jQuery never returns - callback function never fires - javascript

I previously posted this issue on stackoverflow, but I had simplified it so it could be easier to understand and answer : this was a really bad move as I got totally inadequate answers.
I'm trying to program a Discord Javascript bot using NodeJS. The purpose of this bot is to fetch content from DeviantArt, using their OAuth2 client_id/client_secret authentification method.
My problem is that once the jQuery request is sent, it never goes back and the callback function is never called : so I cannot know what failed because the "status" var stays blank.
var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
var doc = jsdom();
var window = doc.defaultView;
var $ = require('jquery')(window);
var jsonFinal = '';
var token_url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token';
$.get( token_url, { grant_type: 'client_credentials', client_id: 5946, client_secret: 'whatever'} ).done(function( data ) {
jsonFinal = "("+data.status+data.error+")\n"+data;
(I'm using jsdom and jquery on nodeJS 6)
I followed the DA API documentation and I'm pretty sure that these are the right values to send to their server and that this is the right way to send them.
However, the console.log() in this code is never triggered.
How ? Why ?

Your problem is probably that you shouldn't put a function as an argument in your done function. But just in case there is some other problem try this:
var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
var doc = jsdom();
var window = doc.defaultView;
var $ = require('jquery')(window);
var jsonFinal = '';
var token_url = 'https://www.deviantart.com/oauth2/token';
$.get( token_url, {
grant_type: 'client_credentials',
client_id: 5946,
client_secret: 'whatever'
.done(function(data) {
jsonFinal = "("+data.status+data.error+")\n"+data;
.fail(function(error) {
.always(function() {


NodeJS Websocket use variable in HTML (with express?)

I have been searching for two days now looking for a solution that might work for me. Sadly I have only seen examples and guides on how to setup a websocket server (that sends messages back and forth to clients) and a websocket client (that resides in browser). None of these really work for me, and I am not sure how to achieve what I want here.
Basically I have the following websocket:
const WebSocket = require('ws');
var connection = new WebSocket('ws://XXX');
connection.onopen = function () {
"db" : "unique_id",
"query" : {
"table" : "users"
connection.onerror = function (error) {
console.log('WebSocket Error ' + error);
connection.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
var myResponse = JSON.parse(e.data);
var qList = myResponse.results;
What I want to do is have my nodeJS-script running, for example an express script with a html page, that also includes the response from onmessage. Why I am complicating this instead of just using the websocket client-side is that I cannot send my auth-code publicly.
Hope I have been clear enough, let me know if you are unsure of my question!
PS. If you think I would be better off using another websocket-script such as Socket.io - I have been looking at them and have not gotten much wiser sadly.
You have a lot of options. Probably the easiest is to export the connection. At the bottom of the file, e.g. module.exports = connection
Then in the express application, import the connection, e.g. const connection = require('./path/connection');
Then make a function that calls itself at a given interval and sends the appropriate message.
Then within the Express app you can use something like connection.on('message', (data, flags) => // do stuff);
Your other option is to create a store object. E.g.
// ./store.js
class store {
constructor() {
this.wsMaterial = {};
add(wsInfo) {
this.wsMaterial[key] = wsInfo
get store() {
return this.wsMaterial
module.exports = new store()
Then import the store and updated it, e.g.
// ./websocket file
const store = require('./store');
connection.onmessage = function (e) {
console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
var myResponse = JSON.parse(e.data);
var qList = myResponse.results;
Then from Express...
// ./express.js
const store = require('./store');
store.get // all of your stuff;

How do I use part of a returned object from an API request as what the function returns?

