Multiple pre-defined styles or dynamically change inline style? - javascript

I am working on a custom element for playing cards. I use SVG images as the background and I'd like them to change the background image whenever the suit or rank attributes are changed.
As far as I know there are two ways to do so - one is to use the "attributeChangedCallback" method:
static get observedAttributes() {return ["suit", "rank"];}
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) { = `url(...)`;
and the other is to have a lot of CSS attribute selectors:
:host([suit="clubs"][rank="4"]) {
background-image: url(...);
:host([suit="clubs"][rank="5"]) {
background-image: url(...);
They both work but the JS way adds inline styling which I'd like to prevent and the CSS way is very big.
Are there any huge performance differences I need to consider?

There should not be huge performance differences, or only if you have hundreds or thousands of custom elements in the same page.
In the latter case you should test both solutions in operational conditions, then choose the better.
If it's not the case, it will depends on how your project is managed: is it the same team the maintains the CSS and the JS files or not.


Use jQuery to get css properties of a class/id that that doesn't exist in the page

As it said in the title. I want this javascript...
to return "red" based on this css...
#mrNotAppearing {
background-color: red;
given that there are no elements in the document that actually have the id mrNotAppearing
I'm using media query checks with jQuery to get window widths as seen here and I thought it might be nice to use some "dummy" css that definitely won't get in the way of anything.
I'm also open to other suggestions that achieve the same result.
Plan B, I'll just go with actual css or add some dummy property to body?
Updating for clarity:
It can be difficult to sync javascript that requires particular window widths with media query widths in the css, which can cause layout problems.
Instead, you can query the status of the css itself. As so:
body {
background-color: blue;
#media (min-width: 42em) {
body {
background-color: red;
Then, in the javascript:
// we know down to the pixel that it's safe to trigger the javascript
// because the media query went off.
All I'm trying to do is add a dummy entry in the css that will be used solely for triggering the javascript. I could use an existing property--and may have to--but I'd like to make it explicit what I'm doing. Or I'm at least toying with the idea.
I apologize for the confusion. I was going for brevity.
P.S. the whole point of the question is to use a style that will 100% not be appearing in the document. And will never change, even if the layout does.
EDIT: Ha, okay, final answer. em does indeed return as px. So...
I'm going to answer my own question because I'm pretty sure it isn't making sense to anyone. Also, I don't know if this is a good idea, but it seems to work for my purposes. So, my solution:
Style the <style> tag. It's in the DOM, it's not structural, and jQuery can get css properties from it. Like so...
style {
width: 672px;
and then...
will return 672px
I'm probably over-thinking this. And still probably not making sense. And I have no idea if this works on any browser but Chrome or if it's a terrible idea for some reason, but I think it's kind of appealing, semantically.
Any other thoughts?
You have access to all css rules through document.styleSheets, there is no need to apply to an element.
Here is another answer on how to get the style based on a class name:
How do you read CSS rule values with JavaScript?
Although, it would be a lot easier to render the element off canvas for a brief moment:
var $dummy = $('<div>').addClass('class1 class2 class3').css({position: fixed, left: 100%}).appendTo('body');
// collect all info you need here;

