Azure Functions Redirect Header - javascript

I want one of my Azure Functions to do an HTTP Redirection.
This is the current code of the function:
module.exports = context => {
context.res.header('Location', '')
But it does not work.
A request sent from Postman shows the response has:
Status: 200
Location not set
Is this correct code? Or is it simply not allowed by Azure Functions?

The code above actually does work, unless you have your binding name set to $return, which is what I assume you have now (you can check in the integrate tab)
Either of the following options will also do what you're looking for
Assuming $return in the binding configuration:
module.exports = function (context, req) {
var res = { status: 302, headers: { "location": "" }, body: null};
context.done(null, res);
Or using the "express style" API (not using $return in the binding configuration):
module.exports = function (context, req) {

The following code works for me:
module.exports = function (context, req) {
res = {
status: 302,
headers: {
'Location': ''
body: 'Redirecting...'
context.done(null, res);


cross origin for amazon lambda function from localhost in gatsby site

I have the following code which works when I run it as a local serverless function with netlify dev, but I need it to run cross origin from a dev server to the hosted server function. I put the function in a aws lambda function but I am getting a cross origin blocked error on my, I thought I have the correct headers in the return object so not sure why I am getting a cross origin error.
Any help would be great
const sanityClient = require("#sanity/client");
const client = sanityClient({
projectId: "random-id",
dataset: "production",
useCdn: true,
exports.lambdaHandler = async (event, context) => {
var body = JSON.parse(event.body);
try {
const checkPriceId = async (test) => {
const query = `*[_type == "products" && price_id == "${body.price_id}"]`;
const documents = await client.fetch(query, {}); // this could throw
return => document.sold);
var ok = checkPriceId().then((test) => {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
//console.log(test) // this will log the return value from line 7
var bools = await ok;
// prettier-ignore
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods':'GET, POST, OPTION',
body: JSON.stringify({
sold: bools,
} catch (err) {
return { statusCode: 500, body: err.toString() };
This is my request to the function if that helps
var fetchUrl = //not exact
var fetchData = async function () {
const response = await fetch(fetchUrl, {
method: "post",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify({
price_id: final,
.then(res => {
return res.json()
.catch(error => console.log(error))
return response
I tried adding cors the way suggested in the answer below, but it failed seen below so I tried manually adding the method response seen after.
I still get a cross domain error. And I have changed the domain so it is now https as well. Really stuck here.
I was looking into this more, and it seems like before it does the actual post it does a cors check at the options method, so I added in the same access control headers, and deployed but did not work. Don't quite get this.
Your headers look ok to me. (note: If you mix HTTP and HTTPS you are most likely to get a mixed content error in the client). If it is ONLY a CORS issue that you are seeing in the console in the web browser, then you might not have configured the API Gateway correctly in AWS.
In AWS, go to API Gateway and you should see something like the below:
Make sure that you enable CORS and then redeploy.
Just looking at a previous implementation of a lambda function I setup with AWS. The headers I declared were as follows:
headers: {
"Content-Type" : "application/json",
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" : "*",
"Allow" : "GET, OPTIONS, POST",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" : "GET, OPTIONS, POST",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" : true
Your headers look OK to me though. However, when you created the method in the API Gateway, did you select Use Proxy Lambda Integration? (see screenshot).
Your client side fetch request looks ok. For reference mine was:
const url = 'your url';
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(data),
fetch(url, options).then(res => res.json());
Unrelated to this issue, but its not advisable to mix Async/Await with .then promise chaining. But this isn't the issue you are having. Just something to note.
Check the values from your Integration Response / try setting them manually for both OPTIONS and POST (and if that works, make sure you are passing through the response correctly from the lambda).
Your POST action should only require the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. The other two (Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers) belong in the OPTION action. See this writeup, and note the full example exchange for a preflighted request (in grey):

