Understanding ReactJS Controlled form components - javascript

I am implementing the following code based on the following page: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html
class Reservation extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isGoing: true,
numberOfGuests: 2
this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
handleInputChange(event) {
const target = event.target;
const value = target.type === 'checkbox' ? target.checked : target.value;
const name = target.name;
[name]: value
handleSubmit(event) {
let data = {
isGoing: this.state.isGoing,
numberOfGuests: this.state.numberofGuests
/* Send data in ajax request here */
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
Is going:
onChange={this.handleInputChange} />
<br />
Number of guests:
onChange={this.handleInputChange} />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Some questions I have about it:
Why do we need to store the component values in state? Why not
just grab the values we need when the form is submitted as normally
would be done with standard JavaScript? The recommended way would seem to reload the render function for every single character typed in or deleted. To me this makes little sense.
Since the execution of setState is asynchronous and there may be a delay between this.setState() and actually accessing the state with this.state.numberOfGuests does this mean that this code may end up grabbing the state before it has been set? If so, why is this code being suggested in the official React docs? If not, why not?

Regarding point number two, then yes it is logically possible that handleSubmit could run before the state update in handleInputChanged has completed. The reason this isn't mentioned in the React docs, or is generally a concern for anyone is because the setState function runs really quickly. As an experiment I made a codepen to determine the average time taken for setState to run. It seems to take in the order of around 0.02 milliseconds. There is no way someone can change their input, then submit the form in less than that time. In fact, the e.preventDefault() call in handleSubmit takes nearly a quarter of that time anyway.
If you have a situation where it is absolutely crucial that setState has completed before continuing, then you can use a callback function to setState, e.g.
colour: 'red'
}, () => {
Then red will always be logged, as opposed to the following where the previous value may be logged.
colour: 'red'

Very good questions! Here's my take on them:
1. Controlled or Uncontrolled - that is the question
You don't have to use controlled form elements. You can use uncontrolled and grab the values as you suggest in your onFormSubmit handler by doing something like event.isGoing.value - plain ole JavaScript (or use refs as some React articles suggest). You can even set a default value with uncontrolled no problem by using, you guessed it, defaultValue={myDefaultValue}.
The above being said, one reason to use controlled components would be if you're looking to give real time feedback while the user is still typing. Say you need to do an autocomplete lookup or provide validation like password strength. Having a controlled component that re-renders with the values in the state makes this super simple.
2. this.setState() asynchronous issues?
[Maybe incorrectly,] I view internally component state updates more like a queue system. No call to this.setState() will be lost and shouldn't overwrite another one when dealing with synchronous code. However, there could be a time where a render is running behind a setState update, but it will eventually have and render the most recent value. Ex: the user types 3 characters, but they only see 2, then a short time later they should see the third. So, there was a point in time where the read to this.state read an "old" value, but it was still eventually updated. I hope I'm making sense here.
Now, I mention synchronous code above because with asynchronous code (like with AJAX) you could potentially introduce a race condition where this.setState() overwrites a newer state value.

Why do we need to store the component values in state?
We don't really need to store the component values in state and it's perfectly fine to access those values on form submit.
However, storing the component values in state has its own advantages. The main reason behind this is to make React state as the single source of truth. When the state is updated (on handleInputChange method), React checks the components (or specifically the parts of components or sub-trees) which needs to be re-rendered.
Using this approach, React helps us to achieve what was earlier achieved via Two Way Binding helpers. In short:
Form updated -> handleInputChange -> state updated -> updated state passed to other components accessing it
For example say, you have a <Card /> component which needs input from the user via a <Form /> component and you wish to display the information as the user types, then the best way would be update your state which would cause React to look for the sub-trees where it was accessed and re-render only those. Thus your <Card /> component will update itself as you type in the <Form />.
Also, React doesn't re-render everything for every single character typed but only those sub-trees which needs to reflect the text change. See the React diffing algorithm for how it is done. In this case, as you type in the characters in a particular field in the form, only those sub-trees in components will be re-rendered which display that field.
Execution of setState and asynchronous behavior
As mentioned by the React docs:
State Updates May Be Asynchronous
React may batch multiple setState() calls into a single update for
Because this.props and this.state may be updated asynchronously, you
should not rely on their values for calculating the next state.
