JavaScript code not causing image to reappear when scrolling back up - javascript

I have an image that I want to disappear if the user scrolls further than 1000px down the window. I want that same image to reappear if the user turns around and scrolls back up. I have written the following JavaScript. This code currently makes the image disappear, but it does not have the image display again if you scroll back up. That is what I want, but this code only changes the display to "none". Can someone help? Thanks!
function parallex () {
var ypos = window.pageYOffset;
var image = document.getElementById('section_1'); = ypos * -.2 + "px";
if (ypos > 1000){
image = document.getElementById('section_1'); = "none";
else { = "visible";
window.addEventListener('scroll', parallex);

You should be setting display to '' (the empty string) initial, not visible, in your scroll handler.
Edit: It looks like IE does not support the initial keyword, so I would recommend using either the empty string (as I have) or display: block (as advised by Josiah Keller in the comments above).
I would also suggest using the ternary operator (condition ? valueIfTrue : valueIfFalse) to set the display property in a single line of code.
function parallex () {
var y = window.pageYOffset
var image = document.getElementById('section_1') = y * -.2 + 'px' = y > 1000 ? 'none' : ''
window.addEventListener('scroll', parallex)
body { height: 3000px; }
<img id="section_1" src="" />


Position image randomly after each onclick event (image must be in div tag)

So I am very new (as I am sure my code shows :P) and I must create code that contains an image in a div tag. It must be this way. Once the document is opened the image(div) is to be displayed at a random position. Each time the image(div) is clicked, the image alone moves to another random position. It does not replicate itself. Just moves. I have had other "better" attempts but with all my editing and changing all I get is the image in the top left corner.
I tried numerous things that all failed to work. Obviously failed because the code was terrible.
I have tried a variation of onclick events etc...I know many errors are visible. This is not one of those instances where I believe the logic is sound and it should work. This is a "what am I at" instance
function fpos () {
var img = document.getElementById('myImage') //is this needed at all?
var x = Math.floor(Math.random()*600);
var y = Math.floor(Math.random()*600);
var z = Math.floor(Math.random()*600);
function rmove() { = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';
<body onload="fpos">
<div style = position:absolute; onclick="rmove" >
<img id="myImage" src='images/iasip.jpeg'> </img>
So, first, don't take this the wrong way my man but you gotta post some code to show us what you're working with. Makes all the difference for troubleshooting.
That said, you're gonna need to do with with JS. First target the image element. Can use querySelector to hit either the class or id or just getElementById.
Then add an event listener to render it at a random coordinate. Like this.
<div id="imageContainer">
<img src="your-image-source" alt="your-image-description">
// get the image container element
var imageContainer = document.getElementById("imageContainer");
// set the initial random position for the image container = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerWidth) + "px"; = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerHeight) + "px";
// when the image container is clicked, set a new random position
imageContainer.addEventListener("click", function() { = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerWidth) + "px"; = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerHeight) + "px";
Can either do that inline like in the example or add it to your script file.
Here is a working example I just threw together.
Basically you need to create a function that moves the image each time by calculating a random number for the height and width and then multiplying by the size of the window so that number can span the full width/length of the screen.
Then you can add 'px' to the end of the calculation to use pixels as the unit and set that to the left and top properties of the image to move it that far from the left and top of the screen using absolute position (coordinates).
window.onload = function() {
function move() {
let img = document.getElementById('logo') = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerWidth) + "px" = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerHeight) + "px"
#logo {
height: 100px;
position: absolute;
<img onclick='move()' id='logo' src='' />
Don't worry, try to isolate some code so we can review it.
Once the document is opened the image(div) is to be displayed at a
random position.
By inspecting an element's properties with Right Click > Inspect > Property you'll find all javascript properties that you have access to once you select the element with a selector (document.querySelector for example)
Try something with that, i think that the easiest way is to use = "translate(x,y)"
like = "translate(10px, 20px)";

