Newbie to Javascript: how to sum specific numbers in an array - javascript

Please help, I've been looking for an answer for far too long.
I'm trying to create an array using push method to insert the numbers
0 to 10 into positions 0 through 10 of the numbers array you just initialized above.
I did this:
var numbers = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
And got this result, which I think is correct but not 100% sure:
[ 0 ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
Then I am to test the array push method by printing the sum of the values at
position 3 and 6 of the array (use the console.log() function to print to the console).
The outputted value should be 9.
I am so stuck on this point and cannot find a sample anywhere of how to accomplish this. I thought it might be something like:
console.log(numbers(sum[3, 6]);

If you want to have a sum() function, then try the following:
function sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log(sum(numbers[3], numbers[6]));
Here's a Fiddle:

To sum the values of two indices of an array, you use the + addition operator in the following fashion:
var numbers = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ];
var sum = numbers[3] + numbers[6]; //adds the value in index 3 of the numbers array to the value in index 6 of the numbers array.
console.log(sum); //prints the sum to the console.
As a note, if you are unfamiliar with JavaScript and/or its operators, there's useful documentation at w3schools that can get you started.

First, let's convert your code to a little bit better style:
const numbers = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Note: I made numbers a const instead of a var, since you don't change it. I also made i a let binding instead of a var. In general, var is a legacy and should never be used. Use const instead if at all possible, otherwise use let.
Also, I inserted a space after the for keyword. It is generally recommended to separate the parentheses which enclose the header of a control structure keyword (if, while, for, etc.) with a space, to make it visually distinct from the parentheses for the argument list of a function call, which has no space.
Secondly: Your result is not correct. (Hint: how many numbers are the numbers 0 to 10?) It should include the numbers 0 to 10, but it only includes the numbers 0 to 9. You have what is generally called an off-by-one-error. These errors are very common when dealing with trying to manage loop indices manually. This is the fix:
const numbers = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
// ↑
Most modern programming languages have better alternatives than dealing with loop indices manually in the form of higher-level abstractions such as iterators, maps, and folds. Unfortunately, ECMAScript doesn't have a Range datatype, otherwise this could simply be expressed as converting a Range to an Array.
If ECMAScript did have a Range datatype, it could for example look like one of these:
const numbers = Range(0, 10).toArray()
const numbers = Array.from(Range(0, 10))
Here is an alternative for creating the numbers Array that doesn't involve manually managing loop indices, but still requires knowing that 0 to 10 are 11 numbers:
const numbers = Array.from({length: 11}, (_, i) => i)
If you want to add the numbers at indices 3 and 6, you can simply dereference indices 3 and 6 and add the results:
console.log(numbers[3] + numbers[6])
In the comments, you asked how you would add up all numbers in the Array. Combining the elements of a collection using a binary operator is called a fold or reduce, and ECMAScript supports it out-of-the-box:
console.log(numbers.reduce((acc, el) => acc + el));
Note how there is no explicit loop, thus no explicit management of loop indices. It is simply impossible to make an off-by-one-error here.

It will be: console.log((+numbers[3]) + (+numbers[6]));
Typically, it should be console.log(numbers[3] + numbers[6]); but there's sometimes a issue that results in 36 instead of 9. The extra + signs tell javascript that it is a number.
NOTE: Remember that the first number is numbers[0]. The array starts with 0!


Algorithm sorting array from closest to farthest by given number

I trying to came up algorithm in js for sorting from closest to farthest by given number, for example (number: 5.6666, array: [-1, 9, 4, 10, 11, 0]) should return [4, 9, 10, 0, 11, -1].Any idea how approach to the problem? A little gotcha actually my array is array of objects and I need sort by certain key in object. In docs said, that should use array.sort() with compare function, but I don't understand how implement this function.
The sort() function of Array can take a function:
[1,2,3].sort((a, b) => /* do something */)
Each time, you should return a value. A negative number will mean a comes before b. A positive number means b comes before a. 0 means they are equal.
If you want distance to the number, you want the absolute value, with Math.abs(). Assuming the key on the object is value, you can put it all together:
const target = 5;
const values = [{ value: -100 }, { value: 1 }, { value: 4 }, { value: 6 }, { value: 10 }];
const result = values.sort(({ value: a }, { value: b }) =>
Math.abs(target - a) - Math.abs(target - b));
I used some ES6 destructuring to make it a bit cleaner by pulling the value out in the parameters.
If you wanted to just have the values remaining (instead of the objects), you can either use map() after the fact (or before).
Note, in the case of 2 numbers being equidistant from the target (in my example, 4 and 6 are both 1 away from the target), you can't guarantee which will come first. If it matters to you, you'll want to add some extra logic to hand that scenario.
Using sort, you can check each of their distances from your number.
var num = 5.666
var arr = [-1, 9, 4, 10, 11, 0]
arr.sort(function(a, b){
return Math.abs(num-a) - Math.abs(num-b);
Use array.sort and get the difference of each number from the input value given
var inputArray = [-1, 9, 4, 10, 11, 0],
input = 5;
var closest = inputArray.sort(function(a, b){
return Math.abs(input-a) - Math.abs(input-b);