Your code should work fine since you're not relying on the previous state to calculate the next state and also you're accessing this.state in a different block. So your state updates should be reflected fine; however if you don't want to think about the state updates (or suspect that your code might pick up previous state), React docs also mention an alternative method (which is actually better) that accepts a function rather than an object:
this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
counter: prevState.counter + props.increment
If you're still wondering when you can use the setState method safely, use it if other components don't rely on the state or when you don't need to persist the state (save in local storage or a server). When working with larger projects its always a good idea to make use of state containers to save yourself the hassle, like Redux.


React - Use JavaScript Proxy Object to update with Custom Hook [duplicate]

I understand that React tutorials and documentation warn in no uncertain terms that state should not be directly mutated and that everything should go through setState.
I would like to understand why, exactly, I can't just directly change state and then (in the same function) call this.setState({}) just to trigger the render.
E.g.: The below code seems to work just fine:
const React = require('react');
const App = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
some: {
rather: {
deeply: {
embedded: {
stuff: 1,
updateCounter: function () {
this.setState({}); // just to trigger the render ...
render: function() {
return (
Counter value: {this.state.some.rather.deeply.embedded.stuff}
<button onClick={this.updateCounter}>Increment</button>
export default App;
I am all for following conventions but I would like to enhance my further understanding of how ReactJS actually works and what can go wrong or is it sub-optimal with the above code.
The notes under the this.setState documentation basically identify two gotchas:
That if you mutate state directly and then subsequently call this.setState this may replace (overwrite?) the mutation you made. I don't see how this can happen in the above code.
That setState may mutate this.state effectively in an asynchronous / deferred way and so when accessing this.state right after calling this.setState you are not guaranteed to access the final mutated state. I get that, by this is not an issue if this.setState is the last call of the update function.
This answer is to provide enough information to not change/mutate the state directly in React.
React follows Unidirectional Data Flow. Meaning, the data flow inside react should and will be expected to be in a circular path.
React's Data flow without flux
To make React work like this, developers made React similar to functional programming. The rule of thumb of functional programming is immutability. Let me explain it loud and clear.
How does the unidirectional flow works?
states are a data store which contains the data of a component.
The view of a component renders based on the state.
When the view needs to change something on the screen, that value should be supplied from the store.
To make this happen, React provides setState() function which takes in an object of new states and does a compare and merge(similar to object.assign()) over the previous state and adds the new state to the state data store.
Whenever the data in the state store changes, react will trigger an re-render with the new state which the view consumes and shows it on the screen.
This cycle will continue throughout the component's lifetime.
If you see the above steps, it clearly shows a lot of things are happening behind when you change the state. So, when you mutate the state directly and call setState() with an empty object. The previous state will be polluted with your mutation. Due to which, the shallow compare and merge of two states will be disturbed or won't happen, because you'll have only one state now. This will disrupt all the React's Lifecycle Methods.
As a result, your app will behave abnormal or even crash. Most of the times, it won't affect your app because all the apps which we use for testing this are pretty small.
And another downside of mutation of Objects and Arrays in JavaScript is, when you assign an object or an array, you're just making a reference of that object or that array. When you mutate them, all the reference to that object or that array will be affected. React handles this in a intelligent way in the background and simply give us an API to make it work.
Most common errors done when handling states in React
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// bad approach
const b = this.state.a.push(6)
a: b
In the above example, this.state.a.push(6) will mutate the state directly. Assigning it to another variable and calling setState is same as what's shown below. As we mutated the state anyway, there's no point assigning it to another variable and calling setState with that variable.
// same as
Many people do this. This is so wrong. This breaks the beauty of React and is bad programming practice.
So, what's the best way to handle states in React? Let me explain.
When you need to change 'something' in the existing state, first get a copy of that 'something' from the current state.
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// create a copy of this.state.a
// you can use ES6's destructuring or loadash's _.clone()
const currentStateCopy = [...this.state.a]
Now, mutating currentStateCopy won't mutate the original state. Do operations over currentStateCopy and set it as the new state using setState().
a: currentStateCopy
This is beautiful, right?
By doing this, all the references of this.state.a won't get affected until we use setState. This gives you control over your code and this'll help you write elegant test and make you confident about the performance of the code in production.
To answer your question,
Why can't I directly modify a component's state?
Well, you can. But, you need to face the following consequences.
When you scale, you'll be writing unmanageable code.
You'll lose control of state across components.
Instead of using React, you'll be writing custom codes over React.
Immutability is not a necessity because JavaScript is single threaded, but it's a good to follow practices which will help you in the long run.
PS. I've written about 10000 lines of mutable React JS code. If it breaks now, I don't know where to look into because all the values are mutated somewhere. When I realized this, I started writing immutable code. Trust me! That's the best thing you can do it to a product or an app.