How to ensure CSS :hover is applied to dynamically added element

I have a script that adds full images dynamically over thumbnails when you hover over them. I've also given the full images a CSS :hover style to make them expand to a larger width (where normally they are constrained to the dimensions of the thumbnail). This works fine if the image loads quickly or is cached, but if the full image takes a long time to load and you don't move the mouse while it's loading, then once it does appear it will usually stay at the thumbnail width (the non-:hover style) until you move the mouse again. I get this behavior in all browsers that I've tried it in. I'm wondering if this is a bug, and if there's a way to fix or work around it.
It may be worth noting that I've also tried to do the same thing in Javascript with .on('mouseenter'), and encountered the same problem.
Due to the nature of the issue, it can be hard to reproduce, especially if you have a fast connection. I chose a largish photo from Wikipedia to demonstrate, but to make it work you might have to change it to something especially large or from a slow domain. Also note that you may have to clear the cache for successive retries.
If you still can't reproduce, you can add an artificial delay to the fullimage.load before the call to
<img id="image" src="" />
.kiyuras-image {
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 8px;
max-width: 220px;
.kiyuras-image:hover {
max-width: 400px;
$(function () {
var fullimageurl = '';
var fullimage = $('<img/>')
.load(function () {;
var anchor = $('<a/>').hide().append(fullimage);
$("#image").on('mouseenter', function () {
JS Bin
Updated JS Bin with 1.5-second delay added (Hopefully makes issue clearer)
Again: Reproducing the issue involves clearing your cache of the large image, and then hovering over the original image to initial the loading of large image, then not moving your mouse while it's loading. Intended behavior is for the large image to properly take on the :hover pseudo-class when it eventually loads. Issue I see when it takes longer than ~0.75 secs to load is that it does not take on :hover until you jiggle the mouse a little.
Edit: See my comments on #LucaFagioli's answer for further details of my use case.
Edit, the sequel: I thought I already did this, but I just tried to reproduce the issue in Firefox and I couldn't. Perhaps this is a Chrome bug?
Most browsers update their hover states only when the cursor moves over an element by at least one pixel. When the cursor enters the thumbnail's img it gets hover applied and runs your mouseenter handler. If you keep your cursor still until the full-sized image loads, your old img (the thumbnail) will keep the hover state and the new one won't get it.
To get it working in these browsers, move the hover pseudo-class to a common parent element in the CSS; for example, enclose both imgs in a span.
If the selectors are correct, CSS will be applied to all elements, dynamic or otherwise. This includes all pseudo classes, and will change as attributes in the DOM change.
[Edit: while my explanation might be of interest, pozs' solution above is nicer, so I suggest using that if you can.]
The hover pseudo-class specification is quite relaxed concerning when it should be activated:
CSS does not define which elements may be in the above states,
or how the states are entered and left. Scripting may change
whether elements react to user events or not, and different
devices and UAs may have different ways of pointing to, or
activating elements.
In particular, it is not being activated when you update the visibility of the anchor element on load.
You can get around this fairly easily: copy the hover styles to a class, intercept the cursor moving over the element that it will eventually cover, and based on that add or remove your class from the element.
Demo: JS Bin (based on your delayed example).
.on('mouseenter', function () {
fullimage.attr('src',fullimageurl).toggleClass('mouseover', true);
.mouseleave(function() {
fullimage.toggleClass('mouseover', false);
.kiyuras-image:hover, .kiyuras-image.mouseover {
max-width: 400px;
TL;DR: You cannot rely on :hover applying to dynamically added elements underneath the cursor. However, there are workarounds available in both pure CSS and Javascript.
I'm upvoting both Jordan Gray and posz' answers, and I wish I could award them both the bounty. Jordan Gray addressed the issue re: the CSS specification in a somewhat conclusive way and offered (another) working fix that still allowed for :hover and other CSS effects like transitions, except on load. posz provided a solution that works even better and avoids Javascript for any of the hover events; I provide essentially the same solution here, but with a div instead of a span. I decided to award it to him, but I think Jordan's input was essential. I'm adding and accepting my own answer because I felt the need to elaborate more on all of this myself. (Edit: Changed, I accepted posz')
Jordan referenced the CSS2 spec; I will refer instead to CSS3. As far as I can tell, they don't differ on this point.
The pseudo-class in question is :hover, which refers to elements that the user has "designated with a pointing device." The exact definition of the behavior is deliberately left vague to allow for different kinds of interaction and media, which unfortunately means that the spec does not address questions like: "Should a new element that appears under the pointing device have this pseudo-class applied?" This is a hard question to answer. Which answer will align with user intent in a majority of cases? A dynamic change to a page the user is interacting with would normally be a result of ongoing user interaction or preparation for the same. Therefore, I would say yes, and most current browsers seem to agree. Normally, when you add an element under the cursor, :hover is immediately applied. You can see this here: The jsbin I originally posted. Note that if there's a delay in loading the larger image, you may have to refresh the page to get it to work, for reasons I'll go into.
Now, there's a similar case where the user activates the browser itself with the cursor held stationary over an element with a :hover rule; should it apply in that case? The mouse "hover" in this case was not a result of direct user interaction. But the pointing device is designating it, right? Besides, any movement of the mouse will certainly result in an unambiguous interaction. This is a harder question to answer, and browsers answer it in different ways. When you're activating them, Chrome and Firefox do not change :hover state until you move the mouse (Even if you activated them with a click!). Internet Explorer, on the other hand, updates :hover state as soon as it's activated. In fact, it updates it even when it's not active, as long as it's the first visible window under the mouse. You can see this yourself using the jsbin linked above.