I have been researching and testing how to do API calls in node js. I'm currently trying to use part of a JSON object that gets returned from an API call in a module to return a Token.
var request = require("request");
var timestamp = require("unix-timestamp");
var jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
var EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
timestamp.round = true;
//create current unix timestamp
var current = timestamp.now();
//create unix experation time
var experation = timestamp.add(current, "+5m");
//create header
var header = {"header"}
//create payload
var payload = {
"iss": process.env.CKEY,
"aud": "https://iformbuilder.com/exzact/api/oauth/token",
"exp": experation,
"iat": current
var signature = process.env.SKEY;
//Create assertion
var assert = jwt.sign(payload, signature);
var grant = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer';
//set the options
var options = { method: 'POST',
url: 'https://iformbuilder.com/exzact/api/oauth/token',
qs: {
grant_type: grant,
assertion: assert
headers: {
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'cache-control': 'no-cache'
var data = {};
var tkn = new EventEmitter();
module.exports = {
token: function() {
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
tkn.body = body;
tkn.on('update', function(){
data = JSON.parse(tkn.body);
return data.access_token;
The problem is that I can only use the returned item within the scope of tkn.on. I can nesting another API call within to use the token. However, I would like to use it without having to use the same code over again. The only solution that I can get to work is writing to a file. I'm wondering if I'm even going about this the right way. I can't seem to find any good source online to help me with this and maybe I'm asking the wrong question.
You have to use a callback (or promise) to get the value. Below is an example with callbacks I'll let you research promises. I would say, understand it with callbacks first then move on to promises.
var tokenGetter = require('./tokenGetter');
function doSomethingWithToken(accessToken){
//Do what you want with the token here
module.exports = {
token: function(callback) {
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) throw new Error(error);
tkn.body = body;
tkn.on('update', function(){
data = JSON.parse(tkn.body);
The reason you have to do this is because with asynchronous operations, you do not know when you will get a response. The code is no longer linear in the same way it was before.
You have to adjust your code to continue its operations WHEN you get a response instead of AFTER you do the operation.

415 Unsupported Media Type error - Domo Connector

So I'm building a connector using the Domo developer tool (they like to call it an IDE) and I just can't seem to get the authentication piece working with their libraries.
Domo uses httprequest library for basic and oauth types of authentication.
I'm having trouble getting token back through Domo, but I can easily do it through a curl or by using the Postman api tool.
Here's the code below:
var client_id = '4969e1ea-71b9-3267-ae7d-4ce0ac6bfa28';
var client_secret = '*****************************';
var user = '*********';
var pass = '*********';
var postData =
data: {
'grant_type': 'password',
'username': user,
'password': pass,
'client_id': client_id,
'client_secret': client_secret,
'scope': 'internal'
var res = httprequest.post('https://rest.synthesio.com/security/v1/oauth/token', postData);
DOMO.log('res: ' + res);
Pleae let me know if you have a different way of approaching this. I've tried to add the header within the postData object itself as well as removing the data variable, leaving the attributes as is, too.
When you past the postData as an object like that, DOMO will run it through JSON.stringify and send the result in the request body.
You can either encode the request body manually or use their httprequest.addParameter function to add them. Try something like this:
var client_id = '4969e1ea-71b9-3267-ae7d-4ce0ac6bfa28';
var client_secret = '*****************************';
var user = '*********';
var pass = '*********';
httprequest.addParameter('grant_type', 'password');
httprequest.addParameter('username', user);
httprequest.addParameter('password', pass);
httprequest.addParameter('client_id', client_id);
httprequest.addParameter('client_secret', client_secret);
httprequest.addParameter('scope', 'internal');
var res = httprequest.post('https://rest.synthesio.com/security/v1/oauth/token');
DOMO.log('res: ' + res);