CORS Error on uploading image/video file to google cloud in react js

When user drag and drop the Image, I need to call a method of the server to get the Media_id for that particluar image/video, in the response of that I am getting this ->
"status": 1,
"media": {"media_id": 27, "media_type": 1, "media_file_name": "a9989aafcdf1482d8a0967a81b54b476_80a2d60394f15063bef4e44e1a4d83f3.png", "media_placeholder": null, "media_ext": "png"},
"upload_url": "",
"file_name": "a9989aafcdf1482d8a0967a81b54b476_80a2d60394f15063bef4e44e1a4d83f3.png",
"content_type": "image/png", "exp": "2020-10-22 17:36:54.447484"
So, I need to hit this upload url which is coming from the response.Below is my file where I am hitting this as soon as user drop the image ->
await this.props.getFirstMediaId(postdata).then(res => {
if (res.value && res.value.status === 1) {
let media_idArr = this.state.media_id.concat(
this.setState({ media_id: media_idArr, mediaUrl: res.value.upload })
customStatus = 'done';
}) //First call to the server to get Media_id and the cloud **upload URL**
const getUploadParams = () => {
console.log(this.state.mediaUrl, ' -->>> this.state.mediaUrl')
if (this.state.mediaUrl !== null) {
console.log(' in get upload param.')
return this.props.postImageToCloud(this.state.mediaUrl).then(res => {
console.log(res, '===>> here is cloud res.')
.catch(err => {
console.log(' here is error cloud -->>> ', err)
Below is the file where the method actually call API ->
export const getFirstMediaId = (data) => {
return {
async payload() {
let response = await, data);
return objectPath.get(response, 'data', []);
export const postImageToCloud = (url) => {
return {
async payload() {
let response = await axios.put(url.upload_url, {}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': `${url.content_type}`
return objectPath.get(response, 'data', []);
So, the first call is success and I got the above MAIN RESPONSE but as soon as it completes, I call the cloud PUT request and got this CORS error ->
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:8000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Please suggest me anything for make it working.
Finally after lot of efforts I came to know that I have to pass the file in the body of PUT request, here ->
let response = await axios.put(url.upload_url, { **file here** }, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': `${url.content_type}`
But I tried passing the image file object simple the html file object using formData and passing as it is, still getting the same error. Then i started using
react-dropzone and converted the image file into the string buffer as one of the example in React-dropzone. I am going to paste here that example maybe it can help anyone. See below ->
import React, {useCallback} from 'react'
import {useDropzone} from 'react-dropzone'
function MyDropzone() {
const onDrop = useCallback((acceptedFiles) => {
acceptedFiles.forEach((file) => {
const reader = new FileReader()
reader.onabort = () => console.log('file reading was aborted')
reader.onerror = () => console.log('file reading has failed')
reader.onload = () => {
// Do whatever you want with the file contents
const binaryStr = reader.result
}, [])
const {getRootProps, getInputProps} = useDropzone({onDrop})
return (
<div {...getRootProps()}>
<input {...getInputProps()} />
<p>Drag 'n' drop some files here, or click to select files</p>
This is one of the Official examples of React-Dropzone, So I just pass that string buffer obj and finally It worked, no CORS issue nothing.
The Google Storage API does simply not accept requests initiated from a browser in another domain, so you won't be able to achieve this.
You should not call the API from a client but from your backend. Here is the list of the suggested libraries:
Note that JavaScript in a browser environment is not suggested (only Node.js is)

What extra fields does the AWS Amplify API include when invoking a Lambda function?