The React docs for setState have this to say:
NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made. Treat this.state as if it were immutable.
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.
There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.
setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Basically, if you modify this.state directly, you create a situation where those modifications might get overwritten.
Related to your extended questions 1) and 2), setState() is not immediate. It queues a state transition based on what it thinks is going on which may not include the direct changes to this.state. Since it's queued rather than applied immediately, it's entirely possible that something is modified in between such that your direct changes get overwritten.
If nothing else, you might be better off just considering that not directly modifying this.state can be seen as good practice. You may know personally that your code interacts with React in such a way that these over-writes or other issues can't happen but you're creating a situation where other developers or future updates can suddenly find themselves with weird or subtle issues.
the simplest answer to "
Why can't I directly modify a component's state:
is all about Updating phase.
when we update the state of a component all it's children are going to be rendered as well. or our entire component tree rendered.
but when i say our entire component tree is rendered that doesn’t mean that the entire DOM is updated.
when a component is rendered we basically get a react element, so that is updating our virtual dom.
React will then look at the virtual DOM, it also has a copy of the old virtual DOM, that is why we shouldn’t update the state directly, so we can have two different object references in memory, we have the old virtual DOM as well as the new virtual DOM.
then react will figure out what is changed and based on that it will update the real DOM accordingly .
hope it helps.
It surprises me that non of the current answers talk about pure/memo components (React.PureComponent or React.memo). These components only re-render when a change in one of the props is detected.
Say you mutate state directly and pass, not the value, but the over coupling object to the component below. This object still has the same reference as the previous object, meaning that pure/memo components won't re-render, even though you mutated one of the properties.
Since you don't always know what type of component you are working with when importing them from libraries, this is yet another reason to stick to the non-mutating rule.
Here is an example of this behaviour in action (using R.evolve to simplify creating a copy and updating nested content):
class App extends React.Component {
state = { some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: 1 } } } } };
mutatingIncrement = () => {
nonMutatingIncrement = () => {
{ some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: n => n + 1 } } } } }
render() {
return (
Normal Component: <CounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
Pure Component: <PureCounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
<button onClick={this.mutatingIncrement}>mutating increment</button>
<button onClick={this.nonMutatingIncrement}>non-mutating increment</button>
const CounterDisplay = (props) => (
Counter value: {props.some.rather.deeply.nested.stuff}
const PureCounterDisplay = React.memo(CounterDisplay);
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react#17/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#17/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ramda#0/dist/ramda.min.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
To avoid every time to create a copy of this.state.element you can use update with $set or $push or many others from immutability-helper
import update from 'immutability-helper';
const newData = update(myData, {
x: {y: {z: {$set: 7}}},
a: {b: {$push: [9]}}
setState trigger re rendering of the components.when we want to update state again and again we must need to setState otherwise it doesn't work correctly.
My current understanding is based on this and this answers:
IF you do not use shouldComponentUpdate or any other lifecycle methods (like componentWillReceiveProps, componentWillUpdate, and componentDidUpdate) where you compare the old and new props/state
It is fine to mutate state and then call setState(), otherwise it is not fine.

useState is working but i dont see the changes [duplicate]

I understand that React tutorials and documentation warn in no uncertain terms that state should not be directly mutated and that everything should go through setState.
I would like to understand why, exactly, I can't just directly change state and then (in the same function) call this.setState({}) just to trigger the render.
E.g.: The below code seems to work just fine:
const React = require('react');
const App = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
some: {
rather: {
deeply: {
embedded: {
stuff: 1,
updateCounter: function () {
this.setState({}); // just to trigger the render ...
render: function() {
return (
Counter value: {this.state.some.rather.deeply.embedded.stuff}
<button onClick={this.updateCounter}>Increment</button>
export default App;
I am all for following conventions but I would like to enhance my further understanding of how ReactJS actually works and what can go wrong or is it sub-optimal with the above code.
The notes under the this.setState documentation basically identify two gotchas:
That if you mutate state directly and then subsequently call this.setState this may replace (overwrite?) the mutation you made. I don't see how this can happen in the above code.
That setState may mutate this.state effectively in an asynchronous / deferred way and so when accessing this.state right after calling this.setState you are not guaranteed to access the final mutated state. I get that, by this is not an issue if this.setState is the last call of the update function.
This answer is to provide enough information to not change/mutate the state directly in React.
React follows Unidirectional Data Flow. Meaning, the data flow inside react should and will be expected to be in a circular path.