Node.js minimal function for parsing route

I have a Node.js / Express app working, that receives routes like so:
app.get('/resource/:res', someFunction);
app.get('/foo/bar/:id', someOtherFunction);
This is great and works fine.
I am also using Socket.IO, and want to have some server calls use websockets instead of traditional RESTful calls. However, I want to make it very clean and almost use the same syntax, preferrably:
app.sio.get('/resource/:res', someFunction);
This will give a synthetic 'REST' interface to Socket.IO, where, from the programmer's perspective, he isn't doing anything different. Just flagging websockets: true from the client.
I can deal with all the details, such as a custom way to pass in the request verbs and parse them and so and so, I don't have a problem with this. The only thing I am looking for is some function that can parse routes like express does, and route them properly. For example,
// I don't know how to read the ':bar',
// Or handle all complex routings, such as
I could dig in real deep and try to code this myself, or try to read through all of express' source code and find where they do it, but I am sure it exists by itself. Just don't know where to find it.
robertklep provided a great answer which totally solved this for me. I adapted it into a full solution, which I posted in an answer below.
You can use the Express router class to do the heavy lifting:
var io = require('socket.io').listen(...);
var express = require('express');
var sioRouter = new express.Router();
sioRouter.get('/foo/:bar', function(socket, params) {
socket.emit('response', 'hello from /foo/' + params.bar);
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('GET', function(url) {
// see if sioRouter has a route for this url:
var route = sioRouter.match('GET', url);
// if so, call its (first) callback (the route handler):
if (route && route.callbacks.length) {
route.callbacks[0](socket, route.params);
// client-side
var socket = io.connect();
socket.emit('GET', '/foo/helloworld');
You can obviously pass in extra data with the request and pass that to your route handlers as well (as an extra parameter for example).
robertklep provided a great answer which totally solved this for me. I adapted it into a full solution, which is below in case others want to do something similar:
Node (server side):
// Extend Express' Router to a simple name
app.sio = new express.Router();
app.sio.socketio = require('socket.io').listen(server, { log: false });
// Map all sockets requests to HTTP verbs, which parse
// the request and pass it into a simple callback.
app.sio.socketio.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
var verbs = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'];
for (var i = 0; i < verbs.length; ++i) {
var go = function(verb) {
socket.on(verb, function (url, data) {
var route = app.sio.match(verb, url);
if (route && route.callbacks.length) {
var req = {url: url, params: route.params, data: data, socket:socket}
// Simplify Socket.IO's 'emit' function and liken
// it traditional Express routing.
app.sio.end = function(req, res) {
req.socket.emit('response', req.url, res);
// Here's an example of a simplified request now, which
// looks nearly just like a traditional Express request.
app.sio.get('/foo/:bar', function(req) {
app.sio.end(req, 'You said schnazzy was ' + req.data.schnazzy);
Client side:
// Instantiate Socket.IO
var socket = io.connect('http://xxxxxx');
socket.callbacks = {};
// Similar to the server side, map functions
// for each 'HTTP verb' request and handle the details.
var verbs = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'path', 'delete'];
for (var i = 0; i < verbs.length; ++i) {
var go = function(verb) {
socket[verb] = function(url, data, cb) {
socket.emit(String(verb).toUpperCase(), url, data);
if (cb !== undefined) {
socket.callbacks[url] = cb;
// All server responses funnel to this function,
// which properly routes the data to the correct
// callback function declared in the original request.
socket.on('response', function (url, data) {
if (socket.callbacks[url] != undefined) {
// Implementation example, params are:
// 1. 'REST' URL,
// 2. Data passed along,
// 3. Callback function that will trigger
// every time this particular request URL
// gets a response.
socket.get('/foo/bar', { schnazzy: true }, function(data){
console.log(data); // -> 'You said schnazzy was true'
Thanks for your help, robertklep!

Node.js - how to use external library (VersionOne JS SDK)?

I'm trying to use VersionOne JS SDK in Node.js (https://github.com/versionone/VersionOne.SDK.JavaScript). I'm simply downloading whole library, placing it alongside with my js file:
var v1 = require('./v1sdk/v1sdk.js');
var V1Server = v1.V1Server;
Unfortunately something seems wrong, the output I get after calling
node app.js
Can somebody point me what I'm doing wrong or check whether the sdk is valid.
You can see in the source where V1Server is defined, that it's a class with a constructor. So you need to use the new keyword and pass the arguments for your environment.
var server = new V1Server('cloud'); //and more if you need
Can you try the sample.js script that I just updated from here:
It pulls in the two modules like this:
var V1Meta = require('./v1meta').V1Meta;
var V1Server = require('./client').V1Server;
var hostname = "www14.v1host.com";
var instance = "v1sdktesting";
var username = "api";
var password = "api";
var port = "443";
var protocol = "https";
var server = new V1Server(hostname, instance, username, password, port, protocol);
var v1 = new V1Meta(server);
from: "Member",
where: {
IsSelf: 'true'
select: ['Email', 'Username', 'ID'],
success: function(result) {
error: function(err) { // NOTE: this is not working correctly yet, not called...
You might have to get the latest and build the JS from CoffeeScript.
I think I was trying out "browserify" last year and that's how the "v1sdk.js" file got generated. But I'm not sure if that's the best approach if you're using node. It's probably better just to do it the way the sample.js file is doing it.
However, I did also check in a change to v1sdk.coffee which property exports the two other modules, just as a convenience. With that, you can look at sample2.js. The only different part there is this, which is more like you were trying to do with your example:
var v1sdk = require('./v1sdk');
var hostname = "www14.v1host.com";
var instance = "v1sdktesting";
var username = "api";
var password = "api";
var port = "443";
var protocol = "https";
var server = new v1sdk.V1Server(hostname, instance, username, password, port, protocol);
var v1 = new v1sdk.V1Meta(server);