JS-based hidden image breaks body width and height

I use a Zoom JavaScript for zoom my images when I click on it.
This JavaScript creates a hidden copy of my image with bigger dimensions.
Problem is, when I load my page, the body takes a height and width according to the hidden image.
You can see at the right of the screen the menu doesn't fit with the width of the screen (the hidden image is not displayed).
Is there a solution when I load the page, the size of the body does not take into account the hidden image?
// To achieve this effect we're creating a copy of the image and scaling it up. Next we'll pull the x and y coordinates of the mouse on the original image. Then we translate the big image so that the points we are looking at match up. Finally we create a mask to display the piece of the image that we're interested in.
let settings = {
'magnification': 3,
'maskSize': 200
// Once our images have loaded let's create the zoom
window.addEventListener("load", () => {
// find all the images
let images = document.querySelectorAll('.image-zoom-available');
// querySelectorAll produces an array of images that we pull out one by one and create a Zoombini for, (image) => {
new Zoombini(image);
// A Zoombini (or whatever you want to call it), is a class that takes an image input and adds the zoomable functionality to it. Let's take a look inside at what it does.
class Zoombini {
// When we create a new Zoombini we run this function; it's called the constructor and you can see it taking our image in from above
constructor(targetImage) {
// We don't want the Zoombini to forget about it's image, so let's save that info
this.image = targetImage;
// The Zoombini isActive after it has opened up
this.isActive = false;
// But as it hasn't been used yet it's maskSize will be 0
this.maskSize = 0;
// And we have to start it's coordinates somewhere, they may as well be (0,0)
this.mousex = this.mousey = 0;
// Now we're set up let's build the necessary compoonents
// First let's clone our original image, I'm going to call it imageZoom and save it our Zoombini
this.imageZoom = this.image.cloneNode();
// And pop it next to the image target
this.image.parentNode.insertBefore(this.imageZoom, this.image);
// Make the zoom image that we'll crop float above it's original sibling = 1;
// We don't want to be able to touch it though, we want to reach whats underneat = "none";
// And so we can translate it let's make it absolute = "absolute";
// Now let's scale up our enlarged image and add an event listener so that it resizes whenever the size of the window changes
window.addEventListener("resize", this.resizeImageZoom.bind(this), false);
// Now that we're finishing the constructor we need to addeventlisteners so we can interact with it
// This function is just below, but still exists within our Zoombini
// Finally we'll apply an initial mask at default settings to hide this image
// resizeImageZoom resizes the enlarged image
resizeImageZoom() {
// So let's scale up this version = this.image.getBoundingClientRect().width * settings.magnification + 'px'; = "unset"
// This could be inside the constructor but it's nicer on it's own I think
UI() {
this.image.addEventListener('mousemove', (event) => {
// When we move our mouse the x and y coordinates from the event
// We subtract the left and top coordinates so that we get the (x,y) coordinates of the actualy image, where (0,0) would be the top left
this.mousex = event.clientX - this.image.getBoundingClientRect().left;
this.mousey = event.clientY - this.image.getBoundingClientRect().top;
// if we're not active then don't display anything
if (!this.isActive) return;
// The drawMask() function below displays our the portion of the image that we're interested in
// When they mousedown we open up our mask
this.image.addEventListener('mousedown', () => {
// But it can be opening or closing, so let's pass in that information
this.isExpanding = true;
// To do that we start the maskSizer function, which calls itself until it reaches full size
// And hide our cursor (we know where it is)
// if the mouse is released, close the mask
this.image.addEventListener('mouseup', () => {
// if it's not expanding, it's closing
this.isExpanding = false;
// if the mask has already expanded we'll need to start another maskSizer to shrink it. We don't run the maskSizer unless the mask is changing
if (this.isActive) this.maskSizer();
// same as above, caused by us moving out of the zoom area
this.image.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
this.isExpanding = false;
if (this.isActive) this.maskSizer();
// The drawmask function shows us the piece of the image that we are hovering over
drawMask() {
// Let's use getBoundingClientRect to get the location of our images
let image = this.image.getBoundingClientRect();
let imageZoom = this.imageZoom.getBoundingClientRect();
// We'll start by getting the (x,y) of our big image that matches the piece we're mousing over (which we stored from our event listener as this.mousex and this.mousey). This is a clunky bit of code to help the zooms work in a variety of situations.
let prop_x = this.mousex / image.width * imageZoom.width * (1 - 1 / settings.magnification) - image.x - window.scrollX;
let prop_y = this.mousey / image.height * imageZoom.height * (1 - 1 / settings.magnification) - image.y - window.scrollY;
// Shift the large image by that amount = -prop_x + "px"; = -prop_y + "px";
// Now we need to create our mask
// First let's get the coordinates of the point we're hovering over
let x = this.mousex * settings.magnification;
let y = this.mousey * settings.magnification;
// And create and apply our clip
let clippy = "circle(" + this.maskSize + "px at " + x + "px " + y + "px)"; = clippy; = clippy;
// We'll use the maskSizer to either expand or shrink the size of our mask
maskSizer() {
// We're in maskSizer so we're changing the size of our mask. Let's make the mask radius larger if the Zoombini is expanding, or shrink it if it's closing. The numbers below might need to be adjusted. It closes faster than it opens
this.maskSize = this.isExpanding ? this.maskSize + 35 : this.maskSize - 40;
// It has the form of: condition ? value-if-true : value-if-false
// Think of the ? as "then" and : as "else"
// if we've reaached max size, don't make it any larger
if (this.maskSize >= settings.maskSize) {
this.maskSize = settings.maskSize;
// we'll no longer need to change the maskSize so we'll just set this.isActive to true and let our mousemove do the drawing
this.isActive = true;
} else if (this.maskSize < 0) {
// Our mask is closed
this.maskSize = 0;
this.isActive = false;
} else {
// Or else we haven't reached a size that we want to keep yet. So let's loop it on the next available frame
// We bind(this) here because so that the function remains in context
// After we have the appropriate size, draw the mask
function zoom(e) {
var zoomer = e.currentTarget;
e.offsetX ? offsetX = e.offsetX : offsetX = e.touches[0].pageX
e.offsetY ? offsetY = e.offsetY : offsetX = e.touches[0].pageX
x = offsetX / zoomer.offsetWidth * 100
y = offsetY / zoomer.offsetHeight * 100 = x + '% ' + y + '%';
//My image generated after page load
.image-zoom-available {
height: unset;
border-radius: 30px;
z-index: 1;
pointer-events: none;
position: absolute;
width: 834.688px;
left: 526.646px;
top: 231.729px;
clip-path: circle(0px at 439.062px 987.812px);
<div class="col-12 col-xl-3 col-lg-5 justify-content-center ">
<div class="mb-3">
<img class="image-zoom-available" style="height:75%; border-radius: 30px" src='{{ asset(' /radio/ ') }}{{}}_examen_{{}}_radio.png' id="image_radio" draggable="false" />
Try adding the following property in your hidden image css :
display: none
A non visible element still take space in the web page. Cf: What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none?
Remove or override the display: none property when you want to display the image.
I add = "none";
on the event : mouseup and = "block";
on mousedown event. And it's fix thanks !