React's Data flow without flux
To make React work like this, developers made React similar to functional programming. The rule of thumb of functional programming is immutability. Let me explain it loud and clear.
How does the unidirectional flow works?
states are a data store which contains the data of a component.
The view of a component renders based on the state.
When the view needs to change something on the screen, that value should be supplied from the store.
To make this happen, React provides setState() function which takes in an object of new states and does a compare and merge(similar to object.assign()) over the previous state and adds the new state to the state data store.
Whenever the data in the state store changes, react will trigger an re-render with the new state which the view consumes and shows it on the screen.
This cycle will continue throughout the component's lifetime.
If you see the above steps, it clearly shows a lot of things are happening behind when you change the state. So, when you mutate the state directly and call setState() with an empty object. The previous state will be polluted with your mutation. Due to which, the shallow compare and merge of two states will be disturbed or won't happen, because you'll have only one state now. This will disrupt all the React's Lifecycle Methods.
As a result, your app will behave abnormal or even crash. Most of the times, it won't affect your app because all the apps which we use for testing this are pretty small.
And another downside of mutation of Objects and Arrays in JavaScript is, when you assign an object or an array, you're just making a reference of that object or that array. When you mutate them, all the reference to that object or that array will be affected. React handles this in a intelligent way in the background and simply give us an API to make it work.
Most common errors done when handling states in React
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// bad approach
const b = this.state.a.push(6)
a: b
In the above example, this.state.a.push(6) will mutate the state directly. Assigning it to another variable and calling setState is same as what's shown below. As we mutated the state anyway, there's no point assigning it to another variable and calling setState with that variable.
// same as
Many people do this. This is so wrong. This breaks the beauty of React and is bad programming practice.
So, what's the best way to handle states in React? Let me explain.
When you need to change 'something' in the existing state, first get a copy of that 'something' from the current state.
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// create a copy of this.state.a
// you can use ES6's destructuring or loadash's _.clone()
const currentStateCopy = [...this.state.a]
Now, mutating currentStateCopy won't mutate the original state. Do operations over currentStateCopy and set it as the new state using setState().
a: currentStateCopy
This is beautiful, right?
By doing this, all the references of this.state.a won't get affected until we use setState. This gives you control over your code and this'll help you write elegant test and make you confident about the performance of the code in production.
To answer your question,
Why can't I directly modify a component's state?
Well, you can. But, you need to face the following consequences.
When you scale, you'll be writing unmanageable code.
You'll lose control of state across components.
Instead of using React, you'll be writing custom codes over React.
Immutability is not a necessity because JavaScript is single threaded, but it's a good to follow practices which will help you in the long run.
PS. I've written about 10000 lines of mutable React JS code. If it breaks now, I don't know where to look into because all the values are mutated somewhere. When I realized this, I started writing immutable code. Trust me! That's the best thing you can do it to a product or an app.
The React docs for setState have this to say:
NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made. Treat this.state as if it were immutable.
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.
There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.
setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Basically, if you modify this.state directly, you create a situation where those modifications might get overwritten.
Related to your extended questions 1) and 2), setState() is not immediate. It queues a state transition based on what it thinks is going on which may not include the direct changes to this.state. Since it's queued rather than applied immediately, it's entirely possible that something is modified in between such that your direct changes get overwritten.
If nothing else, you might be better off just considering that not directly modifying this.state can be seen as good practice. You may know personally that your code interacts with React in such a way that these over-writes or other issues can't happen but you're creating a situation where other developers or future updates can suddenly find themselves with weird or subtle issues.
the simplest answer to "
Why can't I directly modify a component's state:
is all about Updating phase.
when we update the state of a component all it's children are going to be rendered as well. or our entire component tree rendered.
but when i say our entire component tree is rendered that doesn’t mean that the entire DOM is updated.
when a component is rendered we basically get a react element, so that is updating our virtual dom.
React will then look at the virtual DOM, it also has a copy of the old virtual DOM, that is why we shouldn’t update the state directly, so we can have two different object references in memory, we have the old virtual DOM as well as the new virtual DOM.
then react will figure out what is changed and based on that it will update the real DOM accordingly .
hope it helps.
It surprises me that non of the current answers talk about pure/memo components (React.PureComponent or React.memo). These components only re-render when a change in one of the props is detected.
Say you mutate state directly and pass, not the value, but the over coupling object to the component below. This object still has the same reference as the previous object, meaning that pure/memo components won't re-render, even though you mutated one of the properties.
Since you don't always know what type of component you are working with when importing them from libraries, this is yet another reason to stick to the non-mutating rule.
