add-in I'm developing. So I've gotten to a point where I'm getting ColumnA and ColumnB from my new worksheet. Then I'm trying to push the json fields onto the Range.values arrays of the columns. However once I run the program the worksheet is still blank. Here is the code:
function importJson(json, name){ (context) {
var sheetRange = newWorksheet.getRange("A1:B1");
var aColumn = sheetRange.getColumn(0);
var bColumn = sheetRange.getColumn(1);
return context.sync().then(function () {
printJson(json, aColumn, bColumn);
printJson(json, aColumn, bColumn)
if (json instanceof Object) {
if (json.default != null) {
if (json.fields != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < json.fields.length; i++) {
printSchema(json.fields[i], aColumn, bColumn);
Running the debugger I see the values from the json object being pushed onto the arrays but run I still don't see them on the worksheet
Thanks for any help!
So Thanks to a little nudge from #TimWilliams, it was realized that I wasn't updating the worksheets values within my printJson method. So once I pushed all of the values I wanted in Column A and Column B I added this step in my last return sync().then(function(){}).... (context) {
var sheetRange = newWorksheet.getRange("A1:B1");
var aColumn = sheetRange.getColumn(0);
var bColumn = sheetRange.getColumn(1);
return context.sync().then(function () {
printJson(json, aColumn, bColumn);
for (var i = 1; i < aColumn.values.length + 2; i++)
var aColumnSheet = newWorksheet.getRange("A" + i);
aColumnSheet.values = aColumn.values[i];
for (var i = 1; i < bColumn.values.length + 2; i++) {
var bColumnSheet = newWorksheet.getRange("B" + i);
bColumnSheet.values = bColumn.values[i];
Gives me two beautiful columns of data in Column A and Column B. Thanks again #TimWilliams!

Using jspdf.debug.js Wrap table head in pdf when

I am using jspdf.debug.js for generation html table in pdf format.
The table heading is not wrapping properly, shown like this:
image of the distorted heading jspdf.debug.js
below is the code that prints out the thead. though it doesn't wrap long text in next line
jsPDFAPI.printHeaderRow = function (lineNumber, new_page) {
if (!this.tableHeaderRow) {
throw 'Property tableHeaderRow does not exist.';
var tableHeaderCell,
this.printingHeaderRow = true;
if (headerFunction !== undefined) {
var position = headerFunction(this, pages);
setLastCellPosition(position[0], position[1], position[2], position[3], -1);
var tempHeaderConf = [];
for (i = 0, ln = this.tableHeaderRow.length; i < ln; i += 1) {
// console.log("width"+this.width);
/*changed neeraj color of table heading*/
tableHeaderCell = this.tableHeaderRow[i];
if (new_page) {
tableHeaderCell[1] = this.margins && || 0;
tmpArray = [].concat(tableHeaderCell);
this.cell.apply(this, tmpArray.concat(lineNumber));
if (tempHeaderConf.length > 0){
this.printingHeaderRow = false;
code for the same if fiddle
I am using jsPDF version 1.0.272
In jsPDFAPI.table = function (x,y, data, headers, config) (Around line 2833)
after if (printHeaders) {
clause, I added true as the last parameter to the call to calculateLineHeight():
var lineHeight = this.calculateLineHeight(headerNames, columnWidths, headerPrompts.length?headerPrompts:headerNames,true);
Next, in the for loop, I removed the String() from the last parameter:
tableHeaderConfigs.push([x, y, columnWidths[header], lineHeight, (headerPrompts.length ? headerPrompts[i] : header)]);
In the for loop after the //Construct the data rows comment, I added false as the last parameter to calculateLineHeight():
lineHeight = this.calculateLineHeight(headerNames, columnWidths, model,false);
I added another parameter, isHeader, to the calculateLineHeight function:
jsPDFAPI.calculateLineHeight = function (headerNames, columnWidths, model, isHeader)
Then I modified the function:
jsPDFAPI.calculateLineHeight = function (headerNames, columnWidths, model, isHeader) {
var header, lineHeight = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < headerNames.length; j++) {
header = headerNames[j];
model[j] = this.splitTextToSize(String(model[j]), columnWidths[model[j].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '')] - padding);
var h = this.internal.getLineHeight() * model[j].length + padding;
model[header] = this.splitTextToSize(String(model[header]), columnWidths[header] - padding);
var h = this.internal.getLineHeight() * model[header].length + padding;
if (h > lineHeight)
lineHeight = h;
return lineHeight;
And if you want to unbold the table headings, go to function
jsPDFAPI.printHeaderRow = function (lineNumber, new_page) and comment the line this.setFontStyle('bold');