Let's return to the first case, though, because that's where my current issue arises. In my case, the user hasn't moved the mouse for a significant length of time (over a second), and an element is added directly underneath the cursor. This could more easily be argued to be a case where user interaction is ambiguous, and where the pseudo-class should not be toggled. Personally, I think that it should still be applied. However, most browsers do not seem to agree with me. When you hover over the image for the first time and then do not move your mouse in this jsbin (Which is the one I posted in my question to demonstrate the issue, and, like the first one, has a straightforward :hover selector), the :hover class is not applied in current Chrome, Opera, and IE. (Safari also doesn't apply it, but interestingly, it does if you go on to press a key on the keyboard.) In Firefox, however, the :hover class is applied immediately. Since Chrome and Firefox were the only two I initially tested with, I thought this was a bug in Chrome. However, the spec is more or less completely silent on this point. Most implementations say nay; Firefox and I say aye.
Here are the relevant sections of the spec:
The :hover pseudo-class applies while the user designates an element with a pointing device, but does not necessarily activate it. For example, a visual user agent could apply this pseudo-class when the cursor (mouse pointer) hovers over a box generated by the element. User agents not that do not support interactive media do not have to support this pseudo-class. Some conforming user agents that support interactive media may not be able to support this pseudo-class (e.g., a pen device that does not detect hovering).
Selectors doesn't define if the parent of an element that is ‘:active’ or ‘:hover’ is also in that state.
Note: If the ‘:hover’ state applies to an element because its child is designated by a pointing device, then it's possible for ‘:hover’ to apply to an element that is not underneath the pointing device.
So! On to the workarounds! As several have zealously pointed out in this thread, Javascript and jQuery provide solutions for this as well, relying on the 'mouseover' and 'mouseenter' DOM events. I explored quite a few of those solutions myself, both before and after asking this question. However, these have their own issues, they have slightly different behavior, and they usually involve simply toggling a CSS class anyway. Besides, why use Javascript if it's not necessary?
I was interested in finding a solution that used :hover and nothing else, and this is it (jsbin). Instead of putting the :hover on the element being added, we instead put it on an existing element that contains that new element, and that takes up the same physical space; in this case, a div containing both the thumbnail and the new larger image (which, when not hovered, will be the same size as the div and thumbnail). This would seem to be fairly specific to my use case, but it could probably be accomplished in general using a positioned div with the same size as the new element.
Adding: After I finished composing this answer, pozs provided basically the same solution as above!
A compromise between this and one of the full-Javascript solutions is to have a one-time-use class that will effectively rely on Javascript/DOM hover events while adding the new element, and then remove all that and rely on :hover going forward. This is the solution Jordan Gray offered (Jsbin)
Both of these work in all the browsers I tried: Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
From this part of your question: "This works fine if the image loads quickly or is cached, but if the full image takes a long time to load and you don't move the mouse while it's loading,"
Could it be worth while to "preload" all of the images first with JavaScript. This may allow all of the images to load successfully first, and it may be a little more user friendly for people with slower connections.
You could do something like that :
In summary, append a loading layout in front of your image, then append a div containing your large image with a .load() callback to remove your loading layer.
The fiddle above has not been simplified and cleaned up due to lack of time, but I can continue to work on it tomorrow if needed.
$imageContainer = $("#image-container");
$image = $('#image');
mouseenter: function (event) {
//Add a loading class
//Insert div (for styling) containing large image
$(this).append('<div><img class="hidden large-image-container" id="''-large" src="'+fullimageurl+'" /></div>');
//Append large image load callback
$('#''-large').load(function() {
//alert ("The image has loaded!");
mouseleave: function (event) {
//Remove loading class
//Remove div with large image
Here is a new version of the fiddle including the right size loading layer with an animation when the large picture is displayed :
Hope it will help
Don't let the IMG tag get added to the DOM until it has an image to download. That way the Load event won't fire until the image has been loaded. Here is the amended JS:
$(function () {
var fullimageurl = '';
var fullimage = $('<img/>')
.load(function () {; // Only happens after IMG src has loaded
var anchor = $('<a/>').hide();
$("#image").on('mouseenter', function () {
fullimage.attr('src',fullimageurl); // IMG has source
anchor.append(fullimage); // Append IMG to DOM now.
I did that and it worked on Chrome (version 22.0.1229.94 m):
I changed the css as that:
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 8px;
max-width: 400px;
max-width: 220px;
and the script this way:
var fullimageurl = '';
var fullimage = $('<img/>')
.load(function () {;
var anchor = $('<a/>').hide().append(fullimage);
$("#image").one('mouseover', function(){
Basically I think it's a Chrome bug in detecting/rendering the 'hover' status; in fact when I tried to simply change the css as:
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 8px;
max-width: 400px;
.kiyuras-image:not(:hover) {
position: absolute;
top: 8px;
left: 8px;
max-width: 220px;
it still didn't worked.
PS: sorry for my english.
I'm not 100% sure why the :hover declaration is only triggered on slight mouse move. A possible reason could be that technically you may not really hover the element. Basically you're shoving the element under the cursor while it is loading (until the large image is completely loaded the A element has display: none and can therefore impossible be in the :hover state). At the same time, that doesn't explain the difference with smaller images though...
So, a workaround is to just use JavaScript and leave the :hover statement out of the equation. Just show the user the two different IMG elements depending on the hover state (toggles in JavaScript). As an extra advantage, the image doesn't have to be scaled up and down dynamically by the browser (visual glitch in Chrome).
UPDATE: By using JavaScript to add an .active class on the large image, it's entirely possible to keep using native CSS animations. See