Here is an example of this behaviour in action (using R.evolve to simplify creating a copy and updating nested content):
class App extends React.Component {
state = { some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: 1 } } } } };
mutatingIncrement = () => {
nonMutatingIncrement = () => {
{ some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: n => n + 1 } } } } }
render() {
return (
Normal Component: <CounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
Pure Component: <PureCounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
<button onClick={this.mutatingIncrement}>mutating increment</button>
<button onClick={this.nonMutatingIncrement}>non-mutating increment</button>
const CounterDisplay = (props) => (
Counter value: {props.some.rather.deeply.nested.stuff}
const PureCounterDisplay = React.memo(CounterDisplay);
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react#17/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#17/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ramda#0/dist/ramda.min.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
To avoid every time to create a copy of this.state.element you can use update with $set or $push or many others from immutability-helper
import update from 'immutability-helper';
const newData = update(myData, {
x: {y: {z: {$set: 7}}},
a: {b: {$push: [9]}}
setState trigger re rendering of the components.when we want to update state again and again we must need to setState otherwise it doesn't work correctly.
My current understanding is based on this and this answers:
IF you do not use shouldComponentUpdate or any other lifecycle methods (like componentWillReceiveProps, componentWillUpdate, and componentDidUpdate) where you compare the old and new props/state
It is fine to mutate state and then call setState(), otherwise it is not fine.

Is there a difference in these two state update methods? [duplicate]

I understand that React tutorials and documentation warn in no uncertain terms that state should not be directly mutated and that everything should go through setState.
I would like to understand why, exactly, I can't just directly change state and then (in the same function) call this.setState({}) just to trigger the render.
E.g.: The below code seems to work just fine:
const React = require('react');
const App = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
some: {
rather: {
deeply: {
embedded: {
stuff: 1,
updateCounter: function () {
this.setState({}); // just to trigger the render ...
render: function() {
return (
Counter value: {this.state.some.rather.deeply.embedded.stuff}
<button onClick={this.updateCounter}>Increment</button>
export default App;
I am all for following conventions but I would like to enhance my further understanding of how ReactJS actually works and what can go wrong or is it sub-optimal with the above code.
The notes under the this.setState documentation basically identify two gotchas:
That if you mutate state directly and then subsequently call this.setState this may replace (overwrite?) the mutation you made. I don't see how this can happen in the above code.
That setState may mutate this.state effectively in an asynchronous / deferred way and so when accessing this.state right after calling this.setState you are not guaranteed to access the final mutated state. I get that, by this is not an issue if this.setState is the last call of the update function.
This answer is to provide enough information to not change/mutate the state directly in React.
React follows Unidirectional Data Flow. Meaning, the data flow inside react should and will be expected to be in a circular path.
React's Data flow without flux
To make React work like this, developers made React similar to functional programming. The rule of thumb of functional programming is immutability. Let me explain it loud and clear.
How does the unidirectional flow works?
states are a data store which contains the data of a component.
The view of a component renders based on the state.
When the view needs to change something on the screen, that value should be supplied from the store.
To make this happen, React provides setState() function which takes in an object of new states and does a compare and merge(similar to object.assign()) over the previous state and adds the new state to the state data store.
Whenever the data in the state store changes, react will trigger an re-render with the new state which the view consumes and shows it on the screen.
This cycle will continue throughout the component's lifetime.
If you see the above steps, it clearly shows a lot of things are happening behind when you change the state. So, when you mutate the state directly and call setState() with an empty object. The previous state will be polluted with your mutation. Due to which, the shallow compare and merge of two states will be disturbed or won't happen, because you'll have only one state now. This will disrupt all the React's Lifecycle Methods.
As a result, your app will behave abnormal or even crash. Most of the times, it won't affect your app because all the apps which we use for testing this are pretty small.
And another downside of mutation of Objects and Arrays in JavaScript is, when you assign an object or an array, you're just making a reference of that object or that array. When you mutate them, all the reference to that object or that array will be affected. React handles this in a intelligent way in the background and simply give us an API to make it work.
Most common errors done when handling states in React
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// bad approach
const b = this.state.a.push(6)
a: b
In the above example, this.state.a.push(6) will mutate the state directly. Assigning it to another variable and calling setState is same as what's shown below. As we mutated the state anyway, there's no point assigning it to another variable and calling setState with that variable.
// same as
Many people do this. This is so wrong. This breaks the beauty of React and is bad programming practice.
So, what's the best way to handle states in React? Let me explain.
When you need to change 'something' in the existing state, first get a copy of that 'something' from the current state.