How to refresh offsetHeight of div after changing img src on child using pure javascript?

I need to change an image in a div and then immediately centre it on the screen by calculating its height and width and then setting its left and top values. But when I change the img src and then try to get the div's offsetHeight and clientHeight, both the values are wrong. Strangely the offsetWidth and clientWidth values are correct.
Is there a way to refresh the div and get the correct value?
Edit: It appears that changing the image src makes everything after that not work. The change to the onclick event imageObj.onclick = function() {contractImageView(imageId);}; isn't working now either. If I comment out the if statement it all starts working again.
Below is the code...
// Get the page dimensions
var pageBody = document.getElementById(currentBody);
// If you couldn't get the page body, abort.
if (!pageBody) {
var pageBodyHeight = window.innerHeight;
var pageBodyWidth = pageBody.offsetWidth;
var imageDiv = document.getElementById(imageId);
var imageObj = imageDiv.children[0];
var paraObj = imageDiv.children[1];
// If you can't get the div or its image, then abort.
if (!imageDiv || !imageObj) {
// Check whether the image has been loaded yet, and load if needed
if (imageObj.src.indexOf('lazy_placeholder.gif') !== -1) {
for (item in photoLazyData) {
if (item === {
imageObj.src = photoLazyData[item][];
// Change the images class.
imageDiv.className = 'active_design_div'; = 'visible'; = 1;
// Set the objects new onclick method to collapse the image
imageObj.onclick = function() {contractImageView(imageId);};
// Calculate the right size = pageBodyHeight + 'px'; = pageBodyWidth + 'px'; = pageBodyHeight + 'px'; = pageBodyWidth + 'px';
// Calculate the margins.
var imageDivWidth = imageDiv.offsetWidth || imageDiv.clientWidth;
var imageDivHeight = imageDiv.offsetHeight || imageDiv.clientHeight;
console.log(imageDiv.offsetHeight + ' : ' + imageDiv.clientHeight);
console.log(imageDiv.offsetWidth + ' : ' + imageDiv.clientWidth);
var leftOffset = (pageBodyWidth - imageDivWidth) / 2;
var topOffset = (pageBodyHeight - imageDivHeight) /2;
// Adjust styling to make the div visible and centred. = String(leftOffset) + 'px'; = String(topOffset) + 'px';
currentId = imageId;
Edit: I got this working in the end using Joonas89's answer. I basically moved the if statement that changes the src value to another function that is called prior to the one above. This solved the onclick problem mentioned above. I then changed the divs left/top from calculated values to 50% as detailed by Joonas89 (but on the container div rather than the img element), along with the new transform property. The div and img already had a position value of fixed so didn't need to change that.
Are you sure u want to calculate top and left positions? Wouldent it be better to add a class like this, that always centers it
position: relative;
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

How to get function of both position values: Fixed and Absolute?