JavaScript - Improve my grid search algorithm

I have made my own "GhettoSearch," which is used to find the closest path between 2 given coordinates over a Grid, AKA a "list of coordinates."
The grid is an array like this:
var grid [ [somedata, [x,y,z], somedata], [somedata, [x,y,z], somedata] ]etc..
My start and stop positions is only coordinates, the Z coordinate is irrelevant at the moment.
I can almost get to the end, but some detoures are made because of my cost function.
Here is how the search looks complete:
Here is the code I currently use for the search:
var Main = {
GhettoSearch: function(Start, Stop, Grid){
var Pgreed = 1; //From current position to next nearby nodes
var Tgreed = 0.25; //from current position to target node
var Pcost = 0;
var Tcost = 0;
var open = [];
var closed = [];
var aReturn = [];
for (i = 0; i < Grid.length; i++) {
Worldmap.GetNode("Node_" + Grid[i][0]).style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
Pcost = Heuristics.Distance.Manhattan(Grid[i][1], Start, Pgreed);
Tcost = Heuristics.Distance.Manhattan(Grid[i][1], Stop, Tgreed);
open.push([i, (Pcost + Tcost)]);
do {
var TmpData = [0, Infinity];
var TmpForI = null;
for (i = 0; i < open.length; i++) {
if (open[i][1] < TmpData[1]) {
TmpData[0] = open[i][0];
TmpData[1] = open[i][1];
TmpForI = i;
open.splice(TmpForI, 1);
for (i = 0; i < open.length; i++) {
Start = Grid[TmpData[0]][1]; //is now the start for recently closed node
Pcost = Heuristics.Distance.Manhattan(Grid[open[i][0]][1], Start, Pgreed);
Tcost = Heuristics.Distance.Manhattan(Grid[open[i][0]][1], Stop, Tgreed);
open[i] = [open[i][0], (Pcost + Tcost)];
} while (open.length > 0);
var PathID = null;
var TmpDist = Infinity;
for (i = 0; i < closed.length; i++) {
var NodeID = Grid[closed[i][0]][0];
var NodeCoords = Grid[closed[i][0]][1];
var NodeCost = closed[i][1];
aReturn.push([NodeID, NodeCoords, NodeCost]);
//var Dist = Heuristics.Distance.Manhattan(NodeCoords, Stop, 1);
if (NodeCost < TmpDist) {
TmpDist = NodeCost;
PathID = i;//Because you will remove the closest cord elese. OR? will u xD
aReturn.splice(PathID, closed.length);
return aReturn;
As you can see on the image, while going upwards it goes back and fills the empty spots besides the straight path up, how can I avoid this?
Yes, I have looked at different search aproaches such as BFS and a star, but I have problems implementing this in my own search function

Processing javascript objects with google charts

I am trying to draw a Google visualization pie chart based on below JSON. I am having issues since Google takes numerical data, instead of just plain objects.
For example, I want a pie chart based on UseCase. Pie chart will list VDI,Upgrade,DEMO and show its proportion related to total. Please help.
Here is the JSON example
// Full source
function drawChart() {
$.get('/Home/GetData', {},
function (data) {
var tdata = new google.visualization.DataTable();
tdata.addColumn('string', 'UseCase');
tdata.addColumn('int', 'Count');
// Reservation based on UseCase
var ReservationByUseCase = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var d = data[i];
// If not part of array.. Add it
if ($.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase) === -1)
var UseCaseValue = d.UseCase;
var UseCaseCountValue = 1;
ReservationByUseCase.push({ UseCase: UseCaseValue, UseCaseCount: UseCaseCountValue });
// If part of the array.. Increase count
if ($.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase) !== -1) {
var cUseCase = ReservationByUseCase[$.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase)];
cUseCase.UseCaseCount = cUseCase.UseCaseCount + 1;
ReservationByUseCase[$.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase)] = cUseCase
for (var i = 0; i < ReservationByUseCase.length; i++) {
tdata.addColumn(ReservationByUseCase[i].UseCaseValue, ReservationByUseCase[i].UseCaseCountValue)
var options = {
title: "Reservations"
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(tdata, options);
You just need to loop through the data and add up each UseCase:
var ndata = {}
var data = [{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/01","Approver":"zoo","POC":"POC1","UseCase":"VDI"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/02","Approver":"zoo","POC":"POC1","UseCase":"Upgrade"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/03","Approver":"zoo","POC":"POC2","UseCase":"DEMO"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/04","Approver":"victor","POC":"POC2","UseCase":"DEMO"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/05","Approver":"victor","POC":"POC3","UseCase":"VDI"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/06","Approver":"victor","POC":"POC3","UseCase":"Upgrade"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/05","Approver":"tom","POC":"POC3","UseCase":"VDI"},{"Id":0,"ProcessedTime":"2012/06","Approver":"tom","POC":"POC3","UseCase":"Upgrade"}];
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var d = data[i];
if (ndata[d["UseCase"]] == null) {
ndata[d["UseCase"]] = 1
} else {
ndata[d["UseCase"]] = ndata[d["UseCase"]] + 1
Here's a fiddle:
This is what I've came up with... Will this work?
// Reservation based on UseCase
var ReservationByUseCase = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var d = data[i];
// If not part of array.. Add it
if ($.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase) === -1)
var UseCaseValue = d.UseCase;
var UseCaseCountValue = 1;
ReservationByUseCase.push({ UseCase: UseCaseValue, UseCaseCount: UseCaseCountValue });
// If part of the array.. Increase count
if ($.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase) !== -1) {
var cUseCase = ReservationByUseCase[$.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase)];
cUseCase.UseCaseCount = cUseCase.UseCaseCount + 1;
ReservationByUseCase[$.inArray(d.UseCase, ReservationByUseCase)] = cUseCase