want to change color at multiple places in one go !

My problem is I have couple of divs in my page. All have header of similar color. Now if I have to change the color(for example background color) of all divs, I have to make changes as many divs I have. Is it not possible to just change or say write the color code at one place (like in a variable) and the then use that variable as color value in the embedded styles to all those divs. Something like javascript entities.
If you need variables in CSS, you might want to look at CSS pre-compilers (is this the correct term?), such as Sass, which does this Server-side and eases the pains for having many different color repeated across multiple rulesets.
Otherwise, when developing, try splitting your CSS files into individual components, such as typography.css, color.css etc. to help better organise them. You'll still want to combine them after development is complete for better performance, but doing this does help keep things neater and tidier.
Lastly, you can always define large rules like this:
#header, #footer, #nav, #sidebar {
color: orange; /* I like orange! */
Which would reduce redundancy somewhat. Using Javascript for styling and presentation should only be kept as a last resort; there are always tools available to keep your CSS tidy; you only need to use them.
u can write some css and jquery to achive this
now on some event u can change classes. for example intitially u have
<div class="header color1">SOME TEXT HERE</div>
<div class="header color1">another header</div>
u can change this with jquery or even with javascript :)
$("#somebutton").live("click", function(){
this will change color of both headers at click of button with id somebutton
How about setting the same class on all divs and set all common colors in there? That way you'd only have to change the color for that class.
I would suggest using jQuery or another javascript library, to do this.
Assign a class to the divs you wish to alter, and then use the following code (when giving them a clas of 'header-div')
this will change ALL elements with the class of 'header-div'
Jquery solution
define all the divs with a specific class like
<div class="changeable"></div>
Then use jquery to change the background
$(".change").click(function() {

Quickly repaint array of unicode symbols in JavaScript

I want to change background/foreground color of many symbols with the same CSS class. Right now I'm doing it with jQuery — like $('back_COLORED').css('background-color', '#00FF00'), but this approach is slow when there are many elements with such class (>900).
Seems it's because jQuery don't change CSS rules itself, but finds all elements one-by-one and applies inline styles to them. At least, this is what I see in inspector. So, the question is:
How can I change the CSS rules itself?
Will it be much faster?
Can I make it cross-browser (IE6 doesn't count)?
UPD: I'm trying to make some kind of color scheme editor. The source is at Don't mind PHP things, editor is fully client-side (with just some libraries fetched from the net).
UPD2: Tried canvas approach, still slow. Canvas branch is at
The most cross-browser friendly way to override a class definition is to write a new rule and add it to the end of the last stylesheet in the document. You can edit an existing style rule, but even some recent browsers can make it difficult.
function newRule(selector, csstext){
var SS= document.styleSheets, S= SS[SS.length-1];
// this example assumes at least one style or link element
else if(S.cssRules){
You can add as many 'property:value;' bits in the csstext as you need.
Remember to prefix a '.' to a class name or a '#' to an id,
and the css must be written as a style rule (with-hyphens, not camelCase).
Of course, it will not override inline styles, and it is overkill for small, local changes.
It also may make the redrawing of the page more obvious than changing one element at a time,
but it may be just what you need here.
There are different ways depending on which browser you are dealing with. This is documented on Quirks Mode.
Some libraries provide an abstraction layer, such as YUI's StyleSheet utility.
There should be a significant performance boost since you aren't using JS/DOM to cycle through all the elements.
Another approach would be to predefine your styles: .myElements { … }
And then edit document.body.className
If you can select the parent div by id, maybe you could select by tag inside it? Or are there elements of the same kind that should change color and that should not, inside the parent?
It would be nice to have an idea of what you're building here. 900+ objects seems to be a lot... maybe a completely different approach could be used? Canvas, SVG?
Try hiding the items you want to change before changing them, make the change and then display them again. This is common practice to speed up things as you minimize the repaint events in the viewport. In this case when you only setting one css property it might not be that of a benefit but it´s worth a try I say.
$('back_COLORED').css('background-color', '#00FF00');
$('back_COLORED').hide().css('background-color', '#00FF00').show();
I would stick in trying changing a CSS property, instead of parsing the DOM.It is about the CSS engine vs. DOM+JS here, and the winner is clear.
It happens I just uploaded a tiny library that replaces CSS by Javascript: jstyle
This is may be an overkill, but you will find in the source code of jstyle.js all the code you need to update cross browser the CSS properties of your page.
I think a better solution would be to write a more specific CSS rule (that would override the normal colour) that can be activated by simply changing one element's css class.
So for example if you had the following structural markup:
<div id="container">
<span class="colored">Test 1</span>
<span class="colored">Test 2</span>
And CSS:-
.colored { background-color: red; }
.newcolor .colored { background-color: blue; }
Then in your jquery you add the .newcolor class to the container div:-
When you do that the second CSS rule will override the first because it is more specific.
Inject the css code into a style tag:
var style = $('style').attr({
}).html('.tempClass { color:red } .tempClass p { background:blue }').prependTo('body');
and on every changes on your color with color picker you only rewrite the html inside of #changeStyle tag.
Have no idea if it works (didn't tested) but you should give a try.
This is jQuery pluggin for work with css rules:
not sure about its performance, but worth a try.