I have a fullscreen background image. I also have a pop-out sidebar.
When the sidebar pops out it re-sizes the background image smaller so as to not cut it off by covering over it. When the sidebar is retracted then the image enlarges back.
I can only get this effect if the background image has a position value of absolute. However that value also doesn't let you scroll without the background ending and getting blank space or having to repeat the image to fill the blank space.
When I make the position value fixed then it solved the blank space issue, but no longer re-sizes the background image when you open the sidebar, it covers up part of the background as you'd expect.
How do I get the effects of both the position values of Fixed and Absolute? I want it to scroll indefinitely without having to duplicate the image, but also re-size when the sidebar is opened.
Here is the theme I'm using that illustrates my problem:
$(function() {
$('#openSidebar').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 300 ) {
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
$('#closeSidebar').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 300 ) {
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
Actually thats easier. Obviously you will have a button that opens your sidebar when you click it. Considering your sidebar is on the right (like your example theme) you just need to resize bg's width and leave height as it is. So this is the code:
document.getElementById("sidebar-button").addEventListener("click", doStuff, false);
doStuff = function() {
var sb = document.getElementById("sidebar");
var bgnd = document.getElementById("bg");
if ( == 0 ) { = "300px";
var y = window.innerWidth; = y - 300 + "px";
else { = "0px"; = "100%";
But you still need the the idea of window.onresize so you can adjust bg's width correctly.
$(function() {
$('#sidebar-button').click(function() {
if ( $('#sidebar').width() == 0 ) {
$('#sidebar').width( 300 );
var y = window.innerWidth;
else {
I just tested and works just fine, the only difference is that it use jQuery.
Well here is an example:
Lets say the background is a div with id #bg then all you have to do is to resize the bg when the window is resized using javascript considering when your window starts to be scrollable. If for example your windows starts to be X-scrollable when its width is 800px or less and Y-Scrollable when its height is 500px:
window.onresize = function() {
if ( window.width < 800 ) document.getElementById("#bg").style.width = "800px";
else document.getElementById(#bg).style.width = "100%";
if ( window.height < 500 ) document.getElementById("#bg").style.height = "500px";
else document.getElementById("#bg").style.height = "100%";
Hope this helps you.