I have this AWS Lambda function to create a note object in my DynamoDB table:
import * as uuid from "uuid";
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
export function main(event, context, callback) {
// Request body is passed in as a JSON encoded string in 'event.body'
const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
const params = {
TableName: process.env.tableName,
// 'Item' contains the attributes of the item to be created
// - 'userId': user identities are federated through the
// Cognito Identity Pool, we will use the identity id
// as the user id of the authenticated user
// - 'noteId': a unique uuid
// - 'content': parsed from request body
// - 'attachment': parsed from request body
// - 'createdAt': current Unix timestamp
Item: {
userId: event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId,
noteId: uuid.v1(),
content: data.content,
attachment: data.attachment,
dynamoDb.put(params, (error, data) => {
// Set response headers to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
const headers = {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true
// Return status code 500 on error
if (error) {
const response = {
statusCode: 500,
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify({ status: false })
callback(null, response);
// Return status code 200 and the newly created item
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(params.Item)
callback(null, response);
What it does is not really relevant to the question. The important thing to note here is that it can be successfully executed offline with the command serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json and an example event create-event.json:
"body": "{\"content\":\"hello world\",\"attachment\":\"hello.jpg\"}",
"requestContext": {
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityId": "USER-SUB-1234"
However, when I invoke this Lambda function with a POST request through the aws-amplify API, I only define a body field in the init object, i.e.
import { API } from "aws-amplify";
function createNote(note) {
return"scratch-notes", "/scratch-notes", {
body: note
Which leads to the following questions...
How did the Lambda function get the needed requestContext field
from the aws-amplify API POST method that invoked it?
Was it appended to the init object by the aws-amplify API?
That would be the obvious answer, but that leads me to another question...
What other fields are appended to the init object by the aws-amplify API?
The event object also contains two extra structures, afaik: a requestContext object and a pathParameters object.
The requestContext object is just the context object included in the event object for testing purposes and for our general convenience.
The pathParameters object is a list of fields that are extracted from paths with special tokens.
handler: get.main
- http:
path: scratch-notes/{id}
method: get
cors: true
authorizer: aws_iam
A handler like that would take a request with the URI scratch-notes/1234 and return a pathParameters object as follows:
"pathParameters": {
"id": "1234"
Of course, both objects can be combined to invoke our API offline with the Serverless framework which would look like this:
"pathParameters": {
"id": "59747e00-8e61-11ea-8cb8-5d9bcedbe6f4"
"body": "myBody",
"requestContext": {
"identity": {
"cognitoIdentityId": "USER-SUB-1234"

How to programmatically connect to AWS websocket API Gateway

I am trying to implement messaging between users on my website by leveraging AWS's websocket api gateway. Every guide/documentation that I look at says to use wscat to test the connection to the gateway. I am at the point where I can connect to the api gateway and send messages between clients using wscat but am struggling to get it working programmatically from my ts code.
What I want to do is make an api call to the websocket api gateway once the user logs in so they can send messages at any point. I am using serverless for my backend and Angular 6 for the front end. I read that I need to make a POST request to https://{api-id}{stage}/#connections/{connection_id} to send messages through a websocket connection but i'm having trouble using typescript in a service I created to connect/get a connection id.
I am making a second API call after the user successfully logs in to open a connection to the websocket api gateway. I tried calling a function that makes a post request with no body (not sure what I would send in the body of the request since I've only connected to it using the wscat tool) to the URL I get after deploying my serverless code. I also tried making a POST request to the https:// URL I see in the AWS console after manually deploying the API gateway.
protected getBaseSocketEndpoint(): string {
// 'wss://' <-- tried this too
return '';
this.authService.login(username, password).pipe(first()).subscribe(
(response) => {
this.authService.setCookie('userId', response.idToken.payload.sub);
this.authService.setCookie('jwtToken', response.idToken.jwtToken);
this.authService.setCookie('refreshToken', response.refreshToken.token);
this.toastr.success('Login successful. Redirecting to your dashboard.', 'Success!', {
timeOut: 1500
response => {
(error) => {
// const errorMessage = JSON.parse(error._body).message;
this.toastr.error("Incorrect username and password combination.", 'Error!', {
timeOut: 1500
authentication.service.ts extends BaseService
public connectToWebSocket(userId: string): Observable<any> {
const body = {
userId: userId
console.log('calling connectToWebSocket()..');
return, body).pipe(map(response => {
handler: connectionHandler.connectionHandler
- websocket:
route: $connect
cors: true
- websocket:
route: $disconnect
cors: true
handler: connectionHandler.defaultHandler
- websocket:
route: $default
cors: true
handler: messageHandler.sendMessageHandler
- websocket:
route: sendMessage
cors: true
connectionHandler.js (lambda)
const success = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
body: "everything is alright"
module.exports.connectionHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
var connectionId = event.requestContext.connectionId;
if (event.requestContext.eventType === "CONNECT") {
.then(() => {
callback(null, success);
.catch(err => {
callback(null, JSON.stringify(err));
} else if (event.requestContext.eventType === "DISCONNECT") {
.then(() => {
callback(null, success);
.catch(err => {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 500,
body: "Failed to connect: " + JSON.stringify(err)
module.exports.defaultHandler = (event, context, callback) => {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
body: "default handler was called."
const addConnection = (connectionId, userId, callback) => {
const params = {
Item: {
connectionId: connectionId,
userId: userId
var response;
return dynamo
.put(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
errorHandler.respond(err, callback);
} else {
response = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
body: JSON.stringify(data)
callback(null, response);
const deleteConnection = (connectionId, userId, callback) => {
const params = {
Key: {
connectionId: connectionId,
userId: userId
var response;
return dynamo
.delete(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
errorHandler.respond(err, callback);
} else {
response = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" },
body: JSON.stringify(data)
callback(null, response);
Expected: trigger POST api call and open a persistent connection with the Websocket API Gateway.
Actual: unable to connect via API call above. I get a 403 in the console with the message:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:4200' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Not sure why im getting a CORS error when I have CORS enabled in my serverless file.
I had a similar problem. You can use all the goodness. But you have to set the option transports to :
let socket = io(url, {
reconnectionDelayMax: 1000,
transports: ["websocket"],
The default is
transports: ["polling", "websocket"],
So your app will kick off polling with the resulting in a CORS error. It's not that clear in the docs, but here is a useful link.
Look under "Available options for the underlying Engine.IO client:".
I had the same problem and finally figured out, that normally there should not be such a CORS error message with websockets:
Why is there no same-origin policy for WebSockets? Why can I connect to ws://localhost?
Skipping the client library "" and using "vanilla websockets" helped me out.
In your case I would check the libraries behind "connectToWebSocket".
I used python lambda handler, so it might be helpful to many.
I have implemented a websocket which sends user some message 5 times with a gap
service: realtime-websocket-test
name: aws
stage: ${opt:stage, 'dev'}
runtime: python3.8
region: ${opt:region, 'ap-south-1'}
memorySize: 128
timeout: 300
handler: handler.lambda_handler
- websocket:
route: $connect
- websocket:
route: $disconnect
- websocket:
route: $default
import time
import json
import boto3
def lambda_handler(event, context):
event_type = event["requestContext"]["eventType"]
if event_type == "CONNECT" or event_type == "DISCONNECT":
response = {'statusCode': 200}
return response
elif event_type == "MESSAGE":
connection_id = event["requestContext"]["connectionId"]
domain_name = event["requestContext"]["domainName"]
stage = event["requestContext"]["stage"]
message = f'{domain_name}: {connection_id}'.encode('utf-8')
api_client = boto3.client('apigatewaymanagementapi', endpoint_url = f"https://{domain_name}/{stage}")
for _ in range(5):
response = {'statusCode': 200}
return response