how to show gridview row in zoom

work on vs05.i want to set mouse event on gridview
Then based on the event type if event is mouseover it zoom the row else if the event is mouseout it changes the row’s zoom back to its original before the event occurred.
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow )
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover","MouseEvents(this, event)");
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "MouseEvents(this, event)");
<script type = "text/javascript">
function MouseEvents(objRef, evt)
if (evt.type == "mouseover")
{ = "100%"; = "100%";
the above code does not act in this way,Whatever i want .I want zoom in and zoom out?
Although you'd be better off using a JavaScript library to handle this in the long term, I'll just explain how to achieve the zoom effect you're looking for to keep things simple.
Your markup and .NET code is correct the way it is. You'll need to adjust your JavaScript and add some CSS do what you're looking for.
At it's most basic level, what you want to do is this:
function MouseEvents(objRef, evt) {
if (evt.type == "mouseover") { "120%";
} else { "100%";
Changing the height and width like you did in your question will only change the dimensions of the cells, not the contents. The easiest way to achieve a zoom effect is to increase the font size.
Once you've done this, you need to consider how the flow of your table will be affected by making the font bigge. As the font gets bigger, the height & width of each cell will increase. This can make the layout jump around and become annoying to deal with.
To address height shifts, change the line-height in your table cells. This will ensure that rows don't shift up or down as you hover over them.
To deal with the width shifts, the width of your cells (or better, the table itself) should be set to be large enough that the table itself won't grow as the row needs more space to fit the larger text.
This is how you would address those issues:
tr {line-height: 25px}
/* change the "200px" to be whatever your table needs */
table { 200px }
To take this even further, we can improve the JavaScript to be more flexible...
It is a bad practice to include presentation details in JavaScript. Think about what happens if you need to change the look of a hovered row in the future. If this happens, you'll have to modify code logic, which can be annoying to deal with as your app grows. Presentational rules should be in one place, a central style sheet.
It is better to have JavaScript swap out CSS classes instead. Then you can put your "hover" styling rules in a CSS file. To do this you would change your JavaScript to the following:
function MouseEvents(objRef, evt) {
if (evt.type == "mouseover") {
objRef.className = "hover";
} else {
objRef.className = "";
Once you've done this, now you can move your "zoom" styles into CSS as the following:
.hover{font-size: 120%}
The JavaScript just adds or removes this CSS class. Anything without this class will have the default 100% font size, and then when that class is added, it will get bigger. Keeping things in CSS also allows you to add other things like changing the background color of the row, the font-weight, the text color, etc. so it is a good idea to do it like this.
A live demo of the code in this answer can be found here:
As I mentioned in the beginning of my post though, you'll be better off using a JavaScript framework like jQuery, Dojo, YUI, MooTools or Prototype. This will allow you to completely separate your JavaScript code from your markup (and also your ASP.NET code logic), making it much easier to work with. It also allows you to avoid the perils of cross-browser quirks in JavaScript events, which I'm assuming is why you're using HTML attributes for triggering JavaScript events in the first place, since it's much easier than doing it from scratch entirely in JavaScript with no frameworks.