Image Rotation using pure Javascript

I have implemented a JavaScript, which rotates images (_elementSlideChange) on a timer, using a set interval of 10 seconds. Also I have added a slide functionality to this, which is 7 milliseconds (_slideImage).
The image rotates automatically every 10 seconds on page load, and I have also provided next and previous buttons, which allow the user to change the images manually.
_elementSlideChange: function () {
var myString;
var myText;
for (var i = 0; i < this._imgArray.length; i++) {
var imageArr = "url(" + this._imgArray[i].src + ")";
var imageBg = + "";
if (imageArr == imageBg) {
if (i == (this._imgArray.length - 1)) {
myString = "url(" + this._imgArray[0].src + ")";
myText = this._infoArray[0];
} else {
myString = "url(" + this._imgArray[(i + 1)].src + ")";
myText = this._infoArray[i + 1];
} = myString;;
this._infoElement.innerHTML = myText;
this._myTimer = setInterval(MyProject.Utils.createDelegate(this._slideImage, this), 7);
_slideImage: function () {
if (parseInt( >= 0 && parseInt( <= 450) { = "right"; = (parseInt( - 1) + 'px';
console.log(; = (parseInt( + 1) + 'px';
} else {
console.log("reached 0px");
if (parseInt( == 0) { =; = 450 + 'px';
this._imageHolder === this._imageNextSlide;
this._imageHolder.className = "orginalImage"; = 0 + "px";
this._imageNextSlide = this._dummyImageNextSlide;
So when the user clicks on the Next arrow button, the event listener for "click" is triggered. This creates a div for the current image on display, and creates a new div, which will contain the next image. The image slide and rotation works correctly (whether it's onLoad or onClick). The issue I have is if I click the Next button, while the new div image is sliding into position, it causes it to run into an infinite loop, so the same div with the image to be displayed keeps sliding in, and the more you click the Next button, the faster the image starts to rotate.
I have tried putting a clear interval for the image rotation and slider, but I do understand my code is wrong, which causes the infinite loop of the sliding image. And I know I am close to finishing the functionality.
Can anyone please advise where I could be going wrong? Or should I try to implement the sliding DIV in another way?
Once again please don't recommend jQuery.
And thank you for your help in advance.
To solve the issue, I did re-write the entire code, where I had a next and previous button event listener.
myProject.Utils.addHandler(this._nextImageElement, "click", myProject.Utils.createDelegate(this._changeImage, this));
Both the buttons will call the same function :
_changeImage: function (e)
In this function I check to see if the function is Transition (changing images),
I declare a boolean var forward = == this._nextImageElement;
Then check to see the current index if forward ? Add 1 else minus 1
this._currentImageIndex += forward ? 1 : -1;
If its at the end of the Array and forward is true, assign the this._currentImageIndex to reset to 0 or Array.length – 1 if it’s in reverse
Then call another function which gives the ‘div’ a sliding effect. In this case call it this._transitionImage(forward);
In this function, set the this._inTranstion to true. (Because the div’s are sliding in this case).
The following code solved the issue i was having. = "url(\"" + this._imgArray[this._currentImageIndex].src + "\")"; = forward ? "left" : "right"; = forward ? "auto" : "0px"; = forward ? "0px" : "auto";
The above code is very important as the object is to place the “sliding in div” Left or Right of the current Visible “div” to the user, and this is mainly dependent on if the forward variable is true or false.
var i = 0;
Then start the transition by
setInterval( function() { = (forward ? -1 : 1) * (i + 1) + "px"; = (i + 1) + "px";
Notice the forward will determine if the bgPosition will go to the left if its forward as we multiple by -1 or +1,
So for example
If the user clicks NEXT BUTTON,
Forward = true
So the first thing we do is set the = "left"
Then = "auto" = "0px"
This means when the sliding image moves in its background position is LEFT but the div is placed on the RIGHT to 0px;
then = -1 * (i + 1)
Which moves the position of the currentImageElement to the left by 1px,
Increase the width of the slideImage which in this case is right of the current div,
and as the current div moves to the left the sliding image starts to appear from the right. (By default set the width of slideImageElement to 0px so the div exists but isn’t visible to the user). This gives it the slide effect of moving forward new image coming from the right. = (i + 1) + "px";
then declare it to stop when it it’s the image width. In this case it will be 500px.
if ((i = i + 2) == 500) {
In this if statement reset the currentImageElement background and the background position “right” or “left” don’t really matter as long it has been reset.
Clear the interval
Set the transition to false again
Then call a setTimeout for the function changeImage, which will continue until the slide is completed.
The following shows the reset code as this is very important to prevent repeating the same image (This solved my entire issue)
// set the current image to the "new" current image and reset it's background position = "url(\"" + this._imgArray[this._currentImageIndex].src + "\")"; = "right";
// reset the slide image width = "0px";
// clear the transition interval and mark as not in transition
this._inTransition = false;
// setup the next image timer
this._nextImageTimeout = setTimeout(myProject.Utils.createDelegate(this._changeImage, this), 2500);
I have provided a thorough detail because then it easier to understand the logic of the problem, and even if your not having the same issue, this may help you fingure out any problem.
I couldn't provide a JSfiddle, as i have created my CSS using Javascript, there are different ways of doing this, but i wanted to understand the logic behind the forward and reverse, and having a timer which continuously goes forward.
It seems like you want to cancel the animation on the slide (perhaps have it fade out while the next slide animates in, cancel its animation abruptly or let it finish and ignore the button click)
What I usually do, personally, is check for the animated state (yes, I use jquery, but you should be able to test the CSS or positioning values you are using to animate in the same way) you could even add an "active" class or data type during animation to make testing easier. Global flags work, too. If there is animation, ignore the button. (For my work... Depends on your intention)
Like I said, the problem may be with button behaviour not with the animation routine. It would be useful to see how you are calling this from the button click, and what your intended results are going to be.
How about CSS3 transitions?
transition: all 1s ease 0.5s;
Simple example on JS Fiddle.
This takes care of the animation, so you just need to set the intended destination using JavaScript, i.e. = '100px';
Or = '30px';
And CSS3 transitions will smoothly slide the element.
Cross Browser Note!
The transition property may need a vendor prefix for some browsers, I am using the latest production Firefox and you don't need -moz for that. Same goes for Opera, no '-o' required. Internet Exporer 10 needs no prefix. You may need to use -webkit for Safari / Chrome, but test without first.

