IE - Loading HTML5 video across security zones - javascript

I am working on a web-based tool that includes a number of videos. This tool will be stored on a network share, and will normally run from there. However, users will occasionally make local copies of this tool to take offline. So, I want to include some JS to check if it can load the video from the C: drive before loading it over the network, to cut down on bandwidth use. The local copy will be managed by an automated utility, so the paths should be consistent.
However, when I try to load a video from the local machine, I get a Video playback was aborted error. I found this thread, which lead me to this link. I checked the suggest reg keys and they were already set to 0, except for restricted sites.
I believe it might have something to do with the video being in a different zone than the HTML page. When run from the local machine, the page is in the My Computer zone, and when run from a network share, it is in the Local Intranet zone.
Is there any way I can make this work? Or even a setting I can look at to verify that I'm correct in assuming that the issue is due to the video being loaded across security zones?


Is it possible to using web api and open a local folder? [duplicate]

We are currently looking at porting a enterprise silverlight application over to html5. The major roadblock that we have hit is the ability to open files from the user's local disk. Currently they have a document library which just links to files on their computer that they can open from within the app and view or print out. All that I read is that you can only access the local sandbox of the web app with the html5 file api's. We want to load these files from code.
Does anyone know of any workarounds to this?
There is no way for html5 to access local file without user selection. But FSO: FileSystemObject works for IE and MAYBE could be regarded as a work around. But still there are some requirements to meet.
It is possible to use chrome's filesystem API to access files on a users local filesytem. So you'd have to be willing to make this a chrome only application.
Using java you can create a "Signed" applet which has access to the local filesystem. (if the applet is signed you can request filesystm permissions)
then there is a tutorial for accessing methods of your java code directly from javascript here:
you should be able to perform something similar from silverlight.
There is no workaround in pure HTML5/Javascript. You need the use of plugins, such as Java or Silverlight (maybe you shouldn't port it after all). As for workarounds, HTML5 gives you an easy way drag and drop multiple files that you could transfer on the server and then display back to your users. Another workaround would be to install a custom agent (a software with only a tray icon) that would send the information about the current user "document library" to server and then again, you could display it back to the user.
Note: I've heard somewhere that browsers will eventually stop supporting plugins.
Ya, I agree with Markain. However, if you were to limit your audience solely to chrome users, I daresay, you would most likely use some of your users. If Huazhihao is right, then your number of leaving customers should decrease but users who regularly use firefox won't be happy. Overall, I think that this will not work. Otherwise, there would be too many websites that trashed your hard driver (or at least wherever you have the rights to edit/delete files). I think it would be best if your product was setup to synchronize the file whenever an internet connection was detected and a change was made to the file. That way the user would not need to visit the website whenever the file was uploaded. If this is some kind of an error file, then it would be most beneficial if you were to make a link in the application that when clicked, would upload the file to the website and the website were to do whatever was necessary. If this is a purely online thing, then I don't see what business you would have looking through other peoples' files =-). Hope I helped!

How to ensure that JavaScript page does not communicate

I created a small JavaScript application for which I reused some (quite large) JavaScript resources that I downloaded from the internet.
My application runs in the browser like other interactive web applications but works entirely offline.
However, I intend to enter some private information in the application which it shall visualize. Since I cannot ultimately trust the JavaScript pieces that I downloaded, I wonder if there is a JavaScript option to make sure that no data is downloaded and, in particular, uploaded to the web.
Note that I am aware that I can cutoff the local internet connection or perhaps change browser settings or use an application firewall, but this would not be a solution that suits my needs. You may assume that the isolation of a browser instance is save, that is no other, possibly malicious, web sites can access my offline JavaScript application or the user data I enter. If there is a secure way to (automatically) review the code of the downloaded resources (e.g. because communication is possible only via a few dedicated JavaScript commands that I can search for) that would be an acceptable solution too.
You should take a look at the Content Security Policy (CSP) (see here and here). This basically blocks every connection from your browser to any other hosts, unless explicitely allowed. Be aware that not all browsers support CSP, which leads to potential security problems.
Reviewing the library code might be difficult because there are many ways to mask such code pieces.
Find it yourself by watching your browser's network activity while your application is in action.
There are more than enough tools to do this. Also, if you know how to use netstat command line tool, it is readily shipped with windows.
Here is one cool chrome extension which watches the traffic of the current tab.
And, here is another extension which can modify the selected traffic.
You can set the filters and modify all requests/responses happening in your page.
If you want to write an extension to block requests yourself, check this answer out.