// original state
this.state = {
a: [1,2,3,4,5]
// changing the state in react
// need to add '6' in the array
// create a copy of this.state.a
// you can use ES6's destructuring or loadash's _.clone()
const currentStateCopy = [...this.state.a]
Now, mutating currentStateCopy won't mutate the original state. Do operations over currentStateCopy and set it as the new state using setState().
a: currentStateCopy
This is beautiful, right?
By doing this, all the references of this.state.a won't get affected until we use setState. This gives you control over your code and this'll help you write elegant test and make you confident about the performance of the code in production.
To answer your question,
Why can't I directly modify a component's state?
Well, you can. But, you need to face the following consequences.
When you scale, you'll be writing unmanageable code.
You'll lose control of state across components.
Instead of using React, you'll be writing custom codes over React.
Immutability is not a necessity because JavaScript is single threaded, but it's a good to follow practices which will help you in the long run.
PS. I've written about 10000 lines of mutable React JS code. If it breaks now, I don't know where to look into because all the values are mutated somewhere. When I realized this, I started writing immutable code. Trust me! That's the best thing you can do it to a product or an app.
The React docs for setState have this to say:
NEVER mutate this.state directly, as calling setState() afterwards may replace the mutation you made. Treat this.state as if it were immutable.
setState() does not immediately mutate this.state but creates a pending state transition. Accessing this.state after calling this method can potentially return the existing value.
There is no guarantee of synchronous operation of calls to setState and calls may be batched for performance gains.
setState() will always trigger a re-render unless conditional rendering logic is implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(). If mutable objects are being used and the logic cannot be implemented in shouldComponentUpdate(), calling setState() only when the new state differs from the previous state will avoid unnecessary re-renders.
Basically, if you modify this.state directly, you create a situation where those modifications might get overwritten.
Related to your extended questions 1) and 2), setState() is not immediate. It queues a state transition based on what it thinks is going on which may not include the direct changes to this.state. Since it's queued rather than applied immediately, it's entirely possible that something is modified in between such that your direct changes get overwritten.
If nothing else, you might be better off just considering that not directly modifying this.state can be seen as good practice. You may know personally that your code interacts with React in such a way that these over-writes or other issues can't happen but you're creating a situation where other developers or future updates can suddenly find themselves with weird or subtle issues.
the simplest answer to "
Why can't I directly modify a component's state:
is all about Updating phase.
when we update the state of a component all it's children are going to be rendered as well. or our entire component tree rendered.
but when i say our entire component tree is rendered that doesn’t mean that the entire DOM is updated.
when a component is rendered we basically get a react element, so that is updating our virtual dom.
React will then look at the virtual DOM, it also has a copy of the old virtual DOM, that is why we shouldn’t update the state directly, so we can have two different object references in memory, we have the old virtual DOM as well as the new virtual DOM.
then react will figure out what is changed and based on that it will update the real DOM accordingly .
hope it helps.
It surprises me that non of the current answers talk about pure/memo components (React.PureComponent or React.memo). These components only re-render when a change in one of the props is detected.
Say you mutate state directly and pass, not the value, but the over coupling object to the component below. This object still has the same reference as the previous object, meaning that pure/memo components won't re-render, even though you mutated one of the properties.
Since you don't always know what type of component you are working with when importing them from libraries, this is yet another reason to stick to the non-mutating rule.
Here is an example of this behaviour in action (using R.evolve to simplify creating a copy and updating nested content):
class App extends React.Component {
state = { some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: 1 } } } } };
mutatingIncrement = () => {
nonMutatingIncrement = () => {
{ some: { rather: { deeply: { nested: { stuff: n => n + 1 } } } } }
render() {
return (
Normal Component: <CounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
Pure Component: <PureCounterDisplay {...this.state} />
<br />
<button onClick={this.mutatingIncrement}>mutating increment</button>
<button onClick={this.nonMutatingIncrement}>non-mutating increment</button>
const CounterDisplay = (props) => (
Counter value: {props.some.rather.deeply.nested.stuff}
const PureCounterDisplay = React.memo(CounterDisplay);
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react#17/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#17/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/ramda#0/dist/ramda.min.js"></script>
<div id="root"></div>
To avoid every time to create a copy of this.state.element you can use update with $set or $push or many others from immutability-helper
import update from 'immutability-helper';
const newData = update(myData, {
x: {y: {z: {$set: 7}}},
a: {b: {$push: [9]}}
setState trigger re rendering of the components.when we want to update state again and again we must need to setState otherwise it doesn't work correctly.