Find largest adjacent product in array (JavaScript)

I'm trying to understand the following solution for finding the largest adjacent product in any given array.
For inputArray = [3, 6, -2, -5, 7, 3], the output should be
adjacentElementsProduct(inputArray) = 21.
7 and 3 produce the largest product.
Possible solution in JS:
function adjacentElementsProduct(arr) {
return Math.max(...arr.slice(1).map((x,i)=>[x*arr[i]]))
I am having a hard time understanding two things:
What do the three dots exactly do and how does this get passed into the function? Is there any way to write this in a more understandable way? I know that is the "spread syntax" feature in ES6, but still don't understand completely.
Why do we insert "1" as argument to slice? My first though was to input "0", because we want to start at the start, then loop through everything, and see which adjacent product is the largest.
I'd appreciate any advice, links and explanations.
1. What do the three dots exactly do and how does this get passed into the function? Is there any way to write this in a more understandable way? I know that is some kind of "spread" feature in ES6, but still don't understand completely.
The Math#max needs a list of numbers as parameters, and map produces an array. The spread syntax is used to convert an array to be expanded to a list of parameters.
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
console.log('max on array', Math.max(arr));
console.log('max on list of parameters', Math.max(...arr));
In this case you can use Function#apply to convert the array to a list of parameters. I find it less readable, however.
const arr = [1, 2, 3];
console.log(Math.max.apply(Math, arr));
2. Why do we insert "1" as argument to slice? My first though was to input "0", because we want to start at the start, then loop through everything, and see which adjacent product is the largest.
Lets break down the iteration order of the 2 arrays.
[3, 6, -2, -5, 7, 3] // inputArray
[6, -2, -5, 7, 3] // inputArray.slice(1)
Now on each iteration of inputArray.slice(1):
x: 6, i = 0, arr[0] = 3
x: -2, i = 1, arr[1] = 6
x: -5, i = 2, arr[2] = -2
Since the inputArray.slice(1) array starts from the 2nd element of the inputArray, the index (i) points to the 1st element of the inputArray. And the result is an array of products of 2 adjacent numbers.
var biggestProduct = inputArray[0] * inputArray[1];
for (i=0; i<inputArray.length-1 ; ++i)
if ((inputArray[i] * inputArray[i+1] ) > biggestProduct)
biggestProduct = inputArray[i] * inputArray[i+1]
return biggestProduct;
Note: I've declared a variable that consists of 2 input arrays with index number then starts a for loop that indicates input array with his index number, so by that he will go throw all the index number of the array (one of them raised by one so that they won't be at the same value). and at the end of the code, you have the if statement.
You may simply do as follows;
function getNeigboringMaxProduct([x,...xs], r = -Infinity){
var p = x * xs[0];
return xs.length ? getNeigboringMaxProduct(xs, p > r ? p : r)
: r;
var arr = [3, 6, -2, -5, 7, 3],
res = getNeigboringMaxProduct(arr);

