Jquery input text allow decimal and value between 0.00 and 100 - javascript

Jquery input text allow decimal and value between 0.00 and 100
<input name="score type="number" min="0.01" max="100" step="0.01">
is showing invalid when i enter "1111" but i want to validation after i click the submit button
<input type="text" name="score">
<input type="submit">
if($(this).val()<= 0.01 && ($(this).val() <=100)){ // allow 0.01 to 100 100
return true;
i want to allow only decimal in the Field

You can use HTML for this:
<input type="number" min="0" max="100" step="0.01">
If you don't want to use HTML:
$(document).on("ready", function() {
$("#form").submit(function(e) {
var scoreVal = $("#score").val();
if(parseInt(scoreVal) <= 0 || parseInt(scoreVal) > 100) {
console.log("Wrong value was entered!");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form id="form">
<input id="score" type="text" name="score">
<input type="submit">

#Martijn Bots solution seems fair to me, in case you want to do it otherwise, then you can check specifically for 0.00 and then correct your logic to validate range >=0.01 to 100
function validate()
if ( jQuery("#mytext").val() == "0.00"
|| ( $("#mytext").val() >= 0.01 && $("#mytext").val() <=100)
else {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input id="mytext" type="text" name="score" onblur="return validate();">


Auto-change focus while typing

I need the focus to be automatically transferred to the second field after 4 entered characters in the first field.
<input type="text" id="input1">
<input type="text" id="input2">
$("#input1").change(function() {
if ($(this).val().length == 4) {
But it does not work. What am I missing? I've tried also
But it doesn't work either.
you just need to use keyup event instead of change and other logic will work as is
$("#input1").on('keyup', function() {
if ($(this).val().length == 4) {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="input1">
<input type="text" id="input2">

number in input field not higher than other input field

I have two input fields in my contact form, in both fields it's only possible to fill in a number. My question is, is there a way that the number in field 1 can never be higher than the number in field 2?
I have looked everywhere but can't find a solution. Is this even possible (with Javascript)? Hopefully somebody has a solution or can send me in the right direction.
<input type="number" class="fieldone" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">
<input type="number" class="fieldtwo" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">
function forceLimit(e) {
var limit = e.target.getAttribute("max");
if(e.target.value > limit)
e.target.value = limit;
function handleLimitChange(e) {
var limit = e.target.value;
var fieldOne = document.querySelector('#field-one');
if(fieldOne.value > limit) {
fieldOne.value = limit;
fieldOne.setAttribute('max', limit);
<input type="number" id="field-one" class="fieldone" onchange="forceLimit(event)" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">
<input type="number" id="field-two" class="fieldtwo" onchange="handleLimitChange(event)" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">
You can use jQuery to check that always the value in field 2 is greater or equal to field 1:
function checkValue(){
var maxValue = $('.fieldtwo').val();
if(maxValue > 0 && $('.fieldone').val() > maxValue){
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="number" class="fieldone" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">
<input type="number" class="fieldtwo" min="0" max="16" step="0.1">

Max attribute not respected when manually entering value

I have a input field for which I am trying to replicate hours in the day 0 - 24:
<input type="number" min="0" max="24" step="1" value="00" class="time-hours">
<input type="number" min="0" max="60" step="1" value="00" class="time-seconds">
When I click on the up/down chevrons, the max, and min I can go to are 24 and 0 as set in my attributes.
However, if I click on a cell, I can enter any number, e.g. 100.
How can I ensure only numbers between 0 and 24 can be entered?
If its a form submit, the browser will stop the user. But in case you really need the validation, you can do this:
$(".time-hours").keyup(function() {
if ($(this).val() > 24) {
if ($(this).val() < 0) {
$(".time-seconds").keyup(function() {
if ($(this).val() > 60) {
if ($(this).val() < 0) {
Here is the JSFiddle demo
If you want to use javascript you can simple use this below code:
<input type="number" min="0" max="24" step="1" value="00" class="time-hours" onblur="return minmax(this.value);">
<input type="number" min="0" max="60" step="1" value="00" class="time-seconds" onblur="return minmax(this.value);">
function minmax(val){
if(val > 24 || val < 0){
alert("Value cannot be grater than 24 and min than 0");
return false;
I have used onblur because whenever value changes in two boxes they will trigger a function and it will check textbox value if value is greater than 24 or min than 0 it will prompt an alert.
I have used alert you can use anything for your validations.
I hope it will help you.
You can perform this pure JavaScript solution:
ob = document.getElementById('f');
ob.onblur = function(){
if (ob.value*1 > ob.max*1 || ob.value*1 < ob.min*1){
ob.value = 24
Here you give the field an id. You are able to enclose it into a function to use it many fields.
Here is a demo

maxlength=5 not working if input type=number

This is frustrating!
When the input type is text and I gave maxlength as 5, it is not allowing me to enter more than 5 characters
<input type="text" maxlength="5" />
If I gave input type as number and I gave maxlength as 5, it is allowing more than 5 digits?
<input type="number" maxlength="5" pattern="[0-9]*" />
Am I missing something?
PS: This is for mobile responsive site!
Instead of maxlength use max
<input type="number" min="1" max="10000" />
Small jQuery plugin
(function ($) {
$.fn.maxlength = function (length) {
return this.on('keydown', function () {
var maxlength = length || parseInt($(this).attr('maxlength'), 10) ;
if (maxlength && $(this).val().length >= maxlength) {
$(this).val($(this).val().slice(0, maxlength - 1));
try using max...
<input type="number" max="99999" />
EDIT: Showing Validation
<form id='FormValidation'>
<input id="myNum" type="number" min="1" max="99999" />
<input type="text" maxlength="5" />
<input type="submit" />
Try adding a number greater than 99999 and hitting submit, check the updated fiddle.
This jquery could help too...
$('#myNum').keyup( function(e){
var max = $('#myNum').attr('max').length;
if ($(this).val().length >= max) {
$(this).val($(this).val().substr(0, max));
replace maxlength with max
// Max Length = 5
<input type="number" max="99999" />
// length between 1 to 5
<input type="number" min="1" max="99999" />
Updated Answer. It's so simple!
<input type="number" id="nbr"/>
<input type="text" maxlength="5" />
$(document).on('keypress','#nbr', function(e){
if($(this).val().length >= 5)
And you can add a max attribute that will specify the highest possible number that you may insert
<input type="number" max="999" />
if you add both a max and a min value you can specify the range of allowed values:
<input type="number" min="1" max="999" />

how to limit the textbox input to numeric 0-10 in html

hi i have a textbox in html and i want a user to enter the numeric values only which will be for eg. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and if a user enters 11 it should show an alert box showing "only 0-10 is allowed" since i am a newbie
so far i have this script
SCRIPT language=Javascript>
function validateForm()
var x=document.form["tst"]["num"].value;
var y = parseInt( x , 10 )
var i=15;
if (y>i)
alert("Range is Between 0-10");
return false;
here is my textbox code,
<INPUT id="num" name="num" onkeypress="return validateForm()" size="2" maxlength="2" type="text" >
You could use an HTML5 input type for ease:
<input type="number" min="0" max="10">
This could potentially remove the need for ghastly modal popups.
Try to change var i=15; to var i=11;
<input type="number" name="quantity" min="0" max="10">