My current understanding is based on this and this answers:
IF you do not use shouldComponentUpdate or any other lifecycle methods (like componentWillReceiveProps, componentWillUpdate, and componentDidUpdate) where you compare the old and new props/state
It is fine to mutate state and then call setState(), otherwise it is not fine.

What is the difference between using setItem to set multiple state values and using useEffect to do so?

I have a reset button in my app that resets a few variables of my functional component:
const [selectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState(0);
const [a, setA] = useState('a');
const [b, setB] = useState('blue');
<button onClick={e => ???}>clicky</button>
<button onClick={e => ???}>clicky</button>
There are two ways I could 'reset' the data: monitoring selectedItem for changes using useEffect, or have a handler that does so:
<button onClick ={e => setSelectedItem(e.target.value)} />
useEffect(() => {
}, [selectedItem])
<button onClick ={e => handler(e.target.value)} />
const handler = item => {
What are the practical differences between these approaches? The hooks docs say to use useEffect for performing side effects, but I can't see why this approach wouldn't work as well.
What is the difference between these approaches?
I will try to answer this question in three points.
Mental model
You need to "think in effects". the UseEffect hook lets you perform side-effects that manly need to happen async like (fetch Data from API, manipulate the DOM).
based on that it's better to use UseEffect to handle side-effects so you are not confusing your colleges.
You need to keep in your mind that useEffect is an async function but your event handler is sync function. That can lead to totally different behavior maybe you are not seeing a weird behavior here but maybe in other examples, you will start to notice that.
React mechanism
the last difference to notice it you need to understand React update state mechanism, react makes patches to update the state. That means in your event handler the three-state will cause one re-render because they will happen at the same time. In your useEffect that is not the case, you are updating one of them that case re-render then you are performing the effect that will case new re-render.
Maybe there are other differences but that what can I see right now.
I hope it’s a useful answer.
There are a few peculiar differences between the above two methods.
In the first method of using useEffect, you would be updating states a and b whenever selectedItem changes, be it by a button click or some other sideeffect such as a prop change. However in the second case, states a and b would only be updated if selectedItem is updated on button click and you would need to call setA and setB to update states everywhere you update selectedItem separately
Secondly, when you are using a useEffect to update state, the state update will happen after updating selectedItem, however in the second case state updates doesn't gurantee that selectedItem is updated before setting the other states and hence if the other state updated depend on selectedItem value, you need to pass the updated selectedItem value to the other state updaters separately
In short, making use of useEffect is better when you know you have to take other actions whenever a state change occurs no matter how it occurs. Also its useful when you want to take action after a particular state is updated.
I believe it's important to consider the semantics of what you're doing. For example:
<button onClick ={e => handler(e.target.value)} />
const handler = item => {
this means that whenever you click the button you want the 3 state variables to be changed.
On the other hand:
<button onClick ={e => setSelectedItem(e.target.value)} />
useEffect(() => {
}, [selectedItem])
this means whenever you click the button you want that one state variable to change and independently of that you want, whenever that one state variable changes, to change those other two state variables.
The real question you should be asking is what is it you really want to express with your code, given that it has the same end result. In short, what makes semantic sense to you? Does it make sense to say "this button can be used to change those 3 state variables" or does it make more sense to say "this button can be used to chanage the selectedItem state variable and this entire component will change the a and b state variables whenever the selectedItem changes?
It is usually important to make sure your code makes semantic sense so you don't land in the pitfalls of getting unintended side-effects when you make code changes. For example, if selectedItem ends up being changeable by other means, the 2nd method will ensure that a and b change at the same time. Do you really want that?
There's also a practical consideration. There's the eslint rule called react/no-did-update-set-state which states:
Updating the state after a component update will trigger a second render() call and can lead to property/layout thrashing.
Layout thrashing basically means there's multiple potential redraws of the layout before a user can interact with it again. In the case of useEffect this can be an issue because useEffect is triggered after a layout update and setting the state might trigger another one. It usually has no noticeable effect on very simple operations but if you have a complex component hierarchy and end up re-rendering large portions of it then you will end up with a less responsive layout.
There's also the additional consideration that with the useEffect you also need to be mindful to avoid cyclical dependency changes e.g. selectedItem changes a and a changes selectedItem or makes a change which ends up changing selectedItem somewhere further down the line.
So overall there are three notes:
Use whichever makes more semantic sense for your component
Be aware of potential layout thrashing
If useEffect does make more sense take a step back and really think about why it makes more sense and whether there is a better way to solve your problem and at the same time avoid using useEffect to set state variables.
