Programmatically fill reactjs form - javascript

I am writing an userscript and I can't manage to fill a form made by reactjs. My code:
document.querySelector("#id-username").value = "name#domain.xx";
// Attempt to notify framework using input event
document.querySelector("#id-username").dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {data:"name#domain.xx"}));
// Attempt to notify framework using change event
document.querySelector("#id-username").dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
// This doesn't help either
document.querySelector("#id-username").dispatchEvent(new Event("blur"));
// Submit the form using button (it's AJAX form)
document.querySelector("fieldset div.wrap button").click();
I entered this code into developper tools console after loading the page. However the form ignores my programatical input:
The form can be found here. The purpose of my work is to automate login to given website. I provided the specific URL, but I expect generic solution to this problem (eg. using some reactjs API) that can be applied to any reactjs form. Other users might need this solution for writing automated tests for their sites.

For Chrome version 64, there is a workaround. Otherwise the event is being ignored.
(Full credit to fatfisz in the link)
function setNativeValue(element, value) {
const valueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(element, 'value').set;
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(element);
const prototypeValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, 'value').set;
if (valueSetter && valueSetter !== prototypeValueSetter) {, value);
} else {, value);
setNativeValue(textarea, 'some text');
// you must dispatch the input event, or the value will not update !!!
textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

Event must be emmited to ReactJS to make it register the value. In particular, the input event. It is really important to ensure that the event bubbles - React JS has only one listener at the document level, rather than on the input field. I crafted the following method to set the value for input field element:
function reactJSSetValue(elm, value) {
elm.value = value;
elm.defaultValue = value;
elm.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {bubbles: true, target: elm, data: value}));


Tracking form submission

I'm developing tracking script which tracks some events (page view, link click, custom, ...) and sends them to API. Problem is I'm little bit stuck with form submission. So far I have following...
At first I add event listeners to every form on page:
const forms = document.getElementsByTagName("form");
for (let i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
forms[i].addEventListener("submit", trackFormSubmit);
And then trackFormSubmit function:
const trackFormSubmit = function(evt) {
if (evt.preventDefault) {
const form = || evt.srcElement;
const formElements = form.elements;
// parse form data payload here, not important to show
const event = {
.then(() => {
.catch(error => {
Helper.sendEvent function sends the event to the API. This solution works well for non-SPA websites, however it's not working great for SPA. I've tested it in React where I had a form using Redux Form library - the form submission was successfully tracked but I've received console error:
Form submission canceled because the form is not connected
The evt.preventDefault() doesn't work as expected in this case. Have someone an idea how this can be implemented?
Well I have to clarify the above statement: evt.preventDefault is called by Redux Form library so you have to handle onSubmit by your function (send data somewhere + redirect). I guess it's same in other Single-Page-Apps, there's no action where the user is sent ... default form behaviour is prevented initially.
First, make sure your ES6 arrow function trackFormSubmit is defined before your for loop that sets the event listener to every form. This could cause the code to work but without listening to the form submit.
Here is an example of setting up the event listener for every form in the document and handling their submit.
const trackFormSubmit = function(event) {
const form = || event.srcElement;
const formElements = form.elements;
alert(`Form ${} was submited.`);
const forms = document.querySelectorAll("form");
Here is a fiddle so you can view how this code works:
Also, I changed the way of setting the event listeners to a forEach way. Which is a lot more readable.
Hope this gives you at least an idea of how it would work.
Checking value of event.isDefaultPrevented solved the issue :-)

Insert a text into a textbox and simulate click on the button in Bot Framework's Web Chat