Performance or page load time check of web form page

I have made few performances changes to my web form page- example bringing data from memcache instead of database and removing unnecessary db calls.
I want to measure the page load improvement- pageload time before and after the changes.
I looked at this post: Calculating Page Load Time In JavaScript - using
var loadTime = window.performance.timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd- window.performance.timing.navigationStart;
This didn't help much. It gives me absurd result with few loadTime as high as 10000 and other as low as 300. Also, I do not see much difference when i have removed database call from the code.
What should i do? How can i accurately calculate the performance or page load time of a web page on my local machine.
You could enable Trace in your page directive and go that route. But really, this information is at your fingertips with the browser developer tools of any of the main browsers such as Firefox, Chrome or IE. Simply hit F12 and select the 'Network/Net" tab. Experiment by placing the cursor over the time lines, etc.
As regards testing performance on your local machine, it's going to be different in production where different users are at the mercy of the devices they are using and the type of connection they have. Don't make decisions on performance based solely on what takes place on your local host. If this is a critical application, then subject it to some real load testing.
Try performance measuring sites such as Gtmetrix
Just enter the sites URL and it will tell you load time and how to optimize site by minifying any css/js and other stuff.
This will only work if your website is live.
Other way is to inspect the net/network tab in your browser for each resource

Accessing local file system on browser

Please hear me out before you start crying security issues.
This is for an intranet application, hence I have full range to install any plugins or change any security permissions to suit.
What I want is for them to go to a webpage and click a link to download a file, such as a Word Document. This gets transferred to local storage of some kind (sandboxed if need be) and then is opened in word as a regular file.
When they click save, JavaScript or something will pickup the file is saved or the program is no longer accessing it and can be actioned upon, such as uploading back up to the server.
Is there any way to do this. I have looked at IndexedDb, WebStorage, HTML5 FileSystem API but I am new to all and don't see a way to do this.
I am open to coding any needed plugins as long as you don't mention Flash. The main issue I am coming across is opening a file downloaded into some form of local browser and then opening it via a desktop application, e.g. Word.
Any help, greatly appreciated.
After much research the only way to do it is with a plugin. IndexedDB, FileSystem API or WebStorage can not access the local file system. Which is good.
Silverlight is a good option for intranet and .NET, which is what I have chosen to go with.
Silverlight 5 in full permissions with a file watcher. The file watcher can be accomplished with this method: Is there an alternative to accomplishing what the FileSystemWatcher does in Silverlight?

Set file download destination using ExtJs

I am using ExtJs for front end development and I am looking for a way to set the destination for a file to be downloaded. I know I can use xtype:filefield to browse files, but that requires me to select an actual file, I just need to select a folder for the file destination and then send that path elsewhere. Any way I can do that?
You will not be able to choose the user's download location with javascript. This can only be set from the user's end, otherwise it would violate user's security.
If your app is for an intranet only there are various ways you can push a config onto the user's browsers (depending on which web browser they are running in the intranet). But that would make ALL downloads go to that location.
Most browsers also have a configuration that allow the user to define a location for every download as covered here and here's more specifics for different browsers. The user would be able to (and have to) select the download location for every download.
If this is for an intranet app, and if your intranet is running Firefox, there is also this add-on. You would have to push it out to all your user's computers (or manually install it on them all). I haven't tried it yet but I was planning on using it should a situation like yours arise (all my ExtJS work is for an intranet running Firefox - I push out things like this using a logon script whenever a user logs into the network to automatically install them).