Ok the scenario you are referring to here is not really a side-effect, or I would say the side-effect react refers to. React refers to side-effect like if you are doing a network request
In your case if you just want to reset some variables I think having a clickHandler is the way to do, you would use a useEffect like if you want to do a network request when the component loads or some props change
Hope it clarifies

What are typical use cases for React lifecycle methods like componentWillReceiveProps

componentWillReceiveProps and other lifecycle methods seems like deceptive temptation to bring unnecessary complexity and noise to the code in the hands of inexperienced React coder. Why do they exist? What are their most typical use cases? In the moment of uncertainty, how would I know if the answer lies in the lifecycle methods?
I have been using react for couple of months now, and most of my work is creating a large application from scratch. So the same questions have presented themselves in the start.
The following information is based on learning while development and going through multiple docs out there to get it right.
As asked in the question here are couple of uses cases for the lifecycle methods in react
This is called once on the server side, if server side rendering is present, and once the client side.
I personally have used it just to do api calls which do not have direct effect on the components, for example getting oAuth tokens
This function is mostly used for calling API's (here is why to call it in componentDidMount and not in componentWillMount)
Components state initialisations which are based on the props passed by parents.
This function is called every time props are received except the first render
Most common use I have encountered is to update the state of my current component which i can not do it in componentWillUpdate.
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState)
This method is invoked before the render happens when new props or states are received. Here we can return false if the re-render is not required.
I see this as a performance optimisation tool. In case of frequent re-rendering of parent component this method should be used to avoid unnecessary update to current component
this function is called every time a component is updated, it is not called when component mounts
Carry out any data processing here. For example, when a api fetch returns data, modelling the raw data into props to be passed to children
this.setState() is not allowed in this function , it is to be done in componentWillReceiveProps or componentDidUpdate
Invoked right after the changes are pushed to the DOM
I have used it whenever the required data is not at the first render (waiting for api call to come through) and DOM requires to be changed based on the data received
Example, based on the age received show the user if he is eligible for application for an event
As the official docs mentions, any event listeners or timers used in the component to be cleaned here
In the moment of uncertainty, how would I know if the answer lies in
the lifecycle methods?
What analogy i suggest
Change is triggered in the component itself
Example, Enable editing of fields on click of an edit button
A function in the same component changes the state no involvement of lifecycle functions
Change is triggered outside of the component
Example, api call finished , need to display the received data
Lifecycle methods for the win.
Here are some more scenarios -
Does the change in state/props requires the DOM to be modified?
Example, if the current email is already present , give the input class an error class.
Does the change in state/props requires to data to be updated?
Example, parent container which formats data received after api call and passes the formatted data to children.
Props being passed to a child are changed , child needs to update
Adding an event listener
Example, add a listener to monitor the DOM, based on window size.
'componentWillMount' , to destroy the listner
Call api
Sources -
Docs - https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/component-specs.html
this scotch.io article which cleared the lifecycle concepts
Event Listener - https://facebook.github.io/react/tips/dom-event-listeners.html
Some typical use cases for the most commonly used lifecycle methods:
componentWillMount: Invoked before initial rendering. Useful for making AJAX calls. For instance, if you need to grab the user information to populate the view, this is a good place to do it. If you do have an AJAX call, it would be good to render an indeterminate loading bar until the AJAX call finishes. I've also used componentWillMount to call setInterval and to disable Chrome's drag and drop functionality before the page renders.
componentDidMount: Invoked immediately after the component renders. Useful if you need to have access to a DOM element. For instance I've used it to disable copy and pasting into a password input field. Great for debugging if you need want to know the state of the component.
componentWillReceiveProps: Invoked when component receives new props. Useful for setting the state with the new props without re-rendering.
componentWillReceiveProps is part of Update lifce cycle methods and is called before rendering begins. The most obvious example is when new props are passed to a Component. For example, we have a Form Component and a Person Component. The Form Component has a single that allows the user to change the name by typing into the input. The input is bound to the onChange event and sets the state on the Form. The state value is then passed to the Person component as a prop.
import React from 'react';
import Person from './Person';
export default class Form extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { name: '' } ;
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ name: event.currentTarget.value });
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={ this.handleChange } />
<Person name={ this.state.name } />
Any time the user types into the this begins an Update for the Person component. The first method called on the Component is componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) passing in the new prop value. This allows us to compare the incoming props against our current props and make logical decisions based on the value. We can get our current props by calling this.props and the new value is the nextProps argument passed to the method.