MAX_HEAPIFY implementation

I wrote JavaScript code to build a max heapify which maintains the max-heap property, but I have many questions regarding the implementation:
array I test on: [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16]
When I test on the array when it is sorted I got:
[ 16, 14, 9, 10, 7, 8, 3, 1, 4, 2 ]
While unsorted I got:
[ 16, 14, 8, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 7, 1 ]
Why or why not is the max-heapify affected by the array being sorted?
I find that when the array is sorted the solution is:
[ 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1 ]
Why did I get a different solution when the array is sorted, even if I find my implementation is right according to the pseudocode in CLRS?
Could you specify another procedure that doesn't use recursion while achieving the same functionality?
function BuildMaxHeap(array){
for(var i = Math.floor(array.length / 2); i >= 0; i--){
MAX_HEAPIFY(array, i);
return array;
function MAX_HEAPIFY(array, i) {
var left = 2 * i + 1;
var right = 2 * i + 2;
var largest = i;
if(left <= array.length && array[left] > array[largest]){
largest = left;
if(right <= array.length && array[right] > array[largest]){
largest = right;
if(largest != i){
var temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[largest];
array[largest] = temp;
MAX_HEAPIFY(array, largest);
As you've noticed, min/max heaps made from a set of numbers can have multiple configurations of their leaves depending on the order in which they are inserted.
You might think this 'global ordering' of leaves might arise from some emergent behavior of the underlying heap property, but a given array doesn't have a one-to-one correspondence with a particular configuration.
This occurs because of how a child is inserted and bubbled-up (swapped with parents), which will stop as soon as it is smaller than it's parent - of which there can be multiple valid candidates for a position in the heap.
This was confusing to me when I first implemented a heap as well.
Interesting question;
just to be sure,
function buildMaxHeap(array){
return array.sort((a,b)=>b-a);
Will also return a valid array.
Since the goal is only to provide a tree where
root has maximum value key
key stored at a non-root is at most the value of its parent
any path from root to leaf is in non-increasing order
left and right sub-trees are unrelated
( )
The algorithm swaps parents and children until those 4 conditions are met, so yes, if you start with a different array, then also the output can be different.
From a CodeReview perspective:
MAX_HEAPIFY -> JavaScript follows lowerCamelCase, so maxHeapify
Your indentation is off, try using something like
why call one function MAX_HEAPIFY and the other BuildMaxHeap, those names resemble each other and do not tell the reader what they do.
Other than that, there is not much to say.

How to negate all elements in javascript array

What is the shortest way to negate all elements in a javascript array, with reasonable efficiency?
For example, the solution would convert [0, 18, -1, -2, 1, 3] to [0, -18, 1, 2, -1, -3]
The solution does not need to handle any values that are NaN/undefined/null, because the array I need this for does not contain any of those values.
Here is what I normally do (with array array):
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
The problem is that I need to invert this array in several places, so don't want to reuse large code.
That would be returning the negative of each value. Adding in arrow function for an even shorter syntax.
var negatedArray = => -value);
negate all elements in a javascript array
I think you are referring to negate only the positive number.
var _myArray = [0, 18, -1, -2, 1, 3]
var _invArray = [];
item >0 ?(_invArray.push(item*(-1))) :(_invArray.push(item))

Why doesn't this code loop through all properties of an object?

Here is a little code snippet:
cards = [ 4, 10, 3, 12, 10, 13, 12 ];
suits = [ 1, 64, 8, 8, 1, 1, 32 ];
var o = {}, keyCount = 0, j;
for (i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
e = cards[i] + suits[i];
o[e] = 1
for (j in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
After some debugging I found out that when I iterate through all the properties in the 'o' object (the second loop) the loop only executes 6 times instead of 7.
This is despite adding 7 properties to the 'o' object in the first loop.
Why is this? I have added 7 properties in the first loop so why does the second loop only execute 6 times?
The reason is not because the number 12 is in the cards array twice like Pointy said in the comments. He said that 2 properties cannot have the same value which helped me understand. I am saying that e = cards[i] + suits[i]; It just so happens to be that sometimes these 2 values added together sometimes sum to the same answer. eg in this example 3 + 8 = 11 and 10 + 1 also = 11
Javascript object cannot have duplicate key & above snippet is violating that, this is because 3+8 & 10+1 both equals to 11. It such scenerios it will take up the most recent value.So key need to be unique. Therefore change the integer to produce a different sum value.
cards = [ 4, 10, 3, 12, 11, 13, 12 ];
suits = [ 1, 64, 8, 8, 1, 1, 32 ];
Well, as most people have noticed, you have duplicates in your object. If you want to work with your current input data, try concatenating the numbers as strings instead of adding them - this will give you a larger set of possible values. Something like
e = cards[i]+":"+suits[i];
So you'll have keys of the form "4:1", "10:64" in your object. This is nice because you can also split them up to get the initial values again if you need them later.