Fiddle here:
Microsoft Bot Framework has a webchat module that allows you to talk to your bot.
When the user clicks the Say Hi button, I want to place some text into the webchat's textbox, and click the Send button inside the webchat using JavaScript.
Sounds like something too easy, but it wasn't. Here's the code that I currently have, and it doesn't work: the click event somehow is not triggered.
$('#sayhibutton').click(function() {
$('.wc-console').addClass('has-text'); // works
$('.wc-shellinput').val("Hi bot!").change(); // works
$('.wc-send').click(); // doesn't work!
$('.wc-send svg').click(); // doesn't work either
Update: if that helps, it seems the interface is written using React.
Update: my question is different from my previous question about how to avoid iframes in webchat.
OK, for the lack of a better option my solution was a pretty dirty and ugly one.
Save the code in botchat.js into a file and reference that saved file from the HTML, rather than the CDN version.
Pretty-print the file in Chrome and find the line that says:
e.prototype.sendMessage = function() {
this.props.inputText.trim().length > 0 && this.props.sendMessage(this.props.inputText)
Replace the middle line with this:
this.textInput.value.trim().length > 0 && this.props.sendMessage(this.textInput.value)
This basically means to take the message text from this.textInput.value rather than from this.props.inputText, or in other words, take it directly from the textinput's DOM node.
Somehow triggering the change event on a textbox doesn't cause an actual change event on the textbox, which is why we need to do this.
this is an issue with react try this,
var input = document.getElementsByClassName("wc-shellinput")[0];
var lastValue = input.value;
input.value = 'YOUR MESSAGE';
var event = new CustomEvent('input', { bubbles: true });
// hack React15
event.simulated = true;
// hack React16
var tracker = input._valueTracker;
if (tracker) {
//send the message
to read more see this post:

JQuery validation resetForm is not working

I have a very simple issue: There is a form with a clear form button. When I click on it, all fields reset. But I also have an extra validation rule: at least one additional field should be filled. After clearing, they all are empty, of course, but I don't want to see these validation messages. I want it to clear the entire form, hide all validation messages and so on. Here is my code:
$("a[data-clear]").click(function (event) {
var now = new Date();
$("#report_search section:gt(0) input").val("");
$("#includeDerived").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeApp").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeOrg").prop("checked", false);
$("input[name='FromDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now.dateAdd("year", -1));
$("input[name='ToDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now);
I have only one form on the page so multiple forms is not an issue.
Desired result: form is cleared, validation messages are not shown.
Actual result: form is cleared, validation messages persist.
Sample rule which is checking if fields are filled:
function (value, element, params) {
var hasPersonInfo = $("input[name='LastName']").val() && $("input[name='FirstName']").val();
if (hasPersonInfo) {
return true;
var hasDocInfo = $("select[name='D']").val() && $("input[name='C']").val() && $("input[name='E']").val();
if (hasDocInfo) {
return true;
return $("input[name='A']").val() || $("input[name='B']").val();
}, "File some fields");
$("#IsEnoughInfo").rules("add", { isSufficientInfo: "" });
If you're still looking for the answer,
I suspect that $("form").validate() creates a new validator instance.
What you need is the previously created instance:
Or store the validator in a variable:
var v = $("form").validate()
Reason for error
Your event for click event is getting propagated from button to window (inside-out). This is causing your form to trigger validation and thus you are getting the same error message, even after you call the resetForm. If you debug the validation library step by step and get to this.hideErrors then you will see that when this.hideErrors gets executed, the error messages are gone. Since the validation script hasn't finished yet, it continues with other statements, and at the end the event that got propagated is handled by the window from inside-out. The error messages are again shown as this event triggers the request on the form.
The solution is to move your call to event.preventDefault() to the top, like as shown below:
$("a[data-clear]").click(function (event) {
event.preventDefault(); // Move to top
var now = new Date();
$("#report_search section:gt(0) input").val("");
$("#includeDerived").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeApp").prop("checked", true);
$("#includeOrg").prop("checked", false);
$("input[name='FromDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now.dateAdd("year", -1));
$("input[name='ToDate']").datepicker().datepicker("setDate", now);
$("form").validate().resetForm(); // this should work now
Also see the updated jsfiddle sample
Give it a try and let me know if this works for you or not. I did the step-by-step debug and got to this conclusion.