How to retrieve multiple issues on github graphql api (using javascript)?

The goal I want to achieve is to read and later write issues and labels within a github repository using javascript.
So far I have been able to get authenticated and retrieve some data on the repository, but I do not find the way to retrieve data neither on one single, nor on a set of issues.
This is the code I am using.
var request = require("request");
var url = '';
var headers = {
Accept: 'application/json',
'User-Agent': 'request',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var options = {
method: 'post',
body: undefined,
json: true,
url: url,
headers: headers
function makeRequest(options){
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
console.error('error posting json: ', error);
throw error;
var responseHeaders = response.headers;
var statusCode = response.statusCode;
console.log('Status code: ', statusCode);
console.log('Body: ', body);
options.body = {
query: '{repository(owner:"TonyEdelweiss", name:"hello-world") {createdAt name projectsUrl}}'
options.body = {
query: '{repository(owner:"TonyEdelweiss", name:"hello-world"){issues(first: 2){edges{cursor node{id}}}}}'
On the first makeRequest() I get the following, which is okay:
Status code: 200 Body: { data: { repository:
{ createdAt: '2017-09-29T17:01:25Z',
name: 'hello-world',
projectsUrl: '' } } }
On te second one I only get an '[Object]' )-:
Status code: 200 Body: { data: { repository: { issues: [Object] } }
Can anybody give a hint?
Also I have found this in github API v4 documentation: "All GraphQL operations must specify their selections down to fields which return scalar values to ensure an unambiguously shaped response." This might explain why I am not getting the data, but gives no further guidance.
Your request is actually working fine. But the maximum depth you can view using console.log default to 2. You can use util.inspect to change it, set the depth to null to view the full object :
const util = require('util');
console.log('Body: ', util.inspect(body, {depth: null}));