Post comments on Facebook page via console

Like in the image, the Facebook comment box has no submit button, when you write something and press Enter button, the comment posted.
I want to submit the comment via JavaScript that running in console, but I tried to trigger Enter event, submit event of the DOM. Could not make it work.
The current comment boxes aren't a traditional <textarea> inside of a <form>. They're using the contenteditable attribute on a div. In order to submit in this scenario, you'd want to listen to one of the keyboard events (keydown, keypress, keyup) and look for the Enter key which is keycode 13.
Looks like FB is listening to the keydown evt in this case, so when I ran this code I was able to fake submit a comment:
function fireEvent(type, element) {
var evt;
if(document.createEvent) {
evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(type, true, true);
} else {
evt = document.createEventObject();
evt.eventType = type;
evt.eventName = type;
evt.keyCode = 13;
evt.which = 13;
if(document.createEvent) {
} else {
element.fireEvent("on" + evt.eventType, evt);
fireEvent('keydown', document.querySelector('[role="combobox"]._54-z span span'));
A couple of things to note about this. The class ._54-z was a class they just happened to use on my page. Your mileage may vary. Use dev tools to make sure you grab the right element (it should have the aria role "combobox"). Also, if you're looking to support older browsers, you're going to have to tweak the fireEvent function code above. I only tested the above example in the latest Chrome.
Finally, to complicate matters on your end, Facebook is using React which creates a virtual DOM representation of the current page. If you're manually typing in the characters into the combobox and then run the code above, it'll work as expected. But you will not be able to set the combobox's innermost <span>'s innerHTML to what you're looking to do and then trigger keydown. You'll likely need to trigger the change event on the combobox to ensure your message persists to the Virtual DOM.
That should get you started! Hope that helps!
Some years after, this post remains relevant and is actually the only one I found regarding this, whilst I was toying around trying to post to FB groups through JS code (a task similar to the original question).
At long last I cracked it - tested and works:
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelector('[placeholder^="Write something"]').click();
setTimeout(() => {
let postText = "I'm a Facebook post from Javascript!";
let dataDiv = document.querySelector('[contenteditable] [data-offset-key]');
let dataKey = dataDiv.attributes["data-offset-key"].value;
//Better to construct the span structure exactly in the form FB does it
let spanHTML = `<span data-offset-key="${dataKey}"><span data-text="true">${postText}</span></span>`;
dataDiv.innerHTML = spanHTML;
let eventType = "input";
//This can probably be optimized, no need to fire events for so many elements
let div = document.querySelectorAll('div[role=presentation]')[1].parentElement.parentElement;
let collection = div.getElementsByTagName("*");
[...collection].forEach(elem => {
let evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(eventType, true, true); //second "true" is for bubbling - might be important
//Clicking the post button
document.querySelector('.rfloat button[type=submit][value="1"]').click();
}, 4000);
}, 7000);
So here's the story, as I've learned from previous comments in this post and from digging into FB's code. FB uses React, thus changes to the DOM would not "catch on" as React uses virtual DOM. If you were to click "Post" after changing the DOM from JS, the text would not be posted. That's why you'd have to fire the events manually as was suggested here.
However - firing the right event for the right element is tricky business and has almost prevented me from succeeding. After some long hours I found that this code works, probably because it targets multiple elements, starting from a parent element of the group post, and drilling down to all child elements and firing the event for each one of them (this is the [...collection].forEach(elem => { bit). As written this can be obviously be optimized to find the one right element that needs to fire the event.
As for which event to fire, as was discussed here, I've experimented with several, and found "input" to be the one. Also, the code started working after I changed the second argument of initEvent to true - i.e. evt.initEvent(eventType, true, true). Not sure if this made a difference but I've had enough hours fiddling with this, if it works, that enough for me. BTW the setTimeouts can be played around with, of course.
(Unsuccessfully) Digging into FB's React Data Structure
Another note about a different path I tried to go and ended up being fruitless: using React Dev Tools Chrome extension, you're able to access the components themselves and all their props and states using $r. Surprisingly, this also works outside of the console, so using something like TamperMonkey to run JS code also works. I actually found where FB keeps the post text in the state. For reference, it's in a component called ComposerStatusAttachmentMentionsInputContainer that's in charge of the editor part of the post, and below is the code to access it.
$r actually provides access to a lot of React stuff, like setState. Theoritically I believed I could use that to set the state of the post text in React (if you know React, you'd agree that setState would be the right way to trigger a change that would stick).
However, after some long hours I found that this is VERY hard to do, since FB uses a framework on top of React called Draft.js, which handles all posts. This framework has it's own methods, classes, data structures and what not, and it's very hard to operate on those from "outside" without the source code.
I also tried manually firing the onchange functions attached to the components, which didn't work because I didn't have the right parameters, which are objects in the likes of editorContent and selectionContent from Draft.Js, which need to be carefully constructed using methods like Modifier from Draft.js that I didn't have access to (how the hell do you externally access a static method from a library entangled in the source code?? I didn't manage to).
Anyway, the code for accessing the state variable where the text is stored, provided you have React dev tools and you've highlighted ComposerStatusAttachmentMentionsInputContainer:
let blockMap = $r["state"].activeEditorState["$1"].currentContent.blockMap;
let innerObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(blockMap)); //this is needed to get the next property as it's not static or something
let id = Object.keys(innerObj)[0]; //get the id from the obj property
console.log(innerObj[id].text); //this is it!
But as I wrote, this is pretty much useless :-)
as I wasn't able to post comments through the "normal" facebook page, I remembered that they also have the mobile version, which is on m.facebook. com, there, they still have the submit Button, so depending on your needs, this may be a good option
so, you could go to the mobile facebook post (eg${author}/posts/${postId}) and do
// Find the input element that saves the message to be posted
document.querySelector("input[name='comment_text']").value='MESSAGE TO POST';
// find the submit button, enable it and click it
const submitButton = document.querySelector("button[name='submit']");
submitButton.disabled = false;;
Here is a working solution after 3 weeks of experimenting (using #Benjamin Solum's fireEvent function):
this version posts a comment only for the first post on the page (by using querySelector method)
this version can be used only on your personal wall (unless you change the query selectors)
function fireEvent(type, element, keyCode) {
var evt;
if(document.createEvent) {
evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(type, true, true);
} else {
evt = document.createEventObject();
evt.eventType = type;
evt.eventName = type;
if (keyCode !== undefined){
evt.keyCode = keyCode;
evt.which = keyCode;
if(document.createEvent) {
} else {
element.fireEvent("on" + evt.eventType, evt);
// clicking the comment link - it reveals the combobox
document.querySelector(".fbTimelineSection .comment_link").click();
var combobox = document.querySelector(".fbTimelineSection [role='combobox']");
var spanWrapper = document.querySelector(".fbTimelineSection [role='combobox'] span");
// add text to the combobox
spanWrapper.innerHTML = "<span data-text='true'>Thank you!</span>";
var spanElement = document.querySelector(".fbTimelineSection [role='combobox'] span span");
fireEvent("blur", combobox);
fireEvent("focus", combobox);
fireEvent("input", combobox);
fireEvent("keydown", spanElement, 13); // pushing enter
function fireEvent(type, element) {
var evt;
if(document.createEvent) {
evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
evt.initEvent(type, true, true);
} else {
evt = document.createEventObject();
evt.eventType = type;
evt.eventName = type;
evt.keyCode = 13;
evt.which = 13;
if(document.createEvent) {
} else {
element.fireEvent("on" + evt.eventType, evt);
fireEvent('keydown', document.
to solve your question may you see this link, there is a example how to "Auto comment on a facebook post using JavaScript"
"Below are the steps:
Go to facebook page using
Sign in and open any post.
Open developer mode in Chrome by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I
Navigate to the console.
Now, run the below script."
var count = 100;
var message = "Hi";
var loop = setInterval(function(){
var input = document.getElementsByName("comment_text")[0];
var submit = document.querySelector('button[type="submit"]');
submit.disabled = false;
input.value = message;;
count -= 1;
if(count == 0)
}, 10000);
Kind regards
ref.: source page

browser (chrome, firefox) jquery .val() does not work for autofilled input fields (username, password)

This code is executed to enable a login button only if the length isn't 0 and username and password isn't empty and so on. this works fine. But if i save my login credentials in my browser and i visit the website and see that the fields are prefilled the .val() functions seems not to return a value. if i hit any key the login button is enabled. So the function "Initialize state of login button" seems not to work. Are pre filled fields visible for jquery?
hope you understand me ^^
thank you!
ready: function() {
var view = this;
//setup subViews
//Initialize state of login button
"onKey": function(event) {
var view = this,
nickname = view.$('#nickname').val(),
password = view.$('#password').val();
if (!nickname || !password || nickname.length === 0 || password.length < 8) {
view.$(':submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
N.B. this only covers Chrome.
I recently had a similar issue with a watermarked control. The "value" of autofilled password inputs in chrome appears blank to javascript. I'm assuming this is a security plug of some kind from Google. So you can't get the value in javascript but you can test if there is a value.
Chrome has a CSS selector refinement called -webkit-autofill. You can select on this using JQuery. Which gives us the test:
var hasHiddenValue = view.$('#password:-webkit-autofill').length > 0;
Well, it is possible that prefilling the fields in your websits happens via JavaScript.
Then you cannot directly read this with a normal event because the document is cached once it is loaded and all changes are not inside this cache.
You should try to use a "on" function that is executed on a refresed version of your document.
$(document).on( "keyup", "#nickname, #password", function(event) {
onKey does not exist, wether use: "keydown" or "keyup".

